Georgetown Herald A Division of Horns Newspapers Company Limited Main Street Soulh Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publisher Page THURSDAY JAN 1972 EDITORIAL COMMENT Much Ado About Parking A ban on overnight parkins in the winter months has caused some frayed nerves recently when a number of cars were ticketed and owners were subsequently assessed a two dollar fine In past years the town has ad vertlsed this by law but this year no advertisement appeared However we know of no legislation which requires a municipality to advertise its by laws and would judge that this cannot be used as defence in escaping the penalty What was advertised in the June and June 24 issues of The Herald this year was another section of the by law which prohibits parking on streets from midnight until a m from March until November 30 for a longer period than three hours The December 1st to March legislation is from midnight to a with no escape clause like the other There is a reason of course for the winter by law particularly George town has an excellent snow clearing service and should an overnight snow storm materialize impediment to the We would presume that the police department uses judgment if it is obvious that a house party is in progress and a number of guests cars are in front of a residence in this case they can easily be moved if necessary The off season legislation is not so easily understood as parked cars in the summer time could hardly be judged an impediment However that s what the law says and until it is changed a word of warning Interesting Innovations We have often criticized aliens in education particularly those which seem to have been introduced without proper testing and thought But we don say that every change Is bad Last week we were asked to talk to a Grade 2 class at Holy Cross School Their teacher Mrs Doyle was giving the children a lesson in civics showing them how a newspaper is produced and what function it has in the community We approached the day with some trepidation What does one say to a group 7 and 8 yearolds about the Ions of producing a newspaper How can one whose children are long past that age simplify this for young minds We have worried Mrs Doyle had prepared her class so well that questions were still being asked when the end of class bell rung and we never did get around to a formal talk This is the type of innovation which makes today school so much more interesting and informative for young people We approve of supplementing formal instruction the three with practical information about the worlcT And it pays off if Mrs Doyle class is an example The youngsters asked intelligent questions were genuinely interested in how a newspaper comes into being and absorbed some useful information much easier than studying it from a text book ICE FOLLIES de QUEBEC In the Mall Bag Town Lacks Psychologist And Trained Case Worker Bird Watching Interesting A bird feeder installed at our kitchen window has provided hours of Interest this winter The hobby is a growing one and no wonder In our brief month we have seen birds at close range hitherto J There is a cardinal which prefers the early morning hours naif a dozen sweet little 1 chickadees innumerable varieties of sparrows and this past week a flock of grosbeaks feeders who can clear a week supply of seed in a day A pair of bluejays have departed for greener fields or prefer another brand of seed for they haven put in an appearance for some time The chickadees are particularly interesting to watch A more about birds explained that they like to feed from a sideways position because of the way their feet are formed They will take a seed poke it into the crevice of a tree limb then perch on the limb and break open the seed Sparrows prefer the ground and glean the the seeds scattered by the more boisterous The cardinal likes a wide berth for his feeding and the other birds treat him with respect As he hops about there is an invisible circle which not many dare to cross The few dollars we spend on feed and the few minutes it takes to keep our feeder replenished are well worth the pleasure derived and the knowledge we are gaining from our hobby In the Mall Bag Bank Manager Heads Cancer Campaign To The Townspeople of Georgetown and the Surrounding Area For the past two years I have had the privilege of being Chairman of the Cancer Cam for Georgetown and the unwinding area I would like to take this opportunity to extend a very thank you to all the people of the town and of the area surrounding the town for ihc r kind and generous support for in most worthy cause Unfortunately space will not allow me to I all the can who worked so hard and gave so generously of their time but I would like to name the captains in charge of the sections who worked so diligently throughout the campaign Covering the west end of Georgetown was Area Chairman Mrs Betsy and her captains Mrs Don nan Mrs May Mrs Margaret Hewitt Mrs Margaret Mrs Mrs Mrs McGllvray Mrs Marion Mc Cordless Mrs Mary Stewart and Miss Jean Mackenzie Covering the east end of I Georgetown was Area Chairman Mrs Shirley Simpson and her captains Mrs Alberta Moines Mrs Heather Mrs Joyce Nix Mrs Madeleine St Laurent Mrs June Magnuson and Mrs Helen Anderson My own captains covering Ihc outside areas Mrs Dorothy Glen Williams Mrs Barbara Goodlct line Mrs Jean Mrs Charlotte Ironside Silver Creek Mrs Margaret Mrs Nurse Ashgrove Mrs Mildred Hall Stewarttown Mrs Nellie Nor ton Llmehouse and Mrs Reed We are now starting a new year McGilvray Crescent Georgetown Ontario Dear Mr Editor May 1 please make use of the In the Mallbag column for the following A very serious lock in this town Is a psychologist trained social case workers a to prevent patients lo become drug addicts with prescribed or the counter available drugs as and aspirins The drug addiction Is Just as bad in as outside the homes This is worked In the hand because patients are able to in and out of own If possible all something drastic will have to be done I believe psychiatric wards out of town what is done very much nowadays to help patients returning from those wards to face the routine of daily life students who need the practical end for training in the fields of psychology and psychiatry Now this work in towns as Georgetown comes down on lay people who really don know how to cope these cases because they don know the technical end of it This Is unfair lo both parties the patient and the socalled volunteer case worker Patients coming home from the psychiatric ward In Brampton ore often told back for day treatments How do they get there You cannot ask volunteerdrivers to wail in Brampton for a couple of hours How could we tackle this How about the Friendship Circle workers from the churches Could the clergy be involved here and informed by the physicians when patients return home Should those patients be driving themselves I know for sure that some are feeling very insecure behind the wheel The Red Cross in town looks after the driving and has friendly visitors who and see patients at home and in the hospital but lhai Is not enough to cope with the situation which is of great emergency in this town and the district A group of Interested people at one time went to Toronto to look Into and get some training in this kind fit work through Distress Centre there This work in Toronto is quite different from what It would be here People here still know each other and a might be your next door neighbour If we would have a volunteer emergency number in town this would make It a very difficult situation for the caller and the volunteer In Toronto the people don know each other anyway so here It would have to be done professionally There should be a close contact between family physician psychiatrist Public Health Unit psychologist aid the clergy Patients should be able to call on their caseworker at any time if necessary as now is done with the Let get some action Could the Public Health authorities play an active part here Thank you for this space Yours sincerely Mrs I Connie A concerned citizen and volunteer THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Building Near ORANfJFVIUE permits in have soared near the mark for the second consecutive year Commentin on tnenarnaca mayor victor Large OraHgeVilIe4 growth continue unless curtailed by government or local municipal Hon He added The unanswered airport question could have growth effects on the area Cant Find Tree Cutters CALEDON township can find unemployed men to cut dead elm trees under the provincially subsidized winter works program council learned last week Men who work In the township gravel pits and drive gravel trucks during the summer are making more money on unemployment insurance during the slow winter months than the an hour the township pays said staff engineer Clark Campbell Stop Work on PO ROCKWOOD Acting on instructions from the Township council building Inspector Joe Bcnham slapped a stop work order on the new post office being built on Guelph Street in last I week Council cited as the main reason he appearance of the building which has stirred complaints in the village Planning Mass Protest 14 member and District Labor Council Is urging all area locals for a massive picket protest in support of striking National Sewer Pipe Co workers Acting Labor council president Ken says he II try to convince as many locals I as possible to take part in the demonstration The National Sewer Pipe strikers have been off the Job for three months and there is little hope for Immediate settlement And Happy As Ever MILTON Have a good temper be happy and socialize with other eople and you may live past 100 years of age At least these are the igredients Mrs Edith Greene a resident of Helton Centennial lor recommends Mrs Greene should know for she celebrated 103rd birthday last Monday About 100 residents of the Manor heldagalablrthdaypartyforMrs Greene Pupils Aim At Arctic second journey to Canada arctic by Bolton area school children is planned for March 17 to 26 this year a spokesman Tor the Great Whale Committee said this week The group formed tor the first trip two years ago is seeking a federal grant to help pay- Jfcf costs of more than per pupil for the mile trip to the east shore vJrVST Want Loan For Rink CHINGUACOUSY Chinguacousy Township is studying technical and legal guest ions arising from a bid by Rotary Club to build and operate an indoor curling rink on a guaranteed loan from the township The structure will be built in Central Park and be ready for use by next October The township would guarantee Rotary a loan for the building and accept liability if the mortgage defaulted Ford Not Affected OAKVILLEFord Canada largest industry won t be affected by the air controllers strike says company spokesman Tony Most of our shipments come in by railway or Iran sport says We don rely on air cargo on a day to day I basis On very rare occasions we might have to fly in small parts by r helicopter Anything larger would be brought by truck said Ihe strike will inconvenience Ford personnel who fly across the country and ore very fortunate to have new chairman Mr Don Kyle the Bonk of Montreal am sure you will all give your generous support lo him and lo the Campaign Once again my sincere thanks to one and all who so kindly helped mc in the past two campaigns- CANCER CAN BE BEATEN but not without YOUR support BILL SMILEY Junk Good For A Capitol Gain either I m CHOW TIME FOR HOUNDS f hounds on the club a premises There arc about I Murray Van always been BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST Brown OPTOMETRIST Hamilton O Hi Mountalview South Building Please Health insurance Card reason is that I confused For one thing the new legislation It may be manna lawyers and accountants but to the ordinary rather stupid Canadian like me it a like wandering around In a bog in a fog blindfolded What did do before Valuation Days were announced Nothli I have a clue where tart and besides the whole thing had about as much fascination for me as a January tale Now I discover that should have valued some of my precious antiques and stuff so that I could taxes on the icrease in value Well I haven t any stamp i collections or coin collections or paintings that are going to in crease In price steadily have a summer cottage which seems to be a bad thing to have according to the papers But I do have some antiques There Ihe violin for example Its an authentic handmade Instrument My Uncle Tom made about forty years ago and somehow it came into my posse salon No one In the family has played It because there is only one string the bridge broken and Ihe frame Is slightly warped Therefore it not just Junk but almost pristine and surely is increasing in value dally The case in which it is enclosed Is equally antique Id say about IBM vintage 1 definitely slipped up there That thing could be worth as much as In ten or twelve years and got It for nothing How much will rapacious government snatch from me in capital gains for nM And the beds of course They are genuine antiques My mother bought them at an auction sate and they must have been linutd on page GEORGETOWN OPTICAL BARTON Optician Main Street South EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Fait Repairs CARPFT CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and Upholster v lentil no In Your Home or In our Modern Free Pick up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC JOHN B0UGHT0N nSt Your Business should be listed in the Directory Column ALPINE HEALTH CLUB SUMMER FUN IN WINTER Wesieyen St 8779531 Evans Chiropractic Clinic Street fly Appointment CHIROPRACTOR GW Mill Street Georgetown For Appointment PHONE CARR CLIPSHAM CULLEN Limited Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Consultants Georgetown Wallace Thompsorf 3rd Small Claims Court County Clerk a commissioner BARRAGERS Shirt Main St S 1U Guelph Free Pick up and All work done on premises MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST PHONE 7310 Water Street North WYNFIELD KENNELS Irish Setters Shetland Boarding for all breeds Aw