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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 9, 1971, p. 2

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Newspapers Company Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publisher Page GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY DEC 1B71 EDITORIAL COMMENT Sanfa in May A reader who took issue with us on changing the remembrance day date when weather would be better asked what we would do about the Santa Clautf parade That was a stymie But thinking it over we could suggest that this too Is a well- meaning idea which would be even better moved to another occasion When the Lions Club and firemen started the parade many years back it was far less elaborate than the 1970 version At that time Santa on his flleigh was the big feature and there were fewer floats no drum major ettes or others on foot Bags of candies were handed out to children at the main downtown corner and the parade was strictly a Christmas feature Now with candy distribution no longer and the parade becoming more and more spectacular we wonder it it wouldnt be a better idea for a complete change perhaps to May Dominion Day or Labour Day or tied in with the Fall Fair So often the parade takes place on a cold rainy day and much of the hard work which has gone into producing floats is lost and those on the exhibits are exposed to the elements for several hours as are the viewers lined along the parade route There is no Intention of criticizing sponsors or participants In the present Santa parade We just hate to see so much time and effort spent for something which could be that much better at a dif ferent season A Gift Worth Giving The holiday season has always been a time of gift giving For young and old alike the custom of exchanging gifts is a highpotnt at Christinas time as a symbol of af fection There is one gift which can mean the difference between life and death for someone in need blood And it is one of the very finest because the recipient is unknown to the donor Some people will need blood desper Tragedy of Cities The tragedy of big American cities was never more clearly pictured than it was on a David Susskind TV show last week Mr Susskind had five victims of New York City robberies on a panel telling their stories and discussing remedies They were from varied occupations and income groups and each had a frightening story to tell One a merchant wants to sell his business If lean dam who wants to buy it One a housewife complained that although her husband wanted to view pictures of possible suspects the police brushed her off It was a busy night and they couldnt be bothered she said One man is pulling up stakes and leaving the city Another is stubborn has joined the auxiliary police and is determined to do his bit to restore New York to a safe place to live It seems almost axiomatic that ately this Christmas They may never know who you are but your gift of life will be a present they will never forget Your chance comes on December when the local Red Cross sponsors one of its regular clinics It will be at the usual location in Holy Cross Hall and the Red Cross is hoping that even at this busy season they will have a large number of donors bigness begets enme and the bigger the community the more the percentage In Georgetown one is safe to walk any street at any time In Toronto there are areas which one should avoid at night And yet be it city or town were just a group of humans some good some bad Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that it is easier to get away with a crime in the anonymity of a city Plus the fact that the city tends to draw the criminal element because of this Whatever the reason were happy to live In Georgetown a lawabiding community where the police force draws its proper respect May we never reach the stage where we hurry home from work before dark and hole up in a locked house afraid to venture out until daylight This is pollution of the worst sort people pollution IN THE MAIL BAG BILL SMILEY Finding Comfort In a Duck Blind November glooms are barren beside the dusk of June Thus quoth Henley Audi say too ruddy true As a general rule But Ihla year has been an ex ception I dont think Ive ever written a decent word about November with its surly blasts Its sudden depressing dumping of snow its bleak and sterile look I know were going to pay for it with a terrible winter but his November for the first time in many years weve been ushered into winter with a gentle melan choly that seems unbelievable By the time this appears In print we may be up to our noggins in snow But credit where due The first few weeks of November this year In these parts have made me decide to give this country and its craiy climate one more chance Its almost as though God had held up his hand as the four winds were on their mark cheeks puffed ready to give us the usual and boomed Hold The poor devils are having enough roubles of their own making Lets give them November to remember Normally November is the most month in Ihe year with he possible exception of March But in the latter at least the days are getting longer and theres a wild hope mat spring may come again Normally November means many things none of them pleasant Darkness comes early There Is a wild scramble for many of us over snow tires and storm windows There is bitter wind ashore and terrifying storms on the water Its been a grand November for the hunter and trout fishermen perhaps not so good for the deer hunters withlltuesnow But for the duck and partridge boys and he rainbow anglers it has been near perfection Day after day of mild almost balmy weather has done away with the agonized squat In he duck with nothing between you and certain death from exposure except the flask of rum The same weather has made trout fishing uiually undertaken In a biting wind with fingers practically a Sunday adwrfplenk Even the golfers have been able to stretch the season by at least a month exhaustion from golfing in the day and curling at night Normally the squirrels would be Sting set up for the winter I look the backyard and theyre gambolling as though it were mid- June Surest sign that its been a November without peer la the behaviour of our cat As a rule when November arrives with its wind and rain and snow she has to be hurled bodily outside This year she has actually been going to the door and asking out I havent seen any bees but there are still a lot of crazy birds around who have been baffled by the weather and are going to be caught with their pants down one of these days And theyre not the only ones Many a man like mysetr has been lulled into a false sense of security hasnt his storms on hasnt changed to snow lires hasnt even turned off he outside water and hasnt a clue where his winter boots Oh therell be a day of reckoning all right My bones warn me But to heck with it Im going to live dangerously and enjoy every day of It And to prove it Im going to write my first and probably my last ode November Much maligned November This year youve been my friend Dont quite know how to prove It But youve shown you can groove No way are you September But youre one Ill long remember Isnt that ACUTE NEED FOR The need for foster homes has reached an acute level according to officials of the Childrens Aid Society of Halton County The Society renders a fine service to the community by arranging temporary care for children who for a number of reasons cannot remain In their home surroundings In Ontario last year there were children In homes compared with 1B410 1 In previous It Costs Money to Complain Weather Bill Batten editor of The Exeter Times Advocate had an interesting piece in his column recently about the weather Batten says Having survived one of the most winters an record and now a heat wave most residents of this neck of the woods have ample indication of why lhar cost or living Is higher than thai enjoyed by people In more stable climates Coping with weather con Ions which range from ding blizzards to blazing skies with a lempcralurc range of up to 120 degrees In a 12 month period is not cheap However Riven a more con slant tropical or frigid climate our unemployment would be fantastic Think about it We hove to have three com wardrobes one for winter Our houses have furnaces to keep us warm for five months air conditioners and fans to keep us cool for five months and an Impossible situation to keep comfortable with the whims of the other two months You need humidifier to keep the atmosphere damp In the winter and a to lake out the water in sum mer We need screen doors and Ihen storm boors snow shovels and then lawn mowers hot chocolate and hen iced tea snowmobiles and then boats antifreeze and hen radiator coolants over shoes and then sandals skates and hen baseball gloves hockey rinks and then swimming pools a holiday lo Florida In the winter and a rip Alaska In he Hummer etc etc etc It was Wo have Quotes Authorities Supporting Esquesing Name Theory THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Dear Sir There would appear to be two thought in respect to the meaning of he Indian words and to which we might add My old friend C Lindsay has taken up the cudgels on behalf of the generally accepted version of he first two words NAMES BY THE MISSISSAUGA Pirn me No sauna y Mes sin he A to bi Co SHORE TOO It would appear that sink would be the last creek encountered In proceeding along the north shore to the head of the lake Grindstone Creek which flows through Waterdown Is not mentioned as it empties into he west end of Burlington Bay which Is shut off from Lake Ontario by Burlington Beach The fact that the list also shows a creek named sink on the other side of the lake as last out creek for those proceeding along he south shore to he head of Ihe lake would bear out this meaning Augustus Jones did a great deal of the surveying in Lt He ran the line or Street up to Holland Landing Dun das Street and the Governors Road from to the Grand River He also mapped out York County and ran a line due north west from outlet of Burlington Boy todemark an earlier purchase of lands to the west from the Indians This line is now the boundary between and Went worth lies Mrs Mai hews writes Augustus Jones was married lo the daughter of a MJssissauga chief and was familiar with the Mlssissauga language As his survey work remains today exactly as he mapped It out we can be reasonably sure that he was meticulously accurate and thai his Wording Is correct Mrs Mathews states that As the Interior of the present and Peel was In 1796 merely the outlets arc Indicated Robinson points out that means outlet and appears in such modem names as Mffiaissauga and Sagucnay to which we might add Not awasoga Now wc come 1919 when the land In the upper part of Halton and Peel was being surveyed its purchase from he Mississaugos in IBIS The Governor wrote on April 1819 lo the Surveyor General Instructing him as to the naming of the three new townships follows To the western township in rear of Nelson that of to the centre township In rear of Trafalgar the name of And to the eastern township in rear of Toronto hot Being as set out in letter ap pearing in your issue of November 10th I am sure he will take no offence If I go o some length of making out the case for the opposite school My attention was first called the other version in reading Mrs Hazel Chi Mathews excellent history entitled and the Sixteen It was her great grandfather William who founded In 1BZ7 On page read The Indian name Is given to a list of rivers NAMES BY THE ENGLISH Outlet Burlington Bay Mile Creek north shore 16 from Burlington Bay River Credit Alobicoake township the name for he Twelve Mile Creek appears to have been in error as no branches of this river flow through township Similarly the names for he easterly creek Sixteen Mile and the westerly township are reversed It is Just possible that some of that cheap whisky at a York shillings gallon hot C refers to may have been a contributing factor to mistake in the Governors office MOKE SOURCES As for this would appear to be an earlier Indian name for the Credit meaning according to G Armstrong In his book The Origin and Meaning of Place Names In Canada on page Where Young Pines Grow and on page 73 A Pinery In her book Winter Studies and Summer Rambles Anna Jameson who went by waggon to Detroit in and creeks flowing into Lake Ontario compiled by the early surveyor Augustus Jones The original list written In 1798 is now In the Surveyor Generals Office Toronto and they have been good enough to give me a photostatic copy Mrs slates I have been Indebted to Ihe historian Percy J Robinson for calling my attention to this list The following wordng refers only lo Ihe creeks and in our immediate neighborhood EXPLANATION Creek running through the sand Last out creek Having two outlets Trusting Creek Crtdit Black Alder Creek Leave their canoes and go tuck steamer to Ste Marie writes Page The chief of Ihis Chippewa village is named Shinguacouse Ihe Little Pine but Tie chooses to drop the adjunct and call himself the Pine Apparently the name sin which Mr Jones gives to Ihe Credit came with the fur traders who would possibly grubstake the In In advance for their seasons catch CONVINCING With these lengthy remarks I rest my case I trust thai the foregoing evidence In respect to the Indian translations and the naming of the townships will appear convincing and make some converts to this other school and particularly so Mr K C Lindsay who but for a clerical error might have been bom and raised In a township names Nassagaweya Instead of Yours respectfully Ben Case principal rennet I Mm MuUiowN wrilcH Narrow Escape from Gas Donald McLean Watson Crescent noticed the fumes at sum He drove house one for the and one for the enclosed pool It a the heating system from the house that had drawn air from the pool The house was aired out and no action was needed by the firemen Startled by Revenue lost ACTON Acton Parks and Recreation Committee may have lost In ex cess of revenue for each week in October a suitable sheet of Ice was not ready in the community centre Startled by this estimate made Thursday night by arena manager Harold parks committee has decided to seek professional engineering advice find out what mechanical or structural deficiencies In the building are delaying the preparation of Ice this year Icemaking machinery was set In motion October 17 but a sheet of ice was not ready for use until November over two weeks later based his 1 1400 figure on the ice rental revenue and refreshment booth profits Reveal Hydro Lino Plans Plans for a new power line between Guelph and Acton will become a reality village trustees were told Wednesday begin on the first stage between Guelph and Acton to volls A new line is needed along the main street of Rockwood because existing poles are not high enough according Stan area manager for Ontario Hydro explained It will take eight years to complete overall plan which includes Fergus Guelph and Acton Pub Would Be Hub Sheridan Colleges Board of Governors last week again considered a proposal for a student recreation centre with a pub as its main attraction Student Senate Skip Stinson submitted a plan for the centre lo board about two months ago He said last weeks proposal was basically the same except for Ihe shape of the building A huge dome would end student senate offices washrooms Ihe ground floorwithlhe upper floor for a lounge and dance floor The dome would be about feet across and feel high and cost about plus about for services Object to Defense Cost Those who appeal parts of official plan should pay defense costs at various government hearings Mike president of Ratepayers Association said said ratepayers through their tax dollars had township official plan drafted and approved by the province Now they are being charged again to pay a township lawyer to defend the official plan The executive of the member association will protest to the province over the double expense Nine Seek Council Seats MILTON Four seats were filled by acclamation but an election for the post of deputyreeve and six council seats was assured last week at Miltons municipal nomination meeting Mayor Brian Best Reeve Ron Harris and Hydro Commissioners William and Charles Thomson were returned unchallenged Deputyreeve Percy was challenged by Robert McCualg a former councillor BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST Brown R0 OPTOMETRIST R Hamilton RO It South Carretal Building Please present Insurance Card GEORGETOWN OPTICAL BARTON Optician Main Street South Museum Notes Log Cabin Shingling Will Wait Till Spring by JUDITH GOEBELLE ThcFrlendsof the Museum hove all but completed their 1972 project the reconstruction of the 1822 log cabin on the Halton County Museum grounds All that remains be done to the exterior in the spring Is the shingling mortaring and Installation of the windows and doors The members of the Surchers Car Club Hornby are to be commended for their limitless enthusiasm for this project The club members spent five weekends working on the cabin reconstructing It from the four base logs lo roof level Thanks also to individuals from Toronto Burlington etc who lent a helping hand CLOSED IN THE WINDOWS Mr FredHllswimuseumcarrjerterrtasdosedlnthewuidows doors and roof lo protect the cabin from the elements until spring At that time IhenwrtflringwUlbeoiXWnxrtarlSBlowtodryandwiUnotBetpnjperly and the roof will be shingled handmade cedar shingles ore now on order to ensure their arrival by spring The last fundraising endeavour by the Friends for this particular project Is presently under way Tickets are being sold for a quilt draw Local Womens Article In Book of Auctions A humorous article The An tique Bug by Margaret Lipsett In ihe hard cover book The Book of Auctions published by Ward Price Ltd Toronto The author Is ihe wife of It Georgetown and mother of Sloven and Tiffany Mm Is the daughter Mm John A Dolson whose ancestors the Dolsons and Lyons were early settlers In the Georgetown and Brampton area Columns by Margaret Dolson have appeared in the Banner listen Herald and four other weekly papers when Mrs was a student at Alliston high CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Cleaning In Your Home or In our Modern Plant Fret Pickup and Delivery CARPET CLINIC JOHN BOUGHTON Your Business should be listed in the Directory Column ALPINE HEALTH CLUB 8779531 Evans Chiropractic Clinic 110 Street By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR GW CorbettDC Mill Street Georgetown For Appointment PHONE CARR CLIPSHAM CULLEN Consulting Engineers Ontario Land Survey Planning Consultants Georgetown Wallace Thompson 3rd Small Claims Court County of Clark A Commissioner BARRAGERS CLEANERS Shirt Laundtrers IB Main I60 Guelph Free Pickup and All work done on premises MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspectourworkln Greenwood Cemetery Street North WYNFIEL0 KENNELS Boarding tor all breeds Mute Ave MM

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