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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1971, p. 18

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Macintosh At Lions Meeting Hydro Spokesman Notes Increase In AntiPollution Measures FOR THE SAKE OF TENDER STEAKS Raw meat will take a beating and be better tor it when this meat mallet being made by Don Lafaret is assembled and put to use Don Is making the pounder during he wood working class at he recent tree school session at Georgetown District High School Fortunately today la the face of expanding population and Increased industrialization there is growing public aware ness of pollution as a menace to man and environment Increasing efforts several fronts to reduce pol lution from many sources Its time for plain talk ab out pollution and there is need Tor much concern about this subject But wo dont need to have a lot of emotion and hy steria that is often crested be cause of misleading Informa tion about pollution So sold Charles Macintosh Central Re gion Public Relations Officer for Ontario Hydro speaking at the dinner meeting of Georgetown Lions Club on May He was introduced by president Ernie Syke3 EVERYONE POLLUTES The speaker stated that every human being is a polluter This is caused by the things people do today such as driving motor vehicles burning leaves or train around their property dis posal of household garbage heating homes In winter with gas oil or coal or the more pleasant things such as outdoor on warm days All theso things the speaker said are contributing to the pollution of our environment In the past two or three years groups have sprung up such as Pollution Probe and Gasp that have made us more of pollution They have rnade the public acquainted with some of the environmental problems and dangers Unfortunately In trying to gain public attention these groups have sometimes grossly exaggerated the facts and have lost some of their Would Add Phys Ed as Credit Course Grade 13 Graduation County Board of Edu cation was asked Thursday to consider a Grade physical education course for graduation credit and improvement and expansion of camping and other outdoor recreation activit ies as part of high school physical education programs These were two the recom mendations tabled at the board meeting by tho Physical and Health Education Program Council which has been reorg anizing the boards health and physical education program for the past two years RESOURCE Trustees were also impressed by a film Physical Educa tion in County produc ed by the group for later show ing and previewed to the board Thursday We have witnessed a tremen resource that Is available in the county sold board chair man Doug Wood This illustrates to us much better than a lot of paper sec what is happening in our schools added vlco chairman John REFINEMENT Leo head of physi cal education M M Robin son in Burlington said the pro posed Grade course in physi cal education has been present to the department of Dot Day Elected President Ladies of Legion Br 120 by Ralph Haves Thursday evening tho ladles of the Branch formally known as the Ladies Auxiliary of the Ontario Provincial Command of the Royal Canadian Legion held their annual election of officers executive members and chair women There was quite a turnabout which was proved at the com pletion of election The ladies and some of the Branch executive members led by Norm Ward burned the mid night oil before the final bal lets were cast ladies have lively inter est in the organization so much so that seventy four members which is more than Wo were on hand to elect Dot Day as president Nell Chaplin 1st vice Jan Emmerson 2nd vice Anne Collins secretary Col lins treasurer Margaret Hale Doris Chamb erlain Cborlcne and executive Mac recording secret ary Hazel Dumper member ship Marge Arnold Arms H Atkinson M Carney H Bauer standard bearers Hewitt pianist sick convener J Hayes banquet con vener G sports con vener M Hale kitchen conven er President Norm Word and bis merry were given a vote of thanks for their ef forts In conduction of the elec tion Meanwhile at Brunch Ac ton an informal meeting took place Branches involved were Milton Erin Acton and Geor getown Branch 120 was repres ented by Ruse Bob MacKenzle and yours truly It was the best of such meetings It has been our good fortune to be present at Jovial Bob the facet president was always the per fect host pre sident of Milton on band full of questions end eager to listen- He was accompanied by past president Brace Erin was well represented by Boots and the Branch 1st vice Lawrence and Cord James completed the as fiembly Ladies Auxiliaries member ship appointing committee chairman conduct in the club were some of tho subjects cov ered The branch euchre players re turn Saturday evening from tho zone euchre which was held at Branch 197 Acton full of words of praise for the hos pitality of that Branch and Its president but few words the cuchro so wo gather they did not get the right cards this time G Hughes McCartney Shortill end Mrs K Thomson were the win ners of the loth weekly draw of the car club the Goddess of chan ce smiled on Chaplin Bud Hill A Porter T Burgess McCartney Lorusso and M Russell at Joe Friday night dart shoot Tho steaks were good Saturday evening wo ex pected to see few couples In at the Saturday night dance It was all that could be expected on a holiday weekend Wo und erestimated tho drawing pow er and popularity of Ross licr and his group of music makers The ball was full to Prize winners were C Martin Pat ton and M HIckcy Bingo winners were Dot Day Bell telephone Ward Hel en Wilkes and V Collins Dont forget that Zone Drumhead Service at Sunday 49 June 13 DID YOU KNOW Massachusetts was the first to set up a reformatory for boys CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES Glen Williams ion and is undergoing steady re finement Wo are still waiting to find out if it can be a credit he said In the report to tho board McAdam said the group studying the proposed course forms the core of an Ontario wide group composed of repre sentatives of the colleges of ed ucation and the University of Toronto as well as tho local program council Ho said tho course has ready been accepted in princi ple by several universities It was recommended planning be combined for community and school facilities a priority bo placed on constructing new in door pools attached to or near schools and heating equipment be installed in outdoor pools to moko them usable at tho bo- ginning and end of the school years What one committee member termed a deplorable lack tennis courts was also dealt with in recommendations It was suggested thero be a large expansion of tennis court facilities construction of large asphalt area near schools for secondary use as tennis courts and addition of portable walls far high schools to use in squash and other court games And among other things tho committee recommended that pilot project In tho program be started at one of the County high schools to offer meaningful physical education program for Grades 1 and Can Find 20000 More Assessment Doyle Clare Doyle a member of thoi Holy Cross School Board before the County Board takeover told County Separate School Board last week that he and some volunteers were will ing to act as helpers to tho as sessment officer Paddy Hughes but despite repeated offers hod never been contacted by Mr Hughes Assessment officer is in charge of having taxes assigned to tho separate school system MISSED Doyle claimed he know where there was at least worth of assessment in town Ho claimed ho had gone through the assessment rolls and charg ed Hughes with overlooking in the post year Trustee Mike Noon an said the board had authorized Hugh to spend two weeks in Geor getown and after that to return to and Burlington where the assessment is great est INCREASED 200000 So mo of tho members felt the offer made by tho Georgetown men to go into homes in town should be eagerly Georgetown trustee Hartley Sherk pointed out that Cloro Doyle had made this offer the first time five months ago At this time Hughes even contacted him by phone com mented Sherk Trustee Mike com mented the in Geor getown was pretty satisfactory since It had increased 200 over last year New Big Capacity Butler Silage DistributorUnloader Really Throws It Out Gives You Faster Feeding Two Machines in One Cant Tip Cant Tilt YOU CAN COUNT ON US BUTLER MATERIAL HANDLING dihllity And in correcting their claims scientists have pointed out there no quick answers to the complex problem of pot- CHARLES MacINTOSH lution and time must bo given to work out adequate solutions NEED TIME Sources of air pollution Mr Macintosh said include motor vehicles factories power ions incinerators office and apartment buildings refineries and homes In fact in big cities like Metro Toronto there are about Individual sour ces of pollution which all spew their airborne waste Into the at mosphere Air pollution Is a by product or our highly industrial society But an aroused public opin ion has had a beneficial effect by making various contributors air pollution more conscious of the need to clean up the part of environment which they are fouling fn the case of industry they must have time to get the problem solved effectively In the speaker said simply cannot be stampeded into crash programs that will prove un workable and too costly be cause of its failure Research Is going on intensely in many dir ections by numerous Industries They will find adequate solu tions if given time and the pu blic continues to apply pressure Already encouraging results ore Indicated from the motor Indus well as many of In dustrial groups such as electric companies 5S MILLION Nothing is more relentless in dynamic industriollzed society than a demand for more elect ricity With virtually the hy draulic sites already harnessed Ontario Hydro had to go out in construction of thermal elec tric stations to meet tho pow er demands when it con struction of its first coalfired thermal generating station On tario Hydro bos spent or com mitted million on air qual ity control measures at its coal- fired generating stations And Commission has also init iated exhaustive research with and scientists in seeking ways to pollu tion problems such as the rem oval of toxic gases like sul phur dioxide from being air borne in tho combustion proc ess Encouraging results have been indicated through Hydros research and tests In sulphur di oxide control by limestone scrubbing development of methods to control oxide of nit rogen Ontario Hydro has token a responsible position In pres erving environment by im proving the quality of air and water resources near all Its six thermal stations Mr Macin tosh said GREAT STEP Ontario Hydros coal fired sta tions have equipment to collect fly ash a byproduct of com bustion as efficiently as mod ern technology permits which is effective This pro cess costs millions of dollars But it Indicates how hydro has reduced the pollution problem and keeps the air as clean as possible In tho past few years Ont ario Hydro bos participated In an important Canadian nuclear power program Nuclear power is seen by many experts as a great step forward in prob lem of eliminating pollution from thermal electric power sources Therefore the speaker said as part of the provinces industrial group Ontario Hydro Is doing its part to clean up the environment This Is the hopeful sign the positive things going on now to improve the air we breathe Mr Mac intosh said An excellent Ontario Hydro colour and sound film on envir onmental problems was shown to the Lions Club members and visiting Lions from OrangeviUe and Brampton and brought favourable comments from the OPEN THURSDAY AND All DAY SATURDAY BRAMPTON AND GEORGETOWN AND AREA ORDER UNE5 FOR CARPET SALE CARPET 3 LABOUR PADDING 4 DELIVERY Easy puts it all together at one Low Price for fantastic Savings HARDING ERIN TWIST pile with exceptional hard twist texture retention Easy clean long wearing beauty 9 of the best 1971 colours Com pletely installed with pad PLEASE BRING ROOM MEASUREMENTS PHONE FOR OUR CARPET MAN TO CALL Stairs and metal extra If required Minimum yd 95 with Pad SUN N SNOW AWNINGS RIDGED TOP PATIO ENCLOSURE Manufactured and installed by LeBarre Co EASY TILE 338 Street East Highway 7 BRAMPTON Next to MacDonaldi Here Here is more forywir money Wondering when test drive midsize There arc lots of reasons to do it right away Chcvclle lets you feci good when you re driving The mid size 16in 112 in handles nicely whether youre downtown or on the high way is styled with the fresh young design that has made it so popular in the past The new rear bumper has builtin tailhghts And theres a rcstykd front grille and bumper too Some or the holdovers from last year bear repealing too Rubber bushings on the engine mounts cut down on vibration and noise The Full Coil suspension system fea tures computer selected springs that arc matched to the weight and of tht car Flush and dry rocker panels let water flow through to dirt and corrosion- causing salt out then air comes through to dry the water up and prevent rust All in all your Chevellc will last longer And drive better Hut none of this is possible without your Chevrolet He the one the cars Theres the Sporty scries including a convertible for summer fun The economical series And there arc four mid size wagons to choose from gives you more for your money And your Chevy dealer is going to go long way towards giving you the deal you want Go see him about it And take out for drive You sec what we mean Chevrolet Putting you first keeps us first Chevelle You cut down on pollution too 1 en of u h

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