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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1971, p. 14

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Georgetown Herald A of Horn Company Limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C BIEHN Publisher PAGE 2 THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JULY EDITORIAL COMMENT Have You Noticed The Herald can t be accused of over statement Last week without fanfare an historic day was marked when we became one of a growing list of weekly newspapers which are now printed by the offset method as opposed to the old letterpress The transition was not as startling for staff or readers as in some cases In March instead of printing directly from metal type page proofs were re produced and since then the Herald has been printed of The clearer reproduct ion of news copy and pictures was well received by readers Last week the metal typesetting machines were replaced by computer type machines which punch tape something like a player piano roll which is then fed into another machine which prints this type on paper This Is pasted on large Unsung Heroes Georgetown Red Cross blood clinic must surely be one of the most efficiently conducted and the most successful of those held in various parts of the province One would only have to look behind the scenes once to realize the careful planning and minute detail which goes into each of the local blood clinics A first rate publicity and public relations program is one facet which spells success each time for the clinic Both before and afterwards a Red Cross representative feeds copy to the Herald in generous quantities But no clinic could be a success without the cooperation of town and district Whos Afraid Toronto notorious Rochdale College is a political football being tossed back and forth between the city and federal govern Conceived as an idealistic education centre a sort of do your own thing university where young people could set their own standards of education and deportment it has proved to be a cesspool of degeneration Those who argue that morals and be haviour a matter for the individual to decide forget that it Is taxpayers money which has kept Rochdale going We for one are against subsidizing something so obviously wrong as dale and we hope the federal authorities stick by their guns and close it up once and for all sheets together with ads and pictures and becomes the master copy for final pnn ting The further rcfinemer makes an even cleaner reproduction There are still a few kinks to iron out and we hope readers will bear with us in the weeks ahead if they notice a small error or two Our two new women on the staff are doing an excellent job of tape punching and our shop staff skilled in the letter press system have fast adapted their talents to the new offset method The linotype faithful workhorse of the print shop for generations is not being forgotten at the Herald For some time it will continue to set type for our printing department But for the newspaper it s the end of an era residents and response is always Many men and women have given blood time and timeagain and they must have a tremendous sense of satisfaction when they realize the sickness they have cased and the lives saved through their donations To help a stranger is the highest form of gift The good concept is never more fully realized than in the Red Cross blood clinic On several occasions long time donors have been honoured with suitable mem en toes The Herald wants them to know that we consider them among Georgetown most prominent citizens Society on conformists are to be pitied and possibly helped but not by us providing a central city hang out a drug culture centre and a blot on Toronto beautiful downtown landscape Moving it to a less obvious location as some have suggested is a stop gap not a solution to the ills which plague today s society The argument is that youth must be placated and that a confrontation which could happen if Rochdale is closed must be avoided We say It past time that we had a con and once and for alt tell today misfits that they will get no sympathy or support from those who work for their daily bread and lead normal productive lives A stay of execution will only fester sores which should be cleaned up today THE COMPUTER AGE Ads and news copy are stuck in place on waxed pages on a glass topped slanted table Gone com is he handling of metal type At left Shop superintendent at Compugraphlc computer affectionately dubbed Hal its co workers which converts punched into printed columns At keyboard of the Is John Operatic Tenor Just Farmer In This Area One of the leading operatic tenors of the world a man who earns an immense Income from singing at the New York Metropolitan and elsewhere cherishes the fact hat most people think of him as an area farmer I like that says Jon Vic ken And more than that I do farm I breed beef cattle Aberdeen Angus and Herefords ride a tractor and muck out bams and plow and haul hay chance I get It a my sanity on the farm I shunned publicity like the plague He recently gave his first in lerview since 1962 topublicize the fact that he would be singing at Toronto miles southeast of here to assist some friends who are building a synagogue It was his first appearance in Toronto In more than three years The talk has been that because of what he thought were unjust Toronto reviews he had boycotted the city His career is in New York London Vienna Salzburg all the operatic capitals of the world He does not need Toronto But he feels Toronto has boycotted him I haven had enough In to appear Toronto in the last 12 years to put In a thimble The moment that I offered a contract that is ar llsllcally and contractually In keeping with my other com I be happy to Mrs Joyce Van above and Mrs Joan Davis below put news copy on coded tape on which have replaced the old linotype metal type sellers Politics Snag Region For HaltonPeel Says Blake The provincial government was accused of making regional government In Hal ton Peel the victim of political delay last week PR Bob Blake Ha ton East Liberal candidate said it Is apparent the Progressive Con government Is stalling action on the Peel regional concept until after the next provincial election This whole overhaul of local government in Peel has been made the victim of political delay said Blake It Is un fortunate because there Is mediate need In the twocounty region for reorganization of the local government structure PIECEMEAL Blake said it may be necessary to approach Peel regional on a piecemeal whereby the first phase would involve setting up separate units of government in and Peel The second phase would in volve the merger of the two units into the regional government structure Blake said be Is not in favor of the twotier or metrostyle regional government concept as earlier proposed by the provincial government BOROUGH UNITS Blake said it is only when Halton Peel has streamlined its local government establishment into a regional system thai logical and significant ad vancei can be made planning urban services and preservation of open space During the past six years there have been several plans for regional government in Peel but all have been shelved In the face of opposition from various municipalities within the two counties The last plan was Ihe Peel Metro concept proposed by former Municipal Affairs Minister McKcough who later backed off his program because of rural area opposition CONSENSUS McKeough said regional government in Peel was being delayed until a favorable consensus could be reached among the communities in Blake said regional govern will be a major issue the next provincial election which he predicts wit be held in Sep tember BILL SMILEY The Old Junk Man Mew 1200 its loaded with extras There a lot of talk about recycling these days That does not mean that great numbers of middle aged people are going back to the bicycle in despair over traffic and their own wretched physical condition although this Is also happening and a good thing too Recycling is basically the smashing up of such things as paper and tin and turning them back into more paper and tin Instead of the polluting of our countryside with such garbage It is common practice In many of the countries of the world which are outstripping Canada and the Internationally It also makes a great deal of sense It boggles one mind to think the millions of tons of paper cans bottles and other recialmable materials which head each week for the garbage dump There are several reasons for this vast wastage One of them is that we have tremendous natural resources and we throw them away with a lavish hand Its like living on one capital A second reason obviously is that in dustry is not geared for reclaiming waste In many cases It s probably cheaper to produce new tins than to recycle tin Neither of these reasons Is a valid one In first place hose inexhaustible resources of raw material could be exhausted in a few decades In the second in should and must find cheap means of recycling manufactured materials Into raw materials But of course it much simpler to look at the immediate buck Its much simpler Just to raise Ihe price of the product than to find methods of using disposable Items over and over again Like everything else the recycling seems complicated A worthy local org am za is raising money tor a worthy cause It is collecting newspapers But they must be bundled and tied just so And they don want any other kinds paper In the meantime throw out five hundred pounds of books which have a higher rag content than the newsprint which is being picked up Seems silly What ever became of the old junk man There was the Ideal catalyst between the consumer and the The perfect middleman Most small towns had a junk man He usually had a big yard with a fence around it and Inside the fence was an exotic jungle of junk When I was a kid the junk man income A vast genial Jew with a benign twinkle he treated us as one businessman to another There was little haggling on our part because It was the only game in town but on the other hand he didn try to beat us down Prices were established Pint beer bottles were worth a cent quarts two cents He double his money on them Old car tires were a nickel apiece Paper and scrap iron were carefully weighed and after a judicious Same beard cocked to one side say I you twelf cents An enterprising kid could pick himself up forty or fifty cents a week big money In those days And if we caught a nice pike in the canal this was before people worried about sewage and such itwasabonanza worth a dime or fifteen cents But a meal for his family He prospered And many of the big fortunes In Canada today started out In the Junk yard The junk man was an unrecognized benefactor to society During the war there were tremendous drives for scrap metal and newsprint It must hove been used for something Pig farmers picked up the food garbage from big military kit Why we do same today It would provide em ployment stop wasting resources and do a lot to clean up our environment I be perfectly willing to sort my garbage into waste food bottles and cans and newspapers How about you We could all be our own junk men and do for our country The history making ironclad warship Monitor the cheese- box on a raft was designed by Swede John Ericsson the more for your money car North End BP DATSUN SALES SERVICE Base Line Road Milton Open Weekday sum to pro Soudan 9 a to to Readers noticed a vast the conversion to offset sent improvement in The the proof pages to Herald appearance In to be run off on March when the first step in this Go is Community press return He that after reading one review of his 1969 recital in Gueiph he backed out of discussions which Mould have had him sing In 1970 In Toronto He recalled that one critic called him nothing but a slightly balding slightly portly middle aged man not he mid I hurt Thlk is my home and I don like to have my kids ridiculed in the school yard because of personal attacks like that TtiLJ US J about my performance but they re not going to intuit me personally I an international artist but I an ordinary man and I have ordinary I not going to have the period of time Ihit to being in my unpleasant things like that He left Toronto in and within mi month of his in Loud 11 to sing at Gar den he world famous Within a little more thnn three years he oft hi world most fumoimipiru houses Garden La Sea I a San Francisco Chicago and the New Mel Ever since he has been steady round of the great opera fie lias Just cum pie ted arrangements with the Metropolitan to sing the tenor in Piter Grimes Carmen Die and the Queen of Spades one in Italian and in he a win REPRINTS OF MOST PHOTO 5 APPEARING IN THE HERALD May be ordered at the- office Main SI 5 plus tax plus tax Cash must accompany your order prior to processing also Prints to be picked up at Herald Office BUSINESS DIRECTORY LC I Wallace Thompson Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Georgetown Residence OPTOMETRIST Brown RO I MAIN ST Suits 1 I For Appointments phone Plena praterrt I I murine Card I 3rd Small Claim Court County of Halton Clark I Income Tax Return BOOKKEEPING SERVICES I KENNETH BURGESS of Associate Tax Consultants OPTOMETRIST inilicm Mountain South I Build m For Appointment f least present Health Insurance Card G O L BARTON Dispensing Optician Main Street South ARRANGED Iast Repairs for Information PHONE CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Carpet and Clcanlnt In Home or in our Modern Plant Pickup and CARPET CLINIC 4594140 REPAIR SERVICE JOHN B0UGHT0N JEWELLERS Cartlfltd S Main St BARRAGERS I CLEANERS Shirt Laundarari la Main St Pickup and All done on premises CHIROPRACTOR Mill Georgetown for Appointment PHONE GUI Evans Chiropractic Clinic 1Z0 Gueiph Street 8778515 By Appointment CARR CLIPSHAM CULLEN Limited Enginn Ontario Land Surveyor Planning Gaoroatmvn Orangavllha MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Sired North A BUSINESS DRAGGING DIRECTORY

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