MILK PRODUCERS AT ANNUAL Ontario milk producers were In Toronto for a twoday provincial annual meeting the Ontario Milk Marketing Board recently In the pic ture delegates from county discuss annual report with the boards regional field man Edward Duncan seated They arc from left Fred Nurse RR2 Georgetown Craig Rcld Milton and Ford Wtckson Georgetown In the Mall Bag Favours Motor Inn But Not High Rise Apartments Eleanor Crescent Dear Editor The following letter was sent to the Clerk Administrator and the Mayor to be read at Council same in your mall bag Last year an application was made to council In vestment Ltd to build a motor inn and two blocks of high rise apartments on a piece of In dustrtallandonHwy No This proposal has caused much concern to many of the citizens of Georgetown Not many are received a letter from The Local Council of Women a very coo cerned group and my letter is of the sajJie nature Before Christmas I had the occasion to hear Mr and councillor Joan Smith talking on the proa and cons of this proposal Having heard both parties I felt it necessary as an interested citizen of this town to state a few objections and make a suggestion Since this controversial members of council and citizens of the town I would like to suggest to council that this proposal be thrown open for public decision allowing both the developer and councillor Joan Smith a set time to state to the public their reasons for or against Personally I would like to see the motor inn but am strongly opposed to the apartments Regretfully I must disagree with Mr the beautiful outlook he refers to is merely a dream in reality there is a cement factory no river to be seen unless you live on the seventh floor and nothing of beauty in the surrounding area save the odd- trees from upper Canada College I There is a great need In Ihei town for apartments but why do I we have to throw desperate when there must be other land available People need people around them and facilities close at hand they have no desire to be surrounded by factories etc Georgetown desperately needs industry and I am convinced that industry will decline to come Perhaps you should recommend I to Mr that he put his land to use for Industry or commerce From a health point of view had you considered how many older people live in apartments for convenience sake many of these suffer from chest ailments nowadays many people and children suffer from allergies all caused by various things one of the most common being dust Do you as parents sincere human beings and concerned representatives of this town think apartments should be placed right behind a cement factory I Aims of the Air Cadet Movement Each year since the formation of Squadron Cadets have received instruction in First Aid from St John Ambulance Thisf year is no exception and sixteen cadets will be selected to this eight week course scheduled to commence on the of at Cedar vale Sometime between 10 on January 3rd and on the a cardboard box containing a cadet uniform was left outside the Squadron supply office It would be iated If the person who returned this uniform would phone any evening and identify themselves to enable ad records to be completed and full credit for the return of the uniform Parents of cadets leaving the Squadron are warned that the return of a uniform In the manner described above tremely dangerous Is not used exclusively by Squadron the halls rooms and corridors are used by many people For the week January Duty Officer M Ferguson Orderly Sergent Sgt Orderly Corporal Cpl AIR CADET LEAGUE The Air Cadet League of Canada is a national public service organization that was formed in April 1941 for the primary purpose of building a reserve pool of pre trained airmen for the Wartime Royal Canadian Air Force At end of the war the movement was reorganized to Chief of the Defence Staff Liaison at Squadron level is lalntaincd In rough the area Cadet officers at the functional commands In addition each Individual Air Cadet Squadron la attached to a Canadian Forces base Canadian Forces station or Affiliated Unit for liaison material supply and accounting purposes Mall Bag Litterbugs Youre Spoiling Countryside provide aviation and citizenship training for boys In the high school age bracket The staled alms of the Air Cadet movement are To develop in youth the at tributes of good citizenship and leadership To promote physical fitness To simulate the Interest of youth in the air element of the Canadian Forces COOPERATIVE EFFORT The movement operates on the basis of a cooperative effort Involving the Air Cadet League of Canada and the Canadian For This effective combination of service and civilian resources has been a prime factor in the growth and success of the Air Cadet movement over the years At each level of league authority liaison is maintained national level there Is a direct line of communication between the president of the league The Minister of National Defence and Dear People The reason I am writing this letter is to see If I can draw your attention to Ihe mess you re leaving our countryside in I live In the country and when I go home at night all I see is the constant reminders of the town life By town life I mean pop bottles and assorted things thrown out of car windows lam someone is going to pick things up after them Many people may not pay any attention to this letter but am trying to get across By thej Snider mm Perhaps this letter will make you think before you make a decision that you may regret remain an Interested citizen SAVE ON Allonts Interior LATEX PAINT 6 FOOT ALUMINUM STEP LADDER Sturdy reinforced light weight ladder Is cross braced With pall tray and slip steps OUR BEST WHITE CEIUNG TILE EACH AND UP STEEL SHELVING UNIT All I ho compon onto In singe package or mak I no either a six a hell or I wo shell units Two Colours Available ONLY 859 ATTIC INSULATION STANDARDS Er BRACKETS STANDARDS each BRACKETS each Other sizes available up to 4a 8x24 SHELF FROM 298 Prices are In effect to January J MACKENZIE A SON LTD BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE JAMBS ST HI- RAID THURSDAY JAN Page NORTH REPORT Police Officers from Milton Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police worked a total of hours and travelled IBS miles on area roads during the week ending January B Sevente en drivers were charged and drivers warned as a result of this Proceedings in Provincial urt Milton resulted in 17 convictions beins reelslered Officers were called upon to Investigate 34 general during this reporting period Included in this number were theft 2breakandenters persons charged for violating Attention FARMERS NEW ROOFSON YOUR ASPHALT SHINGLES NEW STEEL ROOFING BARN PAINTING REPAIRS CHIMNEY REPAIRS RON FISHBURN ROOFING the Liquor Control Act domestic complaints recovered for another Police Department and 3 persons arrested in connection person reported missing and later located 2 complaints about snowmobiles 1 sudden death investigated The remaining occurrences were minor In nature A total of collisions were investigated during this week Fortytwo vehicles were Involved In these collisions and property damage was estimated to total SOD Nine collisions caused Injury to persons while the 17 remaining collisions resulted in I property damage only Eight laid officers investigating these collision and more charges are pending Hunter GUARANTEED Repairs We Sails install CARPET TILB VINYL FLOORING IndoorOutdoorCarpet J WITH A DIFFERENCE YOU CAN SEE Warehouse S3 ARMSTRONG AVE Dealer For HIGHWAY WEST CartMts Kraui Carpets I GEORGETOWN ONT Richelieu Carpets ESTIMATES FREE PHONE shoes There more to go to Kinney tor 222 Georgetown