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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1971, p. 6

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CHOOSE THE LEADER In Value and Performance JOHN DEERE NO NEW LAWN MOWER EVER HAD A BIGGER NAME TO LIVE UP TO The John Deere on a power mower means Its a good one That the way it been with John Deere arm and industrial equipment more than years Six models or in cut recoil or keyelec tric start push type or self propelled See us about one DON WALK ON THE GRASS Sit on a new John Deere Riding Mower and cut your grass you take a drive John Deere Riding Mowers come in two sizes One has a horsepower engine and takes a 26inch cut The other has a engine and a Both have a doublesale starting system And high flotation tires to reduce turf damage And an adjustable seat Both have a cleancutting close- mm ing mower Yes they have everything including a low price Take a John Deere for a leisurely spin after dinner You 11 clip a half acre lawn before sundown and be back in the garage in no time Your weekend will be free for boat ing loafing or whatever See us soon John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractors ore available in sizes from 7 to horsepower We have a financing plan too Hornby Garage HORNBY 8784790 Institute Will Sponsor Meeting Hear School Brief Women Institute met at tho home of Mrs Lome ve Georgetown on Thursday ev May with Mrs Graydon Chester presiding The roll call Little things that make Ufa beautiful Plans were mado for the trict annual meeting to be held in tho Presbyterian Church in Acton on May Mrs Keith Webb gave a port of tho I conference held in recently at which she was a delegate It was decided to hold an executive meeting on the even ing of May at the home the president to draw up the calendar for tho year was reported that several very pretty cushions had been made with the ones made by Mrs Joe Murray and Mrs Alan Harrop getting special men tion Mrs Don Murray and Mrs an health conveners were In charge of the program Mrs gave the motto Take pains with your meals and you won have after Mrs Murray gave a paper a drugs and the dangers of taking a combination of drugs or our various ailments As a ion all drugs should bo bed by the same doctor and all prescriptions filled by the some druggist as they know what drugs will have bad reactions if taken in the wrong Mrs Howard Chester was auc tioneer for Market Basket sale of various items such as plants baking and miscellaneous art which proved to be San and profitable Mrs Harold Gollop and Mrs R Crawford assisted the hostess In serving lunch During the business It was de cided that tho next meeting will bo tho annual pot luck sup per at the home of Mrs Terry on June 23 This bo fallowed by a public meeting in the village where the committee will present their brief regarding the protest of the proposal to close tho school This very excellent brief which took hours of hard work by the committee was pre sented to Holton School Board on April Duo to the in terest in the community and In the township it was decided that I would sponsor pub- lie meeting for the brief to be presented for interested In hearing it Is cor diallj invited to The place of the meeting has not jet been decided as plans as yet are not completed Watch the coming events column for fur Ihcr details but mark your for Thursday evening June 3 Union Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs Wilfrid on evening May with Mrs Bishop in the chair Assistant hostesses were Mrs Clarence Anderson and Mrs Jack McDonald roll call was a News Items from the Record During the business a collcc tion was taken for tho supply fund Mrs Eric Leslie report of the Presbyterian mini meeting held in Milton which had been held over until this meeting Mrs Herb Dolson and Mm Puckering gavo the devotion al and Mrs VonZubcn gave the dedicatory prayer Mrs Frank gave a summary of the book Imago Impact study and Mrs J Eason closed the meeting with prayer Family Sunday was observed at United Church on Sunday May with tho baptism of two baby girls by Ridley They were Mary Anne daughter Mr and Mrs Ron aid Moffatt and Lynda Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs Keith Preston Also during the service the newly decorated church was re- dedicated New crystal candela bra light fixtures donated and Installed The walls and ceiling were painted a gold col our and tho back wall of choir loft was papered In brown and gold with tha circulatory window closed up and in its place a largo wooden cross The Junior choir sang several special selections and a trio of Christine Donna Bid and Kelly Frost sang Knthy May gave a reading during the service Mrs Ed McLean LETS PLAY BRIDGE BY BILL COATS to a Bucket or Barrel of the best tasting chicken in town The following hand may not be too Instructive but sure was Interesting I don know bow many times I have sat with abundance of aces and kings and failed to take as many tricks as I expected On this hand I held only three points but I took six tricks with three point hand West dealt with neither side vulnerable NORTH C7 WEST EAST SQJ1D9 K ID 8 2 A A J J 3 SOUTH A 5 2 i D K C A The bidding WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Pan Pats 1C INT Pun Pus Past Pan Pais Opening lead Queen of spades With twenty high card points East cannot open any number of no trumps so one club is the best bid South with points decided to one trump This shows a balanced hand with IB to IB points which Is exactly what he held West and forth naturally pass and East to reopen with a double South passed and it was up to West DECIDES TO PASS Although I hat a a many points as I would like to have hod I decided to pass 1 rather liked my spade suit as lead against no trump North could do little but pass I led spade queen East unblocked the king and declarer von Declarer decided to throw me back in with a spade so 1 vould to lead up to hand later After winning three tricks while dummy carded a heart and East dis carded wo diamonds I led a low heart East played the queen and declarer won the trick GOOD STORY At this point declarer should lead a high diamond but that make my story as in Declarer actually led the club nine I played tho club ten and won my fourth trick I led another low heart and part ner won with the ace Back a heart and I took my fifth and sixth tricks with the ten and eight of hearts had discarded a heart from dummy earlier Unfortunately I was convinc ed that South held a club ten either ace queen or king jack so I returned a diamond East won this trick but declarer won tho balance However down two doubled was good for a top board With my three high card points I took six tricks while my partner with twenty high card points could only take her two Acton Bridge Monday re sults 1st Cam Sinclair 2nd Gloria Coats Merle Harris 3rd Helen Hyde Ivan Harris Accessories for Home Project of Girls The Summary Day for the Home Economics pro for the Homo held Tuesday at program ihlch was presented the five participating groups CnmpbelMHe Norval and Scotch Block Webb of Campbellvllle was chairman for the afternoon Badges were presented to tho local leaders In recognition of the time and effort they hod put into the successful completion of the course in their leaders were Mrs W Webb and Mrs Cramp of CamphellvlHc Mrs G of Mrs H Chester and Mrs Murray of Mrs and Mrs Anderson of Georgetown and Mrs C and Mrs Robertson of Milton IMPORTANT ACCESSORIES To review some of the Infer covered In the project Norval and dem onstrated arrangements of ac cessories on a book and on a table respectively showed samples of carpet dra peries and upholstery which mode an attractive colour scheme for a living room Silvcrwood group which was composed of members from and Ball inn fad also displayed several hand hooked rugs Their leader Mrs And discussed importance of as accessories Camp- members spelled out the word accessories with about tho principles and elements of design Each of the five groups also set up a display of decorator cushions which they had made for their homes COLOUR SCHEMES Miss Jean Armour Home Furnishings Specialist for the Home Economics Branch of the Ontario Department of and Food attended the Summary Day program She had conducted the Training School for leaders In Milton lost March showed a number of slides which ted popular colour schemes and home accessories for the 1970s Mrs Dorccn Bannister Home Economist for Halton and Peel Counties was in charge of or rangements for Summary Day Other courses available from the Home Economics Branch include Ontario Fruit Batik and The Knack of Sewing with Knits DRAPER DOBIE CO LTD MEMBERS T TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Your Nirett Branih Brampton Brampton or Ma I ton and Toronto Fast accurate quotations and service on any exchange Visit our modern office if you can However you can open an account by telephone SUCCESSFUL INVESTORS AND TRADERS KNOW DRAPER B Thornton E Bntty NEWS The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was administered at the Mother Day Service May at Union Presbyterian Church Julie Ellen Anderson tor of Mr Mrs David An derson and Robert Henry son it Mr Mrs Robert Rosle by the Rev Howard Smith minister Special music for the occasion was rendered by Mr Alan Mc Queen who sang Let There Be Peace and How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Pete Mtrs Georgetown Lions PRESENT THEIR Bavarian Beer Garden THE RETURN OF HANS WAGNER to to 30 BOB AND COREY to am GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL ARENA Saturday June 5th Whats new under the sun for You 11 reap twice the harvest with only half the work when you own an ROTARY GARDEN TILLER It s EASY It FUN It s REWARDING all steel tines till deep up to 3G wide clutch heavy duty tires adjustable handlebars tilling depth control bar reverse 3 HP HP H H P Jet Rocket models TAKES THE TOIL OUT Of TILLING UNITED CO OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO MILTON GEORGETOWN VACATION AT HOME IN YOUR OWN BY ACADIAN Haughs Oval Above ground pool 48 to depth Acadian white heavy gauge vinyl liner 2 inch blue frame US kalians 1G rapid sand filter filter media kit filter cane Jaccuzzi kit ladder and vacuum kit MODEL COMPLETE Laguna Backyard Oval ground pool by deep Heavy gauge vinyl liner top roll with blue frame Jaccuzzi rapid sand filter filter media kit HI kit Tad and vacuum kit Circular Above ground pool Redwood heavy gauge liner Red wood frame to depth 14 gallons IS rapid sand filter media kit filter cane kit ladder and vacuum kit MODEL Q7S0 COMPLETE Silverline Redwood Oval Houghs above ground model x to deep gauge vinyl liner whitcwall Red wood frame US gallons Jaccuzzi 16 rapid sand filler filter media kit filter cane main- liner kit ladder and vacuum kit MODEL COMPLETE InGround Aluminum Wall Pools with vinyl liner size mil liner Jaccuzzi filtration system stainless steel ladder vacuum kit main drain return lines and auto matic skimmer Basic price includes excavation haulage grading plumb ing electrical and building permit Same poo site 32 Extra Large Above Ground Pools IS to depth heavy gouge liner white wall Redwood frame gallons IB rapid sand filler filter media kit lifeguard maintenance kit ladder and vacuum kit or yon can purchase kit for do It yours ell with complete Instructions NEPTUNE MANY OTHER SIZES GALVANIZED STEEL POOL KITS AND MODELS TO I CHOOSE PROM 14 FINANCING AT BANK RATES We feature a fun lloe of Pool Accessories Chemicals replacement parts etc for burned ate delivery HOURS Open dally I pm Friday night til Cull ANYTIME INSTALLED PRICES Available on request SEE OUR OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SHOWROOM ACADIAN SWIMMING POOL SERVICE MOUNTAMVIEW

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