THE HERALD Wednesday January The choice is theirs iking one of the moat Important dcclifona of their Uvea For the laat three weeks the senior students of Stewart town Centennnlal and Holy Cross Schools hove been thinking about what the future will be holding for mem they choose courses for the September semester In high school Now is the time to carefully consider ability and interest when considering courses for high school said Mike Furlong of Georgetown and District High School Students have been supplied with a detailed book to guide In the selection of courses and options The book written by Mr Furlong outlines the courses offered and where they will lead In terms of future studies at university or college When selecting courses Mr Furlong noted it Is wise to keep as many doors open to future education as possible and thus we encourage the selection of Level subjects if the students and parents feel the end result will be university All courses have been computercoded to aid In the selection preparation In timetables and teacher and classroom scheduling The code represents the subject the level of difficulty the elective choice within that subject and the year for that course An example would be The EN represents English H is the code for humour which is one cf the three choices available to Grade Nine students this year The in dicates that this subject is taken during the first year and the five Indicates that this subject will lead to an Honor Graduation Diploma In year five Under the old system It would be called a fiveyear course Three levels In the course selection available to students Enrichment Ad vanced and General The Enrichment courses ore designed to appeal to a student who demonstrates a high level of proficiency and Interest In the subject Careful con si deration by the principal of the graduating students school and the guidance staff at the high school will be made for the recom mendation prior to placement in this level six A level five subject will lead to graduation at a Grade level and the level four general leads to a graduation diploma at the end of four years or Grade 13 but does not lead to Grade Students wishing to continue their education In university are encouraged to study English Mathematics Science and French beginning at year one and following through until graduation The option sheet used In the selection of courses Indicates at a glance where the subjects lead In the current curriculum All subjects and levels have been printed on the sheet to show where the course leads in terms of graduation at the fouror fiveyear level Parents have been urged to sit down with their child and discuss the students future interests Mr Furlong added There is no point In forcing a child to work at a high level when be la having trouble with it Now is the time for students and parenta to get together and talk over the future and also think of past performances within school said Mr Furlong Our level five subjects lead to university but if the student has difficulty at that level be may not even graduate or should he reach university the work load may be too much The expression keeping as many doors open as possible Is important Ability and interest are two very Important con siderations to make Students and parents are urged to call the high school or the principal of their own school to aid In selecting appropriate courses Students have been tuned in to be needs and requirements for many of the courses Parents have also bad an opportunity to attend talks on the courses offered and a special open bouse held last Monday to permit teachers and parents along with the students to see first hand the operation of some of these courses and get the teachers views of where the subject will lead LLiuiriEjiniiiirriiiiiiijjiiiiiiiiiiiinittiijiiiiitiiiiiitirfjiiiuiiirini iiitfiiiiiiiiriiniititiiJiiiiiEniiJiiniUHiiritfirriifiisfiitiiTirjii d VOUr OWn business I Poll points to decline m iim j aeeondlnapoll tSSSHiSi SSSjSSSJSt problem KXSSS weak to talk mall SaU roSfpriieffSio f ta Ma area business men Whether to lease buy i advisory the branch which the Sain build how to finance Guest speaker Graeme estimating costs fees servlceeaL a local chartered advertising taxes paving and accountant and representative landscaping are important management practices Swetman of the Georgetown Chamber of considerations often overlooked similar management seminars proprietor for less Commerce discussed the pros when budgeting for a new or have been conducted In cities than a year and Paul Nielsen and cons of incorporating a expanding enterprise and Canada who has had men ana business He said the ad- International Development womens clothing store for IB vantages of going limited are Bank was started 30 years ago Each of the so branch offices years noted as they came away many the disadvantages are as a loan company to assist throughout the country has a from the seminar that they had few small reference library of reference learned something The opinion poll that many of us have been waiting for has finally been taken And It has confirmed what most observers have believed has been hap pening According to it the Con have been slipping In Ontario But it has con firmed It In spades For the extent Of the drop Is shocking A you probably have read the results of the poll showed the Liberals with percent of the vote and the Davis PCs with only percent This result must have been stunning to the Conservative leadership It is the first time In years since they took power In IMS poll close In the IBM election the John Wintermeyer Liberals at the start were only two points back percent to percent as I the two Frost waa running his first campaign as PC leader parties were also close But in each case the Liberals quickly dropped off and within a couple of weeks there was a gap of a dozen points between the two parties these two occasions there This poll of course doesnt mean that the Liberals are home free for the election One factor is that in this poll a large SB percent of those sur veyed were undecided Then there la no question mat with a good many people Liberal leader Bob Nixon still lacks credibility and we dont know whether when It comes to tual ballot marking time whether even If they have Liberal leanings they will vote for him Agalak even if tbey got percent of the vote the Liberals under the percentages and Ontario voting patterns would probably only be returned with minority government Then finally the PCs have the chance to come back I course some Some people are inclined to dismiss them particularly when they are against them However personally over the years I have found them a pretty useful tool And at least some politicians end par ticularly perhaps the best I know for In two elections I bad to get the findings to Frost as soon as we had them In the Thomson office He wanted them avidly that the PCs have ever run and usually It has been or chance to come back to m a 1 1 hi ithh it h mi iti i hi hi i mi iTti i mini Limehouso SUNDAYS WEEKDAYS SATURDAY NO MONEY DOWN FAST FREE DELIVERY FARMER JACKS DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE Hwj 25 Just North of CLEARANCE COLOR TELEVISION NEW GUARANTEED 20 Portable Solid Stats s 26 Panasonic 100 Solid Stafa F 26 Phillips MODULAR FOUR Solid 25 Quasar Works In a PRE OWNED a GUARANTEED 25 on only 25 Zenith on only 20 Sanyo STEREO AMFM Stereo Receiver Stereo Bar Fireplace Panasonic RECEIVER Receiver Tapedsck FURNITURE 2 Chesterfield Odd Colonial Chairs from a Occasional Chairs Solid Maple Platform Rocker Solid Maple Ottoman Dinette Sets 5pc from 69 BEDDING 39 Odd Boxsprings 39 Matt or Box 39 Continental Beds 54 Odd Box Springs Matt or Box 54 Matt Box Set Rollaway Bed WisillifiiHtt 30 Satellite 30 Deluxe Auto 30 Deluxe ST 8782373 CREDIT 8265371 NO PAYMENT TIL MAR 75 Pet Please A pretty kitty This Irresistible little ball of white fluff with one blue eye and the other green wan la to be adopted Atsix months old she very friendly and playful If you want a cat who la and very clean call the Halton Hills Animal Control Services or pick her up Many on hand for library meeting Mrs afilat and Mow Helen go to Mr and motored to Barrle to visit J Brown of 20 the recently S of a little lister for Ian The We are pleased that Mr A C newest addition is still la hospital gaining weight hospital In Georgetown Mr The WMS met at the home of Sam is home Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Sanford following several weeks In on Wednesday evening last Toronto General where he week The Glad underwent an operation on his program was followed by the hip joint We hope they both seven members present Thank continue to make good were read from two progress had been ill The text word Faithful and roll call were It waa nice to see so many in read from verses of Scripture several read current event Library We hope items that It will be wisely used but Correspondence received from the public from to on Mondays treasurer The Llmehouse A and Wednesday evenings and allocation for will remain from 10 am to pro on The Brampton Saturdays annual meeting Mrs A Patterson attended will be held at Port Credit at 10 the funeral of Mr a on Feb The biennial sister In law Mrs Boss Pat- conference will be in St terson In Guelph Monday Catharines April to Arts and Crafts First meeting Mrs Betty Chamberlain president Is Mrs Ruth Cam opened her Market Street home second vice president on January for the annual Mrs Pat Harrington meeting of the Arts and Crafts treasurer Mrs Dorothy of Georgetown There were 30 Brandford record members present for the secretary Miss Wilma special meeting corresponding secretary Mrs After a review of a very Agnes Olive craft convenor successful year Mrs Charlotte Ruth Camplln social Ironside was invited to conduct convenor Mrs Pat Beer the election of officers Mrs convenor Mrs Alice Peggy Stevens presented the Watson new slate of officers for the w completion of the coming year which was business the meetings guest proved by the membership speaker a longtime member Dorothy Goodwin la the ln organization Dorothy president for continuing in Stone was introduced by the the footsteps of past president president Dorothy Goodwin Mrs Helen Agg Fust vice- Mis Stone who has recently been granted a life membership in the Heraldry Society of Canada addressed the group on the origin and development In the western hemisphere of the science of heraldry he history seven centuries up to eluding modern times Using a model she demon strated the difference between a and a crest Many books from her personal library were on display Mrs Alice Watson voiced the groups appreciation to the speaker and presented her with a sheaf of roses