WINTER PREPARATION TIME FOR CONSERVATION AREA 1111 ill llll sill urn mi llu cold lori suit dud iiiiisitun limlilin is staff of the up camp mil tin i areas pi ilia i rooms rooms aid lift lor the cans build nnl Mi nil sod to the the an is dm j mil siiilin areas const mil will hi Seek 811000 Budget For County Health Board Hilton f la Their pi Iluisiln an a budget j lime ami tins I I If the mi lijI niiiniKtit il if budget total Mill lw Mil Queen LARGEST INCREASE suited I the budget tin per tint phN cast of lmn- built 1 1 i nk will be with the Shows Ballet Skills to Sorority Women talk A iuin Hi I I I slip 11 i of Hi tin of FIVE PER CENT I to A Emerson Mother- Terra Coin and Oscar of Tci park Explains Drama in Talk To Zeta Phi Sorority Mo iibt s of 111 ill the mi aid llu- tunc nit of the Beta sum j Phi nun Jut drum met at the hi mi of Mrs Plul Norma Tripp tu thought and effort Ik for Hughes inn cultural program for Mil to an at d Menus chair mji entitled bin man that fro the outlining the ilcfmitii of Mrs eoutimi d ok In til Hold as found llu J no iaUIs mined on she a ik A four deserts and a few tailed with the ill pi use urn and mem j verse of in isked to make an ln fort to the remaining book con ins implied mi In mi tliruu hunt fun th lupp ami ihitiRS lit I Ik ii lh In on 1 lit in hi tin Ibis months prod a OllMsr bj an 1 THE months of the Mir Willow the Hi nil in ml dirtci Inn on ith Ihirniilirio lai for ilt the budget an inil tin jIJ lady own union sh dij a Earl Warren helps you relax weekday mornings 1015 am to 1pm LISTEN HERE ONTARIO FAMILY STATION book untie ill the VN when the tolls In the the the VOCUJlLAlt throughout and brinini it and the re and Ictl pel to I where Ibo oik Muds iiiltunl in the people 11 Discuss National Aims At Workshop for WI Tripp referent lo the mil tin mull in Miub of his his been id proline one the ton of the Mariposa llelle mixture loimih MHO imvM On Frd of the Centre ttelk South in I Malum District Ins mites met it the o Mr ft Mr nun pom of the den Mrs ilkrs memo mai pnijeit present for are in to Institute in the past ihne of lo but in ihi of tin- tin s li to Mi minis th r fun in mil no i hi NEED FUNDS DISTRICT lie The ton am South Mis t of a I if member in lft d il lo shops mil district look to mou Mis fYipp lb it from tin lime a lulu horn md ihmuh en ire en to ict In front of one then to an are iitiJu to ike props write tlic ir own plait lis to folk i the inn i llu itli school llu link is lMKimni more cure is Ills Pi I to lO tin HI til 111 Iol I i Mini inn mirk forming in tin of rillkk Ilk I i I mi in ilipiins tin of the iL a from the and jrr I lie I den of Out ding fuml1 Up f tin I Ions is rf tint a oiled itjun GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL unit TOP GARNET BUD HAINES Glen Will la NORVAL SHELL SERVICE LICENSED MECHANICS GENERAL REPAIRS HOUR EMERGENCY TOWING Radio Dispatched PHONE Day or Night I T A HI Attention LADIES THE INDUSTRIES LIMITED GALT ONTARIO Textile Salesroom CORNER QUEEN and WATER ST Below th MIDWINTER CLEARANCE SALE SAVINGS OF ALL REMNANTS OFF FROM AM MONDAY FEB 15lh TO M SATURDAY FEB Storo OPEN DAYS A WEEK m to m anil Thunday Evening 7pm til p Natural gas can help you tap a more dependable more economical source of hot water Exciting new lor all residential customers Of Gas do not lor with an Inactive and to f03 main which boon Instilled on a over one year as You could qualify for a credit of on pufchnc or a gas This offer good only from January 1 to and including March 1971 Call your goo