Georgetown Herald A Division of Home Ntwpipr Company limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C THURSDAY NOVEMBER EDITORIAL COMMENT Times Have Changed Youngsters who think today adults are too square would be amazed if they looked back in the Herald files a couple of decades to see what a change there has been An editorial in which we expressed the thought that beer and liquor should be advertised brought mail bag letters from members of the Women s Christian Temper Union and others chid us for our views One writer likened us to Ralph the Rover In a popular school poem The Inch cape Rock Ralph was a pirate who moved A Real Day of Rest Last week the Herald carried a story on a new off track betting shop ust open in town And an advertisement for a beer garden festival which has become a way to raise service club funds Sunday end baseball games have become common golf courses are that day beaches crowded Believe it or no It is a different world While we dont necessarily agree with dropping all the restrictions which made Sunday a day of rest we certainly are hap we dn t grow up in our parents day At the turn of century the puritan ethic so disparaged today was in full force particularly among those in the pro- A Meeting to Attend We lived in border city and Sun days across the river was the temptation of movies We sneaked across to one and carried our guilty for some time Then mother shocked us She had visited a friend In the State for weekend and to a Sunday how There was a reason in those days for a Sunday rest of courts Men worked a hour or longer week Women had many mora household chores I and few of amenities of todays trie age They needed the r Sundays to recharge batteries Today there not that need The day working week gives plenty of lime I for relaxation On Sunday people are ready fr a change which have to be a rest Meet the Candidates night next the warn bell so ships would on the rock Another time when we suggested thai sports should be legal on Sundays drew a stern admonition from the ministerial association Criticism of a politician of the day got us into hot water fast with an writer who said we should tend to the business of Writing news and leave to the experts Yes things have moved very fast in a generation testant faith When mother was a child the sabbath was strictly observed One could read only a religious book take a walk for reasons only In our grandmothers house the piano lid was on Sunday We can remember one Sunday when we were visiting grandma made her own concession to change She told us we could play some hymns on the piano As a teenager at the Beach the stuck their guns The allowed the r children to go swim and play a game of euchre These were to he Methodists unl I church on leavened their philosophy FAMOUS LAST WORDS Monday sponsored by the Jaycees should be a must on ihe list of every Georgetown resident Interested municipal affairs Voters have some opportunity during the year to evaluate a councillors job by reading items of council news New dates except through mail bag letters or an appearance council to discuss a spec ific issue are politically unknown Monday you will have an ty I to everyone make your own judgment on who you want for the top council and for councillors in your ward water and other offices up for election The Jaycees are to be commended for public service It is helpful to both candidates and voters provide a public forum where everyone is on an equal basts and has the opportunity to put their story across In The Mail Bag Freeze Order Leaves This Farmer in Precarious Spot Georgetown Dear Sir Would you please include this letter which I have sent to Frime Minister John in your Mai Bag j Dear Mr I notice hi a recent newspap er article that the Hon Donald of Transport wishes to many thousands acres of Ontario farmland It is bad enough lo have jour land expropriated but if a agency freezes Mich tracts of land the hard ships placed upon the many owners are much worse than ex I will try to set out below a of problems involved There la very large number tat farmers a the of life when they to sell their firms and retire If a prospect I purchaser knew the govern ncnt was contcm plating the ex of their land for an airport they would not buy It The proposed public hearings after the kind freeze I feel are merely a delaying tactic which mill lake some years and prob- at the best a public decis ion Hill not be made on this matter until after he next fed election If I not mistaken the Mm 1 later not too Ions I a decision on the location of the airport by early fall of this date is already pest In meantime farmers In these who wish to continue and necessary I and pendilurcs mil be placed in the uncertain position of not know ins ttholhcr they can ever re cover these investments Whether you to continue farming or whether you sell the result Is that you unable to operate in a sensible l businesslike manner When final airport location is deter mined the whose farms expropriated will then have go through the usual of being offered relatively poor settlements and because of a lengthy land freeze there will not be any recent comparable of land lo reflect current market values Government ag will evaluate these proper lies in say or on sales that are at least five years old a person immediately accepts the government offer would probably be another three four years before any final settlement could be forced upl on the government By that time with the federal governments complete inability to control wages and Inflation we find that the purchasing power of our final settlement dollars will probably be about j of Ihrir present day value In the meantime those of us who wish to remain farming will have been denied the right through lack of funds to resettle on anything like a comparable farm Many of those who wish lo retire will probably be in their The pretext hat the federal government is trying lo reduce speculation absolute i sense no especially spectator would knowingly tie up his money Mil land that is going to be expro priated The cost of money tod ay at the bank and more elsewhere combined with the unknown length of tame and only one buyer makes I this a shaky proposition ho speculator Is that crazy The federal government has spent thousands of dollars over the past few years on reports commissioned from private com panics plus their own staff re ports trying to the most suitable location for n airport in the Toronto area With all this time and effort if the best location is not known I feel it shows a com lack of competence- not only in the Minister of Trans- 1 port but his stall and the consulting firms that he has used Besides having to pay my of this cost of ion through taxation I am asked to bear a heavy bur in the of lands I understand that my flora is located on one of the possible airport sites In County portion of ing Township I a sec ond proposed site is in Township I am not aw arc of the locations of the proposed sites Prime Minister of On believe it Is your duty to to the best of your ability the right of the citizens of Ontario and I torus you will do so Yours truly DID YOU There are adult book clubs and IS for children a ding to what appears to be an accurate tabulation Among some of the lesser known ones The Accountants Book dub The Circuit Book Club The Horsemen Book Society nd Hi Gambler Book Club Says Many Arguments Rule Out Fluoride Dear Sir Before noting on fluoridation each the following The long term effects of fluorides on general health If fluoride hardens tooth enamel it must reach other parts of the body How will it affect bones system heart or lungs What will the result- ofj year up of be Long term effects of con llnued consumption of sodium fluoride are unknown I Sodium fluoride used to fluoridate water is times is toxic is calcium fluoride which occurs naturally in some water Fluorides act n In the As well as tooth enamel sometimes permanent brown stain on teeth Should public water sup plies be used for medication Vitamin tablets containing flu require a prescription Should a prescription drug be added to The intake of sodium is uncontrollable Al though added to the water sour at one part per million it is impossible to control the am an recedes each day This depends on the amount of water and food pro cessed with fluoridated wtcr consumed Children drinking mostly milk and juice receive lit lb while drinking tea or coffee receive the most Accepted products and procedures found harmful some circumstances fa The artificial sweetener was found harmful lo lob animals Smoking has been linked lo lung and heart disease c Radiation from found to affect the gem- the body precautions are now takon in the use of ray d the sleeping pil caused deformed limbs in unborn children What will be Pollution How quickly are fluoride building up the takes rivers as fluoridated water flows from sewage storm We used DOT without ing residue was building up in soil and water Phosphates fertilized In turn used up oxygen the lakes Mercury buildup bos resulted in an unsafe mercury content in fish in areas Remember Air of Death the CBC production about in lulion including sir born ides Arc the lakes and their prod iiota being tested for fluoride j buildup CI Alternatives water Iution a Fluoride application lo the teeth by a dentist Supervised brushing with spe cial fluoride toothpa free at clinic ViUmin ions con g fluoride I able on prescription lltur ide prep I mis to a Id lo home water supply In of recent fimlin an out pollution any step such wide effects is the of a of doubtful to the public water sup- ply is imnc There ire simple mine it for those fluorides I Sill Stop Criticizing Show Some Love Dear Mr Editor After editorial comment over of lime loped an at towards const ml of lie people in tins town an el where whJse life stiles differ from yours I feel it is about lime hit wilch your line of thought some more constructive writ such as the pub lic on the slow putrefaction of environment 1 and hoi we can help boiler tlieni trying to jour S them to discuss their thoughts ideas not press them How wo begin to and understand jour id and if try understand ours- is not the South but Its time we stop this contention show a love for each other some of our may only be able in a Society but hive of our future as did This could well be the age of or the of we the free people determine which I Manfred Janan TRUTH When I feel fear of the bomb explosions I realm for or an alternate without we could not experience death without wealth we could not experience poverty i without we could not experience happiness without health we could not experience illness the ultimate truth is the is the without could nut icncc peace by Cray Jc incite Gray a George town high school rtudertt Hie daughter of and Mrs Gray Wilson Court Love a Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Company Limited terfiald Production Superintendent Frank Mullln Advertising News Editor Accountant Terry ley Ailccn Bradley Valerie Caruso Anne Curne Reporter CI irk Dave Hastings John Brian Gcnoe Proposes New Marriage Vows Young people of all know wji to do thing the way their ciders d d it This Includes mar Most still stick to the trad I Horn but many mod are different from the time honored and timaworn that most of us en instead hearing the organ boom ing Here Comes The Bride you may be startled but should not be surprised to hear some body belting out Hey guitar accompaniment Imtead of tha comforting traditional and often in the orthodox ceremony you may hoar an tic by Leonard Cohen Any no sec the men lined up to k the groom on both checks and shake hands with the bride In many ways I with trend 1 had the devils lime with my wife before our nuptial ware finally She wanted the dele ted from the phrase love or and and fought me up lo the altar where she muttered it only to a And of course never me since Another bit that got her Wilh my body I thee honor spoken by groom only She took It the wrong way and thought it a perfeeti example of male vanity I In iitkness and health another howler lint could e jettisoned practic ally djing the flu she has I less than she would have for a miking its death And if there anjthing I sland its ing sick malingering I the place and not getting the meals The last fall of farce at our wedding when the preach being a tittle coy looked at me and Would you care to salute the bride It was in Anglican ceremony and was a bit at sea anyway In addition was out of the air force salute meant lust that I gawked him as he re pealed the quest on Well thought this is Hie these Anglicans do it OK made smart left turn and was about whip up a snappy salute when my bride who knew the damn fool was tolling mc to kiss her solved the situation by grabbing mc md the neck and me It was a bcauti ful kiss I got a mouthful of veil and about all But with my par tonal and in view of the rate today I go further than the modern kids do Not only would I bring service up to date I on en air tight contract to be signed by both parties they swore to anything There not nearly enough space here to set out the con tract in full but 111 a skeleton and jou can fill in the flesh ITEM If either party fared from cold foot he or she will refer to a hot water bottle rather than shock treatment to the party of the second part It will clearly he dcrslood who is to put out the girbage who will get up to close the window who will get up to shut up the baby who will get the car on opening day of the trout season j ITEM Neither partner shell spend more than ten minutes during each hours telling the other partner what a hell of day heshe had at workhome ITEM She will not more than once a week You never you loxc mc And will refrain from Certainly I now will jou quit bugging mc about if ITEM Neither party will the kids rid then confront the part with a fait accompli ITEM The male partner may invite for a dnnk or dinner regardless of ha curl the house is a mess thera is not a thing in the house lo cat or jou might have a little consideration for ITEM Male will refrain from shouting violently Why there never any peace around here Females will not hit ex In the clinches I have scars I Carry on chaps just be gun There money jealousy nagg hackscat driving There have been far too many books written about sex and marriage Lets jet down to realities BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk Commissioner BARRAGERS Cleaners Shirt 18 Mam SI 166 Pickup and All work dona en premises Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Georgetown Residence GERALD DC Doctor of Chiropractic Mill St Georgetown Ontario hot Appointment Phone NEWS ECHOES From Heralds of 10 20 and 30 Years Ago I Twenty one candidates arc seeking office in the mumci pal elections year Candidates for mayor are Eric Beard and Em Hyde for reeve Walter Gray Doug Sar gent or deputy reeve Jack Critchlow John Elliott Fred Harrison for council Don Jim Brown Bob Burke Ian Cass Rex Cock Jim John Hen ley Will am Hunter and Bill Richmond for school hoard Classen Stan Fmlay Bob Don Powers and Ray Salter 1950 Teacher in h gh schools Gcorgclown Acton and Milton have asked for a salary in January The reqtiesl was made by a delegation representing the teachers at a meeting of the North Halton High School D strict Board The teachers have asked mmum salary bo raised from and the maxi mum from to 3800 The annual Commencement exercises of the Georgetown High School wero held the Gregory Theatre li nght B Fouhs chairman of school board was chairman for the diplomas I Were presented to Joan Francos Margaret Stanley Beaumont William Joseph Cummins Mao Deans Har Olive Alfreda McCartney Clare Olive Joy Ruddell William Douglas Susie Joanna Helen Louise Williams Francis CARR 1 consulting Ontario Land Surveyor 1 Planning Consultants OPTOMETRIST L Brown R0 Main St Suite For Appointments 3671 Insurance Card CARPET CLEA CARPET CLINIC and Upholstery Cleaning in Your Home or in our Modern 1 Pick Up and CARPET CLINIC OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton South Carrctal Building For Appoint merit MONUMENTS POLLOCK ft CAMPBELL ON REQUEST Inspect our work in Greenwood Cemetery PHONE 62 Water Street North G ALT REPAIR SERVICE Service Centra JOHN JEWELLERS Certified 5 Main St