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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1971, p. 14

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Newspapers Company limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publlihar THURSDAY APRIL EDITORIAL COMMENT Honour and Cash A cash increase salary vol by county council to the warden is on more nail in the coffin erf honour versus cash for public service The position traditionally for a one term period only is one to which all municipal politicians aspire Just as it is a Irfetime honour to have served a municipal mayor or reeve it Is just so much more so to join the ranks of county wardens A salary plus the or more which a municipal reeve is paid for his localized duties now makes it one of the most attractive plums available in the county ff one accepts this new concept of executive pay for the position there must also be a change if outlook is the public Is to get anywhere near its worth Some of the People two movies drawing crowds are a criterion then either an old adage has changed or people drastically low ered their idea of what they consider good entertainment You can fool some of the people some of and you can fool some of the people all of the lime but you con fool all of the people all of the time has been a popular saying Hollywood ha belied this with two movies on which we wasted our money and time Most disappointing was MASH touted by movie critics as a superior production If the amateurish heavyhanded satire in this is indicative of what movie makers end critics thmk the public wants and if the public happily shells Presently a warden must win a local municipal election to become a municipal reeve He must then Ockey for the top county post when this Is decided at the start of a new council term And no matter how good a he does he has two hurdles future if he is to continue in office He must first win local election And he must overcome the tradition of passing the wardens position around from polity to municipality A county position is one which should be held by the best qua man and retained for a much Ion ger period than one term if a man is giving us value for our money If the salary now implies the wardenship is to be a full time job it should be vied for on a countyelected basis out to sit through it without protests were gelling what we deserve We en dured half an hour or so then departed chalking our up to experience Owl and the Pussycat was another bog Here there was no pretention of art It was an out attempt to lure patrons with sensationalism R diculously overacted by Barbra it mclud everything vulgar even the famous word she passed on to Canada prime minister Our movie foray was not altogether lost A third Lovers and Other Strang proved that an adult movie could be produced and acted with good taste But sadly we viewed it in a half empty the while we stood in line for the trash And it me want to throw up every St Pot a Day when a Jewish comedian start tossing around tho a or an Italian tenor all misty eyed warbles When Irish Eyes Are Smiling i as incongruous at a Con seventh generation ted Empire Loyalist making a big about St Day or or Bud dhas birthday Each own and rive la difference See how the month of March gels me worked Other months rhyme with something pleasant June with moon and HUNGRY HOLLOW March Gets Smileys Goat One last boot In behind You guessed It night on or March and then let ui leave nose the March he It and the whole perishing win was filled lull of cold steel Not Maybe Up Maybe Down A property reassessment currently in progress in Halton County will stand a tax system which has grown over me years in a rather helter skelter manner to the advantage of some and disadvantage erf others Properties are being assessed market value At present each has Its own system using varying percentag es of market value with an equalization attempted at county headquarters an effort to put oil county residents on tthe same basis It will be a long procedure and new system will not effect before at the earliest In Georgetown where assessment has been no more than fifty percent of market value there be sharp rise in assessed value Whether this will mean taxes is another matter i increase In comparisons it will depend on whether your home is ently assessed on a lower basis than others of equal value Collectively if Georgetown is im properly assessed compared with other Ontario municipalities it could mean a difference in government grants one way or another to the detriment or ben of the local fax rate the long run MAIL BAG LETTERS MUST INCLUDE NAME The Herald Mail Bag column could be even bigger if thosa submitting letters would rem ember that name and address must be used with any letter printed Several received in the past few weeks have been unsigned THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE or the writer has only given name with no street address If Martha Lucas for one will submit on address we will bo pleased to include her i a future issue The editor course reserve the right to edit or omit any libelous or not in good Caste FOR SNOW REMOVAL ACTON Acton paid for snow removal during the three month period when snow fell deep and often The figure includes 000 for labour and 10 for trucks to haul the snow way The figures do not include toe cost of sand oil and gas MORE INDEPENDENCE FOR DEAF MILTON In an effort to put more responsibility on the boulders of the young adult students a Mature Students in Residence plan has been Introduced at Ontario School for the Deaf The new program was designed to give students of IS years of age more Independence and responsibility relieving staff of some of toe pressures TWO CENTS PER TON GRAVEL LEVY CALEDON A resolution requesting county council sup port In Caledon townships efforts to assess a levy of two cents a ton an gravel hauled out of township pits was endorsed by Peels General No committee The recommendation will be forwarded to county council The money will be used to rehabilitate the old pits reforest them and also maintain roads leading to the pits now in operation TALLEST DOWNTOWN BUILDING Construction started last week on the tallest building In downtown Guelpb The real estate building will be a storey complex stores and offices on the lint two floors and apartments on the remaining The target com date la October ENCOURAGING PIGEONS TO TRAVEL BRAMPTON Brampton a pigeons will be picking up and beading out for Cblnguacousy or if Mayor James Arcbdekin and his council nave their way Mayor Archdekio bat asked for to allow the engineering department to buy bird repellant to chase the pesky pigeons off root and window sill of municipal buildings Fire departments have promised to aid the project by offering aerial ladders TO BECOME CITY council last week failed to respond to a that It ask the Ontario government to not status to this lskeshora town Councillor Richard Day opt out of Halton County In favour of city The suggestion came during a on bow to gain Mded voting power on county DID YOU KNOWT Dramatis are per sons or characters of a drama he missed the message ter that hat embattled land this year and mote on to higher thoughts March is known for very lit tie beyond everyone the last worst bout of flu for the However we 11 give It Its due One of Its oldest associates with Julius Wealthy dictator of Rome outs tan general and well on his way to becoming the first emperor of the mighty Roman Empire was a victim of March Big Julie was taking In procession during the Feast Lu per en I which is neither here nor there As the parade wended its way to wherever it was going through the terrible traffic of Rome which fa still terrible a seer this is usually a chap who can t sec except into the future stepped front of Coesar chariot This Is a custom I understand that Is faithfully followed by pedes in Rome to this day Anyway the old nut croaked In sepalcboral tones Beware the Ides of March Now those days the Ides of March meant the fifteenth of March This was Just a few days away And when a seer tells yon to beware better be wary Those seers don mean yon re going to wake up on the day with a hangover or even worse a bang nail Unfortunately Julius bit deaf in one ear also had his annual March cold and was coughing so loudly he have heard the lost trump So by student activists or block militants but by trusted oar beloved fellow members of the Roman Senate It should perhaps be pointed it that tho Raman Senate differed In same respects from the Canadian Senate In those days senators wcro not just old politicians put out to pos ture or party bag men Some of them were under forty and they all knew how handle That sort of thlag Co old 1 happen In the Canadian Senate The worst that could occur would be over a or being run over by a wheelchair or bludgeoned to death by speech However that is all the saing goes ancient history The only lesson to be learned from ft is when you hear sneer Especially in Ides of Another event for which March Is reasonably well known Is St Patricks Day the Perhaps reasonably Is not the word here since it Is a eel of one of the patron saints Ireland the other Is King and who ever met reasonable Irishman I almost pure Irish both Bides But let them keep precious saints both Pot nek and Billy In Ireland where the bog ratters can bash each other brains in their favour sport Must say makes my blood run a bit cold though when some Canadian with eight drops of Irish blood In him decks out In a green tie and a shamrock and gets Into that Top the morn In routine THE MAIL HAG WANTS CLEANUP FOR UNTIDY VACANT LOTS 149 Gentlemen Enclosed please find a copy of a letter Kent to the Mayor In connection wjth the Vacant Lots in the Mountainvlcw South and Delrcx area We would appreciate It If you would included this In your Let tcrs To the Thank you Mr Smith Mayor Town or Georgetown Dear Sir We would like to see some thing done with the vacant lots on the corners of Road South and especially now that our now road is to be built In the past two years these lots have been used for ulating garbage various other debris well causing a tremendous amount of Oust to homeowners living around this The vacant lots also very unattractive and definite depreciation to home if selling It would only seem reasonable and logical that something be done with the lots BErORK curbs roads put in We would therefore suggest that you contact the this property brining to their attention our complaints and request them to Build Homes on these lots or Sod the vacant lots Yours truly Mrs J TURNING BACK TIME DRUMMERS DID THEIR THING ON DIRT ROAD MAIN STREET of the historical pictures of the downtown area in existence were token during annual Drummers Snack a parade and picnic staged by the or travelling salesmen dirt rond In tills one showing Main South swoon July with fly to Eur- ope or somewhere September with remember But March goes with such delightful conno tations as starch and arch fas in fallen The only other thing for which March noted Is the vernal equinox the the day of spring ha Ver nal suggests green Take a look out white or mod brown Equinox Is from the La tin horse night Spell nightmare March right Adieux farewell ersehn and March May you rot in July ECHOES Construction of a square foot addition to plant leased by Standard Products on Guelph Street will be completed by midsummer and the present employment of about men and women is expec ted to double by the end of the year hardt factory manager said today Georgetown High School will become departmentali ze next At meeting of the Georgetown and District High School Board Monday a list of proposed heads of departments and acting heads was submitted by principal J Lambert and unanimously approved School enrolment and the volume of teaching periods necessitated the change to departments Two brothers sailed for Korea with Spe cial Fo last week They are Ron and Allan Ed munds sons of Mr and Mrs George Edmunds of Georgetown They are members of the Royal Canadian Regiment Mike son of end Mrs Mike of town is also a member of the group 1941 Two years ago last summer when Mr and Mrs Fred Laws were returning to Georgetown aboard the Auren a from a visit in England they dropped a bot tle overboard containing their names and address Last week Mrs Laws received a letter with a Danish postmark It was from a year old boy named Smith Vang who had found the bottle on a beach near Vestmanhaven the Faroe Isles The islands belong to the Kingdom of Denmark and he in the northern Atlantic BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wallace Thompson 3rd Small Claims Court County of Halton Clerk a Commistloner 877 LC Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Gtorvatown Residence CARR CLIPSHAM Limited Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Consultants Georgetown OPTOMETRIST Brown MAIN ST Suit For Appointments phone Picas present Hearth Insurance Card OPTOMETRIST R Hamilton South Building For Appointment Please present Health Insurance Card G O BARTON Dispensing Optician Main street Sooth EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Fast Repairs For Information PHONE t NO SPRING YET No matter how much one loves Conadlan winters comes a time when we yearn for spring this year Its a late late one Even a hint of a sunny warm day and everyone begin to boom Then pow mora snow- fiokes And Its April today Income Tax Return BOOKKEEPING SERVICES call KENNETH BURGESS Associate Tax Consultants BARRAGERS CLEANERS Shirt Main St S 166 Free Pickup and Delivery AH work done on premises CHIROPRACTOR Corbett DC Mill Street Georgetown For phone Evans Chiropractic Clinic Street or By Appointment CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC professional Carpet and Gleaning In Your Home or in our Modern Plant Free Pfckup and Delivery CARPET CLINIC 4594140 MONUMENTS POLLOCK DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery Water Street North Service Centre JOHN BOUGHTON wmhMitm It TO

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