Seniors Apartments Filling U Half Tenants Moved DAVE MURRAY FEELS HES DUE FOR A CHANGE Tunis mil people crunk Dim tin llullun feels is dm for a and for a ilir MUM Rid Villi Authority Is going this way and when Ihcy offered me tho Job as general manager of the area I lo their term and decided to with the merit he said NEW CHALLENGE looking for a challenge now that wc the Authority on feet ami the Ottawa area looked like the place interested In helping develop is to iutici with the Author ity While their head quarters arc in Kcmptville the authority takes in the of anil lis outlying rural which is dotted throughout by will be of the authority It must be Pontiacs advanced styling outstanding performance and bigcar comfort that make people think its expensive It certainly isnt the price Former Terra Man Was Merchant And Once proprietor of general store where Terra Inn is twin located James Law Crime died In South Peel on June Mr hid been a part stone hus miw is it he in infamy mined In in and lure until moving to Inronl In 1D40 lie was loed with the John Arm during the war and was work int at the Goodear plant when he retired was a member of the Tern ball lorn his Mr Crime the former Dolly married In 1H14 it Colla In lit islri of Methodist I ins member tern Colli Methodist church 1rcilci cased his wife in 10GG lie leaves a sister Mrs Thomas of New rorontn of Kelso Striven conduct Hie funeral service at the McClurc Mineral here mil interment in Greenwood Cemetery Pall were lloyward Stringer li Clinics loin lohn Knight Arts and Crafts See School for Scandal thirty members of the Crafts of a Inp to on June 2 lo sio School llii was lnicly the so mil hem hint mil the pin hub diy to Pete Masson Motors Limited 336 STREET GEORGETOWN PHONE 876966 CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES William TIME is SHORT FOR FREE CABLE TV OFFER Tims It running out on our special offer which glvei you TEN CHANNELS of fine TV viewing an other coming in the Fall First line In ml I at tort to introduce you to the new look since weve repttf and rcnowed antennas and equipment No ugly housetop antenna or lower needed Correct signals for superb colour and black and white TV SIGN UP NOW AND HERES WHAT YOU GET Free Installation Free Reconnect FOR NOT IN SERVICE NOW Up to 3 months Viewing for the Price of one You pay absolutely nothing for the of the first TV line When you sign up you pay 4 50 to cover service for the month September only but installation is NOW I The sooner you sign up the more free service you got and savings are substantial Theres nv obligation since we require only days notice when service Is to be discontinued BUT PLEASE HURRY This is a limited time offer The Sooner You Sign up free time you get At night leave a message and well call you back or you can coma into our office to sign up for Cable TV CABLE TV 47 Main Street North