Ballinafad Douglas William Barber TOWN III riNHtSIA IAN Saw Former Residents on trip to Britain Two Georgetown Firefighters On Fire Prevention Bureau Hospital Births Down 33 from Previous Year The January meeting or washeJdattheliomeuf Mrs Paul Schwarz It was well attended 19 members paying membership fees for the coming year There were two visitors present The Roll Call was a verse from scripture containing the word faithful Mrs Norman Sinclair presided for the meeting and conducted the business Mrs Plnkerton had charge of the devotional the theme being and Kindness Mrs Ernie McEnery had the topic stressing Youth In the Church It was decided to continue collecting used stamps The money from the sale of these is donated to leprosy aid A bale of clothing has been sent to the Scott MlsslonandSalvatlon Army as well as a collection of rags to be used for wiping up grease in local garages Mrs Mary who with her husband visited England last summer criteria group by showing slides of the beautiful English countryside They also travelled to Scotland and saw some delightful scenes of that country One of particular Interest was a picture of Mrs having tea with Mrs Mrs Berne who is Mrs Leo mother is well known to the ladies as she spent a summer holiday with the in a year or so ago Another slide which brought back memories to many was a picture of Mr and Mrs Mike Norton and family who were former residents of village Mr Norton had an implement business here and their home was across from the church They have lived in Scotland for a number of years Mrs Leo and Mrs Grace McEnery assisted the hostess In serving lunch Officers for are Past president Mrs Sales presidentMrs Nor man Sinclair 1st viceMrs McEnery secretary Mrs Bud Snow treasurer Mrs Clarke Steward ship Mrs Norman Johnson citizenship Mrs Murray friendship Mrs Richard Literature Mrs Jesse McLnery social Mrs A Law Mrs F J Shortill Christian education Mrs J programs Mrs Murray Mrs It Pinkerton Mrs Kerr Supply Mrs Lloyd Marshall Mrs press Mrs Norman Sinclair flowers- Mrs Leo Jamieson nominating Mrs Sales Mrs Jesse McEnery auditors Mrs M laKosc Mrs Viola Shortill Mr and Mrs Carl Volmar and sons arrived home on after spending a pleasant four weeks In Den mark They visited with Carl mother and other relatives Mr and Mrs Dan Connor attended the wedding at Alton on Saturday of his sister Miss Nancy Connor to Mr Gary The couple will reside in Brampton Tli ere was an exceptionally good crowd it the dance in the community centre on Saturday night Jan A most enjoyable time had dancing to the music provided by Per molts orchestra He hit promised to come back delight the couples and play for the next dance around the middle of February Mr and Mrs Lloyd Marshall spent Sunday in Toronto visiting with the Millers The annual meeting of the Ballinafad United Church held after the church service on Sunday afternoon The congregation stayed for lunch and the meeting got under way shortly after There were around in attendance All reports were given Trci surer reported a fair balance The reported a good year It was slated that the Mission Service Fund had been given a liltle over for the year which was a good contribution considering the church membership The If Home Making girls from south began their Spring project Sport swear from Knits Saturday momlng at ihe home of Sheila Foster Linda Connor assisted by Sheila Foster covered an outline of the club the record books and sewing equipment learning about and choosing fabrics suitable for the patterns they choose for their sportswear The following officers were elected for the club President Marion vice president Myrna Snow treasurer- Shelly Wilson press reporter- Linda Connor phoning Jean Achievement Day will be April at which tlmi the girls will put on a dress review Winifred Smith Demosthenes he S3 Mill Just a Step Kant of Main A Jim Milton tirL Department was elected chairman or County ire Prevention for 1973 at the groups annual meeting In Milton Lloyd an Acton firefighter named vice chairman Secretary is Doug of Georgetown Department with another Georgetown firefighter Bill Ilarber as treasurer The new officers were in office by Chief J Douglas Wilson of Oak villc s Mutual Aid Co Committee chairman for 1973 will be elected by the new chairman and announced at the groups February meeting takes over Ihe chair from 1 Glenn Stringer of Milton 1972 in Prior to the election the retiring reviewed the Bureau activities The major programs were fire prevention week Christmas fire safety en spring clean uu and bush fire hospital and industrial fire safety training fireworks and I D The fir prevention poster contest for grade five students was somewhat limited this jear us the of refused to students to enter the through the schools The county wide contest was maintained in the separate schools however and a number of public school students entered the contest through their local fire chiefs he said During 1972 the new pieces of and member brigades in distributed over 100 pieces of literature on fire safety to residents of The retiring chairman noted one of the fire insurance companies donated pieces on home fire inspections The Bureau held annual Prevention Week church parade in Acton In October DIM I Treasurer Dout llirlcy report on flnanees showed ended the yeir with a 1 1 deficit I iterature costs for more than Inlf the a SI wj budget were cited is the in During the muling members report on the NUM fill eon fcrencc New Orleans which new in f had attended on behalf of his em pi oyer A general discussion was held on hieh rise fire safety Over the entrince to the tax office is a notice A our Step Watch Your Language One bird perched on telephone wire to mother Did you ever the way some people make your feet feel funn Councillors Will Have Live Shadows Repelling a successful ex penmen of last year jointly sponsored by the S of Si John United Church and he Georgetown District High School 11 students will Be as i shadow Georgetown council for the meeting A student will sit beside each councillor the reeve deputy reeve mayor clerk ad assistant clerk administrator The following evening a dmnerwill beheld at St Johns for students and council with Hon J A White Minister of and Inter as speaker Council enthusiastically endorsed the idea with deputy reeve saying Lust year I got the best looking one 1 hope I do again Bibles born at Georgetown Memorial Hospital in lJ72wcre less than the total bom here the previous year There were 4 births lust year and the year before The death rate was up having SI in 1971 and t last There has been a greater use of he out patient area and a quicker turnover of in patients in This trend is in keeping with the views expressed over past several months by the Honourable Richard Potter Minister or Health Last year there were out patients and the previous year The admissions tally is fairly constant in 1972 and the year before However the daily average patient load has dropped from to Two hundred and fifty four major and minor and car nose and throat operations were performed last year This was less than total operations performed in 1J7I which came to I See us first about your estate Estate planning for the living is well protection for successors go together it why we suggest you call us right now to help you develop your living estate plan then get your lawyer to up your will Generation after generation Vieloria and Grey Ii7ed in helping to plan for estate development for today well as protecting Hie inte rests of tomorrow heirs You make your will we make it work VICTORIA GREY Main St BRAMPTON TRUST COMPANY SINCE Next time your wife complains of the cold In your house call us for a thorough check up of your furnace Youll be surprised how inexpensively we can modernize your old furnace Shop IGA WHERE THE ACTION IS Where Low Prices Fast Service Experience Add Up To Total Satisfaction Competitive Pricing Fast CarryOut Service Garden Fresh Produce Fast Service SERVING GEORGETOWN FOR OVER YEARS Table Rile Meals Lots of Free Parking Weekly Super Specials Weekly Color TV Draw Check a Unit Pricing Lucky Shopper Every Week Play The Horses For Cash The Combined Experience TOTALLING OVER 100 YEARS Of These Men Stands Behind OUR GUARANTEE OF TOTAL SATISFACTION ltHUl Vegetables NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 10 JAR BOB CALDWELL Owner YEARS ED CALDWELL Owner 3D YEARS BILL BARBER GERRY CARTER Store Manager YEARS Meat Manager YEARS DOUG McGILVRAY Mot I YEARS IGA EXCLUSIVE LUCKY SHOPPER WINS Free Grocery Order OVER EVERY WEEK WON TO DATE RECENT LUCKY SHOPPERS INCLUDE SHARON Maple Ave MRS Duncan Drive n and MRS REYNOLDS Albert St won or two different woek In January mat CHICKEN QUARTERS MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA CANAU PACKERS RANCH STYLE WIENERS iMsiMfsiiamrumi RINDLESS SIDE BACON mow to limit qua i tin Frozen Food Specials FANCY PEAS 55 BOSTON A BLUE FISH 69 AUNT JFMIMA COUNTRY WAFFLES 2 69 Play the Horses SWING S is 33pTi peanut butter to y IGA Bread sunn 41 urns Dole mr TREAT BANANAS 11 WILD BIRD SEED INSTANT CHOCOLATE 49 LB ORANGES 89 APPLES FOOD EFFECTIVE