LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE LONG GONE 29 Schools 11900 Students Embraced by North Ed Centre with th north centre while John Battersby in art end Phillips In also work as consultants A3 a they work with teachers to Improve program set up workshops and develop now and bolter programs They re available to assist teachers in the field of their specialty When school doors swung open in September students passed through them into the North areas and three schools plus a for retarded children According to educators the students opportunity to learn has never been greater There are teachers working in the North schools as well as 20 administrative and consulting staff working out of North Education Centre loc ted at Milton Heights It is one of three district centres under the County Board of Education Three assistant en dens two consultants one consultant for each subject including art science and phy education work in north Others at the centre elude a psvchometrJctan psychologist an attendance counsellor and men involved in plant maintenance FRIGHTENING The conglomeration of con a La til and administrative pers onnel may frighten average Joe who wonders just how far they 11 be digging his pocket for education taxes each year However North cation Chairman Jim Morrison Insists the staff list Is pared down as far as it can and still operate on an efficient level Contrary to what some people believe the consultants and superintendents really do serve a meaningful purpose and ide a belter linn the little red school style of lion did CAN DETECT PROBLEM Take the for instance a child who had trouble with reading and math was clashed slow learner and doomed that way a child in same position now be t cited and the testa indicate the chill suffers from per on In other words he does not see the words in print tho way do and takes longer to read them In this case the solution might be a pair of glasses or treatment by an optometrist The problem is often picked up by a psychom Together with the pay perceptual or problems con be discovered and ten treated SEEK SOLUTION rate the Ian files a report with the chairman Often cooperation between the psychologist and or a agency la needed to outline steps that should be taken Miss Mary Kirk and Ml is Car Bailey work In the as and the pay is Miss Isabel Davcy Heading the ranks at the are three asslitant The three take on tho similar to that of what was once known as an inspector but with a wider ran They now work with kinder to grade while once elementary and secondary schools had their own trative setups One of the advantages of the county system li the fact that the link between and secondary schools has been welded Where once each level of teachers held meetings sep arately they now meet together allowing grade nine teachers to know what is going on In grade eight and vice versa According to Chairman Morri son the county system has as a link and provides the fint step toward continuous ucation Also working vi the north education centre but stationed In the schools are Ave itinerant teachers two for speech and three for reading They provide programs for those who need special help In speech or read While he argument about something being lost In modern education may have some merit THE GEORGETOWN HI THUR50AY DEC PAGE there can be little doubt la more that can be done Individual today In schools with than in the little red ad of yesterday NEW GROUP ROCKED WHILE DONORS DID THEIR THING A new local group rocked played and le donors at the Georgetown Red Cross blood n iheir con Monday even December The Chang Thyme has been organized for arid includes Pat Brian Phil Horn tiger Ken and Stevens north area Is divided into three with each division centering one of tho three high schools This nay the assistant can follow the child progress from ten to grade 13 ADDITION A relatively new addition to the in he north is Bill Coon who works as an attend counsellor The job carries with it a stigma from the days of the officer Many peo ple still look upon a councillors as alter i delinquent kids Mr Coon and others like j act on tho referral of the school J I principai He serves as a catalyst community agencies inn the Children Aid Society Health Unit Police Depart ment jnd others that might be come involved AWKWARD HOURS Because his work necessitates home visits he attendance of works nikwail hours bach child ho Is treated on an individual bo is Somctl the problem of his poor ittci Id it school is a matter and cm be rcat Other the problem is I linked lb a who ha fil into trouble with the law Basically his job is in rehab line Sometimes the officer will handle the problem h it discuss on with the child and his parents Other tinier he 11 call for help from the psycholo gist OTHER CONSULTANTS Hilda Clark works as a physical education A 52 WEEK GIFT A HERALD SUBSCRIPTION IS JUST LIKE A WEEKLY LETTER FROM HOME A handsome gift card is available with your order 750 YEARLY 850 if mailed outside Canada Carols Court Whist At St Stephens Party The Christmas meeting of St j ladies present A del clous pot Stephens Anglican Church Wo luck dinner was all men was held at the home of Several Christmas carols were Mrs Cliff Hunter on sung which included many of evening December a with the old favourites and some of the newer ones The ladies accompanied by Mrs Ernest Price at ho The remain eer of the evening is plav tic improved Court Whist The were won by the following winncn Mrs Ken tlla Craig Mrs Cart aright and Mrs The travelling prizes were won Mrs Mary and Mrs John Bradley Introducing the new BULOVA of BRACELET WATCHES More than a watch art gift of love The bracelet an intcgralpart of the elegant case adorns the wrist with telling beauty The precision jewel movement under that exterior reports time with uncanny accuracy OF TIME A fa iaiiiuil Mnt 539y in whit model fa GODDESS OF Tl ME til inytltaomitltto fntt7SCO f bracelet model fiKiWSW John Boughton jewellers CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS 5 Main North Georgetown 8774313 Friends of Mm Downs will be pleased to hear that she was able to return home on Wednesday from the Milton District Hospital The North Trafalgar Euchre Club held their weekly euchre party on Saturday night Dec ember regardless of the stormy weather Winners of the prizes were to Peacock Mrs Harold Reed Mrs Margaret Nix rank Peacock and frank Had ley The lucky draws were won by Mrs Harvey Dunn and Bud The next will be hold on Saturday night Decern The North Trafalgar Club a euchre party at the Percy ilerry School on day night December with 15 tables of in play awarded to Colin Gordon Thompson Main Mrs Frank Peacock Mrs Dunn and Mrs Gordon Thompson The lucky draws won by Mrs Cameron Mar shall Mrs Fred Near Mrs Dune and Dave Friends in this district arc pleased to hear that Leslie Pea cock was able to return home on from the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Bur lillguon Anniversary greetings are ex tended to Mr and Mrs Clarence Dennis who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Friday December IB Birthday greeting arc extend to the following who are eel their birthdays Stuart McMillan on December 17 Iter net and Mrs Bill Bail on December Ross Brig den on December and Jim on December Get well Wishes are extended to Darlcne Wood who is a pal lent in Milton District Hos pital following an accident Road where she was hit by a truck Get well wishes are alsi tended to Wood who is also in Milton District Hospital for observation Anniversary greetings ere ex tended to Mr and Mrs Mason who will celebrate then wedding anniversary on December 10 Mrs Jim Hamilton C0NCRHT8 GRAVEL SAND ROAD FILL am TOP OIL GARNET BUD HAINES HAVE YOU A Doctors Prescription For Glasses LET US FILL IT ACCURATELY You can from our wide soled on of the no wo it and bast and ihoy moderately priced Brampton Dispensing Opticians Main St Brampton Ontario The Government of Ontarios Tax Assistance Plan is helping the elderly Cheques have already been sent to more than 230000 people and many will soon receive additional assistance Paying taxes Is tough for But some people have a particularly difficult time Like the elderly They are hard pressed To help lighten their load the Government has introduced a new plan It Is called 1970 Tax Assistance for the Elderly The plan will pay out up to to help elderly who receive the Federal Guaranteed IncomeSupplementto help pay their property taxes or rent In all more than persons across Ontario will recelva 17mllllor In benefits Tax Assistance forthe elderly is an Immediate step to relieve the pressure of property taxes And an Important GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO Municipal Affairs