THURSDAY MAT 13th THE GEORGETOWN HERALD PAGE CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS words SI SO Extra words Sc Each CLASSIFIED DISPLAY per column inch plus Cor each poetry CARDS OF THANKS words additional words 5c each ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES SAVE ON BEAVER STARTER HOMES PRICED FROM Split level two storey and ranch type homes BEAVER LUMBER FREE BROCHURE TEAKWOOD Living Dining Bedroom direct from Importers warehouse Open to 14541388 Clausen Ltd Highway Mat of 5th Line Bramalea 2 miles east of Dixie ltd Strawberry Plants Most varieties available A CROSS Leather Goods BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Vesta Bella Purses Boards Custom made Articles dry Just north Micro Plasties Acton USED TV SETS Completely starting at WIGO TV ft APPLIANCES 32 Main Straw North 8773376 ti GUELPH ROAD MARINE GUELPR STREET Chrysler Boats Motors Sailboats Service and Repairs Open am Saturday till FLOWERS FOR YOUR WEDDING CALLUS Glen Valley Florists 11 Credit Street Glen Williams PHILISHAVE REPAIRS Expert Service at TV A APPLIANCES 8770376 32 Main Street North PICNIC TABLES Long Cedar just nail top Mat on leg assembly j stained Round Table complete stained no seats 30 Round Cocktail Table SHUTTERS foot Round Porch Porta and Columns MAPLE AVENUE WEST Humberstone Woodworking GARY VAN BOLDEREN Contract Buildings for Farm Industry BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED Broadway St SALE NEW FURNITURE from factory ot you GIANT SAVINGS on brand now WHERE at the SWAP SHOP Qusn Street Wait Bob Phillips HOME OP QUALITY USED CARS GuelphJutt across from 1966 FORD WAGON radio Xttstt CAB AS IS NO PLATES 1964 WAGON I automatic Lie FRUIT TREES DWARF ft SEMIDWARF APPLE AND PEAR PEACH PLUM AND SATURDAY ft SUNDAY ONLY CHUDLEIGHS ON HIGHWAY 8782725 Rent Buy A Hoover Washer Spin Dryer ONLY per week GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE AMI Open for Season Naka Market HOME GROWN Hothouse Tomatoes BOX PLANTS Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Open to 9 pm Days a Week Road West between h ft line 8658136 FOR SALE FOR SALE TOP SOIL for sale wood and coal range white enamel 1 RIDING MOWER and five pow er mowers for solo FIRM LINE massage lounge with vibrator for solo DRESSER 3 drawers and mir ror suitable for cottage SEED POTATOES Carusos Fruit Market Main Street North Open Monday through Saturday BARGAINS In Used Furniture ALUMINUM awnings canopies doors windows also Iron rail ings custom made reasonable suite suite pc walnut dining ro dining Used bedroom suites Kitchen suites Chesterfields Beds Fridges and stoves Washers and dryers etc etc etc THE SWAP SHOP Queen Street Brampton Open to weekdays to Saturdays PRONE Birchway Farms Nursery Garden Centre Goad selection of EVERGREENS TREES ROSES Etc FERTILIZER and INSECTICIDES miles north of Georgetown on Road No 3 Line Open days a week til dark PASSPORTS Advice and assistance with passports of any nationality Complete Travel Service at No Extra Cliaroa to You Barber Henley Insurance A Travel Agency LIMITED Main St S77G214 NOTICE Wo are NOT uat a used furniture dealer We alto aell NEW Good Quality FURNITURE Our low overhead means SAVINGS to you The Swop Shop Queen St West BRAMPTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES Shrubs Evergreen trees Hedge plants Roses Fertiliiers 77 perk up LB weed and feed LB Call GARDEN CENTRE after past Moore Park Open till Dark MAN BICYCLE wheels Raleigh hardly used BELT box bed and mattress girls dresses size 12 BOV S speed Road Racer wheel horn and lights good condition FOR SALE BUNK BEDS 39 wagon wheel coll mattress with posture bed baby carriage all plastic crib with mattress tires used 7419 RUBBER TIRED buggy recon ditioned originally built by Mc Laughlin Carriage Works Nicely upholstered single driving harness Best of fer accepted HORSE MANURE large quan tity free for the taking phone THREE FORMAL dresses two turquoise and one blue after SHUTTERS for solo unpalnted pair after 5 p m AT HOME smalt appliance and vacuum cleaner repair service Free home service Weber Drive GOLF CLUBS MacGregor 2 to 9 irons putter Spalding 1 and woods or best offer KITCHEN CHROME suite woo den kitchen buffet wringer washer with stainless steel tub USED Horse power Ferguson riding tractor and rot ary lawn mower Apply Horn by Garage Hypo Allergenic Cosmetics specially blended for sensitive akin KcmnerB Pharmacy PHILIPS NEW LIFE Hearing Aids 3 types to choose from Supplied and fitted by Kent Pharmacy 2C32 BEDROOM desks also seconds right at the tcry H It Furniture Armstrong Avenue SAVINGS of 25 to 50 Clearing Over 200 Japanese Yew Korean Boxwood FirsCedars Junipers Credit Valley Lawn Tree Service TERRA Weed Pest Control Government Licensed Dutch Landscaping and Nursery BRAMPTON TORONTO G21 Located 1 mile off Road Just West of llultonvllle Public School FURNISHINGS NAYMAR Living Dining Room and Bad room Discount for Cash CALL Chargsx Accepted COOPERATORS Insurance As sociation auto fire family farm liability accident and sickness Charles SOD No Nursery Kentucky Blue Merlon delivered or laid prompt service lowest prices John Hunter Landscap ing Georgetown MAYTAG WASHER 65 West- dryer ft fridge stove alum inum ladder mirror bookcase equipment 7620 FIVE PIECE sectional Living room suite lazy boy chair with ottoman four living room les one pair floor length drapes lined tri lite lamp wool rug with pad TV padded headboard for bed kitchen sink suitable for cottage four Venetian blinds 8774082 after flpm CANOES manufacturing and repairs H ft Whitewater Canoes after JAVELIN VB power brak es and steering radio good running order some body work required 1905 MUSTANG perfect condi tion 289 V8 standard best of fer days 8779027 evenings HELP WANTED FOUR OR FIVE AFTERNOONS a week tor general office duties typing essential Reply stating qualifications to BOX HERALD POLYESTER widetrack tires for sale travelled only 3000 miles 6773448 after 30 pm chest one large Moffat fridge with top freezer good condi tion available June deposit will bold after COFFEE TABLES stop tables book shelves Clearing seconds and discontinued lines Call Deftacrafts Factory River Drive Open Monday to am to COLONIAL STYLE kitchen cupboard unused designed for double sink counter double stainless steel sink C C M low mileage or after BOATS CARS TRUCKS CAMPERS for sole rood- worthy SHETLAND PONY complete bridle saddle and halter Ap ply to Hornby Garage CUSTOM Ford two door cylinder automatic 1300 cus tom radio excellent condition 1967 FIREBIRD automatic power brakes and steering tires for sale motorcycle repairs af ter 7 HEAVY DUTY box trailer asking Phone after 8773722 National Enter prise good condition can MOTORCYCLE Gilera Scram bler sell as Is best offer call after 8776561 TRAVEL TRAILERS for sale or rent Hitches fabricated and in stalled f 1970 CUTLASS Supremo conver tible miles Main St or call otter pm 8774160 PLYMOUTH Road Runner door hardtop speed dark green good con dition 1989 DODGE Dart Swinger 340 4 speed posi tract low mileage good tires Phone any time before p m 69 COUGAR AMFM stereo ra dio power steering and brakes V8 good condition blue with white Interior A pleasure to drive 2500 or best offer 6774031 PETS LIVESTOCK SMALL BORDER collie months old free to good country home 8775646 THREE BEAUTIFUL kittens desire good kind borne free FREE TO good home male dog port Lab and German Shepherd POODLE PUPPIES purebred miniature reasonable Also mi niature 6784517 butterfly dog delightful email intelligent pet Suitable for the whole fa mily A few puppies available at this time Ken nels HELP WANTED BABYSITTER wanted in Glen Williams from a am to no HOUSEKEEPER wanted in Ge orgetown borne by May live HELP WANTED for two days weekly to look after flower beds through growing in TENT TRAILER with attached dining area steel overhead garage door and threequarter Murphy bed and mattress single bed and mat tress 8531369 THE CORPORATIONS OF THE TOWNS OF BURLINGTON AND OAKVTLLE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behalf of The Corporations of the Towns of Burlington and application will be mud a to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for special legislation to amend The County of Helton Act To delete the provisions giving votes over and above the number provided for under The Municipal Act to the Reeves and DeputyReeves of municipalities within the County baaed upon the number of electors in the munici pality which they represent To substitute for tho deleted provisions provisions giving additional representation over and above that provided for under The Municipal Act to municipalities within the County based upon the number of electors up to in the various municipalities To provldo for the additional representatives by by law of the Council of each municipality entitled to additional representation To provide that the Mayor of a municipality may be sub stituted for the Reeve or DeputyReeve as the municipalitys representative on the County Council To delete the provisions which prevent the total votes of the representatives of tho Towns of Burlington and on the County Council from exceeding the votes of the repre sentatives of the other municipalities represented thereon DATED AT BURLINGTON this 7th day of April WILLIAM K SIMS Clerk of the Town of Burlington DONALD BROWN Clerk of Town of OakvUe WANTED USED FURNITURE GARDEN TOOLS APPLIANCES TOYS PICTURES OR ANY HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES USEFUL FOR THE ROTARY CLUB AUCTION ALSO USED CLOTHING TEXT BOOKS A EYE GLASSES PICKUPS MADE SATURDAY ALFRED R SPENCt Auctioneer for Pickup Call 8779595 or S779312 or B773592 HELP WANTED FOR EXTRA INCOME Men and women any age Part or full time High earnings Pleasant dignified work Flex ible hours Perfect for men with Jobs and women with school ago children Training provided For information write to Fred 7 Zfna Street vilio giving phone number S20 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Person to manage Parts Department Experience not necessary Excellent future Apply In person only to PARK TOYOTA Highway West Georgetown HELP AVAILABLE CARPENTER available small jobs RELIABLE DAY CARE In my home King Street area pre schoolers EXPERT ALTERATIONS to mens womens and clothing DAY CARE available in my borne Pennington Cres area shifts GET YOUR GARDEN ready for spring plowing lawn rolling Lawn cutting tf Faludon Drive for appointment call any time GRADE 10 Student wishes sum mer employment speaks Span ish and German has basic knowledge of bookkeeping and typing to learn office routine own transportation between am and 3 PIANO TUNING ALMO CONTRACTING FENCE DIVISION Rutin Link and Cedar Good fences make good neighbours AH Sykes tt Accommodation Wanted FASHION TWOTWENTY Now has partUmo positions available if you can spare 4 hours a day 3 days a week 80 For Interview only phone 459- between 12 and Thursday and Friday 429 SHOWROOM CLERK required FULLTIME Apply in writing to Box 35 Herald State experience and expected salary HELP WANTED General Superintendent For the Credit Valley ConserratlOB Aatbority The General Superintendent responsible for general develop ment maintenance and opera tion of all Conservation Areas and the efficient organisation and work of the field staff Please reply by letter stating qualifications experience and salary required by May to Credit Valley Conservation Authority Out WANTED CASHIER APPLY Canadian Tire WANTED TO RENT bed room house In Georgetown 6775218 WANTED TO RENT mature Lady requires 3 room apart ment 8776048 after WANTED TO RENT two bed room apartment for two adults references Call after WANTED TO RENT- George town to 4 bedroom home with garage from July 1st Write Herald Box 33 WANTED TO RENT- couple teachers would like to rent a house In the country will do maintenance work WANTED TO RENT House in country GeorgetownBrampton area two adults Call Mr Hun ter between 6 am and pm Accommodation ROOM AND BOARD available for gentleman In private homo 87767B5 ROOM AND BOARD available for young men noma privil eges plan area ROOM AND BOARD available for one lady private entrance Langstooe and area PERSONAL TRIM GYM Summer Is Coming Get Shape LOSE to DRESS SEEKS Worlds easiest way to Improves many back trouble as well as losing inches age Hen and Women For Information FINN