the HERALD WEDNESDAY JUNE 17S Home Newspaper of Hills Oppose takeover Courts for public A request by Councillor Roy Booth to nave members of the committee of the whole comment on the constitution and bylaws formulated by tbe Moore Park Tennis Association may result In a complete re organization of the tennis faculties In I don know what Is In tbe constitution explained Councillor Ern Hyde but I not In favor of any club having loo percent control over a townowned court The present arrangement between the Georgetown Tennis Club which operates the court In Joseph Gibbons Park and the town provides for public use of the courts one day per week unlets Invited by a member The were a gift to the town by Lions Club and are now completely controlled by the club Councillor Hyde The courts ire available for public use for only percent of the time they ore open Councillor Hyde explained The courts in the town ire for the use of all town people not Just members of the club It was suggested that the courts be controlled by the recreation department as are the baseball diamonds and the arenas In order they get the maximum and usage We have a hockey and a baseball association but they don run the arena or park Councillor Hyde The proposed arrangement docs Utile lo Include the public noted Councillor Ernie These courts are town courts and should be kept open lor the public I was not In favor or turning over he Lions Club courts and 1 not in favor of this for the same We hove been asked to build more courts for the public not neighborhood organizations concluded Councillor Hyde The ilem was referred back to the general administration committee for further research Into eliminating the problem and to make sure public courts are for the public NDP must choose between two The New Democratic Party convention to beheld June In the Milton going to be of a hutscale contest definitely between two men and perhaps even more Don WackJey Milton tbe newly elected president of tbe new NDP organization has Joined William Johnson In the race for the nomination In the as yet still unannounced provincial election Mr announced his decision to contest the at last Wednesday a organisational meeting of the Halton Burlington NDP association Delegates to that meeting elected Mr at president of the riding executive and Ron Lewis Burlington as general vicepresident Mr had been the past president of the old East association Until recently while employed with Ford he had served in a number of positions with Local Including terms as shop steward education chairman for Local and editor of the Local paper He is a media consultant working with educators to maximise the use of today a media technology in schools Born In Windsor 44 yearold Mr has lived in for the past IS The meeting last Wednesday night also saw the election of Mills as Georgetown vicepresident of the riding association BUI Johnson Acton vice pros dent Richard Burlington vice- president and Marjorle Milton vice- president Brendan 0 Hcam of Acton was elected treasurer of the association and Harold Robertson recording secretary Local organizer for the party will be Archie Brown FLAMES AND BUCK SMOKE greet firemen as they arrived to put out the fire that completely destroyed the car of of Prince Charles Drive Intense heat caused much of the bcrglass accessories to burst Into flames spreading the damage aver the entire car Members of the Citizens Band Radio Club were the first to report the fire and take action at tbe Against plan I just want It recorded that the two councillors In whose ward It going to be built voted against it SUUngthat Councillor Em Hyde at last week subsidiary planning board meeting voted sgalnst granting ap proval In principle to the new fivestorey senior citizens complex on Street However with six other councillors voting In favor Ontario Housing Corporations complex has received the needed tentative goahead from the town Next step will be approval of changes to the town Official Plan to allow fivestorey highrise in an area not zoned for such use Councillors Hyde and Roy Booth both of whom represented Ward Three In which the building Is going to be built objected to the of the building noting that it may overshadow nearby homes on Durham Street and Boulevard It interesting to hear that the OHC intends to comply with the wishes of the town and this council noted Councillor Hyde When we got into it we said that we wanted something along lines of the senior citizens buildings we already have here in Georgetown It cameos a shock when we found that we re going to get a building that la higher than any other building we got In Georgetown If It Is the wishes of the town they want to comply with then they should consider designing something like we already have If they don t I hope that there a hearing I hope It goes down the drain Councillor Booth added support to the opposition If this project had been proposed to us as a highrise apartment development by anyone else we would have flatly refused him There no gradation at aU Were going from high density to higher density and then low density That not proper pla Councillor Hyde then noted that while the building is well planned well back from Guelph Street It would be towering over cue storey buildings beside It The architect for the OHC on the project representing Oakville architectural firm of HalUord and Wilson presenting the plans noted mat one comer of the building will be within 0 feet of the property He added however that It will be screened from the whole area to provide something very pleasant It could enhance the properties around It with the proper si Councillor acceptability of tbe proposed bjt design and location I can any better place to put a flvfrstorey building but betide a fourstorey building The know through experience what they need They know tbe problems We re not putting any weight on the fact the OHC has already built two buildings here In Georgetown White we muddle doddle around wasting tbe time we re wasting tbe time of senior who this facility Ban nonreturnables Georgetown Pollution Probe may ap proach town council in the near future In an attempt to get local ban on non returnable bottles and cans John Mitchell a spokesman for Georgetown Pollution Probe organization feels that in order to make any headway in wo on nonreturnable all efforts have to be channelled through local council London Ontario Is presently attempting to Impose a local ban on retumablea under the municipal jurisdiction of prevention of a nuisance Mr MltchcUexplalnedthatlocalcounclls ban anything which they consider to be a nuisance to the town Mr Mitchell however stated that We are holding fire until we see the outcome of efforts just might be worth our while to take tbe as me type of action Some town and city councils from across Ontario wrote letters to the govern requesting a ban on retumablea Georgetown Pollution Probe received a reply from Premier William Davis outlining of their great concern for tbe According to tbe letter written by the Premier the government la taking to On step in Implementing an extensive and comprehensive approach towards developing solutions to solid wsste challenges In a recent newsletter released by Georgetown Pollution Probe It stated group discontent with the stands and ac tions the Ontario government Is takings It stated Probe Georgetown has received a letter from the Honorable- Davis which explains in great detail what a tremendous amount of progress is being made towards removal of onetrippers from the scene The fsct still remains- that no hard legislation has been enacted to phase them out Until the results of London a are known Georgetown Pollution Probe plan on sitting tight and perhaps will later pun- some actions to be taken In hopes of banning non- returnable bottles and cans In George No water for homes Gordon Alcott Arena opens- INSPECTING THE of Gordon that be added to tbe arena ere from left Regional Councillor Pat Steamer past Major of and a member of the Little NHL Building committee member and building chairman Ed Els liner Hundreds of The proposal which is being put forward by Georgetown developer calls for Your Morning Smile Another donation to the hospital will provide toyBlorthechildreaswsrdas a res nit of the efforts of five concerned Moore Park youngsters The children of Iiyiaad Crescent Jim and Sandy Firth and Brent and Mandy IS by staging a clay The money was presented by the children to the business office of law hospital Moadsy supply for each home would come from Its own well However members of the towns sub sidiary planning board were note last Tuesday night that homeo intbeerea of he development are already experiencing difficulties with Individual wells both quality of water and the quantity The water that Is being drawn from that area was termed by one councillor a being extremely brackish A possible solution that was suggested by the planning board to the water- supply problem would be to provide municipal tor via a new six Inch main That suggestion was made In light of tbe to extend tbe towns system to the Township of Esqueslng office on the Seventh Line just east of tbe proposed new development The six Inch main would be able to provide up to BOO gallons per minute to the subdivision The planning board decided to pes tht proposal on to the town planner for farther studies