and coax Fluffy Providing moral support for Flatty were Tom lofty perch atop telephone pole on Prince Charles Dr Andrew Barnes Kevin Brian Archer Barry King The feline a nearby resident tetd Donald had maintained and Donald and Raymond Chlaison his position for three days since first climbing the pole THE HERALD Wednesday March 11 1171 Halton will support Niagara Escarpment appeals year be the final word The setdowninitsyct change to the regions interim wouldfnlly support a motion of any decisions by the NEC In its Escarpment Com to be completed Master Plan planning policy that pointed out our expression of concern on forthcoming master plan That mission or Region for the that NEC policies may prove this matter he stated He J Officially the the region may throw their more restrictive man and may stated that be did not entirely organised commission docs support behind the appeal supercede the following respect the method by which but according to Burlington Are they our gods against regional planning policies the NEC has been set up and Is Mayor George Harrington that whom we have no means of Mayor Harrington objected to operating does not mean the region is appeal MByor Harrington the regions and May going sit quietly and let the questioned during last Wed accepting the NEC hold absolute power n appeals any Halton vcr riding power Speaking of Mil ton however noted that onehalf of the people serving Speak up the not entirely the a motion must stand up and fight for presented by Mayor Harrington people that stated that the region Hills councillor would be prepared to support WHEN YOU START TALKING POOLS START TALKING KAFKO Acton meeting shows Halton Hills still hasnt accepted regional government Charts maps and rhetoric that he neither recognized nor complaints from the crowd that vices and the reduction of did little to sooth bard feelings knew the function of Mr local public works employees those services under on regional government Masson and the and now travel out of town regionalization 6 Acton Burlington councillors who daily central works yard in Wayne Moss proprietor of a Politicians from three levels accompanied him Esqueslng to be assigned their downtown hardware store of government last Tuesday The politicians spoke duties complained that increased night spoke In defense of the soothingly of the costs already The crowd which was largely Utter and dust on Mill Street systembutencounteredalrnost make It impossible to keep the unbroken sarcasm businessmen seemed little stores clean and scepticism at a public Duby formerly the Acton satisfied with guarantees from Throughout the year ho said meeting sponsored by Acton mayor Mr Kerr that the advantages of the street was swept only at the Legion Hall Mr did not directly or by machine in They were asked about street specifically criticise the He acknowledged Ln response contrast to work crews who cleaning local autonomy restructured local government to direct question that the swept the street by hand every garbage collection and even ice But he did little to support It system could not win a public Monday during the previous rental rates at the Acton When governments are big support but said that In year arena and almost all of the enough to give everything you five years that support would It may be archaic but It questions carried the accusing want they are big enough to materialize does the Job he noted footnote under the old take everything you got he Asking why no plebiscite or He complained as well that system observed public referendum was con Halton Hills snow removal George Kerr He opened statements ducted to determine whether teams do not clear the main West represented tbe with a courtesy that may have the new system should be street until the morning after government Allan been a complaint about a initiated he replied there heavy storms with the result regional chairman and government that many would have been no regional the traffic is tied up through the the chairmen of three regional residents consider remote not governments if there was business district committees spoke for the only structurally but The pros and cons would began region while Hills geographically have been outweighed by clock the night before Mayor Tom Hill and Acton to thank the people emotional arguments he said he said Councillor Les who come from out of town People don like change Norman Elliott a former represented Hills said Mr I have to go If you have a plebiscite or Acton councillor charged that Not all of the crowd about elsewhere from time to time referendum on an Issue of this the three Acton representatives Q appreciated the gathering and I find it very time con kind you may postpone what on the Hills council are feel Is necessary municipal outspoken and overruled by reflected reform more aggressive repreien Frequently during the tatlvea of Georgetown often on meeting Mr Kerr reminded the trie local ma Iters crowd that tax rates in Acton Tbe result he said is that the Increased only minimally from community is being dictated to 1STI to 1974 although he by outsiders on local matters acknowledged that the Increase like our cemetery rates and was held In check Largely because of a million start up lakes grant made by the province to The members of the region days The fees although paid committee were Morrow agreed that the power any which i of NEC Is extremely strong I should out against situation last Wednesday when ol health they had to admit that despite not hearing word that was said about a particular Item they were willing to never okay spending for it When questioned during regional council about the expenditure Councillor Carl of ad milled Because we couldn hear what was said I m afraid none of us on the committee can answer any of your questions at this time Regardless of being able to hear or not the administration committee passed along a the funds to regional council to send a public health nurse to attend a course on The Expanding Hole of the Public Health Nurse at the University of Toronto The course It was later revealed would be spread over nine weeks and would take LIMESTONE ALLSIZES FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES DURHAM ST 877 3302 OR 8774593 Draper Dobie Co Ltd Slocks Bonds Phone Brampton GOOD NEWS FOR PROSPECTIVE POOL OWNERS IN GEORGETOWN En ay vacation fun all I X a When you start talking pools start KAFKO AT A POPULAR PI Minimum wage for real estate In 1874 and another Heal Estate brokers in On warned that If boards or should seriously consider provincial associations at over and 1B76 minimum wage for salesmen tempted to impose program Halton region received according lo A F Johnson they might find themselves in grants than president of Johnson and trouble with federal com any other region established by Carney Ltd of Georgetown on legislation government he Speaking to the Kenneth Creppin president of meeting of the Ontario Real Shipman Real Estate Limited said that Estate Association Mr of Ottawa said a salary system although the region In 1974 Johnson said a minimum wage cUImed In taxes from would eliminate some of the on the motivation and Hills in contrast lo undesirable practices now aggressiveness of real estate claimed by the former evident in the real estate salesmen Salesmen must be County the year before brokerage business At present capable of adjusting to a the money was used to finance brokers hire salesmen cm an changing market And it my the greatly expanded enlarged Indiscriminate basis he said belief that a salaried person assumed by the region There are literally hundreds would be lax Ln adjusting to a Those new duties formerly of Die our business falling real estate market covered by local municipal making three or four sales a Figures released at the taxes include policing sewage year meeting show that membership disposal water supplies and If brokers hod to pay their In the Ontario association rose garbage disposal he said salesman a minimum wage to during an off At least one of the merchants they would no longer be able to year for real estate soles At the however kept track of the more support these guys A end of 1973 there were 19000 visible municipal minimum salary would force members up from IS COO in these people to shape up or ship 1973 There been a out mering dispute among Industry He estimated that 95 percent officials oyer the large number ot people writing the percent of real estate examination to a salesman a in 1972 About half license Officials argue that the of these people earned less than facility with new the wage he said salesmen can enter the This leads me to the con business lowers the average elusion that if we had a salary scale and produces a minimum wage in our industry lower class of worker The wewouldhavetoellmlnatehalf number of Individuals writing the people the Ontario Introductory He suggested that examination for a salesman newcomers to real estate sales license declined after June last would be more financially year following the general secure in the early stages when drop in real estate market the going is rough We could However there were fl a ttrac Iter people from individuals who passed the other Industries kind wed examination and received their like to have licenses What about the effects on vendors and purchasers They DID YOU KNOW would be dealing with a All services given by the salesmen who doesn have to Georgetown and District Red make a sale tonight It would Cross Branch are made mean the salesman would give possible by YOUR con less biased advice It would be and the hours better advice with less donated by volunteers of which pressure this branch consists However Solly Midwinter an Ottawa real estate saleswoman disagreed with Mr Johnson I don t think salaries would produce what most people wont They would more than likely produce complacency She suggested that salaries could be a useful tool ln the KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER The Halton Separate School Board ADVANCED registration for those children who will attending kindergarten In the Separate Schools Burlington Oakville Milton and Georgetown at all Catholic schools on WEDNESDAY MARCH toiIOOi 11pm AGE OF ADMISSION Children ore required to be years age February proof of age Is required salaries would produce dynamic sales force It would destroy the free enterprise aspect of our business res la enter Thomas Shea Ltd of Markham said a universal salary scheme would require a more vigilant hiring program on tbe part of brokers He said tbe provincial government might be the only body capable of forcing a minimum wage on the real estate Industry He NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the GEORGETOWN DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION will be held In the Hospital cafeteria at m on MARCH 13TH 1975 Honorable Life Members and 1975 mem bars are urged attend Hospital by law will be presented to the annual meeting A copy may be obtained by members at the administrative offices during business hours A guided tour of the new facilities under construction will be conducted and a short film presentation will be made REFRESHMENTS E BEER Chairman A MORRIS Administrator