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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 30, 1971, p. 14

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Company limited 22 Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Page GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY SEPT EDITORIAL COMMENT Welfare Gone Wild We were shocked viewing a David Susskind television program to hear the views of some New York City recipients One woman blandly stated that she works In a hospital gets a yearly salary and also receives W00O In welfare payments for her family She had gone to a department store outfitted her family with clothing and told the clerk on the way out to send the bill to the welfare department She said that a year was the minimum amount on which she could live and when her salary reaches that she will not seek further help from the city And she said she was bringing up her children to Ask for it demand it then take it Another relief recipient stated her view that society Is morally obligated to keep all humans in at least average cir cumstances which she ruled to include a college education Her view is that it is the state rather than the individual who is responsible for her offspring They belong to an organization of relief recipients who have formed a group pledged to badger officials get more and more benefits and become a militant force dedicated lo making welfare no stigma A welfare worker also on the Susskind show opined that the militants are ac complishing their purpose that those who shout loudest are getting extra handouts to shut them up while more deserving cases are gelling the short end Is it any wonder that an economist has forecast that in a few decades cities like New York will be completely bankrupt Theres A Breaking Point We have a lesson to learn from this While Canada has nothing so flagrantly in need of revision we are slipping into a welfare state where we are encouraging a percentage of people to live minimally without any effort to keep themselves The sadness of Industrial progress has been the disappearance of many Jobs which required brawn alone Therewasaday when a man who could not master a formal education could earn a decent salary and live a happy life with his physical stamina Today thats not so easy And yet while more education is necessary to train for ones life work we have more proponents of the theory that education should be mainly cultural And our welfare payments which must mount for those who cannot master todays skills are including another group the educated misfits who have not prepared themselves for a gainful oc cupation and wont be accepted by em ployers for more menial tasks because they are overeducated Come to the Fair Those who have attended Georgetowns tall fair dont have to be reminded of its attractions But Georgetown has many new residents and it is to them especially that we say Come the fair this Saturday The town park is a happy place that day Theres a carnival atmosphere and you can see alt the attractions of the bigger expositions with less less money and less energy Today with rapid urbanization theres a chance to see some of natures beautiful creatures horses cattle pigs sheep The hall exhibits ore always tasteful and worth an hours view School exhibits crafts flowers baking fanciwork are on view a very important part of a fall fair As less and less workers try to support more and more people and as those supported demand more and more of the worlds goods it Is inevitable that a breaking point will come Those earning marginal incomes will swallow their pride and go on welfare What use to dig for a living If almost the same living is there for the asking Should we not accept the fact that must sustain those who cannot or will not look after but that we must supply only the bare essentials of food shelter and clothing Should we be subsidizing young people to continue on and on in postgraduate university courses when they could be out earning a living and foot their own postgrad bills later A man is motivated to earn his living by three basic instincts pride of ac complishment beholden to no one and fear of the future Remove fear and you remove a powerful factor in keeping a countrys economy on an even keel Theres a chance to sec some of the new car models in commercial exhibits scattered here and there on the grounds And there is tasty food on sale much of it home cooked by women of town and district associations Best of all Is the general air of gaiety and goodwill the chance to meet jour neighbours informally greet friend who has come back from another community for the day Other things may change In a town as years go by but the fall fair continues as a link with the past A hard working group of men and women have worked all year to arrange It A large attendance is their best reward See you there In the Mall Bag Writer Questions GRC On Memorial Arena Income Cresc Georgetown Dear Sir Thousands of words have been written and spoken regarding the kid hockey negotiations bet ween the GRC and the Royal Canadian Legion Like many citizens of Georgetown refrained from involving myself in the issue while both parties were still on speaking terms However the situation between Ihe parties concerned is now stalemate and I feel it necessary as a citizen of Georgetown to pass comment The maintained all through their numerous discuss Ions and correspondence with the Legion that increased costs of operating the arena must be borne by organizations and sponsors using the arena To this end they provided a chart that appeared in The Herald To their mind although baffling half of Georgetown this chart proved conclusively reason for in creased cost of ice time To support their case they insinu ated that other organizations had accepted the increased cost of ice time without dissent This latter myth can be easily exposed if one took time question the executive members of Tricounty hockey one of the larger groups using the ice time at the arena The members of i county executive met on numerous occasions with C to bargain their position Only after a promise of reduced cosls for practice ice time did they finally settle but before settling they made it quite clear In no uncertain terms that they were completely dissatisfied with the attitude of the C Now returning to Ihe G C position on producing and maint enance cost of ice time All we hear and read is COST Is there no REVENUE that could be considered INCOME As one of the baffled citizens of Georgetown I pose the following questions How much and what happens to the monies received from public skating percentage of the gates from senior hockey operation of the refreshment booth at the arena tournaments rental skate sharpening per capita grant from Township etc Surely the citizens of George town and the sponsoring organiz ations have a right to know the answer to these basic and per- linent questions How can one truly determine the cost of ice time if GRC are not prepared to disclose a financial statement covering cost and Income of the arena opera lion Having said all this may I add a personal note I am not truly In favour of stand taken by either aide at the negotiations CHATTING mo Georgetown Naturalists Followed Explorers Trail Through Quetico Find that summer holidays arc fast becoming a blur of pleasant memories Not so Tor Frank Brown 12 Crescent who had such an unique holiday ex perience this July that it still remains sharply in focus now hopefully for always When he was telling r Canoe Trail in National Park northwest of Lake Superior he made it sound so interesting and his enthusiasm was so infectious thought you might enjoy hearing about it The people in his party all members of the Federated Ontario Naturalists Club who had responded to an ad in the Federations magazine started paddling their canoes from French Lake Adding a piquant sense of history to the expedition was the knowledge that they were following the very same trail used by the earliest explorers settlers furtraders en route west and troops sent from Upper Canada to put down the Kiel Rebellion In Alberta EXPLORE Only basic qualification for the 1971 trip was a love of nature and a desire explore and discover the infinite variety of flora and fauna to be found In an otherwise Inac cessible tract of wilderness Of course it helped if you were in good physical condition and possessed some knowledge of now to handle a canoe When the party assembled it consisted of almost equal numbers of men and women married couples and singles from all walks of life and all age groups ranging from a 17- yearold boy No matter They got along famously heir common in terests and efforts con tributing to a fine warm sense of fellowship But the effort part shouldnt be minimized as you can well imagine when were talking in terms of a fiftymile canoe trip plus portages and side trips There were two people to a canoe as well as camping gear food and per sonal effects Two qualified guide- natural sis in charge of the party pointed out things of Interest en route They alerted the voyageurs about what look for In varieties of trees plants birds animals and soil conditions as well as the geological background of the area being explored Everyone kept a sharp eye out for signs of land and water pollution duly reporting on this aspect of Ihe canoe trip to the Department of Lands and Forests with suggestions for possible remedies EXCITING Relaxing around the camp- fire at night often after a supper of freshly caught fish and sometimes a cake baked in the embers of the fire was a good time for com paring notes on who saw what during the days Journey That is after the last of Ihe daylight was used to make forays on foot into the wooded areas In the hopes of glimpsing moose beaver etc The most exciting momenta came unexpectedly Like when a bald eagle was sighted on its nest These birds are almost extinct largely to tne use of DDT The eagle ingests DDT from its prey which in turn causes it to lay softshelled eggs which do not survive the hatching period Another highlight came when ancient Dictographs were spotted on the face of a cliff overhanging one of the small lakes These Indian paintings In red dye have survived the centuries because they were done on a rock face angled inward thus forming natural protection from the elements Sometimes the portages were pretty arduous especially when they were threequarters of a mile long but because that was when all eyes were of a necessity down they yielded some of the finest plant finds of the expedition FIRST TIME Last year was the first time canoe trip was tried II was such a success that this year the N sponsored three two in Park and one in Algonquin And next year more are planned There is of course a fee charged which covers the cost of guides canoe outfitters camping material and medical supplies A doctor and nurse are Included in every party Mr Brown is a member of the Georgetown District Naturalists Club which Is an affiliate of the FON The Bruce Trail Club is also af filiate of the FON Our local Naturalists Club has a membership of about Meetings are held In Park School the second Wednesday evening of each month Sep tember through April featuring lecturers films and photography contests During good weather members can enjoy outings such as hikes on the Bruce Trail and other nature preserves The Club is very concerned about ecology conservation and pollution control Sounds like a pretty in teresting and relevant form of recreation doesnt it And theyre always eager to welcome new members In the Mall I Little Sympothy For Local Hockey Parents BILL SMILEY An Anniversary To Remember Dear Sir September Is bass weather We have your paper sent to us i and last Saturday I had one of the inlawsandcouldnotmlss most interesting bossfishing the big hey rube between the jaunts Ive ever enjoyed Legion and the Recreation Board My old Russian billiards regarding the for i partner Captain Dolt Hudson the youth hockey program I called about noon and asked me feel wc should advise your I if Id like to go out for a little fish readers and parents how lucky The situation was a little they are tricky it was my wedding We live in Mass a anniversary and I thought maybe town of about people Wc IshouldstickaroundButtheOld have a youth hockey program Involving just under boys and no local arena At present time we are using Filchburg which is a one hour drive Battleaxe and I had had a big fight the night before and she had told me not to come sucking around with a bunch of roses or anything else to mark the Northboro Ice time there or shed throw them in costs an hour I my face Our boys pay for each I Even so I had the decency practice and for game There is tell her that Cap wanted me to go also a registration fee of per fishing Go ahead she year per boy cover insurance i snarled and burst Into tears and misc items Many a man would have been Our Hockey Association is run wrung but I steeled my heart by a group of volunteers They hold one raffle a year to help finance cost of program The profits from this venture go towards the cost of goalie equipment sweaters etc The boys must supply all the rest of their equipment themselves have a 40 to 45 game schedule in all leagues from mites to midgets Needless to say the parents of had very little sym pathy for Ihose complaining in Georgetown They Just feel you i few less adamant and a little more believe decisis thought and consideration for each others problems and opinions could have resolved this matter Furthermore George town doesnt need councillors like Donna Denison throwing out tiptoed around gathering my Undertaker Whats Ihe idea requesting that we put your husband foccdown In his casket Widow When he learns that I poisoned him hell turn over In his grave dont know how lucky you are Sincerely CF Allan Sunset Dr Mass ultimatums to a sponsorship of It would have been much more befitting her position as an elected member of Council if she had mediated the crucial issues between the parties concerned Yours sincerely Bill of HISTORY THE ANKLE BONE CONNECTED TO THE SHIN BONE gear and prepared to make dash for the back door She was weeping silently trying to make me feel like a heel She failed I hadnt been fishing all summer And dont you bother coming back she fired at me as I out Picked up the skipper who had a basket full of worms and down to Ihe dock He has a fine boat Cabin In board motor that runs like Cadillac and seaworthy as the most frightened old maid could wish It was a beautiful sunny September day and I was in good hands those of a retired captain who had sailed fresh water and salt for about fifty years We had a pleasant run up the bay about ten miles and arrived See that little reef he said Well anchor about 150 yards sou souwest I slung in the anchor doubting as I always do when I go out with someone who knows the spots that would be a bass wilhln five miles We had a quarter bet on whod catch the first fish Dalt was telling me how to tic my line and fiddling around filling and lighting his pipe I tossed my bait overside and before hed got the pipe lit I had a dandy about pounds It was one of days you remember We sat in the sun and bartered lies about the days when we sailed the lakes His lies were much more picturesque than mine He told of strikes and storms and colourful characters I told about scrubbing out lavatories Finally we had our limit and it was time to go The Captain turned the key to start the engine Total silence Dead battery I wish I a movie of various expressions or the Captains face There couldnt be a sound track with It though because he was blistering paint right off the deck We were only about yards offshore so started to paddle It was like paddling the Queen Mary feel ahead and the wind would push us three back We were lucky We could have sat there all night anchored because place was rife with reefs But there was one boa I in sight fishing just The only sign of human life in that vast bay The skipper made megaphone out of a chart and hollered at them They waved We beckoned them They waved 1 back friendly as you could want The rest of Ihe story is anti- climatic They finally realized we were in trouble The chap In the other boat went to his collage for a booster battery II didnt boost He towed us ignomlnloualy his dock a 14- foot skiff tawing a 30foot queen Cap muttered all the way In The shame was almost unbearable We got home about 10 and I thought my wife would be of her rnlnd with worry She wasnt She was Just out vlslllng friends I tracked her down and craftily brought a big plastic bag with twelve bass In it offered all they wanted to the housewife and she cleaned the whole tot It was a grand day but the moral is never go fishing with an expert In Mall Baa Council of Women Oppose HiRise List Reasons Dear Sir Enclosed please find a copy of a letter submitted to Members of Council Town of Georgetown by Local Council of Women This la asking council to reconsider the rezoning of more of our limited industrial land to residential These units as discussed we think should be considered rather as approx or more people not as inanimate objects I would appreciate having this letter printed so that other citizens could see also the disadvantages as we see them of this new apartment building as proposed Yours truly MrsR President Local Council of Women Dear Sirs The Georgetown Local Council of Women would like to go on record being opposed to the re- of part of Old Tracy Property originally designated Industrial to High Density Residential accommodate a unit apartment building Our reasons for opposing this are as follows a This would be an isolated apartment development in an Industrial park tb The Tracy Property is a triangular piece of land wllh a frontage facing the Upper Canada College Forest One side of the triangle abuts the rear of British Motors an Automotive dealer and service station as well as a proposed MotelTavem and North Hal ton Motors another Automotive dealer and service station The side of the triangle faces a restaurant and a steep hill Atthefootof this hill In plain view is a Cement Co and other industry Therefore we feel children and adults alike would be forced to live in this area surrounded by contamination from industry and automobiles We are concerned thai at the present time Georgetown has a Volunteer Fire Dept Although it has a very good reputation It hasnt the equipment needed for rescue work on a 7th floor level d The town of Georgetown has paid Municipal Consultants to prepare a town plan What is the good of having professionals plan this town if every time a developer wants to build something that contravenes this plan the local officials change the zoning e It was noted at the Local Council of Women lhat if an apt building of 158 units could be built on Industrial land why then is it not possible to use this land for Industry of comparable size which would help achieve the proper balance of Residential Industrial Assessment We are anxious also about the local sewage plant As we understand it the town has been directed to slow down building by Ontario Water Resources people as the plant is working at present lo its capacity The safety of children being asked I cross a mile per hour highway during peak traffic periods ie m and pm on route lo and from school We would hope thai Ihe Members of Council of Georgetown will reconsider the hange in zoning of this area Yours truly R President Local CouncHofWomcn In The Mall Bag Pleased to Host Ball Team Social Elizabeth St Dear Saturday September saw the annual hot dog est and corn roast for the players of the Legion Baseball Team at the runs Ids It wonderful as usual to see many of the interested parents present We were especially honoured by a short visit from Norm Ward president of Branch 120 with his wife Ada and Ralph for Branch 120 I would like take this op portunity lo express my ap preciation lo Jim who look over the job of managing he team after Tony left us My sincere gratitude goes out to the two young men Guy and Ross Mitchell who so ably coached team this year and who I understand will be taking Ihe Job on next year to win the championship hey o much deserve as ihe Legion team are all champions Good luck next year team and may the wind be always at your back Sincerely MBrunski A plaice is a flat fish of the flounder family BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST LM Brown RO MAIN ST Suite Par Appointments phone Please present Hearth Insurance Card ALPINE HEALTH CLUB 12WesIcanSt 8779531 OPTOMETRIST R R 116 South Carrot BuildinX Per Appointment Please Health Insurance Evans Chiropractic Clinic Goeipn Street STJTjjjoriasis By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR DC MM Georgetown O R L BARTON Mala Fail Fur Information Wallace Thompson 3rd Claims Court Count of Hilton Cttrk A Commissioner C CLEANING CARPET CLINIC lrofcsnlonal Carpet and In Your Home or In our Modern Plant Free nd Delivery CARPIT CLINIC 4594140 Accutren Service JOHN BOUGHTON CwtHtod St BARRAGERS CLEANERS Shirt Main St Pree Pickup and Delivery All work done on premises CARR CLIPSHAM Limited Consulting Engineers Ontario Land Surveyor Planning Georgetown Orangey lie 8772211 MONUMENTS POLLOCK DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work in Greenwood Cemetery Street North A

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