Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 17, 1971, p. 18

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GO SLOW APPROACH Study Open Concept Before More Schools Built in Halton Old Homes Here Illustrate Phi Architecture Talk A special County Board of teachers onicd the board give furtb- ti study to present system of open concept schools before embarking on building more of the schools without Interior walls Georgetowns newest school Joseph Gibbons on Crescent Is open concept And where the schools are retained the subcommittee wants them equipped with some traditionallywalled class rooms or at least portable di viders for students unable to cope with open concept learn ing The report by the Open Area Program of the English Program Coun cil recommends that teachers have more training and help In handling both them and in dividual teaching In the open schools which have largo open teaching areas used by several classes at once with walls and corridors between them RECOMMENDATIONS Among the subcommittees 11 recommendations is one putt open concept schools Should be built with some selfcontained areas for use by students who do not function well under open con cept One of the 11 disadvantages of open concept listed of the questionnaires turned to the tubcommittee that many students shirk responsibility and hide In the large group where it is diffic ult for a teacher to keep track of one person MORE HELP Tho recommendations em phasized the need for all tea chers and especially newcom ers to open concept to more consultation and help TRAINING One major recommendation I calls for a formal teacher training course for those going into open concept teaching The committee noted in con clusion that a study Is to investigate the suc cess of the open area with the purpose of determining wheth er or not the open area be con tinued a study which is now starting under the Halton County Public School Princip als Association Among tho advantages open concept listed by nearly teachers who ans wered questionnaires for the committee are the flexib ility of grouping the children can be moved about easily and the opportunity for teaching teams to provide more individualized programs Other frequently mentioned advantages of open concept are tho better ideas and les sons resulting from pooling the talents of several teach ers the better evaluation of students and reduction of per sonality clashes when the young people can work with more than one adult and the greater opportunity for young sters to work at their own In dividual levels DISADVANTAGES The most prominent disad1 vantages named were tno ov erflow of noise from one group Sunshine Students Are Prizewinners In CNE Crafts Two students from tho Sun shine School for tho Mentally Retarded at Hornby were win ners in the allOntario Scloool Art and Handicraft Competi Hon sponsored by the Womens division of the Canadian Nat ional Exhibition in Toronto Tommy Cramer Charles Aldwell IS submitted entries In picture making and simple crafts categories and both youngsters emerged vie- torious Tommys picture mak ing project was a farm scene including fences barn and fields made from doth Char les submitted a carryall bag rondo from wool Entries were received for categories in the competition Winning entries will bo on dis play at the CNE from August 19 through to September NORMAL Public Meeting Hears Plea For Norval School Retention The annual pot luck of Womens Institute was enjoyed on Thursday ev ening June 3 at the borne of Mrs Elgin Terry followed a short business meeting It was decided to have a picnic in July and Mrs Chesj ter Mrs Terry and Mrs Green were appointed to ar range the details The supper was followed with a public meeting In the parish hall at which the rate payers Committee presented their outstanding brief that they bad presented to the Bal lon School Board regarding the boards proposal to close School Peter Hughes chairman of the committee was assisted in presenting the brief by Norman Guthrie You- Bans Julian Reed Bob Craw ford and Dick Marshall using their maps drawings etc were favourably impressed by the brief Questions were ans wered by the committee Mrs Graydon Chester pre sident welcomed those and turned the meeting ov er to Mrs Ed McLean educa tion convener who had been assisted by Mrs Ches ter in planning the meeting Mrs Keith Webb gave the courtesies thanking the com mittee for their time and ef forts and also St Pauls Ang lican Church for the use of the parish hall Following the W I sponsor ed part of the public meeting a discussion was held on 8 brick plant that plans to loc ate near the village as some opposition to it has been voic ed by some ratepayers Dick Marshall and Mrs Lynda Swackbamer were added to the ratepayers committee to assist Norman Guthrie in look- ng Into this matter Presbyterian Church celebrated Its annivers ary on Sunday June with Rev Wayne Smith assistant secretary of the Board Evangelism and Social Action as the guest minister His ser mon was entitled Church at the Crossroads Guest soloist was Mr Vin cent Rosa of Burlington form erly from Bermuda Tho choir sang two anthems during the service with Mr Von Rav ens of Terra Cotta as organ- Rev Howard Smith con ducted the service Tho Most Rev son Archbishop of assisted Rev on Sunday June at St Pauls Anglican Church to celebrate their anniver sary liturgy form of the communion service was the one used by Rev Jacksons diocese He was a former rec tor at Norval in the 30s The boys choir and a com bined adult choir from EL and St Moans Angli- Church Glen Williams under the direction of Andrew and Mrs Willi provided special music The service was followed by lunch served by the Ladles Guild in the parish ball and a social time enjoyed Guides and the 1st Brownie Pack enjoy ed a bus and ferry trip to Cen tre Island on Saturday June They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs Douglas Jarvie and children and Brownie leader Mrs Dean Robinson and Mrs Anna They had a picnic lunch enjoyed the activities and sightseeing of tho island such as animals the rides the haunted house etc Gordon Fcndley son of Mrs Lois Fendley and tho late Fred Fendley received word that ho has been chosen to play his guitar and sing some of his own compositions at Ontario Place Toronto He will be notified of the date and time Inter auditions were held on May 1st Congra tulations Gordon I Mr and Mrs Carter I returned borne by plane London England on Tuesday Juco 1st following an able days in Europe They enjoyed a visit with their daughter and ber husband Mr and Mrs Peter Hughes and their little months old daughter Helen of London and also a visit with their daughter Kathy who is working in London They enjoyed a day Euro pean tour crossing the chan nel from London to Belgium Some of the places they visited on the tour were Cologne days In Vienna Munich and Several friends of Martin went to air port on Sunday afternoon June to see him off to England Mr and Mrs Fred Woollett nave said their home on the town lino south of the village and arc returning to England to live Mr and Martin left an Sunday and Mrs will follow in a couple of weeks Mrs Ed McLean I another when they working on different topics the resulting tendency to stick to nondisturbing activities reduction of teacher rapport with individual students and difficulties in keeping track of texts and supplies A few teachers also com plained poor control of disci pline by one teacher would up set the work of surrounding groups net floor per class is less In open con cept than in regular classes and intricate planning requir ed for team teaching tends to destroy spontaneity Team work also requires members to get along exceptionally well together THE GEORGETOWN HE THURSDAY JUNE Architecture was the prog- gram topic presented by Mrs Pauline Hughes and Mrs El eanor at the June meeting of Zeta Phi Chapter at the homo of Mrs Lynda Tyrell Mrs Hughes began the igram fully illustrated with pictures by explaining that architecture can be defined as a blending of tho useful with the beautiful in building Tho Egyptians were the first to develop a form of architec ture by building great temples to their gods Tho vast pillars upheld massive stone beams known a pose and lintel construction DEVELOPED ARCH As stone Is not found along Even Pickled Mice in Ashgrove Auction Sale Wholl give mo sh once twice SOLD lady with tho white floppy These and other i chants brought people from for away as northern Toronto Willowdalo and Burlington to the second church auction held at United Church within the years More than 100 articles were consigned to the by from tho con gregation and several others were donated by people from Georgetown and other nearby congregations Young and old alike came from miles around to mingle in atmosphere of a good country auction AROMA BECKONS of steaming wienies and fresh brewed feo everyone to the food booth set up outside the church and members of the Young Peoples Soc iety served double decker Ice cream cones and cans of multi- flavoured cold pop to the youngsters I Adults and children enjoyed breathing country air and several spread out blankets and enjoyed a family picnic on tho church grounds during the auction Several buyers wero attracted to a mantel clock that was well over years old Im waiting around until this gem is sold an old farmer quipped t reminds mo of the one my used to have The mantel clock sold for a fair for the ry old masterpiece Just listen to tho tone of the tho proud buyer noted Certainly Satisfactory A grand total of was re corded after expenses had been paid and auctioneer Ward sold the total was better than ho expected It certainly was a satisfactory effort on everyones part Sev eral consignments came In late Saturday morning and thero was sufficient help with loading the articles on the hay grounds Mr also reveal ed several prices which arti cles sold for His short list in cluded a horse drawn cutter for set of swings at two spool beds at each a cider press for a sugorl kettle at two Victorian chairs at each one FIo- dinner plate for harness makers bench at brass light fixtures for IIS old boot scraper for and three homestead quilts at each AND PICKLED MICE He also noted an old go wine jug stamped Dominion Winery Ltd sold for The funny part of the jug was the fact that some of wine had been left In tho bottom the jug and mice hod crawled in and inside Those two mice well Id hate to say how old they might be but they were pick led solid in the pure alcohol j ho laughed Heading the commlUce charge the auction werel Ashgrove residents Jim Corn- John Wallace and Wnrd Clerks for Mrs John and Tom last auction sale sponsor ed by the church was held in 1969 I believe wo raise more money by holding the auction every two years one spokes man said Records showed many of the buyers after the antiques were from tho Toronto Woodbridge Dont forget fireworks display in the Park July 1st ITS JUST DOWN THE HILL Jutt a Sltps East of Main St Euphrates River the Ba bylonians made their build- tags from baked dried clay bricks Having no stone for beams they bad to devise a way of using bricks to span a doorway so the arch was developed Tho Greeks Intellectual vit ality resulted in the evolu tion of the columns even today in buildings all tho world Romans borrowed forms of Greek architecture but did not understand the spirit which inspired them However they did carry dome ceilings to an degree of excellence It was pointed out that through the build ings of a nation are a sure in- of their their strength LOG CABIN Mrs began her seg ment of the program with the illustration of the crude one room log cabin first construc ted in Canada and gradually expanding with additions and hallways through the Geor gian Loyalist and Regency I into modern sty I- lags The final high point this presentation was actual phot ographs taken by the girls of very old homes in the George town district Here it was clearly illustrated the various styles of architecture previ ously described in the prog ram This program was most il luminating and so impressed its audience that ft was ed submit ft into the Inter- national Program Contest Beta Sigma Phi During the business meet ing Ways and Means Chair man Mrs Paulino Hughes announced tentative plans for a Strawberry Social Social committee chairman Lois Rogers has made plans for the final social event of the season a scavenger hunt bar becue and pool party IB was mentioned that prize money won by tho Chap ter In this years International Cook Book Contest has been set aside towards next years service project REPRINTS OF MOST PHOTOS APPEARING IN THE HERALD May be ordered at the office 22 Main St S 7 cm plus tax 175 m plus tax Cash must your order prior to also Prints to be picked up Herald Office DRAPER DOBIE CO LTD THI TORONTO STOCK STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Your Niimt Brandt Officii Queens Square Bo Brampton Phone Brampton or Mtlron and Toronto Fast accurate quotations and service on any exchange VlsH ear modern office if you can However you can open an account by telephone SUCCESSFUL INVESTORS AND TRADERS KNOW DRAPER R B Thomson Betrty The great thing about our Farmplan is its flexibility says Doug Royal Banks FaVmplan exactly that a credit plan for who want to operate more efficiently more profitably Its a package plan that adapts to your con stantly changing financial needs and supplies you with operating capital with all the convenience of onesource service So if youre buying new equipment or breeding stock or putting up new buildings or renovating old ones andVieed some help come on in and see us at the Royal Bank Chances are thatFarmplan can take care of the problem and save you time and money Community Corner The Royal Bank is pleased provide this pace for use of Service Clubs Church Groups Civic Or ganizations etc to announce Iheir events Georgetown Horticultural Society Flower Shew Saturday June 19th Opening of St new Parish Hall June end Mens Club of St Johns United Church Auction Sale June St Johns Guild Garden Fair June St Albans Church Auction Sale June To list your event call Doug ROYAL BANK the helpful bank Georgetown 8776961 THE NEW WAVE PEOPLE BEFORE THINGS Stop Spadina Go Transit Stop Pollution Go Quetico Stop Socialism- Go NOTICE OF A Nominating Convention TO A Progressive Conservative Candidate For Halton East Provincial Riding TO f HUD AT THOAAAS A BLAKELOCK HIGH SCHOOL 1160 Rebecca Street Oakville Wednesday June 1971 port M PIECE ONTARIO YOUTH CONCEKT MNO SPECIAL Hon A B R Bert Lawrence Minister of Health OTHER Hon Congo Krr Han Hon Potior Hon Jim Snow EVERYONE MrNO A

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