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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1971, p. 3

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AND MRS HENRY HILTS Golden Wedding Anniversary Party in Ballinafad Hall On Saturday March rel Uvea neighbours and friends called at Ity Centre to congratulate Mr and Mis Henry Hilts They were celebrating their wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Hilts farmed at the Hilts homestead Lot Concession In for years following their marri at which Rev officiated Mr Hilts was bora on the farm his wife Vi was bom at Lot Con cession They are enjoying good health and now live at 153 Main Street North in Georgetown They have two daughters Muriel end THREE TIER CAKE still attend Ballinafad United Church where Mr Hills has served as an elder The C catered for the after noon and evening reception A beautifully decorated 3- tier wedding cake mode by Mrs Norman Lounds Georgetown centred the tea table Pouring tea were Mrs Hilts sister Mrs Robert 1 her sister In law Mrs Archie Acton Mr Hilts sister Miss Beatrice of Georgetown who Is years of age Mrs Annie Van- natter Georgetown Mrs Rich Ballinafad Mrs Jean Preston Toronto and Mrs John Cole NIECES WAITRESSES Waitresses were all nieces Mrs White Erin Mrs Peter Binnie and Miss Sandra Acton Mrs Ron Mrs Marguerite Robinson and Mrs Roy Warne Guelph Mrs Brian Evans Limehouse and Mrs William Bell Owen Sound Mrs Russell Taylor Toronto and Mrs Kay Glen Williams welcomed friends and were In charge of the guest book CARD FROM The couple received many cards gifts and flowers telegram was received from Prime Minister a pla que from the Ontario govern and letters of congratula tlons from Jim Snow Helton East and Whiting MP THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY APRIL 1st PAGE Lumber Firm Employee Here And in Milton A Ballinafad native and form Georgetown resident Wil liam Henry Cote died In Milton hospital on March He was Son of Levi and Sarah Collier Cole he attended Blue Mount school and following his marriage in to Bessie they formed or family farm for four years Moving to Georgetown he worked at the Feed Mill then Joined his brother inlaw Howard Kentner as an em ployco of the Georgetown Lum ber Company In 1M0 he to Hon and worked at the Milton Lumber Company which Mr had acquired Ho was a member of the ted Church He leaves his wife a son Ver nan of Guelph and daughters Mrs Buss oil Arnold Jean and Mrs Wilfred Moskoll Bet ty of Milton and five grand sons He was predeceased by a Florence Mrs Howard Rev Charles conduct ed the funeral service at the McKcrsle Funeral Home Mil ten and Interment was in Ever green Cemetery Milton Pall bearers were Jack Bailey and Claude Kentner Georgetown Melvln Hood and Wayne Arn old Milton David Cole Kitch David Noble Guelph COUNCIL BRIEFS Esqucslng employees with years or more scrvlco will be entitled to five weeks vacation with pay according to a motion passed Monday night Esques ins council At the same meeting they Approved tho construction of ft housekeeping units as summer cottages at tho ralnlon Youth tamp Heard that protection would be installed at the Lino crossing east of Authorized tho payment of to the Ontario hydro for the installation of five street lights in Approved the payment of to IBM lax billing MILK UEAT rtCDADTUCMT FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT LUCAS ARTHUR BACON PIECES lb 25 PRODUCE DEPT CANADA MclNTOSH APPLES lb Tray 49 CAN NO 1 PCI POTATOES 10lb bio SPECIALS ON SALE APRIL 1st to 3rd Fresh Meat MOORE PARK SHOULDER OF PORK ROASTS Butt Pork 45 LEAN MINCED CHUCK 65 HOLLANDIA COOKIES SUGAR SHORTBREAD DUTCH SPRITS COCO I 00 SILVERWOODS CREAMERY s WW BUTTER MACS Cheese Slices pfcfl Nippy 29 MACS GARBAGE BAGS 10s Rag MACS Liquid Detergent Hag MACS Vegetable OIL Rag 53 MACS GRADE A URGE EGGS 35 STORE CLOSING BYLAW 7131 The Corporation of the Town of Georgetown BY LAW NO A Bylaw to far the early closing of shops la the of Georgetown WHEREAS By law No was enacted by Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Georgetown to pro vide or the early doting certain classes of shops AND WHEREAS Council now deems it expedient and neces sary to make certain change in the provision aforesaid and to that en have dedded to re peal said By Low No 18 AND WHEREAS by virtue Section 779a of The Municipal Act I960 Chapter amended the Council of a municipality may provide for the early closing all or any class or classes of shops within the municipality AND WHEREAS Council con siders desirable that a new by law be passed requiring cer tain classes of shops within the Town of Georgetown to close and remain closed as herein after provided AND WHEREAS it Is the de clared intention of Council that any section or part of a sec tion of this by law which may subsequently be held to be Ille gal shall be severable from the remainder of the bylaw and shall not be deemed have persuaded or Influenced the Council to pass the remain der of the bylaw NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GEORGETOWN EN ACTS AS FOLLOWS The provisions of this by law shall not apply to the fol lowing classes of shops Ganges Restaurants Coal Lumber Dealers Drag Stores e CenfeeHonery Shops and Delicatessens I Dealers g Automotrre Retail and Sent Centres Barber Shops and Beauty Parlours MUk Stores For the purposes of this bylaw the words closed and shop shall have the same meaning as those words bear In Section of The Municipal Act Chapter as amended 3 For the purposes of this by law the word holiday means and the word holidays f cludes a b New Years Day c Good Friday d Victoria Day Dominion Day I The first Monday in the month of August g Labour Day b Christmas Day Any day appointed by the proclamation the nor General Canada the Lieutenant Garernor of the Province of Ontario a holiday for the of Ontario Every shop as defined by section 379al of The Municipal Act Chapter 219 as amended subject to paragraph one In the Town of Georgetown shall be and remain closed on Mon days Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays from a clock in the afternoon to S00 clock in the forenoon of the next following day and on Saturdays from clock in the afternoon to clock in the forenoon of the neat follow ing Monday Subject to Paragraph One this Bylaw all shops shall be closed holidays So long as the time com monly observed In the Town of Georgetown is one boar In advance of standard time the times mentioned in tint bylaw shall be reckoned in accord ance with the time so common ly observed and not In accord ance with standard time Any person convicted of a breach of any provisions of this bylaw shall be liable to a flue of not mere than Five Thousand tS0O0 Dollars ex- elusive of costs for each of fence and in default of pay ment to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year 8 Upon this bylaw coming Into force By Iowb No IB and 71 be and they are here by repealed In their entirety This bylaw comes into fore and effect on the day of April 1971 and the Clark of The Corporation of the Town of Georgetown shall cause a copy hereof to be pub lished before the said date in the Georgetown Herald newspaper having general cotaUoD in the Town of George town BYLAW read a and sec ond time this day of March Morrow Acting Mayor J A BYLAW read a third time and finally passed this of March Morrow Acting Mayor J A Shrubsole TONE DOWN MINIBIKE BYLAW A recreation rec ommendation to council ban ning trail bikes done buggies etc tram parks was toned dawn at meeting Thursday The proposed bylaw now reads an bikes trail bikes boggles etc wlU be banned from parks except where other wise Indicated Recreation Director Dong CollUoa reported mini bikes had been running around the soccer fields ajt with youngsters driving them Be stated S30M had been spent the soccer Held the bikes would ruin it See Our Demonstration Of OLD MASTER ANTIQUING And Our Display of The LATEST WALLPAPER PATTERNS AT THE MINI HOME SHOW THURSDAY AND FRIDAY In and 2nd Georgetown Decorating Centre Finest In Paint and Wallpaper BIG EASTER SAVINGS FROM PEPSICOLA Pepsi Cola Diet Pepsi Teem Mountain Dew oz Returnable Bottles FOR or Returnable Bottles FOR Look for special displays your store Pepsfc got a lot to give This offer expiring April 1 Is only In by Kitchener Beverages Company 310 Fairway toad KHthener 55 pine Deposit J

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