Georgetown Herald A Division of Homo Newspaper Company Ifmittd Mam Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C BIEHN Publisher THURSDAY NOVEMBER EDITORIAL COMMENT That Time Again Municipal election time drawing closer In Georgetown and In larger communities have radically changed The days are gone when most of politicking was done behind the scenes Today dales declare themselves ear a her stale their reasons for running and their ambitions if elected in much clearer terms They make speak at coffee parties issue cam literature before the nomination meeting This makes for a livelier election and gives the public some opportunity to base their decisions on more than knowing a liking the way a man his tie On The Verge There are prospects of reviving a mer chants organization dormant for many yean m town Nothing but good could accrue if re jailers will get together an live and make some plans for the future Advantages are so obvious that they hardly need repeating Special days like he sidewalk sales cooperative efforts at the Christmas sea son group decisions on what to do when holiday like July 1st fall in m are soma which come to m Making opinions known to town coun on parking group promotion for perking up Storefronts and business premise s Hussions on new ideas like malls The list could go on It also presents some problems for a newspaper whose policy is to be impartial To give all candidates fair and to separate news from advertising we limit our news columns to reports of public appearances If a candidate makes a state ment at a council meet ng addresses a ser vice club its news But a limited report staff makes it impossible for on the spot reporting at all times and we must count on a club secretary for such a meet ing report Our mail bag column becomes limited too at election time and we cannot use letters from dates or their supporters boosting them or knocking another If candidates wish to get the r story across in The Herald must be in a news story or in the form of paid advertising today are in a perod of intense competition and can no longer count on retaining business because of geo graphical location only The days when farmers came to town once a week to make Saturday a gala day are long since past Town residents have rapid transpor tat on to other the r wn cars or bus and tram Glamorous shopping plazas have come closer and closer town offering a wide range of facilities No industry no large store chain op too long without a planning depart And no individual merchant will stay in business forever without planni and collaborating with others who seek the shoppers dollar DONT GIVE IT ANYTHING TO FEED ON IN THE MAIL BAG We Can Do Without While todays teenagers don always draw accolades from their seniors they deserve a nod of approval for their deport ment on Halloween th year The lowest incidence of vandalism in this area perhaps marks the end of an era one which we can do without n fut While many Halloween pranks were innocent and some clever there was ways a trail of destruction a few years back Fence gates in rural areas were op ened allowing cattle on to highways ma I boxes were uprooted shanties overturned In towns fires were sometimes started or false alarms sounded there was often re damapa in schools and other public buildings flower gardens uprooted This year the evening was mainly devoted youngsters trick and treat with the occasional collector On our street they were uniformly polite and well mannered We had no uneasy feeling that some porch furniture might be mis next day Downtown often the mecca for soap and lipstick scribblers it was quiet too and there was a minimum of clean up for merchants Perhaps we can relegate Halloween where it belongs a nostalgic glimpse of a day when pranks were the rule Today young people seem more sensible their parents in respect To Hell With The Patient We demand a greater share of the gross body in Wkc declared the reprcscn of the Benevolent Association of Hearts pea king at the International Contention of Body Orjjjni Our Heart members arc bee increasingly with file low pay are getting for our long of work and go strike get better contract from this group Consider our plight the Heart delegate continued Our members to keep pumping away hours a ajlsy seven days a week year after get no time for relaxation while the rest of the body is sleeping as the Bnun for pie We get no vacations or rest periods and we read about heart trans and mechanical hearts these incidents are Isolated hey make little dif to our members Our working conditions have been so intolerable tor so long that demand an 30 per cent increase in of the Groas Nat ural Product I notice you picked ui out for the Job crack Interrupted the delegate from Oil Brother hood of Who do vow think runs you and the rest of the body well You would all be for you as And you Hearts Ihc messages that keep pumping prod you for faster action when the body needs more blood and keep tight control of all the and body organs as well K any organ needs more of the its the Hot only do have to rcg urate and stimulate you we hate K do all the think for as well And you know what our headaches have been with such as the new math the new curricula in schools the college res the rapidly accumula ting mas of knowledge assimilate and the tion in industry to acquire intellectuals We admit the computers hive taken some of the gory off our heads but this has really meant a higher strain in judgments and re glad to sec the business world finally beam to appreciate inielhg but It has put a real stress on our members In speak glibly on the drain but the real problem is the brain Our members feci are entitled to at least 0 per cent more of the Gross Natural Product While the convention floor debate was going on between the Grain and Heart dele gates the Liver and Digest ive delegates were seen hud dling in one corner of the hall muttering In and paying little atten tion to the floor discussion Let them eggheads argue growled the Liver Workers Union chairman We got the votes and we got the power may be a bunch of brains but they re just a bunch of dumb clucks in things for the can close em up any lime Or bo can you Digestive leers Union members That a right agreed the delegate can shut of tbelr food and what even more hum Haling to those snobbish highbrow we can smother them in their own trash They may be rakin in alt the government and foundation research mo ney and all the news headlines and free publicity with their foundation fund drives and their heart trans plants but when it comes to a showdown wc sanitation can show them all up for a bunch of What do ya think get Id say at least a per cent increase replied the The lies boys arc with us fcince they re in the waste disposal field too and I figure we got the votes to awing for our members any way we go What about the patient piped up a timid Conscience delegate who had been sho ved away back In the same corner in the sealing of delegates and had over heard the LWU and DWU scheming To Hell with the patient declared the LWU head If cant adopt to modern life let him die from the News and Konncth Square Georgetown Herald A of Horn Company Limited Georgetown Ontario C Blehn Publisher Production Superintendent Advertising Mantw Prank News Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valerie Caruso Anne Currlc Reporter Leslie Clark Dave Hastings Styles John Brian Genoa Results Didnt Justify War Measures Action Duncan Drm Dear Mr Editor Looking it lie cartoon in depicting a coils quench the while Tommy is shown acrobatic stance touting Wc must keen a cool head and for the house to burn down made me almost agree with US vice presid cnt that the press is doing a lousy job and guilty of the facts A far is is possible this time an objective look recent crisis will the true stature of Tommy Douglas and his supporting MPs The implied notion in the cartoon that a tiny band of sower rats has the capacity to burn the ho ise don is utter noiksensC because Caiwd has long ceased to be a weather wood shed a fact that seems to have eluded John Col lins He arc a grcj proud na tion much of ialuc to pro tect Great nations the habit to run for cover at the first of a powder puff Lets sketch a brief balance sheet of recent events On the positive side ion of the ar measures act has shaken Canadian public from its poll in Hip Van Winkle bleep and exposed the existence of latent fascist paranoia of fright proportions On alive side hive the been Hate the insurrectionists been destroyed in a stiff fire th been apprehended Hate the criminals responsible for these monstrous crimes been taken Into custody Hate the large quantities of arms and hat the Hon Minister Jean Marchant mentioned been returned into the hinds of the Has tho teem of the QPP and the been in the public mind at home and abroad The to all these ques tions is no not to mention the anxiety that Whose mother tongue is French hate felt in these days many of whom who are our mediate neighbours here In town Defying constructive specula lion for some time come arc the long political repel this crisis will hate in Quebec The of a great states man is ability to achieve by application of minimum power maximum results Who does qualify No Dice Pierre A vital lesson to be learned from this crisis is that by the nature of our national fibre we can not tolerate that oven a tiny minority allow to languish in do among us Sophisticated and complicated as our society is with vital nerve centres such as hydro transmission lines water oil and gae supply lines trans portation and communication lines absolutely for the proper functioning of soc iety all relatively vulncrabli to the lions of terrorist gangs John Collins is right that FIG LEAVES INSTEAD potential for creating great havoc is indeed tested a tiny minority This reality must compel gov on all levels to make an unreserved commitment that the most accommod ation of the human element in society take precedent o all other considerations Painfully blow have rcalu Lhat our priorities arc hat mixed up make Canada the land of all our dreimn must not hesitate to reorder priorities Well being of people Well being of cap ital second A filling tribute to Pierre La and James Cross what ever his will be would be stamp out the and their I by erasing men deprasaion and misery in Que bec and Canada If to this end is brought before the House of Commons Tommy Douglas will be found first in bnc to Last the affirmative vote Albert A Tuehcl IN THE MAIL BAG We Get the Business Says This Merchant Mam St Mr fcdiior In answer to comments of Mr Trott The letter in jour from Mr Charles in to the local business luation expresses our too have voiced our many times at the practice of bemoaning lost in public Those who do so do not have our to speak for us In there are many bus inesses in town who get their fair share of trade and poet the businessmen them would join with pressing our gratitude to our good customers There is where we would rather operate business and there is no where we could find a better clientele This docs not moan inot improve our business and wc agree we should hold a meeting for this purpose We believe hat Mr is trying to tell us thai we have lo get down to basics of know ing what the job for end doing it Our job is lo make available to our customers good selection of merchandise winch must be of good value We must keep this in mind as this and only this will build traffic Then wc add the frills and gimmicks to put a little fun into it It interesting lo note thai Trolls saving of cents on the purchase of his boots is very close to amount it would cost he merchant hence ihc customer the pur chase had been made on one of the unsolicited credit cants Is this a coincidence I luc just got home from something as rare and delightful as a personalis conducted tour of Palace a staff meeting that las an hour This is the to building the in three weeks at such ar anntx in for who ha been In nawtpapai and at faatt on and very working day of the live of meet ings arc unnecessary and unproductive They the refuge of bores of both Rexes who take out per flnnal frustrations by frustrating else These people hate their It tic points of order moving am to the motion end haggling for interminable times over items that could be solved in eight seconds by a three year old with two heads Occasionally a meeting pro- duces a a conflict if or ldes that light Stygian gloom wall ramember on town council meeting One of councillor th for some things or other tailed on of the councillors a gibbering old baboon A nice thrust He loo fir off the mark but was in no condition himself to hurl such The offending party prompt slutcd peeling off his jacket and offered to thrash the a her within an inch of Jour itfe The other councillors end even the quailed Chiefly be cause both councillors were well the seventies I add the only blood shed was verbal Bui that was a meet Staff are not that bad but they inevitably produce In me a headache tierce that a great dollop of tome can allay it sten adults haggling bit terly for half an hour over the of jum Where it could be chewed when It should be chewed and how it be chewed open mouth or closed The result was that the kids went on blithely chewing gum hcrever v nenevcr however they could got away it Deep mora eoclal and chologlcal are Involved in a problem of magnitude gum bad for teeth What do you do If you tend a kid to office h remov gum way and angelically that it the teacher imag ination that really chewing hi cud out of beer la it better for thi to chaw gum than to chew hit fingernails down to the blood Jesus wore lon hair and a board didnt he How do counter this one a favourite by the way among male students Do say well Jesus THROW THAT GUM IN THE BASKET Or would you OK Buster turn lhat blackboard into an board This particular staff meeting was about wearing Human experience hat thawed that will wear whatever other girls are wearing And girls these days wearing I slacks They ar comfortable they can took smart they ar warm our frigid winter they prevent boy from peek up the stair at girl In and they have probably contributed mora to containing population x plosion than old fashioned night dress Anyway I expected a mara thon About three hours They can wear slacks but only once a week can wear slacks but they can wear blue jeans Nobody in my class is going to wear slacks If its all right for the boys to wear blue jeans by cant the girls And so on It was fantastic but the op enly and bluntly expressed feel ing of majority wis that girls should be allowed to wear whatever wai In style And that was that One commercial teacher who could have been expected to come down heavily on tie side of no said she didnt care if they fig leaves as long as they were neat and Udy Id Ilka to hear what yob think about long heir girl iring slacks end all other things that war unacceptable day Drop a line Truck Flips Spills Milk Driver Cut was plenty of spilled milk last Wednesday after an milk truck driven by Van Patter of R 1 Georgetown left Highway and overturned near Georgetown North Helton estimated worth of milk was lost and damage to the Sten Dairy truck wet set at Van Patter was treated for head cuts and scrapes at Ceo hotpltal accident occurred on a stretch of road which under construction Mr or is it the reaw you added words with month credit if I so desired We believe that Mr has a message for us and we would welcome more of his viewpoints Ryder Ryder TV NEWS ECHOES From the Ho raids of and 30 Yam Age 1960 Georgetown and District High School enrolment will be nearly double by 1968 according to a recent survey A reporl projecting fhe enrolment in eight years estimates the number of students attending will pass the mark and will to next term Mm for almost years at and Union Pres byterian Churches Rev lockherl Royal has accepted a call to Knox Church Ha will preach his farewell sermons in the district churches on Dec 1 1th We allow enough for expansion Georgetown had the greatest growth in its history last year said Mayor Harold Cleave at Monday nomination meeting in the public library Mayor Cleave was explaining to the ratepayers present the reason for an estimated defict on the years operations which Is forecast by an interim statement of finances as of Nov The Mayor said it had been hard to keep up with the works in roads water and sewers because of the opening of new visions in a growing town Predicting a town of in a short time Mayor Cleave said the census ust completed showed over residents here a and Mrs Best of Toronto have purchased acres of land at and will build summer home there Dr Best is internationally known as the of insulin Sir Frederick Banting and is one of the worlds greatest and best known medical research workers and Mrs Best have been frequent vsilors In Georgetown and are well known here BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk LC Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Georgetown 8776275 Residence BARRAGERS lea Main St S Free Piokup and Delivery All work den en premise CLIPSHAM CULLEN i Consulting Engineers Ontario Land Surveyors Planning OPTOMETRIST Brown Main St N Suite For phone Pleas Protant Hrallh Iniuranc Card OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton Soutb Building For Appointment GERALD CORBETT DC Doctor of St Georgetown Ontario lor Appointment Phone CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Your Home or in our Modern Plant ftco Pick Up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC 4594140 MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery Water Street North A REPAIR SERVICE JOHN B0UGHT0N Certified Main St N