Council Majority Favours Flood Map in Zone Bylaw Council passed a motion Mon day stating that Planning Board recommendations regar ding flood line mapping be in corporated Into the now town bylaw presently being prepared by Planning Board While the motion finally pas sed It was after long and hea ted debate Phil SlddaU wanted the flood line and flood- lands designated and Incor porated Into Urn present exist ing toning by law He felt had no assurance when the new toning by law would bo ready Reeve Rlc Morrow claimed it was past time the flood line mapping and subsequent zon ing was In the present by law We should not put theso In Jeopardy he add ed TOO EXPENSIVE Hyde was fully In accord the inclusion in the new by law but contended would be too expensive and too much work to amend the existing by law to cover it He stated all residents within of cither Silver Creek or Block Creek would hove to be notified and a public hearing invoked He claimed the town has control over floodlands now under the existing by law Cr Harry Levy agreed with I s viewpoint NOT NECESSARY Mayor Bill Smith maintain ed no hearing be to amend the existing by law and expressed concern hat the new zoning bylaw would not be ready as quickly is he t 1 Survey May Add Crafts Courses at Sheridan The motion to Incorporate the Hood line mapping and re sultant zoning in the new ton ing bylaw eventually passed Shortly after a motion to in corporate the flood line map ping into existing zoning by law S7 was passed over the opposition of Hyde Levy and deputy reeve Art Speight THE MOTION This motion read All lands the municipality which He within the Hood line limits indicated in the report of Dec ember 1966 prepared by Acres and submitted to the C V C A be zoned as 03 con servation and that the findings of the report and associated flood lino mapping be ineorpor into the official plan and that the Planning Board arc hereby requested to recom mend such amendments to by Sberidon College is pres ently conducting a survey on community arts and crafts to determine the need for craft instruction in and Peel counties and what programs should be set up to meet these needs Local women in arts and crafts conduct the survey set up by the Continuing Education ion at Sheridan and backed by the Youth and Recreation Branch of the Dept of SURVEYORS Mrs Betty Thomas of Cal East wife of Bud Tho mas administrative assist ant of Sheridan School of Design in will survey Halton and north of Hwy and 7 A former medical techno logist now a housewife arid weaver Mrs Thomas recel ved her A from Victoria College University of Tor onto Mrs Morion Adams tsville resident and a member or the and Spinners Guild will survey Peel Coun ty Brampton and south of Mrs Adams is a secretary and a graduate of Brampton District High Mrs Helen Beswlck of Oakville attended Ontario Ladies College in Whitby and Institute She is a housewife member of Art Society end has taught sewing and home decorating and children b pottery classes Mrs Bes will survey Halton County south of UPGRADE SKILLS Sheridan to use the results of the survey to as sist the various communities in providing programs to upgrade tho skills of crafts men nnd provide training in teaching and community leadership The survey Is also expected to help com munities make greater use craftsmen The survey will be comple ted In six weeks and a brief submitted soon after Don Hamilton director of Contin uing Education at Sberidon College hopes to have the required programs in opera tion by September 1971 Anyone interested in con tributing information should contact Sheridan College Continuing Education Divis ion 1430 Trafalgar LETS PLAY BRIDGE BY HILL COATb Well last week it finally hap pened We have had snow storms Ice storms rain and fog in tho past before but the Acton Bridge Club carried on However lost weeks freezing rain really did it Only two har dy souls from Acton showed up and no one from out of town even tried to get here For the first time In eight years the Acton Bridge Club did not be a regularly scheduled game QUIZ THIS WEEK Since I have not been playing any rubber bridge and missed my weekly duplicate bridge I just don have a hand to write about so I thought I try a quiz instead This quit is very basic and covers several points that I stress In my go classes Your partner opens tho bid ding one spade and your right hand opponent passes What do you respond with each of the following hands 1 S7 K S K J 7 7 HK C S 3 5 C 10 ANSWERS GIVEN Answers ONE NO TRUMP In spite your six card suit headed by the ace and king you cannot bid two hearts Any response at the two level shows a min imum of ten points Your part ncr may drive to game with only sixteen points and you will probably not make It Is more important to show the value of your hand rather than the best suit in your hand 2 TWO DIAMONDS You want to support spades you will at your next opportunity Your bid cannot be passed Un fortunately a simple raise shows only to points and a lump raise shows to IS points Since you bold points you must make a temporizing bid J TWO SPADES Hero the choice Is between two spades and one no trump Since your is worth only one positive response make it the one that will do your side the most good You have found a trump suit between the two hands and lis up to you to tell your partner that you can support his spades FOUR SPADES This Is the bid that really confuses new bridge players If a simple raise shows to 10 points bow can a double Jump raise show this poor Highly hands cannot be shown scientifically All you know Is that your partner has a spade suit and an opening bid If your partner has a good hand he will make four spades If your partner has just an average opening bid the opponents can probably moke four hearts Don give them a chance to find out Jump to four spades Your par will make It more often than not ACTON BRIDGE CLUB Last weeks winners individual game Jack Coats Gloria Coats 3 Joan Harris The three members of Geor getown hydro commission aid John Arm strong and Mayor William Smith attended the four day Municipal Electric Association convention at Toronto Royal Attend Hydro Convention THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY MARCH 1Kb PAGE York Hotel February to March The OMEA meeting was held Jointly with the Municipal Electric Untillties convention Graham manager of the local office attended that Why Not Let US Do Your INCOME TAX RETURN We can give you the urn excellent service wVv been giving many customers So for fail accurate service why not try us ll will pay Jus drop your return In we phone you when If ready REASONABLE RATES BEA CLARK Motor Vehicles Office Main Street South Loblaws Details History of Dance In Sorority Presentation Members of the Zcta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi ga thered at the home of Mrs Car Stuart of Crcs for a short business meeting an auction by the ways means com and a cultural program entitled the dance presented by Mrs Lois Rogers Mrs Rogers started her pro gram by explaining that the dance was a form of art done to music It originated as ex of sentiment hate blood lust the joy of the hunt hunger or love These become formalized into dances which are traditional and unvarying Some of the more important forms were selected by Mrs Rogers and she told those ent a little about each Rellgloa Dances These were performed for many sons to the many Gods as a form of worship they were usually rather frenzied as typi tied by Indians Africans and other natives Folk Dances Many tries adopted a dance which became typical of their roundings young men and wo men in gay costumes or nation dress usually perform these on special occasions or at tain times during the year Some examples of these ore Ukrainian Scottish Irish Is Russian and Polish Eurytbmlcs A type of dan or drill done to music for health and grace Free or Interpretive Dance This the type of dance which enables the dancer to body in any way he feels as he listens to the music Modern Ballroom Dancing Very graceful and for show usually taught at dance studios In many countries competition dancing is very popular and there are many contestants un fortunately here there Is very little to be seen MUST BE DEDICATED The last and greatest form of all Is ballet This originated In the courts of Kings in Russia France nnd Italy Ballet is an art there are rules pertaining to It which have to be abided by it is a reaction to the mus ical principles of rhythm har mony tone colour and form Ballet Is not something that one can Just do it la a life which begins seriously the age of sloe and takes ten years of Um bering lessons diet conscious ness and very strict mental dis cipline To be a dancer in the field of ballet one has to be completely dedicated To enable the audience to understand the rudiments of ballet a little better Mrs asked Mrs Pauline Hughes to demonstrate the five positions and the remaining members to follow her In conclusion Mrs Rogers quoted the following by a named Chesterfield Learn to dance not so much for the sake dancing as for the coming into a room and presenting yourself fully Following the program Mrs Irene Seal and Mrs Beryl Mil took the floor as auctioneers while Mrs Mount and Mrs Eleanor display ed the various goodies being auctioned Mrs Stuart the hostess coffee and cheesecake Ing the auction DEEP CUT PRICES JLL EOOT AHEAD GUARANTEED QUALITY FOODS DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY ft BUYS J SUPER SUYS POWER PLUS HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER 27 CHOICE TOMATOES 2 TINS TOMATO PASTE CAREFREE SAN NAPKINS SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS BOLD PROM CONCENTRATE POWDER MARTINS PICRIC 75 APPUIUICE Tin SH HAM AJtTIStPTIC iI GOLDEN ACRES FANCY FROZEN AMBASSADOR FRENCH CUT POM JUICE GREEN LUNCHEON LIQUID DETERGENT WHISTLE 00G0R CAT FANCY VIVA APPLESAUCE kitchen pi 33 VIVA MIXED LONG GRAIN VEGETABLES WICE lb bag YORK FANCY FROZEN MIXED I CANADA A GRADE RIDE PEACH PIE DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY r I FRESH FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS LIQUID DETERGENT LIQUID DEAL PACK SOFTENER SHEW PINEAPPLE tin STRAWBERRY Slk JELLY ROLL pro MANDARIN ORANGES mil C COFFEE CREAMER FLEECY VQC POWER PLUS LIQUID CUDNEY CHOICE HALVES nan SMOOTH OK CRUNCHV KRAFT pjAmjTiuniRjAR 59c DOLE FANCY FRUIT TIN COCKTAIL HEIP GUIDING BUY GIRL GUIDE COOKIES BEEF CHICKEN ONION CUBES 3 12 34 ROYAL POWDERS CHEERIOS 39 DID YOU KNOW brandish live lizards and carry pots containing co bras during the annual serpent festival in Shlrala India When the rites end the participant release both snakes and lizards unharmed IT S JUST DOWN THB HILL HERE Juit a Stapa But of Main BILLY BEE HO LIQUID HONEY jar CUSTARD ONTARIO sliced nfc ail as J J cereal PEACHES zn27 REllOGGS HOT CROSS CHOICE DICED HITS I CREST TOOTHPASTE HEAD SHOULDERS CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY NABISCO QUICK CREAM OF WHE ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 23 DEL MONTE THOMPSON SEEDLESS I RAISINS 3 pros I 2j TO LB AVERAGE LIMIT PER CUSTOMER LB FRESH CHICKEN in a BASKET i QUARTER PORK LOIN IDEAL FOS i BOILING BY BACK BACON SWIFT J of SIDE BACON it vie pic WIENERS new 39 63 75 CADDURY CHOCOLATE pro HOSTESS SOFT i MARGARINE PLAN HONEY UTTER 39 VIVA CHOICE CUT GREEN CI CEREALS LH RED OS HUE Bill FOB POT Boneless Brisket Plate Mr CHOICE RED OB BLUE CHUCK STEAKS GROUND 49 MINCED CHUCK BEEF SSSbT- LOIN LAMB CHOPS uiB HENLEY Dili I IHI0H 69 79 45 COOKED MEATS JWIFT I PIN HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP BUYS QUALITY PRODUCE FROM FLORIDA NOW AT THEIR RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 79 FROM OR CABANA BRAHDI BANANAS FROM FLORIDA NO GRADE URGE SIZEI CELERY STALKS 49 ONTARIO GROWN I NO ORADE HOT RHUBARB IHf TO IIWI TO IT Htm Supit Buy mi 33 PORK SAUSAGE puritan nun Mew 49 MORTADELLA CHUBS Special Offer Womans Day Encyclopedia of Cookery TSiV only 89 VOLUMES 2 12 CHOICE CALVES LIVER i STEAK PIES BIB HALIBUT QCC OCEAN STEAKS I PERCH FILLETS VBC BBC MacnrtiniSpaghetll good by or a frowtht manufacturer n APPLE FIE