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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1971, p. 14

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Newspabars Company llmllad Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C THURSDAY MAY 1971 OPINIONS OF OTHERS Let them Swerve Help Wanted columns these- days reveal that even in office work many employers are looking for someone who is aggressive Students seeking sum mer Jobs may be misled by this em phasis on aggression The world al ready has more aggression than it needs ft would welcome a little more service for a change Too often in de partment stores you either serve your self or are ignored while clerks busily discuss personal affairs Is fare to find a dark really interested in giving the customers service The same atti tude prevails In many offices Few seem willing to serve any more as if serve and were synonymous Jobseeking students can make up for lack of experience by being very willing to serve and thus make a wel come addition to our workaday world it may be that menial work is avail able regardless of the applicants edu cational qualifications Work such as sweeping floors cut ting lawns delivering groceries or put ting out the garbage of some business concern may seem a waste of ones tal ents But floors need to be swept and garbage needs to be put out and this is part of the worlds work There is sat isfaction fulfilling a useful to a satisfaction those who ex ploit society aggressively never know The greatest men in history have been those who were the most humble and willing to serve mankind Unrted Church of Canada The Big Names in Drugs Havent Come Yet But The big names in the drug world heroin morphine and opium have strange effects on people Theyre expensive and selfgratifying so that an opium addict for example needs food water or sleep all he needs is opium They have another strange effect too will turn a drug libera a savage reactionary as fast as the mention of these killers the hard drugs There have been rare instances in Brampton of morphine showing up in police reports of arrests but so far to our knowledge heroin is en unknown quantity on the local drug market A year ago when New York police were discovering 10 and 11yearold heroin addicts all over the place there was a prediction to the effect that heroin would make it to the urbanized centres by summer 1971 Well Ifs almost summer 1971 and no sigrl of heroin on hori zon somebody better be preying bard that ifs been delayed at customs be cause youd better bet that and when it gets here well know it Compared to heroin marijuana and hashish ere like cough syrup Heroin is a born killer Morphine gets by as a pain killer In hospitals but there Is no earthly use for drug as powerful as heroin The ROMP and local police depart ments are as aware of the horrors as anyone can be theyve been on the alert since last year when the epidemic of hard drug use was being spread across United States But judging from predictable re actions it wont do anybody a lot of good without some help from the out side An Interesting example of this was evident In a case of drug trafficking hoard in court here recently Judge John dismissed a charge of traffic king with following A 15yearold gfrl has Just stated she picked up some hashish in a school lunch room You can pick up these kids and they cover up The police get a statement from them end there Is not much more they cart do Id like to to the kids here in this court that the police are power less in things like this Theres so little they and the courts can do Its up to you kids We cant protect you against things like drugs up to you Will Judge have to make the same speech for his first case of heroin trafficking Brampton Dally Times IN THE MAIL BAG Disagreement No Reason For Saying Wont Vote House of Commons writer stating that I or the Ottawa Ontario party I represent will not re ceive the writers support If the legislation he opposes be comes law This to me neg ates the reasoning In tbe letter and fear becomes the motivat ing factor This goes my conscience as a representa- Mr Larry CI glen Drive Georgetown Ontario Dear Mr I have your letter of March llth 1971 outlining six reasons why you feel the proposal of live of the People Indeed there changes to the Unemployment Insurance Act to Include teach ers would be a gross Injustice I am always sorry to receive a letter which ends with the is no legislation passed that has the approval of every Individu al and if everyone took the stand that they would not vote in the manner you outline then ECHOES last evening he arrangements were for the grand opening of Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital on June While arrange ments have been made for the actual opening on the Saturday afternoon at 130 pm There will be op- to see through the new building at various other times over the weekend The Hon Matthew Dymond will be present for the A salary boost for the mayor and Increased council meeting fees for councillors were made at Mon days council meeting By unanimous vote council up- pod the mayors salary to And on a recorded vote a majorlly carried the increase to pei meeting from the previous Reeve Sargent and Deputy Reeve Elliott voted against the motion One of Main Streets best known businesses changed hands Enrico Caruso of Brampton took over ownership of Llcelas fruit market Monday morn ing The business will be known from now on as Caru sos Fruit Market Mr Llcala took over the business in from hfs brotherinlaw Tony Restive A local knitting company Is erecting a new business building In Georgetown Wilfrid Lavoie Sonhave started work on a one storey factory on the west side of highway just over the White Bridge Il will give the company about feet of floor space Mr and his son Jack opened their knitting company hot seven years ago a building on Water Street who would vote for who and what would happen to respon sible Government True the elected member of the Government must be con cerned with the will of the peo ple and must act accordingly have therefore read and consid ered the points you brought out with extreme care I would like to ask you to reread your first point made in your letter wherein you soy that there Is no such person as an teacher I do not think that many would agree with this statement One only has to rend the newspaper reports now appearing on this very point You that the new Law would bo a grave social injust ice On the contrary It Is de signed to make scheme more just by including virtually all employed persons making ho Bill universal in its concept I have had over two hundred communications from teachers but I cannot answer them all individually I have sent to all them a covering letter which is enclosed for your information and I also enclose herewith the basic material on the proposed changes I hope you will read this In formation Yours sincerely Hud Whiting MP THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE STAMP DESIGN Giving as Bad as Hearing Last week I mentioned mak ing a speech to the Vlmy Branch Canadian Legion and what treat it was to be able to get up and talk about the stupidity of senior officers Normally I loathe masdej speeches almost as much as I detest listening to them As a former weekly reporter- editor a cold wet grey blanket comes down over my spirit at the fateful words And i give our guest speaker Thats the signal Berne guest speakers yes couldnt ghre la starving group of can meals- I have been given dunder heads and dolts politicians and poltroons pipsqueaks peda gogues and presidents farmers and philosophers Nat once have I been Inspired uplifted or convinced On very few occasions nave been mild ly amused although never by professional tits who always seem so In tent on keeping their tongues la their cheeks that yen begin to that somewhere the pro- they have bitten them off Thats the receiving end The delivering end is Just as bod It follows a fairly pat for mat You are called up or writ ten to by the secretary of soma which youve never beard of and told theyd like to have yea guest speaker at some function you have no Int erest In at seme place you have no Idea bow to get to This is the moment to say loud and clear Thank you I am deeply honoured but J cant possibly make it Any waver ing and youre In trouble The professional guest spea ker and there are a few about chooses that moment to lay down cards Be says Well might be able to fit that In on that date but III have to nit my calendar which blank for weeks Be back Yes I make It My let pi Fit This produces an agonised pause if youre on the phone Then comes a plaintive On Yes- Well lib you know were a nonprofit and we dont have much money and we thought youd Just come along and give a little talk You know Just any thing bow would expen ses be And in burst of en thusiasm And bring your wife along- her dinner would be free of course Toll Is always what with me A lastminute tan- tattoo for my wife And a free dinner for her Big deal Some people to apeak To anybody They have one speech which theyve memor ized They have two Jokes in variably Inserted the pre fix That reminds me of a lit tle story It didnt and the story has nothing to do with anything But for half an Lord fedpna for IN THE MAIL BAG Say Thanks Dear Sir On behalf of the Georgetown I would like to you for the privilege of having our news and articles published in the Georgetown Herald throughout the season We feel it Is very important to keep your readers in touch with what our young girls are doing In our community The ability to do this through your newspaper has truly been one of our many blessings this season Once again thank you very much Urn Kroezen Counsellor on behalf of tho Georgetown minutes these speakers are the cynosure of all eyes except those which are closed In slum ber And every ear Is attuned to them Except those with the bearing aids turned off They basic It Is nectar and ambrosia to them even though It may be lukewarm coffee and cold por ridge to their listeners Good luck to them For me s torment Its like a Satur day night bath whether you need ft or not Im proving something to myself This time It was different Vlmy Branch is way like it They meet only twice a year for a real smash They no club room no flap no Batterings about At tbe setting of the tarn we snail remember them Instead they have their own band which smashes ant the tunes glory at a volume that Is exceeded by their and skQL The chaps took the insults well Their hospitality was gra cious unobtrusive and gener ous a hotel room a cheque for expenses and a crock of my choice My wife was not thrown In as an afterthought Maybe Ill make anoth speech In a couple of years NO STANDING NO LOITERING IN THIS AREA J ITS YOUR MAIL BAG The Georgetown Herald invites readers to submit letters to the editor for publication in its In the Mail Bag column While we dont limit the length of the letters we ask the writers to keep In mind the shorter their letter the higher tbe readership it is likely to receive All letters must bear strong opinion on something like tbe sign above for Its Your Moll Bag IN THE MAIL BAG Urgent Need For Food For Hungry Tribe Georgetown Mr Editor Im hungry mommy How of ten have your children come up and said that to You give them a cookie or a sandwich to tide them over until supper But what about the Indian mo ther who has nothing to give her child to eat and tbe baby that cries for a nice warm bot tle of milk to drink There are three hundred Indians ear own Canadian Indians who need some food badly Dont you think its about time we start ed helping our own Aid to foreign countries like and the Miles for Mil lions Walk are fine but charity begins at home After who were the first people to live In Canada The Indians are receiving some dona tions here In Georgetown but not nearly as much as we need Food donations are scarce ex cept for soma of our grocery stores that came through Some or you out there may have some ideas on how to raise money to buy the food these people need so badly Wouldnt you sleep better to night if you knew you bad help ed to fill a hungry childs tum my Please people help me do something about the terrible situation these Indians are in I have heard from some of the ladles organisations Now what is wrong with you men out there We need your support too Please phone me at Im running out of ideas I need some fresh ones Wont you give a littlo of your time to help a fellow human being Lets make this our community project Thank you Yours very truly Gloria Warren BIO TALKATHON MAY II MILTON The annual sponsored by the Association for the Hearing Handicapped will benefit from a 32mile out of Milton May IS Walkera will bead north for Acton at The route conthiuea through Georgetown and Hornby and back to Milton LARGE BARN FURNITURE RAZED BURLINGTON Fire of unknown origin rampaged through a large born on Four Slderoad in north Burlington last week It also burned off largo areas of grass The Barn owned by John of Toronto contained an estimated worth of furniture plumbing equipment door and window frames and other utilities There was no Insurance on furniture or KILLING CHARGES SOON BRONTE A witness has come forward with Information con cerning the illegal shooting of a Canada Goose In tbe Bronte harbour area and its expected charges will be laid soon Reward money totalling has been offered for Information The goose was found dead on a jetty It is believed ft was one of a pair which would have been the first to nest In a sanctuary created especially for Canada geese JOINT POLICE STEP NEARER BRAMPTON Brampton and Chlnguacousy councils agreed last week to Instruct their staffs to study coats and effect of amalgamation of their police forces as recommended in an Ontario Police Commission survey The survey conduct ed at the request of both council LACK PRINCIPALS GO ERIN A decision of the Wellington County Board of Educa tion has aroused the indignation and anger of the residents of Erin In a 7 vote members of tbe board passed a motion that Lome Brown principal of Erin Union Public School and Mr Sullivan of Drayton be relieved of their positions as prin cipals of their schools because they tack their BA degree IMPROVEMENTS TO RECREATION PARK The Grand River Conservation Authority is planning extensive improvements to tbe conservation parks in the area and has set aside for work on the Conservation Area on Highway 7 Most of it will be used to divert a township rood which now runs through park TYLER CITIZEN OF YEAR ACTON Ted Tyler was officially proclaimed citizen of the year and Ron McKnlgfat received a pedal mention to standing ovations at the Acton Chamber of Commerce annual dinner recently Mayor Duby read a citation to his long time associate and Mrs Roy Goodwin presented red roses to Mrs Tyler WILL BUILD SPEED RIVER DAM GUELPH It appears that grant from the province will make possible a start on land acquisition and engineering for the Guelph dam across the Speed River The dam was designated as high priority project among proposed dams In the Grand River Watershed BUSINESS DIRECTORY Income Tax Return SERVICES all KBNNBTH BURGESS of Associate Tax Consultants BARRAGERS CLEANERS Shirt I I IS Main St S j Pickup and Delivory All work done on premises I CHIROPRACTOR CorbettDC Mill Street Georgetown For Appointment PHONE MERCURY BOOK NOW AVAILABLE Fishermen About Mercury In Fish a new la page booklet giving concise nontechnical an swers to frequently asked ques tions about this currently im portant subject may be obtain ed from lands and forests office Evans Chiropractic 1 Guelph Street or By Appointment CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Upholstery in Your Home or in our Modem Plant Free Pickup and CARPET CLINIC MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMP0BLL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work in Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Slreet North A T REPAIR SERVICE BOUGHTON JEWELLERS Certified Main St N Wallace Thompson 3rd Smell Claims Court County of Helton ft CommUsIonar Ontario Surveyor Duncan Drive Residence CARR Enohwtn Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Consultants OPTOMETRIST Brown RO MAIN ST Suit For Health Insurance Card OPTOMETRIST R R Hamilton O Mourdalnvltw South Per Appointment Please present Health Insurance Card Georgetown O R BARTON Dispensing Optician Main Street South EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Fast Repairs For Information PHONE For A The Georgetown Herald

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