BANTAM SPECIAL Page The Association of Kinsmen Clubs The Association of throughout Canada Kinsmen Clubs Is an Kinsmen members are organization composed of from every walk of life individual Kinsmen Clubs from every creed and from coast to coast color and are gathered together to provide service to their com munities Kinsmen clubs invariably raise more money fur their com munities and provide more community service than any other service club In Canada Your Kinsmen Club There is a Kinsmen Club available to almost every community in Canada and dozens of new clubs are being formed every year bringing Kinsmenahfp to even isolated areas of our country Certainly the Kinsmen Club In your community Is the one to which your Interest will be directed Generally your Kinsmen wilt be composed of young men between the ages of and the age group required for Joining the Kinsmen Club The Kinsmen members In most clubs have a wide variety of occupational background varied in and varied original reasons for joining a Kinsmen Club They will all have one thing In commonan Interest in their community and a willingness to work with their fellow Kinsmen to help Improve It The Kinsmen Club is not all work and no play however Kinsmen enjoy warm fellowship with their fellow Kinsmen and get Involved In many recreational and social activities which help to create bonds of lasting friendship between members It has been said that belonging to a Kinsmen Club is like taking a Public Speaking course a Dale Carnegie course a Public Relations course a business com course and a Human Relations course all rolled Into one Kin teaches proper business methods and usual parliamentary procedure Indeed Its meetings are based on these principles Each Kinsmen Club elects an Executive annually The officers usually are President Vice President Past President Secretary Registrar Treasurer Bulletin Editor and one or more Directors The Executive usually meets once or twice a month and conducts the and organizational work of the club The Executive also provides terms of reference for and com plies reports from Committees The Committees are the backbone of a Kinsmen dub and each club is successful in direct proportion to the success of its various committees Each new Kinsman Is expected to be available to work on at least one committee Friendships and good fellowship the working together closely with a smaller group is a decided beneficial bl product of Committees In short Kinsmen work together their community enjoy educate and Improve enjoy the fellowship social and recreational themselves learning through that service activities together and as organizational and work to the benefit of families together They business methods What is expected A realization that is not a cloak to be put on and off at each club meeting but rather that it Is a life to lead a splendid philosophy teaching high ideals of service for human welfare and ihe betterment of ones community local national and world wide A spirit of fellowship a genuine willingness to accept differences bet ween human beings to see their points of view and to become better acquainted with fellow members is expected This is Klnsmenship A member is expected to attend all regular meetings to the best of his ability He will be ex pected to commit himself to as much time as he can afford to the clubs work and social functions If a member misses or more meetings In a row without advice it could result In automatic suspension Every member should have a clear derstandlng of his financial to the club which is usually limited to Dues and payment for meals Social functions which are plentiful are usually kept In a reasonable cost A member is expected to provide a willing and efficient discharge of any duty assigned and ac A member Is expected to develop an interest in the clubs activities and by attendance at inter- club Zone District Meetings and perhaps even National Con lions the member will share in the over view of our Association and gain a clear picture of the significance and purpose of the aims and objects of Kin Georgetowns Kinsmen- helping in many ways What you expect of Kin An opportunity to associate with out standing involved leaders of the com munity In an atmosphere of friendship and service An opportunity for Individual and combined participation in many activities with the service of your community and for humanity as planned for and decided by you and your fellow mem bets An opportunity to be a part of Canada strongest service club and to share in National and District service programs and projects An opportunity to render unselfish personal service In many ways An opportunity for self- development through the Influence of club fellowship and the fulfillment of respon sibilities placed upon you in the club you will in crease your personal abilities In many areas An opportunity for self expression and self evaluation What a Kinsmen Club is not Itlsnotmerelyadlnner Kinsmen meetings This vice It Is not a secret Kinsmen Club and Km club for entertainment is not considered an end society It has no secret do develop a spirit and good fellowship It is In itself but rather a bi- handshakes no of Klnsmenship that is true that lifelong friend- product a means to the mysteries no different unique but indefinable ships develop from very worthy end of levels of membership A