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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1971, p. 1

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Printing Publishing The Georgetown Herald has served Georgetown and district Printers and for over a century offering the In Hoe printing and news coverage GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District Ads That Pay You can place Classified page by phoning Baying or Tbe Herald la where you will Had the results yon want Clatt Mall Number 0943 Gorgtown Ontario Thursday March Raturn Postage Guaranteed SO per year Copy Fifteen Cent Small Audience Hears How Medical Team Protects Them A scanty audience at Park Parent School Association meet ing last week heard a panel of J Chamberlain MOH Sam Greene Public Health Dentist Mrs Fran Public Health Nurse and Neil Public Health Inspect or outline the many services provided by the County Health Unit Dr Chamberlain said Health Unit came into being in when the County had a population of and now serves a population of Health protection includes pre ventativo treatment of medic mental physical and social well being said the Medical Of fleer of Health with the lems of mental health one of the main needs of the day He stated the role of the pub lie health nurse focusses on family relationships and referrals from many agencies In showing slides of her work as a public health nurse Mrs showed pre classes for mothers and fathers and stressed the emphasis was on psychological needs Some or the other many act vi ties shown included the visit of new mothers the child health centre immunization clinics Malting schools el and anyone at all who asks for a visit MILLION Sjiti Greene pointed out that million dollars a year is spent on dental tnntment but only about Wo of the pop ulation go to the dentist on a regular basis He claimed RS of tooth can be prevented by a on of fluoride in the and the topical plication of fluoride He described the dental team who into the schools to cite children In the proper method of I colli brushing and diet We have more trouble with parents than with ho chil he remarked lie advocated the use of a straight tooth brush and fluor tooth paste and urged mouth protection when playing sports Murphy the Molar used all across Ontario as a symbol of dental health was created in County he Dr Greene also showed slides of the work of his department HEALTH INSPECTION Neil in his slide described the work of the public health inspection de partment Ho showed dlshe3 be ing swabbed In restaurants to see if they were clean pasteur Tile bids and disposal come under this department and housing may be condemned through this agency Other areas in his ion are barbershops beauty salons swimming pools ate water supplies garbage disposal lakes and beaches One of major problems now he said is disposal of sludge from sewage disposal plants There arc not enough remote areas left in the county he concluded GIVING VACCINL In a brief question and ans wer period Chamberlain staled German measles vaccine was given to children in grades 1 to in an effort to reach the children who have not yet had German mrasles and who could carry it home to pec tan t mothers Another question on drug ab use brought the answer from Dr Chamberlain that there should be a separation between hard and soft drugs Marl comes under the Crimin al Code while LSD comes the Food and Drug Act He suggested drug education should begin the schools be fore grade Kenneth Foster principal of the new General Wolfe High School to be opened in Scptcm outlined the many courses to be at the vocational school when he addressed Association for Children with Learning Disabilities at their last meeting The COO students will divide their time 50- between shop and academic classes The academic subjects arc tied to he shop work by teaching Eng related to the work science and mathematics the same so the areas isolated The shop teachers help draw up the academic curriculum so this In Health Protection Panel was made up of Mrs Fran Jamieson loft of the Health Unit Sam Green public health dentist County Medical officer of Health J Chamberlain and public health inspector Neil Patullo Take Keep Main Georgetowns Answer to County Council are willing to go al with the County takeover of three of the four roads mentioned but will fight to keep control of Main Street from Maple Avenue to Street Cr Harry Levy said tentative agreement had been reached with the County roads committee to proceed with tho scheduled construction of Moun tali view Road in the spring and binding agreement would be drawn up with regards to cost The motion stating these points was passed by council Cr Harry Levy warned how ever that only the Road Com of county council not the whole county council had indicated approval of the County council will con sider the whole Roads Needs Study next week BUSINESS SECTION Era Hyde was concerned about the possibility of the Main Street business section be ing removed from the control of the town He contended the motion was not strong en ough and Main Street should be deleted completely from the motion Deputy reeve Art Speight a member of the County Road Committee sold he raised tbe question of widening Main St then funnelling It Into the bus iness section The county lneer said a traffic study would show the number of cars it con handle deputy reeve the county would do every thing In their power to give the town the type of road they want Cr Hyde pointed out that the county will have authority to do anything they like with Main Street if they take it over NOT GOOD ENOUGH In a reply to a question on the effect of the ruling that a plebiscite be taken on Main Street South Cr Harry Levy pointed out this would not govern the county since they do not debenture the work but do It out of current revenue Cr Ernie Sykes took the same position as Cr Hyde say ing the town should retain con over Main St He raised the question of turning part of Main Street into a pedestrian mall and wondered if the county would allow this If it were their road Cr Phil Slddull agreed slat that the good intentions of the county were not enough to rely on and urged a binding agreement setting out exactly what the town wants EXPERIMENTAL USE Earlier in the meeting James Kerr representing the Con ccrned Citizens of Georgetown favoured the Mountainview pro ject but urged caution on Main Street South takeover and commended Cr Harry Levy for his presentation at the county road committee which Mr Kerr also attended Roger Frost pointed out that Main Street was one of the few business sections which were not on a main thoroughfare and hoped this would be maintain He asked that the town keep control over Main Street so that experimental uses could bo made of the area which he felt might not happen if the county took it over EASTERN MICHIGAN GRADUATE GORDON Gordon George a for mer Georgetown District High School student ted recently from Eastern Mi University with a Ba chelor of Science Degree He majored in sociology and has accepted a position with the Toronto as the After Four Program Director of the Charles Public School He Is son of far mer residents of Georgetown Mr and Mrs G Zellers Will Build Georgetown Store Outlines Courses Offered In New Vocational School Aim At October Opening For 60000 Square Foot Store relationship can be effect INNOVATIONS The school will be a parallel to the existing General Brock high school but with a few in novations The courses offered include auto repair building construe and maintenance chef training clothing and textiles home management horticult ure office practice and decorating restaurant vice retail merchandising tvp and welding PROUD Ktnnelh Foster told the group the school motto will be Be proud of what you are I do not ask what they don know I oak what they know he re marked The school will serve stud in Esqucslng and Georgetown however students now attending General Brock will not have to transfer to tho new school unless they want to Winner of the snow tires don ated by Hancock Tire by Jim Turnbull was A J 117 Prince Charles Lew Wallace author of Ben was also a Civil War tencral Finds Complaints Are Few Rides Commuter Train The awaited move into town is now officially con firmed Mayor Bill Smith told council Monday night Construction on the ft store in the George town Market will begin in May and the hoped for completion date will be the end of October An additional ft will be built on lo the existing plaza same time as the store is built adjacent to the Council and the merchants should be commended as they have played a major purl in bringing this store to George town commented Mayor Smith CLOSING HOURS Mayor Dill Smith told council the announcement by of the real estate division of was released to coin with the third reading of the by law governing store closing hours When M P Whit log received complaints about late arrival in Toronto of the am CNR train through be dealt with it direct Monday morning Mr Whit ing braved blowing snow to drive from his home la the early hours to catch the a m commuter train to the city He chatted with Georgetown passengers and found that a large majority of the regulars satisfied with leaving town at that hour and that many could not get to work in time on the later train even if as of it running on schedule EXTRA HOUR However If the Sam could guarantee arrival on time some commuters could get that ex Ira hour of sleep in the morn he says and he will tigatc what can be done Mr Whiting said he was pleased with his trip Ho said he found a spirit of camaraderie with most pleasant and greeting many passengers by name He told older coaches had been replaced by more modern ones In January and he said be found facilities clean and comfortable OFTEN LATE He did have complaints that No on which commuters make the return trip from the city at is often late and he will be checking into this also He was also told that the CNR had made a passenger survey last month but wasn able to get a copy of the ques tions asked PASSED ON COMPLAINTS Mr Whiting has been in touch with Jack chair man of the Canadian Trans port Commission discussing commuter service in general terms He passed on com plaints that when passengers approach the railway they get little action He was told by Mr Pickers gill that if anyone contacts the Canadian Transport Commls their complaint will bo investigated and they will get an answer Combine for Service of World Prayer World Day of meeting was held March Mountainview Baptist Church Those contributing to sue service were Mrs Jam Collier of St George Angli can church Mrs D of St Andrew United Mrs Colter and Mrs R Jones of Mrs of St John United and Mrs Milton of Mountainview Baptist The Christian Reformed Church members were unable to attend Mrs Jean Hancock sang Teach Me To Pray led by Mrs Walter Townend at the organ Mrs Clare of the sic Mission Circle of Baptist conduc ted the service Mrs Cairns was tho guest speaker and gave sage entitled New People for a New Age This was the theme She began with reading a Scripture lesson making parti mentjon of the message In the passage We as Christians arc a cho sen generation who must our all men and love our broth Let your life match your calling We must be Enumeration Chance for Cocktail Vote about our neighbours She mentioned the emptiness of the church pews Sunday mornings and stated that tho young people arc not all at fault We adults must accept some of the blame for ling attendance she said A fellowship hour followed the service Other helpers from tainvicw were Mrs M McVlttlc Ms M Livingstone E Peck Mrs M Thompson Robson Mrs J Ranwden Mrs Carter aid Mrs M Schwnsf Give Blood Needed for Surgery In spite of the bad conditions especially for people from the rural area there was a emprise turnout of blood donors at the Georgetown Red Cross branch blood donor clinic Monday In Holy Cross audit Thirty two were so that units were collected The special request for ARH Negative btood units for heart surgery on March 11 at a Toronto Western Hospital were filled as of such typo units were received There were new donors Ashenhurst wts on call In the here was entertainment the folk western group Changing Thyme Timing af a plebiscite to seek subtle op Intra on allowing cock tall lounge la Georgetown may wait until the next provincial vote was originally plan In December bat dropped It found the voters list cannot be It would be to spend or a separate enumer Harry Levy told council committee Monday March 1 when a provincial en rati on Is expected The third reading of this by law was given Monday night making the new store hours nine to nine dally except day which has a six clock clos ing The last change which bad delayed the third reading was the addition of milk stores to the list of those businesses ex from the by law This ex was incorporated In the by law Monday night EXEMPTED The list of businesses exempt from the by law Includes and service stations restaur ants coal and lumber dealers billiard and pool rooms shops implement deal automotive retail and vice centres delicatessens and now milk stores The other major change in store hours is the opening of stores on Monday Clearing River Flats Could Be Works Program Sorority Sponsors Cards Games Party Huge playing cards decora the rcc room of Jcannine Ellis home where Alpha card and games party was held There were four tables set up for games of bridge euchre gravatlon and rum my Girls who were on leave of absence from the chapter were Invited to attend the fun night To add to the gaiety Chinese food was served and prizes were given to the holders of specially marked coffee cups Smoke Damage In Fire A fire at the home of Mr and Mrs William Hooker Mullen Lane Glen Williams Monday afternoon destroyed the back porch and caused heavy smoke damage throughout the whole house The ire started from a hot plate placed In the enclosed back porch where Mrs Hoo ker was cooking supper while she painted the kitch Following up on announce ment by the premier of Ontario that a subsidized work prog ram would be started Mayor Bill Smith appointed a three member committee of Cra Harry Levy Donna Denises and deputy reeve Art Speight to investigate Its immediate im plementation in town Mayor Smith said premier had slated the subsidy of one dollar per hour per man would be paid to the municipality with tho wage rate set at per hour for any projects not already started which could carried out during April May and June Welfare offices and manpower centres will have priority on these Jobs ELM CUTTING Elm tree removal brush clearing and park development were some of the item cited by the mayor as necessary pro jects He particularly mention ed the urea between and Maple down by the creek The area once known as bur Lake said the mayor Ho said there was some uncertain ty about the town position in clearing it as the town does not own all of it The three member committee will report as soon as possible in an effort to create winter GROUP COMMITTEE SAYS THANKS TO LONGSERVICE SCOUTER Glenn Mognuson right past president of 1st Georgetown Scouta Group Committee presents retired leader Dave with a weather recorder as a gift from Ihe Group Committee recognldng his long service as a leader of 1st Georgetown Cobs aid Scouls Mr Hastings has provided active leadership at both tbe Cub and Scout levels for It years and bos also been a valuable worker with the District Council and apple day campaigns among other duties The presentation was made at 1st Georgetown annual father and son banquet in St John shall

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