THFIltRALD Wedneidiy Paget Buenos dias EVERY GIRL TO SHOP and Jenny Bissu and Allison MacDonald are no ex ceptlons The girls plan to visit moat of the local malls and boutiques before the three- week experiment draws to a close Georaetown If you re of the opinion that a typical Mexican sits under his sombrero In the warm Mexican sun and does nothing you ore dead wrong Trying to follow the group of 13 Mexican visitors to Georgetown around Is enough lo lire anyone Including their host families In the week they have been here many have already seen more of the area than the average resident has In his lifetime and they still have another two weeks to go This Experiment In Living Is part of the UNESCO program to let young people share to how others around the world live The program has been in operation since and has been responsible for providing the beginning of many long lasting world wide friendships The group arrived Tuesday of last week and met their host families for the first time at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Humphries of Edith Street Prior to that each of the families received a brief biographical outline or the newest addition to their family I feel these people ore my family explained Ellas Mercado leader of the group Ellas is staying with the Humphries and thus far has beaten the family at Squash seen Yonge Street ridden by bicycle to Terra Cotta and generally has a good time Margot Humphries noted that while on the way to Toronto Ellas asked How far away were they from I thought It was Interesting for htm to call Georgetown his home said Mrs Humphries Commerce Court In Toronto Impressed Jenny when she visited the city last week I from Mexico City explained Miss Bissu But we don have anything that compares to that She was disappointed In the CN Tower not being completed to permit a visit Things such as the GO Train the clean air and cold water of our lakes and rivers ore to Jenny The average lake temperature In Mexico Is around degrees while the temperature of the Mac Donalds pool where Jenny Is staying Is only 77 Jean MacDonald and her family have taught Jenny how to wash dishes but accidents can happen to the best of us and Jenny cut herself on a gloss In process Your air bo clean com pared to that of Mexico furthered Jenny Mexico City has a population of around 12 million compared to the 33 of Halton Hills will be touring the University of the Canadian National Exhibition Toronto and Niagara Falls before they return to their other homes I feel as am the citizen of Halloo Hills ex plained I am not a stranger here The group Is planning a special Mexican night with food they each have prepared Just before the of their visits Each of them brought the Ingredients for a dish with them on the plane The group co of EUas and Jenny Javier Nor berto Lilian Joaquin Vlolletta Leon Juan Juan Salceda Patricia Sustlta and Jesus Most of the members of the group ore from Mexico City while a few are from neigh boring small towns of around people explained The group are not tourists They are not here to see the tall buildings and the souvenir stands but to live with the people and learn how Canadians really live eating food prepared as Canadians eat and In many cases paying Canadian prices Cigarettes cost three times as much added Jenny But that is all pari of the hey have come to study and experience iO CANADA IS NOT NEW to EUas Mercado leader of the I2member experiment In Living Program that is being conducted with several Halton Hills families IN TRUNK AND OFF WE GO Narbcrt with his Canadian family the Alexanders of Norvo head for home after the reception THF DIFFERENCES OF THE TWO COUNTRIES was one of the many topics for discussion before the reception held at the homeofthcHumphrles broke up Jesus will be staying with the Andersons of STUDYING THE CANADIAN ATLAS to determine where she Is In relation to the rest of the world Is Vloletta Leon who will be spending the remaining two weeks of her trip with the Hurrays of Georgetown FINDING THE RIGHT HOSTS in a room full of temporary strangers is sometimes difficult but Helga was quick to find her new friends the Arbuckles of Irwin Crescent GETTING ACQUAINTED Is very much a part of the program as Lilian Mercado and her hostess Karen Munroc took timeout lo do at the reception held when the guests arrived last Tuesday