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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 28, 1971, p. 22

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Georgetown Herald A Division off Hem Newspapers Compiny limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTtR C Publisher Page HERALD THURSDAY OCTOBER 1071 EDITORIAL COMMENT Remembrance Something for All using IT KNOT a TIME Theres something for everybody in Remembrance if one cares to look Even the GO percent of the population who have little recollection of World War 11 can draw something from the new concept of Remembrance This years Remembrance theme is If you can t Remember think If you cant remember war think of the peace and what you are contributing as a citizen Some the kin of the war dead will of course see other things In Remembrance So will veterans who lost friends in war And for a few it may even be an ego trip But moat of the war generation have very personal feelings about Remembrance and with a bit of application the post war generations can also find something very personal In this day There is no day in the calendar upon which Canadians stop and assess their performance as citizens Last year the Quebec crisis dramatized two facts we could lose this country by default and many of us are Indifferent ell liens and understanding is what its all about Some 114 young Canadians died to give us the opportunity to develop both Remembrance seems a logical time to look at ourselves and ask Are we blowing if If you cant Remember think Could Accomplish Much may be a place to stand and a place to grow but It is also a place where the people once they are convinced they have a reliable govern are very reluctant to try a new one The Conservatives are in despite years in power and the Liberals and the New Democrats must be shaking their heads and wondering just what it takes to sink the Tory boat The Ontario public went to the polls yesterday and placed their vote Tor the record of the PCs and the current record of Premier Bill Davis The effect that Premier Davis had on his party retaining political control in Ontario must not be underestimated It has been considerable It should be remembered that in the 1967 election the powerful hold that the PCs had was loosened It appeared that if the party had continued under John Roberta It may have been defeated in this vote Davis however gave the party and the government a fresh approach People come first with the Davis Government was the motto and obviously the people of Ontario were persuaded to believe it We hope that vote of confidence has been well placed Looking at what Mr Davis has managed to accomplish in the short time he has been office It la hard to realize it is less than eight months we are somewhat reassured We believe he could accomplish a great deal In the next four years Since becoming Premier on March l of this year Bill Davis has gone from being a fairly unknown political figure to a man that the people of Ontario can identify with and obviously feel can trust He has made some hard decisive political decisions such as the separate school issue which many other politician would have avoided like the plague so soon before an election Perhaps It Is this very decisiveness which ultimately led the people to place their trust in Bill Davis It is a time of economic crisis in Ontario as in the rest of Canada With unemployment the highest it has been in years we need a decisive man as our leader A man who will not flinch from making tough and even un popular decisions if he believes it is necessary The people of Ontario obviously felt they had that sort of man in Bill Davis when they went to the polls Thursday Mercury BILL SMILEY Smiley Formula To Save Canada It seems if we are to believe the financial experts that Canada Is In for a tough lime economically Them damyankees are at It again They are paying as much at tention to our various trade missions and professional whiners at would a buffalo mixed analogy for you to ponder over To carry on with the cliches Canadians are reaping what they have sown For severs generations they have invited charging toward a cliff with a flea on His back screaming that he too would be killed If the THE EAGER BEAVER PATROL Royal Canadian Legion Essays Competition Making the Best Use of Peace Cheating Ourselves Were cheating ourselves of the pleasure and relaxation that should be part of summer claims the Smiths Falls Record- News We rob ourselves of many lm portant leisure hours by sticking to an outmoded work week and outmoded work hours says the paper Friday afternoons we end our week work at approximately the same time A good percentage take to the highways to head for favorite country retreats The resultant driving ordeal provides more tension than most of us experience at any time at work Sunday afternoons we repeat the rush in the opposite direction Those who do not leave the area but seek an outdoor experience in parks and conservation areas find them so Jammed as to be hardly en able Eien when we start a holiday trip out side Canada probably by charter flight we find the airport unbelievably congested because we have to start our flight on a weekend that is when vacations traditionally begin and end In the Mall Bag Urges Citizens Support Recreation Organizations Georgetown people connected with the Mr Editor Georgetown It District Minor C would like to thank Hockey Association for all the the temporary executive and ail and effort that has been put THE AT A GLANCE WOMEN OAKVILLE Canadian General Electric Is suspending women employees for one day each who refused to work October because of excessive heat Plant manager M C Reeve said of the incident all I can say is that In Japan when the temperature reaches degrees the I walkoff the Job and they I getting paid BO per hour either The union said grievances will be filed on behalf of all 24 workers UNHAPPY WITH POLL FEES ACTON The fee paid polling clerks for election day duties has been called inadequate by several Acton women who agreed to do the Job but then wished they could gel out of It The pay is below the minimum leant afford the money or the time snapped another Ridiculous seethed a third The said they expected fees for polling clerks to be as generous as money for acting as enumerators which most of them had already done DAM PROJECT Members attending the general meeting of the Grand River Conservation Authority in this week were given an in depth presentation of the Guelph dam project by general manager Mac Coults and Jim Jones representing the consulting engineers Planned for completion to catch the spring water in the project will go ahead with land purchased in the area Construction site Is west of Victoria Road Guelph between Highway 24 and Sldcroad The resulting reservoir will be about a mile and a half long and about three quarters or a mile wide It will mean some rerouting of High way with dwellings to be acquired and removed WANT TO BE ANNEXED MILTON A spot survey of homeowners on land at present part of and being considered for annexation to Milton shows those Everybody knows that the roads are largely bare in midweek the parks un crowded the airports not so heavily used We have known it for years while putting up with weekend frustration in convenience and strain But still we tie ourselves to a Monday to Friday summer workweek obligatory in earlier times because of the ironclad tradition that Sunday must be reserved for religion In summer particularly staggered working weeks would now make far more sense for most people To start work Friday morning and Tuesday af ternoon leaving Wednesday and Thursday for leisure for say per cent of the work force would make a big difference Has any major union ever really asked for staggered summer work periods in contract negotions Has any major in dustry ever tried to introduce them on a wholesale scale Why not How much longer do we endure unpleasant alter natives Acton Free Press in during wis past month to make this organization become a reality This executive is composed of volunteers from the community who In their own time have un he formation of a hockey association to serve the boys of Georgetown and area who play house league hockey In less than a month this organization has formed itself Into a viable working group They have determined operating coil recruited managers and coaches worked on raising finances taken registration ana formed teams whose first game will be October 30th The G C are cooperating with this group by assisting in registration other mechanical ways but the financing will be the groups responsibility This group will receive the same financial assistance as any other group dealing with minor sports In Georgetown It is through organizations such as his one The Georgetown Figure Skating Club The Georgetown Minor Hockey Support Group and The Tyke Hockey Group that various activities offered at Ihe arena are made possible The dedication ana effort that go into each of these groups is greatly appreciated by the 6 C ana we urge all citizens of the area to support them in any way they can Doug Colllton Director in a law suit the Judge or dinarlly rules on questions of law by BARBARA MLODZ1K Ocean alls BC Junior Winner What is peace Webster s dictionary quotes a stale or period of mutual concord between governments True but does this wholly describe what peace means to various Martin Luther King defined peace in his famous speech I have a dream today To a family In Com munlst Europe peace is a treasured dream of freedom that may never be to an illiterate child peace Is an education and its resultant and to a soldier In Vietnam peace Is on end to bloodshed and a chance to go home War is not a new concept it has been a common entry In the pages of history Despite the suffering and hardships experienced by both victors and losers wars still flare up today indicating that man has learned nothing from previous tragedies What price must we pay for the peace so desperately sought by humanity Already it has cost us millions of lives enormous expense and a criminal waste of time and effort that could have been better utilized And even as we view the damage already done there is an underlying fear of a third world war This possibility is a very real threat as such a war could well mean the end to the human race What con we the young people of today and leaders of tomorrow do to create and maintain a peace in our sad confused society First by the way we lead our lives must prove to the world our desire to create a lasting peace Secondly as young energetic people we must redirect the time money effort spent on developing sophisticated weapons into an instrument for world unity and un derstanding The United Nations has the potential to be the greatest organization capable of bringing about world peace so long as its individual member states work together and co operate towards a final solution Agricultural educational and welfare organizations form part of the United Nations program This visiting on ex change programs see how others live and thus better appreciate their views dcrprlvilegcdcountries i from foreign scholarships and from the works of voluntary organizations such as the Peace Corps The Olympic Games provide a forum for international competition and comradeship could combine development of natural resources example hydro electric power where several countries have similar problems Thescareonlyafew illustrations of what is being done and what could be done we must act now and strive for our goal peace Vet even as we look at the technological aspects of peace we should not neglect the spiritual half Christ taught us to love our neighbour and make this a better world by our presence Unity should be real practice and all men should follow the words of our Lord One of the beatitudes expresses this topic perfectly Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God In the Mail Boa Says Councils Roadblocks Halt Needed Facilities Georgetown Byron Street Gentlemen How much longer will some members of Georgetown Council persist in harassment of those people sponsoring projects that are beneficial to the town We are paying a council to work for the things the town needs not to throw roadblocks In the path of efforts to provide facilities the town desperately requires I am referring now to the possibility of the town having a motor inn near its eastern en trance which would provide much needed overnight ac commodations which are unobtainable elsewhere at present in town It would Also provide meeting space for conventions and apartments to overlook the scenic Credit river Unfortunately for the voters we have no election In town this year so we cannot make the The largest farms in world are the collective farms in the Soviet Union buffalo went over the edge Well as the fleas we cant it on anybody but our selves Its been too comfortable riding around on the back of that big fat Juicy buffalo Better we should have been wasps stinging Instead of sucking Now we know how the Esquimaux and the Indians feel about the rest of us Newspaper editorials are crying the blues telling the government to do something about it or trying to assure their readers that the US is not out to get us They might as well save their Its too late for crying telling the present government to do anything about anything and the US is not Interested in getting us It is interested in getting itself out of the worst economic mess it has been In since the thirties Writers of are offering some emotional but largely Irrational advice to anyone who will listen Some would cut the Yanks off from all our rescources That would be like cutting off your nose to improve your appearance Others would seize or seriously police all American subsidiary companies in Canada That would result in further unemployment as the Yanks started closing plants many of them heavily subsidized by our own government and started pulling in their horns Maybe a mouse can frighten on elephant according to legend but a rat cant stop a ship from safer like Brazilian Traction or A and Result The country crawling with British SwedisV German and American plants directed from abroad I wonder how many Canadian companies you would find operating sue- 1 cessfully in any of those coin- 1 tries Another cliche You cant have your cake and eat it We have all the ingredients for the cake Bur I rather than bake It ourselves we send them to foreign bakers buy It back from them and find that Its mostly crumbs One more You cant have it both ways You cant be half capitalist half socialist And If you want to play around with giant among capitalists like the S you need more protection than an Alcan Jockstrap You dont send In your high school secondstring juniors to play against the pros Have I a solution Of course I have economic lecture wasnt prepared without deef thought and deeper research First lets stop running around in everdecreasing circles like that bird of legend You know Its fate Second lets not bite the hand that feeds ua Unless that hand tries to give us a cuff on the Then bite to hurt Third Lets pull In our belts get off our talis and start competing with industrialists in other countries In short stop producing shoddy at inflated prices 111 take a wage freeze will you Thus the lesson BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST Brown RO MAIN ST N Suit For Appointments phon Please present Hearth Insurance Card ALPINE HEALTH CLUB 12 Wesley an St owners would be anxious to become part of Milton providing there Is no drastic increase In taxes and some services could be provided Trie land in question takes in some Ml acres In north bounded by Miltons western boundary Road Tremalne Road and Steele Avenue Each of the people contacted Indicated they feet more a part of Milton than Oakville HIGH SCHOOL STAYS County Board of Education took a second look at situation at a meeting In approval of all those concerned An earlier proposal b board to dose Erin District High School and bus all the Erin sdttff to was confronted with extreme opposition from citizens and students A motion that the k fee secondary school facilities at Erin passed GEORGETOWN Glass Mirror IIS Street GLASS AND MIRRORS CUT TO SIZE Aluminum Windows Glass Replaced Alto Screens 8778020 GO AEAD BUY CANADA SAVINGS BONDS YIELD AN AVERAGE 7 Aor MATURITY OPTOMETRIST R R Hamilton 11 MounMnvIe South Carretal Building For Appointment Please present Health Insurance Card Evans Chiropractic Clinic 1M Street or By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR DC a Mill Street For Appointment PHONE G O RL BARTON Dispensing Optician J Main Street Sooth EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Fast Repairs For Information PHONE 777m CARR CLIPSHAM CULLEN Limited Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Consultant CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Your Home or In our Modern Plant Pre Pickup and Delivery CARPET CLINIC Wallace Thompsoif 3rd Small Court County of Hilton Clerk A Commlstlonor BARRAGERS I Lavnderera I I IS Main S S Pickup end Delivery I All work done on premise J Service JEWELLERS Certified Watchmaker Main It MONUMENTS POLLOCK A CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work in Greenwood Cemetery PHONE elUSM Water Street North Toronto Dominion the bank where people make the difference Your Business should be listed in the Director Column KENNELS vmg fiM

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