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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1971, p. 1

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Ads That Pay Yen can place an ad la The Classified pages by phoning 8771201 Buying or letting The Herald la where yon will find the retail yon want GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District Printing Publishing The Georgetown Herald Georgetown and district over a ce ottering best in fine printing and new Second Class Mall Registered Number 0943 THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JUNE 1971 Return Pottage Guaranteed per year Single Copy Price fifteen Cents 30 Years in Profession Glen Teacher Retires The staff and students of Glen Williams Public School held a reception for Mrs Eva Press wood Friday who is retiring from teaching after devoting years to her profession and to the girls and boys of Ontario Twenty seven of these thirty years were spent teaching In Township After beginning her career In Feel County Mrs Presswood Miss Eva Sandford moved to the Terra area to continue teaching Here she met and married Albert Press wood She has taught In various schools in the Glen and areas During the evening Mrs presented with a set of luggage from children and parents of the Glen area and a silver broach from her fellow staff members Mr Mrs Prcsswood are planning to begin Eva retire with an autumn trip to Europe OilIB Hearing Approves Four Restrictions Four parts of Township restricted area bylaw designed to regulate development in the township have been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board At the board hearing Monday presentations were made on behalf of several companies engaged in or which plan to be engaged in extracting gravel or atone Materials and Con struct ion Ltd asked that the bylaw be given temporary oval for sufficient time to permit the township to prepare its of plan In Its submission the company said it operates a large quarry in the townships or and and that ap proximately 3D acres in have been quarried o an average depth of feet ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY The company granted to the Region Conservation Authority a 73acre parcel of land ZOO feet wide by 2 miles long along the edge of the escarpment and agreed not to quarry within 100 feel of the edge of the land About 195 acres of land remains in Township In the Niagara Escarp Act was passed giving the minister of mines absolute authority to grant or revoke permits to anyone mining or quarrying rock on the escarp ment There Is an overlapping of authority over quarries operating on the escarpment be tween the municipality in which the land is situated and the department of mines SHORT LIFE The company said It is unfair to expect company to invest a large amount of money In new The firm requested recognition of its position and problems in connection with approval of the bylaw to assure the planning consultant can take it into ac count in preparing the official plan for the township The board ruled that as the bylaw is expected to have a relatively short lire and will be replaced by the bylaw now being prepared the land use category which la proposed for the lands owned by the Con Sand and Gravel Co Dufferin Materials and Con and Indusmln Ltd would not be affected by the approval of the bylaw for a limited period of time The board approved the part of the bylaw relating to the lands of Murray Webber trustee The total of acres arc the site of a plant producing precast concrete dwelling units and other concrete articles MAKE About acres are used at present but the is planning to expand and does not wish any of the land to be ren nonconforming by the In giving its decision the board pointed out that the owner may at any time apply for an amend ment to the new township bylaws to include as permitted uses those which he carries on A similar decision was given in the bylaw as It applies to the property of C F Leather land The land is on the borders of the town of Acton and the owner plans to build an apart ment house on it That is not permitted under the bylaw and Host Prepares Pierres Lunch Oscar Host owner of the Someplace Else eating spot In Huttonville played host to Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Tuesday at Under police escort Oscar and his chef Manuel started out for the Victoria Arena in Bra males where they cooked and served the Prime Minister a simple private lunch in the conference room At the Prime Minister request tomato juice steak salad and Dad cookies was the menu for the day He said he t indulge in drinks at lunchtlme The Prime Minister asked Oscar about his restaurant and autographed one of the Someplace Else menus which had brought with him The Prime Minister was in joining In the 150th anniversary party Mrs Margaret Parker of Georgetown spoke with the Prime Minister during the Bramalca luncheon Mrs Parker a Chinguacousy employee was among the guests with whom he chatted briefly Just before leaving He was very charming Mrs Parker told The Herald he wants it classed a mg use TO TRUCKS The board approved the bylaw as it related to the property of D Thomson whose properly abuts a rlghtof way The bylaw provides ihot a house may not be built upon land thai docs not abut on a highway Thomson said he was prepared to maintain a road on his way and to pay the township a separation fee of in order to have a lot that could be used for a dwelling The board expressed the opinion that it is reasonable to require a lot to abut a highway C Looye objected to the use of certain township roads by gravel trucks and to the con of a permanent weigh scale which he contended was a land use not permitted by the subject bylaws The board requested its council to consider the objection concerning the weigh scale so that the com bylaw may contain the appropriate wording Teacher Seeks Banner In Halton East Brian head of the history department of While Oaks secondary school is seeking the nomination as NDP candidate in East for the forthcoming provincial election William Gillies Oakville for deputy reeve recently with drew as candidate due to per problems A recent member of the New Democratic Thrippleton was born in England and educated at the Universities of Sheffield and London He served as an officer in British Army Intelligence and later in thi educational corps In Japan Korea Hong Kong and Malaya six years BECAME CITIZEN In 1057 hi to Canada and become a Canadian He holds a A specialist teaching in history and decree of bachelor of education from the University of Toronto Since 1904 I has lived In Oak and headed the history department at White Oaks school He holds commission as captain In the Canadian Reserve and has been lay reader at St Culhbert Anglican Church for the past three years His wife Margaret heads the art department at White Oaks school Car Rolls Three in Hospital A collision at the line and 17th June 18 caused a total of damage damage was done to the Meteor driven by Rupert Coffen of Milton and to the Ply mouth driven by John Flanagan of berg A single car accident on High north of caused Si damage to the TO Three men were takin to Milton hospital when Ford driven by Britten of went out of control and rolled over on east of the line June The driver Richard Britten received internal injuries George Henderson Georgetown lacerations and multiple bruises and David Mclnlyro Aclon score ribs to he car amounted to bottom of Silverercek hill on Highway 7 was the scene of an accident June 2 when a CMC pickup and a Chev collided The pickup truck driven by Walter Brown of Brampton received damage and the driven by Janus Simmons of damage Train Wrecks Rambler A Canadian National tail ways freight train early in the nine of June 17 demolished a car which had been abandoned on the railway right of way at the No level crossing The car a Rambler had been reported stolen by its owner Thomas Mercer of The freight train travelling around forty mites an hour dragged the car feet down the track before the train could be stopped PROPOSE 1 50 UNITS IN TOWNHOUSE PLAN Display of Brawn Precedes Fireworks The town July 1 celebrations in the park will be climaxed with the fireworks display which was washed out May In addition to the fireworks an evening or fun has been planned by Mayor Bill Smith Cr Donna Den son and the Legion Between and a scavenger hunt for the children will see children scurrying all over the park looking for the winning coupons The prim have not yet been TUGS OI- WAR At 7 Tug of War will match the brawn of the Works depart ment against the Lesion and the police against the firemen At the same lime a ball game between the Kinsmen Ladles and councillors and members of Boards is planned For the not so active positions such as water boy referee etc are still available At clock the Georgetown Citizens Band will CUT UPS At a log sawing contest will show the speed and coordination of members of the Legion the police department the firemen and the works department Following the log sawing the Legion Pipe Band will play until it is dark enough to shoot off the fireworks It is hoped various groups will have refreshment booths In operation for the night Two Die When Car Slams Tree A Georgetown man and his passenger were killed when the car In which they were travelling struck a tree on the Peel Town Lint early Sunday mor Ronald Clark 42 of Rex way Drive died when he apparently lost control of the ear killed in crash was McArthur of Police said Clarke was driving south on the county road about a mile north of Stectes Avenue when his car swerved went into the ditch and then struck the tree Clarke was an employee of the Accurate Building Company In Brampton and at one time was part of the team which developed the Avian ISO at Avian Aircraft in Georgetown Pedestrian Three Drivers Injured Four people one of them a were hurt in automobile accidents here lost The pedestrian Russell Millar of Shelley Street was walking north on Edward Street when struck by a northbound car Sunday June He was taken to hospital by Sgt Jason Held of the Georgetown Police department and treated there for injuries to his back elbow and upper arm The was driven by Chester of 12 George Street A Saturday June 12 accident injured Glenn Gordon of Llmehouse Charles Barges of Brampton The rear end collision did damage to Gordon I9s3 and damage to the Chev operated by Borgcs Henry Watson of Road North received a sore back neck and left arm in on accident Monday June 14 on Road on Arm strong Avenue He was the driver of a 1964 Volkswagen which received damage while a Chev driven by Junior of Glen Williams received damage Dorothy Russell of Stevens Crescent and Jacques Aumond of Academy Road were the drivers In a property damage accident June 13 at the corner of Main and Maple Damage here was put at to Aumond Ford and to the 1969 Dodge driven by Lionel La rose of Chapel Street West when they collided in a rear end accident on Street at Hall Road June Hera July 9 Toronto Maple Leaf centre Norm will have to be as adept at verbal as he is at puck control when he pays a visit to Georgetown Friday July It is expected several hundred young fans will be tossing questions at the high scoring forward when he visits Pomeroy Sports on Main Street north as one of their Western Days promotion He will be situated on the road In front of for autographs and to talk with visitors While in town Norm will also autograph a number of hockey slicks to be awarded to the Player of the Week in the Georgetown Police Minor Soft ball League A proposed condominium townhouse development of 150 units on River Drive was discussed at length Monday night at a committee meeting attended by Ted Evans and Gary Brown of the Planning and Murray Grueson and his lawyer John of Garthdale Developments Ted Evans asked council If the town was interested In con dominium development or in row housing of any kind and He pointed out that the Planning Board had been considering this for a long time The application first came before us in January he stated He reminded council the area Is zoned which permits multiple dwellings He stated the trees and scenic character of the area would be preserved He claimed the town could impose any conditions they wish In an agreement SELLING PRICE LESS Brown poll square this type of housing so the selling price is less It could make it possible for the 5 salary group to own their own home fie suggested Cr Donna Denison questioned the amount of recreational land for public use and the school problem Evans said the County School Board said there was no problem since they bus students all over Georgetown anyway On the matter of public lands Evans contended the town could take land for public use either adjacent to the private land surrounding the town houses or somewhere else If necessary AREAS SCREENED Today planners are trying to get different types of develop ment in an area so children can see other sides of life said Gory Brown This is possible here with some single family dwellings some and possibly apartments on the Thomas property He stated the area was well treed and would screen one area from another Cr Phil maintained the whole neighbourhood should be studied before any move was RANGE In reply Ted Evans said the Planning Board had done that over the past year and a half with the help of their municipal consultant He repeated he Planning Board s opinion ttu there Is a need for Oils type of housing for lower Income families In reply to a question from Reeve Morrow Murray Grueson owner of the land put the price range of the finished units plus the to the surrounding land at between and To another question he answered there would be or 13 units to an acre Not Getting Equal Breaks Norvalites A spokesman for a Narva I ratepayers group Monday told Chinguacousy Township council it given them the break it was giving to other communities within the township regarding a green area between residential and Industrial lands Dick Marshall representing some landowners was speaking about a proposed brick yard and quarry operation planned by I Brick Co which would be located about half a mile from GREEN AREA Mr Marshall pointed out to council that villages within the township were protected by a large green area surrounding them You haven t given us the same kind of break We feel we deserve a green area to live In as well He asked council to take a closer look at the location of the proposed new brickyard and possibly find another location He told council the clay the making the plant location Just north of Highway and west of the Fifth Line not the only one that could be used We would like you to find another location rather than putting ft right on top of people when it could be located elsewhere he said Mr Marshall also expressed concern about the quarry operation effect on the water table and on wells in the area It could very well ruin every well in the area he said Reeve Williams told Mr Marshall that before any land was released a complete hydrologlcal survey would be made to make sure the water table would not be adversely affected by the TorontoCentred Region guidelines end that If there was a conflict it would show up when he bylaw was tent to the Ontario municipal board for approval WITH CENSUS BUT NOT HERE A town resident Earl Hornby Is employed with the Canadian census staff but Is not working In Georgetown as reported in last week s Herald Mr Hornby is a regional office representative technician and works out of the office set up in Guelph for the census He is one of six persons checking in various enumerating see that forms have been Georgetown is not Included In his checking area he told the Herald Siddall Terms Morrows Lane Proposal Blackmail Blackmail was the word used by Cr Phil Siddall sday night to describe Reeve Morrow s proposal to sell a to Golden Gate Con struction far provided the firm pays the town in TREE DRAGS DOWN POWER LINES A hundred year old maple tree which according to old timers was used as a nllchlng post during market days was blown down Sunday afternoon during the heavy wind and thunderstorm The large limb of the tree at the bottom of the McClure Funeral Home driveway on Park Street completely blocked the rood and reached to within three feet of a house across the street The hydro lines come down with the massive limb cut ting off power In the park area far two hours apartment charges Three years ago a by law was passed assessing buildings which could be deemed to throw an extra burden on the municipal services certain charges It is under this by law Reeve Morrow claims Golden Gate Construction owes the money The by law to sell the lane way running behind the townhouses on Mountalnview at 2 has Reeve Morrow opposed STRIP OF LAND Hyde suggested the town could be left with a strip of land at the back of the lots which could never be sold and never be used Cr Joan Smith told council Stephen Saxe had appraised the land at 300 She reminded council there was a town ease ment on the 30 laneway Cr Hyde contended Golden Gate would have to pay the If they legally owed it Without holding a club over his head I want what is legally due the own emphasized Cr Siddall ALL AGREED Deputyreeve Art Speight took the same position stating every one had agreed to the price of committee and had even given two readings to the bylaw It was left In the hands of property chairman Joan Smith to approach owner Appointed University Coach Don McCrae son of Mrs Elizabeth of George town has been named coach of the University of Waterloo varsity basketball warriors Don who has been called the best high school coach In the province replaces Mike who resigned earlier this year to accept a post at college In Mlssissauga VETERAN McCrae Is a veteran of basket boll and football coaching at Twin City high schools After graduating from McMaster University in Hamilton in Collegiate His team won three city basketball titles In the five years he was at Eastwood He also coached the Junior football team to city championship In two of three years In iMShe transferred to Forest Heights and while there took their senior basketball team to provincial honours as well as city championships PLAYER OF NOTE has been a player of note as well with he famous Tillsonburg Livingstones from to 1960 and as a member of Canada a pan American games team in 1999 and the Olympic team in i960 Most recently he has played with Kitchener Waterloo teams In Intermediate and senior competition

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