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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 3, 1971, p. 2

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Urges Group Action to Arrest Pollution in Talk to In the second part of his pre to the Concerned Cit izens of Georgetown hut week Carl Orchard Blvd of the Ontario Water Resources Commission gave many dram atic illustrations with recom mendations Showing slides to illustrate the many different forms of at gae he said Basically algae are absolutely essential in wa ter because they not only main tain the oxygen balance they sustain the entire food chain that exists within the aquatic environment They are the tiny plants upon which the micro- crustaceans and other tiny forms live upon This what feed the small fishes which in turn feed the larger ones and so without the product ion at the base you would have no fish production the top Problems with algae occur however when nut rient wastes accumulate in terg creating overgrowth of different algae forms One form of algae will cover shorelines another can clog filtra tion plants and decomposing in the lower waters create tremendous oxygen shortage as the bacterial action draws ox ygen from the water With the CANT Illustrating this problem he showed the pulp and paper In dustry at Ont where organic wastes ore decreasing the oxygen supply in the River Above the mill in Lake are found a wide diversity of fishes walleye perch boss pike whltettsh which is characteristic of any unpolluted environment Below the mill however In the river Is no fish life and not be fore miles down stream do any traces of gome fish re appear Loss of fish life also results from mine wosto operations which by producing a high acid ity condition destroys the car bon dioxido in the water and without this algae cannot grow ECONOMICS PREVAILS It becomes a problem of ec onomics versus natural values and as always the case econ omics usually prevails Mr Schenk continued This ten only true for pollution but for other considerations as well contamination of soils noise pollution urban sprawl to Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Windsor Road at Carole St Rev Harold R am Sunday School am Worship Service Georgetown Alliance Church Evanelkai CtntwmUl Public Minister J Phillips Telephone Sunday School all classes Morning worship pxn Evening Service Baptist Church Minister Rev Calms Organist Mrs W Church School hi Morning Worship Special Youth Service Monday June Speaker and Redd Harper- USA visrroRs welcome St Pauls ANNIVERSARY G C JACKSON Archbishop of Service at am St Albans GLEN WILLIAMS Evensong at pro JUNE 13th St Albans Service at St Pauls CHURCH PICNIC Service at Terra Cotta Co it on Area about 12 30 JUNE mux St Pauls am St Albans Hall Dedication 11 John will speak Missions to Seamen at both services Many will claim that the technology that has gotten us Into this mess will gel us out but I wonder whether really the entire fabric of our framework is not so complex that in effect it Is becoming a most impossible to reach a sin gle consensus of purpose which will allow us to achieve an ad equate degree of environmental pollution control sold Mr You really feel especially for the individual who is cons tantly wondering What can I do I think more than any thing else though it means that a lethargic public is going to to get Interested and by itself separate fact from the fancy In the matter of en vironmcntal concerns to press for the right hind of action to motivate our politicians at every level in proper direction he said GROUP ACTION this raises tho ques tion of group action Mr Schenk continued I think this Is an organization such as CCOG should Investigate problems marshal tho facts and prepare sound statements or purpose on specific issues I think than anything else wo should express our views to our elected represents Uvea and I think that th3 can best be accomplished through group action As individuals there are many we can do in our own small ways we can stop littering produce less garbage refuse to purchase pesticides and other harmful products re fuse to uso products in non re turnable containers etc But while these are worthwhile con tributions I think it will take strong government action which can only be accomplished If our elected representatives championing environmental causes at the expense of prog ress in the commercial fields I don think they will ever do this until wo the public give them no alternative he THE REAL KEY come close to home It is significant that In spite of the fact that of George town has quadrupled since the war we still only have one swimming pool wo only have one arena and one library There are no significant Ions which drawon of fwrnpeopter Thomas and Hill of Glen Knox Presbyterian Church Main and Church 877 MINISTER REV r N YOUNG ORGANIST Mrs Gowland a m Church School a Morning Worship NURSERY CARE Georgetown Pentecostal Church Main St Rev Jock McCallum 10 am Sunday School Ham Morning Worship 7pm Evangelistic Service Tuesday Prayer Ministry Children Church During Both Services Norval Presbyterian Church Minuter Rev D Sm ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11 am Guest Rev Wayne Smith DA BD Assistant Secretary the Board of Evangelism and Socio Service 16th Anniversary Maple Avenue Baptist Church Special Guest Rev Elwyn Davies BCU know Bible teacher and mlislon executive SPECIAL MUSIC Adult Choir Mat Quartette Our growing Sunday School all ages at MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES and PUBLIC INVITED A Fellowship Baptist Church I think this Is a legitimate point of view that in spite of all Its growth tho typo of develop ment and lack of planning which characterizes so much of our organization docs not bring with it tho necessary things which lead to a quality of exis tence stated Mr Schenk I think this is the real key that if we get bigger and bigger it not necessarily better Returning to water control Carl concluded I think that this group should start to accumulate Information on the major activities and progress of the Conservation Authorlt You have a tremendous river resource and if properly oped con go a long way to meet tho full outdoor recreational needs of this part of the ho sold When we get to the stage of having river basin planning boards which arc essentially going to bo Inte grated government efforts there will be a means of com municating with the people and what their programs going to be for the watershed FOR FUTURE Its going to be Ineffective unless ore soma means of getting information down to the people of what the govern merits Intentions arc and in turn receive a playback of what it is the people really want said Mr I think In tho final analysis it up to you and me to see that orderly planned develop ment occurs In our area most of tho development of our natural assets not only for our own enjoyment but for the benefits of the future NOW WITH GOVERNMENT THE GEORGETOWN EZBAU THURSDAY JUNE 1971 MR IGA INTRODUCES ChcfcaUnlt Pricing you of flowing our Mi ch product bo bur KM Cluck Unit you Unit Pricing tlckal you ttvt pound quart ate Thla It on tardea that ahowa at IOA car rHorinctiiwcTTiwia in sit jumm STEAKS or ROASTS ELEANOR HILL Daughter of Esqucslng Reeve Williams Eleanor Hill received honours and her Bachelor of Arts degree In history and poll Ileal science at tho May con vocation of Brock University St Catharines A graduate of Georgetown District High School she has taken a position with tie Ontario of En and Resources in Toronto Mr Texas Here Sunday Evangelist Has Starred In Billy Graham Films ROUND PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN RUMP ROAST OR WING STEAKS 109 MAPLE KM TO SERVE DINNER HAMS TASTY FLAVOURFUL CALIFORNIA NEW POTATOES JAFFA ORANGES 69 ICI4M LETTUCE and service still lives at IGA Outdoor Service Picnic For United Congregation Harper Mr Texas Himself of the Billy Graham films will bo in Georgetown for on at Baptist Church this com Monday evening This evangelistic service and coming to our area this world renowned personality is bound to meet with the Inter est of the young and old alike of our town if for no other reason that here is a person who was a very successful Hollywood performer In radio films and television before his conversion and call to evangel ministry Baptist pastor Rev Cairns told Tho Herald Redd only recently returned from on extended Missionary Journey to New Zealand Aust raliu FIJI Islands and Hawaii This was his third trip down under where his guitar ploying singing and speaking were greatly used to attract thous amis of people to hear the pel Message I have seen first hand the emergence of tho soul of Redd Harper from darkness into stim ulating Christian service has been a Joy to observe Redds Christian growth and the way he is blessing nt less thousands of lives world by his fearlessly est witness to the saving now and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ So says The King of the Cowboys Roy Rogers Redd will bo featuring bis best known songs during this one evening program his most famous I m following Jesus- each step of tho way United Church Sunday School and congregational out door service picnic was held on Sunday May 30 Community Hall Tho weather was perfect for day which started with the outdoor service conducted by Rev Ridley Junior choir pro vided special music and Mrs Davidson and Mrs William son Brampton sang a duet and led in sing song of fav hymns Music for tho singing was provided by tho piano and Terry with Ids drums service wn3 followed with a pot luck lunch and in the an excellent program of races and contests for nil ages and a ball game under the di rcction of tho Sunday School superintendent Gordon Highlights of tho events were an egg throwing contest and a balloon breaking contest Tho Norval Ratepayers Com will present their excel lent brief protesting the closure school tonight June that they presented to the Hal ton school board and answer your questions meeting in parish hall will bo sponsor by tho Women a In stitute All three churches in the vil lege are celebrating anniver saries early In June fit Pauls Anglican Is celebrating its year with several special days during the year On Sun day Juno a former minister who was there in tho 30 Rev F C Jackson wha Is now Archbishop of will take the service Also an Sunday June is val Presbyterian Church with Rev Wayne Smith assistant secretary of the board of Evangelism and Social Action as the speaker The next Sunday June will be Nerval United Church with Rev D Do nald of Oakville speaker Rev Donald a retired minis ter supplied for a short time at United Church On Sunday June will be no service at the United Church and on Juno 13th there will be no servlco at the Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs Dixon Duff on Tuesday evening May with Mrs Sam McCIure presiding Tl devotional was given by Mrs Craig and Mrs Howard Smith and the chapter from the study book on Using Media In Mission was given by Mrs Hyatt McCIure Mrs Harold Reed assisted tho hostess in serving lunch and a social time was enjoyed Rev Howard Smith Sunday Scl teachers Mrs Clure and Miss Margaret Duff and two intermediate Sun day Sci classes of about 10 pupils enjoyed swimming a I pool on Saturday alt May after which they had supper of hat dogs ham burgers etc at tho home of Mr and Mrs Harold McCIure followed by a ball game In evening Mrs Ed McLean Notice to Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS hereby g von to all persons in possession of land accordance w the Weed Control Act 1963 Sec and that unless weeds growing on lands mm the pal of Georgetown are destroyed by date of June 10 and throughout the season the may enter upon sad lands and have weeds destroyed ng the costs the land taxes as set out the Act is earnestly solicited J G TOLTON The on of all Weed Inspector Inspection Dept TOWN OF Tel Did You Know You Can Plant All Summer Long Successfully Summertime Is the beat time to plant in our own earth Blls Pots OUR SPECIALTY OF URGE TREES Maples locusts lindens Birch Ash Elc READY FOR 15 Reduction on our already tow pricai Birch Flowering Crab Green Pfifnr etc Nursery THE HOME OF THE THUMB Mlsslsiauga Road mil north of Phone

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