Propose Seven Percent Raise GEORGETOWN HERAED Tit for In Fire Department Salaries Home Newspaper For Georgetown and District Second Mall Registered Nurobtr Return Postage Guaranteed IT SO per year Single Copy Price Fifteen Cenli HERALD THURSDAY APRIL II 1873 DODOKIN SOPIIMKA IS PLEASEDTO ANNOUNCE THAT James A LLB HAS BECOME STREET THE CHARRON FAMILY Ray Linda and son Brian wish to hank the people of Georgetown and vicinity for the warm welcome extended them since taking over the A Georgetown Store Your patronage Is sin cerely appreciated GEORGETOWN The Joint Georgetown a to Grade i Level effective Esquesing fire committee has April 1 1073 This is also a raise approved a fire budget to pay of 1 percent be proposed council April 16 The issues of the MEN budget salaries of the fire Three new members were fighters and reviews of accepted Into the fire the Fire Chief Dispatcher department lo fill vacancies in were discussed and resolved at he men force These new a committee meeting tted men are Wmfleld Brian of last week Hill and Mike It was recommended by the They will be paid the committee that the base figure probationary salary of a of be paid per man month Prior to this time Incrc a for new men up 10 was no probationary salary plus an unconditional per Medical examinations of capita grant of per man the Fire based on the Fire Department Department produced a complement as of the of committee discussion on what 1973 be paid to the medical requirements would be Georgetown Fire Association requested from members The and that this per man grant committee expressed a desire lake the place of returning the to be compassionate in dividends from the life in dismissing men because of to the Association and medical disabilities but not to also for no allowance being jeopardize he functioning of made for Executive of the the department Chief Association explained if a man suffered The Firemen Association from an illness during a fire it asked ihe salaries be given would take two men away from the fire to rescue that man to be dispensed by the It was resolved that Dr V This was proposed Williams who has been con by Association in order lhat ducting the medicals be penalties men could be dealt requested to advise the Fire out as well as In Chief District Chief and order to promote attendance District Deputy Chief of any The committee at the abnormalities in a medical and beginning were discussing a budget of and asking recommendation to the Joint for a base figure to pay Fire Committee for their salaries It was eventually provol or further recom resolved lhat the Item salaries mendatlon Georgetown Will Have More Company in New Phone Book part lime In Ihe budget be changed from to and hat new salaries members be added in the amount of Salaries as they are now proposed represent a seven percent raise and are that the new restrictions regarding fire works fire crackers etc passed by the federal government n at 1 District Chief WOO District Deputy Drivers at Captains at J per man Lieutenants at per man Total regarding fire crackers Deputy reeve told the committee that the federal laws would apply lo the municipality It was mended that By low SB 14 be redrafted through the Clerk Administrator and be sub milled back to the Joint Fire Committee for their con The resolutions regarding the reviews of the Fire Chief id dispatcher were held in camera It was resolved lhat the fire chief be advanced from Grade Level C Grade Level D effective April 1973 is an increase of about 1 percent of the chiefs salary It was recommended that the fire department dispatcher be advanced from Grade 1 Level This Saturday April 14 11 am to pm Come Visit Us In Our New Location Corner of Main Mill St You II find a bright new approach to banking Weve got the latest most modern most approachable bank in town With all the services you d naturally expect from the Royal Bank ROYAL BAN KU the helpful Bank AS Another hazard to the community brought to the committee s attention was methane gas produced from rotting garbage In land Till sites which can cause an ex plosion This was the case in In the past The topic was tabled for the next meeting Other recommendations made at the meeting arc That the report re rules and regulations on operational for the Georgetown ire Department be adopted That he ire chief be authorized to attend the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs Conference and Seminar That the qualifications to be I is ted on the Job Description for the Chief shall be Shall be a graduate of a recognized course in advanced training in fire righting prevention and administration That the committee accept the report regarding the Chiefs Job segment and responsibilities subject to amendments as necessary All areas will be In Georgetown New Report Shows Per Cent of Sheridans Graduates Employed SAVE CALL HRIPTY INTAC A DAY And Up AUTHORIZED Great Outdoors Texaco 184 Guelph St 8775087 Beautiful lawns begin with Snapper riding Available in Available or model Performs many lawn jobs Cora I than many bulky garden trimming both Brockton Motors Armstrong Avenue Georgetown exchange customers will be affected by a new concept In telephone books and their distribution an noun cod for next year by Bell Canada The directory streamlining will cover an area from Oak to Pickering and north to Lake Slmcoe The program calls for three directories to replace seven existing books and is designed follow the Ontario Government regional government scheme as closely as possible Recent surveys have shown that our present directories in Toronto Area are outmoded in relation to current customer calling patterns said W C Barnes commercial manager for Bell So we ve decided to streamline our directory program by reducing the number of books MORE LISTINGS The three directories Metropolitan Toronto York Region and and Peel Regions will replace books now known as Toronto Metro Toronto West Metro Toronto North Metro Toronto Nor thwesl Metro Toronto East Aurora Newmarket Richmond Hill and Brampton Customers in the Georgetown exchange who currently have listings In heir present book will have listings in their new and Peel Regions directory The ana Peel white pages will have approximately 400 pages Each new directory will be different in color and have a map on the front cover showing the scope of the book For example if you arc listed In the and Peel Regions directory you be in the green book Metro Toronto customers will be in the blue book and York Region subscribers in Ihe purple book The new directory program does not reflect Bell s Extended Area Service plan said Mr Barnes Some customers will be able lo reach telephones outside of ihe area covered by heir base without incurring long distance charges and some customers will require all three directories to enable them to look up all Ihe numbers in their free calling territory Acton for instance a free calling area for Georgetown customers will be in book The first regional directory to be distributed will be Ihe and Peel Regions book in January 1974 Included in this directory will be the exchanges bounded on he north the east by Bolton west by and March 1974 is the Metropolitan Toronto edition a completely alphabetically interested book which follows the geographical boundaries or Metro Also included in this customers who mi of student scheduled to become part of the A new report issued by unemployed last year Registrars Office or Shcridat College shows a larger per ccntagc of graduates art college employed this year over las graduates Dean Bromley si year There is no reason why The report shows that 7 can t get kjbs if they percent of Sheridan 1972 warn In fact he said here graduates are on the job are more jobs graduates in and will contain listings cent lasi year And percent of lhe bounded by hew are impoyed compared The Student Services Keswick to the north Metro to percent of Department uses various to the south east to u methods for developing and west to The percent not on lhe job dent career planning and Job A portion of the market consists of percent hunting skills Efforts are also exchange In York who arc continuing their to put graduating Region will be cut over In June education find four pereenl who in direct contact with 1974 and known as the are not seeking employment for employers West exchange reasons of travel marriage The number of companies There will also be five illness or obligations participating in on campus separate Yellow Pages interviews with students has directories in Metropolitan The college surveyed the over the past two years Toronto next year They will be fr lo to Toronto 1972 from all Thev Student Services will also Suburban North Toronto ork closely with Sheridan Suburban We and once by Dhone the Continuing Education Division percent as representalives in the same percentage return of direct contact with employers Customers in York Region information for last year llolon counties and and Peel Regions graduates The report which was DM the percentage of register with placement in tabs office before they leave the presented by Dean of Student Permanent summer and Registrar John part lime job openings ore Bromley at the recent meeting al all post secondary of the Sheridan Board of campuses throughout he year Governors revealsthereisalso Students are encouraged to an increase In the percentage graduates employed in related to their Sheridan college In May so hat they moy raining he contacted as appropriate Of the total surveyed openings occur percent are employed com During past year over pared lo 6B percent in Of graduates been contacted this group percent com and Informed of openings in pared to percent lost year their field of study have Jobs related to their proximately one out of every Sheridan training and per eight graduates in found cent the same as for 1971 ore employment through the satisfied wllh their jobs of the Student Services Departmcnl will receive combined while and Yellow Pages directories which pertain to their of Interest he group surveyed who were not on job market Percent time returned to either for anted study in their trained field or In another program or interest and six percent arc attending other post seconder In tituilons Last l percent returned to Sheridan while percent went on to other post secondare institutions In discussing the four percent unemployed Dean said about one third of these refused employment opportunities iir hove left implotmcnt ThlH four percent lo sot en percent LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY Edward H Schroeder DC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC EAST BRAMPTON Talaphone HOUR SERVICE I