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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 14, 1971, p. 1

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GEORGETOWN HERALD Ads That Pay You can place an ad The Classified pages by phoning mi Baying or setting The llcraM where yon will Hod the molts yon want Second Class Mall Registered WO Return PrintingPublishing The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District tHHHHOWN lit- KAMI it 14 1U7I The Herald has served and district as Printer and Publishers for over a century offering the best In fine priming and news coverage SO year Single Copy Price Fifteen Cents THE MAYORS A SHOE IN That pair or shoes being presented to Georgetown mayor Bill Smith right by Brampton mayor Jim Ar symbolic of one lawn giving the other the boot The Georgetown mayor was a low net prize winner at Howard Caton Golf Day at Georgetown Golf and Local School Bus Drivers Brush Up school bus drivers will go cheerfully to the last place you might expect back to school to take a refresher course for experienced school bus drivers Designed by the Commerce and Industry Division of Sheridan College In cooperation with the Ontario Department of Transport Highway Safely Branch the course begins Tuesday night Oct 12 at Palermo Public School Hwy and 5 Instructor is Leigh Murdock of Sheridan Heavy Equipment School Before he Joined Sheridan Mr Murdock had many years experience as chief in In the Canadian Armed Forces The course Involves only class room work UNDER CONTRACT While the first session will be taken by school bus drivers employed by County Board of Education later ones will have students from four other companies under contract to that board Chart envoys Kirby Bus Lines Norton Bus Lines and Tyler Transport Ltd The course has been arranged by Ken Giles Supervisor of Transportation for the Halton board working with Zouch Palmer of Sheridan College Floral Demonstration At IODE Meeting Members of the Countess of Strathmore Chapter met at the home of Mrs James Evans Valleyview Rd for their October meeting Mrs S presided and Mrs Smith acted as secretary Mrs Barber thanked the members who assisted at the TB clinic held recently An award from the Chapter will be presented to a student at the High School Commencement White shirts to be made into hospital gowns were given out and also wool for knitting Members are again selling Christmas cards and supplies The opportunity and bake sale Is to be held the end of October and Mrs Is the convenor A wreath will be laced at the cenotaph for em em bran Day by the Regent and she will also attend the Civic dinner to be held on Oct 15th A donation was made to This is week the slogan Is IODE on the Move Join Us The Area is to be held In Barrle Oct 28 and members are Invited to attend the noon luncheon and conference session Mrs Keith Webb and daughter Miss Gwen Webb were In troduced by Miss Margery Mackenzie and they gave an interesting floral demonstration They were thanked by Mrs J T Armstrong and the arrange ments were won by Mrs S Penrice MissM Mackenzie and Mrs Hunter Mrs D Charles thanked Mrs Evans for lending her home and the hostesses of the evening Miss Mac Donald Mrs Carney and Mrs G Fame Students May Vot by Proxy Where students will vote In the October provincial election Is becoming a major problem University students generally must vote in their home riding and not in the riding In which they live while attending university The exceptions are married students and students who are self supporting and do not have a family In Halton East the returning officer is giving parents who Inquire proxy vote applications to be filled out by the students A student may appoint his mother or father of any other eligible voter to cast his vote for him The student may of course return on an advance poll day or election day and cast his vote personally More Test Opportunities For Figure Skaters Junior and senior bronze skaters of Georgetown figure skating club will have a chance to try tests more often this year Chlnguacousv Brampton Streetsvltle Port Credit and Georgetown will be hosting one test day each per month under the new arrangement The club starts Its sessions this Sunday for Intermediates and seniors and Monday for preschoolers Juniors Intermediates and seniors at the arena A SKATEIN Mrs Donna Moores carnival chairman attended the SkateIn at Lake Couchfching a seminar dealing with all facets of skating club operations and reports many excellent Ideas the Rocker Foxtrot at Weston this summer Tracey Moores passed her Fiesta while attending Port Credit folk school The skate exchange October 2 has several articles left over and hope to dispose of these at the arena on Monday October was such an unseasona day that bikinis might have sold better Georgetown Area Embraces Parts of Four Ridings Residents of the Georgetown area living In that part of Township north or the Limehouse will be voting for West candidates In the October 21 provincial election They will choose from the incumbent Progressive Conservative George Kerr who Is a cabinet member as Minister of the En vlronmenj Liberal Bob McNutt and New Democrat Walter Mulkewich North of the choice of Ballinafad area residents will be either incumbent Progressive Conservative John Root New Democrat Alan or liberal Cam Lush PREMIER HIDING To the east will be voting for either Premier Bill Davis New Democrat Neil Davis or Liberal Gary Thaler Georgetown and the rest of the Georgetown vicinity will choose from four candidates Incumbent Progressive Conservative Jim Snow who a cabinet minister without portfolio New Democrat Ken Liberal Robert Blake and Independent Richard McGrath Country Club last week and received the shoes for his achievement Mayor Ar chdekin was also a com Suffer Cuts Rural Accidents A single car accident on 15 and the line October sent Mrs Marie R R 1 Georgetown to hospital with cuts and bruises She was later released Her was badly damaged with an estimate of WOO damage Back Injuries were suffered by Brian Smyth of Brampton when his Valiant was in collision with a 63 Chov driven by Giefert of Terra Cotta damage was done to the Chev and to the Valiant In the accident on 7 Highway Just cost of town October Another accident on the same spot later that day saw three cars involved The three car pileup caused damage to a 71 Volkswagen driven Clarence KJooater of Kenilworth but only to a Chev driven by David of Georgetown and to a driven by Concaldo of 4 Georgetown Frederick Brown Lime- house suffered cuts to his head and hand when he lost control of his Mustang on No 7 High way east of the line October 10 damage was done to the Mustang Again on No 7 Highway this lime at Nerval a total of damage was done in an accident October The Oldsmobile driven by Emmanuel of Toronto received damage and the Rambler driven ty John Harrison of Weston 600 A Ridley Cartage truck driven by William MacDougall Georgetown was not damaged In a collision with a Chev on and Highway CANDIDATES MEETING RAISES ELECTION FEVER 73 New Backyard Pools This Year Only two permits for houses were Issued during September one under a plan of subdivision and one other Two more permits for swim pools pushed the total to 73 for the year Commercial permits Included Gordon Shoe Store in the new part of Georgetown Market Centre an addition to Mac Milk In Moore Park and renovations to the Georgetown Dairy building now Plumbing and alterations to the old Thompson Hardware store The total for September amounted to By the end of September this year the number of permits Issued passed the total Issued during the whole of last year This year so far building per mits have amounted to 212 the eight permits Issued by Township during September were for new residences The rest were for garages a house renovation and agricultural storage shed Value of the projects totalled 105 426 for which In permit fees were collected Zellers Opens Million Dollar County Fair A spokesman for the chain said the new store will serve a market of households in the region For Georgetown Market a development of S B McLaughlin Associates Limited of Mlssiss the store means near completion of the marketplace which also includes such new locations as Canadian Tire and Gordon Shoes and a projected L C store Loblaws Brewers Retail plus smaller stores are also sited in the shopping centre Griffiths store manager at County Fair says the operation employ 120 local people Included In the County Fair un tore s Pharmacy a 76- seat Skillet Restaurant and a home improvement centre The store featuring square feet of selling space was built under a McLaughlin Group contract by G Gallagher Construction limited Provincial Park Slated For Halton Development of a new mult I use provincial park In County has been announced by Premier William Davis Bronte Creek Provincial Park will occupy 1500 acres in the area bounded on by Highway 5 on the east by Highway on the south by the Queen Elizabeth Way and on the west by the old Burlington Line Bronte Creek Park is planned to be open year round to serve community needs in the areas of education recreation nature study and the preservation of open spaces of Lands and Forests expects to have initial facilities ready tor public use In summer of the Premier said Abandoned Car Burns An oven slightly hotter than cooking temperature called 137 Maple Avenue Last Friday afternoon The blaze was confined to the stove Firemen quickly extinguished a burning car on the line above Glen Williams Monday night at p m The car seemed be abandoned You were right that was a bridge going down the road McEachem Con who have been HEY I BRING BACK THAT BRIDGE given the contract for replacing the old Lino bridge east of Glen Williams have pulled the superstru back from the river to accelerate the Job The Jaycee sponsored Meet the Candidates night drew a full house to Wriggles worth auditorium Tuesday night to hear Bob Blake Liberal Jim Snow ProgressiveConservative and Ken Gelok give their views on Issues and to answer questions from the audience Bob Blake speaking first deplored the fact the newspapers were saying there were no Issues In the election He claimed the American control of the Canadian Industries was a big to speak primarily on assessment and la Issue but said he chose tc LIB BOB BLAKE KEN PC JIM SNOW Raiders Open At Home Sunday Night Georgetown Raiders executive are optimistic about their clubs chances In the Niagara Intermediate A Hockey League this season Raiders play their first the schedule In Dun das tomorrow night and open the home season In the Memorial Arena Sunday night Club president Bill Mac Cormack said Raider fans will see a hardnosed aggressive kind of hockey team this campaign They re good hitters with the talent to go with It They should produce the type of hockey that to he told The icrold Notably missing from the line up will be rear guards Don and Bob Larmand However Raider officials are confident they have filled the voids A question mark Is last year MVP At who may forsake hockey this winter to go back to school Three former Raiders who dldn play last season but have rejoined the club are Doug Richardson Wayne Davison and Bill Currie Ron Lane who missed the latter part of last season Is also back One of the new faces is John Lee son of Elmer Lee who Raider followers will remember as the fiery bench general of George towns Intermediate team of a few years back Best at Camp Trophy Sunday Premier William Davis will participate at a Sunday ceremony when General Kit chlng presents his trophy to Col E Egan of the Lome Scots The trophy la for the best illitla unit at summer camp A church parade prior to the presentation will take place to Christ Church Brampton New cases to hold the colours of Peel Bn and 1st Peel will be unveiled then Legion and Cadet corps members from three counties will parade with the regiment Next Thursday Oct It Election Day reform He contended the provincial take over of had produced a mess He died Peel county as an example and warned would be In the same position In a year or two He said Peel industrial ment had gone down 25 per cent with Bell Telephone Gulf Oil and St Lawrence Cement having drastic reductions The farmers and the residential owners pick up the tab he stated Blake pointed out the ssment upset the residential Industrial ratio which In turn makes ft more difficult for municipalities to borrow money He claimed it cost more to administer assessment at the provincial level than it did at the municipal level BACKTRACKING He challenged the market value basis Tor assessment saying It was really the alive value He called the present amendments backtracking by the present government If the farmer Is a good fellow and doesn I appeal he gets a percent rebate but now the candidates are advising him has to pay they con lower the assessment but raise the mill rale Blake said property maintain more than the services and proposed the transfer of SO of education costs from property tax base He further contended farm land should not be taxed for education but land not In use but held for speculation should be taxed higher He attacked the Toronto Centred Region plan pointing out that a farmer not able to make a living or wanting to quit farming could not sell his land if It designated a park or recreation area NO REGULATIONS Ken drew a round of laughter in his opening remarks when he said he had predicted a snow fall in October and it would probably come on October He claimed Bill Davis was switching his tactics in mid stream to counteract the surge We have very little money said but a massive army of dedicated canvassers charged the Davis government with lack of concern about pollution He said the new environmental bill had passed In August and as yet there were no regulations to govern It Companies can set their own timetable he said He main tained the average fine for polluters in 1071 was 353 He attacked the Pits and Quarries act in the same vein saying there were no regulations in It Even If Mr Kerr wanted to act he cannot since the Pits and Quarries Act is administered by the Department of Mines he added He claimed the Davis government Is unwilling to put teeth into pollution legislation and unwilling to enforce what little there is WASTEFUL Gelok advocated publicly run automobile Insurance saying would save money He the fact auto Insurance is not compulsory In Ontario and that fault before property damage can be settled He said many accidents result In long and costly legal battles which result In uncompensated victims delays and congested courts Only the affluent can afford legal action to get com pensation he remarket Switching the subject the NDP candidate said Canada must control Its own resources and Industries He said there was a great deal of unused money in pension plans trust companies and Insurance funds which could be used to develop Canada He said the American subsidiaries operate under American law When giving forglveable loans to companies let stoke an equity In them he suggested He blamed much of the trouble on branch plant mentality in a branch plant economy He concluded by saying the had a programme already drafted RECYCLING Challenging the idea that the government should be changed because It has been In office for a long time the last speaker Jim Snow pointed out that the new government had approved 131 bills mostly all peopleoriented legislation He cited the Environmental Bill piece of progressive legislation and the most comprehensive in North America covering air soli water noise litter radioactivity and future unknown types of pollution He said there were stiff penalties for polluters and sold the penalties referred to by Mr were under the old act not the recent one He said all types of recycling of products would be encouraged He pointed out an agreement had been signed with Ottawa for the Installation of pollution in the Great Lakes amounting to logging had banned in Park land had been acquired for recreational Purposes in Beach the escarpment and 1500 acres in Bronte OF ACTION Snow said the Pits and Quarries act passed this year Continued on Page Meet Georgetowns ClerkAdministrator Douglas Prltchard started his duties as George town clerkadministrator a newly created position which makes him the senior municipal employee He has served as clerkcoordlnator of the reafon of Niagaras tneUke and before that was with town ship Earlier he was em ployed by the Metro Toronto Planning Department Mr la married with four children

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