Station House- Changing with the times but still the same THE HERALD Wednesday July I IMS Page LARRY THOMPSON been the the organ for Station House for about yean Larry la alio one of the background vocalists People would arrive at oclock In order to get a for the nine oclock per formance Wben nine oclock did finally arrive not even room was available Many a time the bar would be completely add out of beer before the evening was over In the somewhat quiet town of Georgetown at a somewhat quiet bote known aa the Station House what wai the cause of all the havoc A band called Station House Most appropriately named It would seem SUnonHousenubeenaroundtown for about five or six years now and serves as a bit of Georgetowns nostalgia The kids at the Station House were a real ex perience The place used to almost fall apart People would be Jumping up and down often three to one seat It was always a great place for audience partjctpanon recalls Larry lead vocalist of the band The band has gone through many changes In per sonnel and also In music played Despite these cbangee Station House soil draws huge crowds and the ability to captivate each and every one the audience Playing In the band at present are Larry Prater lead vocalist Brent lead guitarist Bryan bass player Bruce Gregg trombone and accordion Peter drummer John Wilcox trumpet Kevin saxophone and Larry Thompson on the organ In their many years of existence It was not Just the town folk who the great amount of talent and potential stored in the group In 197071 when the group consisted of Dave Booth Brent John Wilcox Tom Thompson Gig Hillock Bruce Gregg and Chris Todd the band placed second In a music competition held at Davenport The consolation prize waa the honor to perform at the St Lawrence Centre In after two yean of service in the Armed Forces Larry returned to the band as lead vocalist It was at this time that the band played with the Stampeders King Biscuit Boy and Cookie at a concert held at the Georgetown arena After this performance the complimented Station House a per formance on a local television network Also following this performance derground newspaper In Torontowrote an article featuring Station House The band also been approached by two record companies Warner Brothers and A M Records and was offered to tour Europe playing at Armed Forces bases However for one reason or another these offers did not exceed preliminary stages Remaining are two of the original players of the band formed In 1MB At that there Larry Fraser Bruce Gregg Nick Morvay Tom Gig Hillock and Dave Puckering Gig Hillock who constantly thrilled the audiences with his tremendous and remarkable drumming abilities is now studying at the Berkley School of Jazz In Boston Mass The school la one of the moat highly acclaimed Jan schools In the world Larry described the changes the band has made We used to be strictly a rock n roll band but now we are more to the brass side of rock n roll We axe really Into audience participation music Larry commented on the attitudes of the band Before it was more of a business Now we tend to have morefunthanweeverdid I guess were not conscious of the money or of he audience However we do take our music very seriously Speaking for himself and for all the members of the band Larry attributes much of their Success to Nell owner of Nells Music Centre on Guelph Street Nell has been so helpful He provides us with all of our musical needs and handles most of our bookings We practice In the basement of the store compliments of Nell What would we do without him great variety of music which suits any crowd If the crowd wants a good the band will give the crowd a good Catering to all types of crowds Station House play some oldies but goodies rock n roll tunes some light country music many contemporary pieces and have Just recently added polkas mentioning polkas one must not forget to announce the Accordlan Man himself Bruce Gregg alias the travelling polka man Larry notes that this la somewhat of a private Joke within the band Station House win not be forgotten nor will they be buried deep In the books of Georgetowns history A final question What Is the cause of their success The crowd comes because tbey know they will have a good Thats the ticket PETER MCCORMICK on drams and Kevin playing the are two of the somewhat newer members of Station House They have played with the band for about two years now CUTTING OUT No Bruce Gregg was not cutting out on the other members of the band The band tries to space their songs accordingly In order to give the playen a bit of a break and in order to play longer se LARRY lead vocalist for Station House gets the audience participating at a recent dance at the dub In Nerval Pictured from left to right are Brent lead guitarist Pete McCormlck drummer Larry singer and Bryan Day the bast player