Home Net paper of H Hills THE HE Wednesday Stptemberi A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher Second Clan Mall Number Drinking an election issue in 1975 The province of Ontario is in the midst n an election campaign yet hardly voice has been raised to demand some action to curb the growing social Impact of alcohol abuse The statistics are clear and becoming clearer by the day The health and social costs of alcoholism are running more than million a year in this province alcohol Involved traffic collisions are adding another million alcohol has been implicated in more than percent of boating drownings and in one of every two auto deaths Soon liver cirrhosis almost half of It of an alcoholic origin will become the fourth highest cause of death of young and middle aged males in the country Since the lowering of the legal drinking age to years evidence has Vccumiuated showing the deleterious effects of heavy drinking on growing numbers of teenagers In one Ontario city the year after the lowering of the drinking age 18- yearolds were involved In percent more traffic collisions than in the previous year and 19yearolds in percent more In concert with this trend the alcohol merchandising forces con tlnue to step up their activities the ultimate goal appearing to be nothing w short of saturation In the recent past it has not been popular to speak out liberalization of controls governing the sale and distribution of alcohol Certainly when legislation extending the right to drink to all persons over IB years was Introduced there were few voices of protest But the results of that action are now coming home to roost Some jurisdictions have ex pressed concern that lowering the drinking age has produced more problems than anticipated And they are now considering reversing their earlier permissive legislation Whether or not that Is possible politically can not be determined until the Issue Is aired publicly Certainly however it should not be immediately discounted It deserves a good and thorough discussion Perhaps there were mistakes made when the law to lower the drinking age was invoked But it might be a bigger mistake not to examine the results of those actions in the light of subsequent experience There now seems Borne evidence that people themselves are becoming concerned about the extent to which alcohol Is impinging upon the nations health There is some indication of public for a policy that would more judicious control of a ug that when used immoderately has the potential for harm there are several courses open to the social policy maker concerned about the growing abuse of alcohol All of these should be thoroughly In vestlgated But at the very least a moratorium should be placed on further moves to liberalize the sale and distribution of alcohol until the public has a clear and cogent picture of exactly what that liberalization Is costing In terms of money and In terms of human suffering Politicans usully have the knack for seeing which way the mainstream is heading and then charging out front to This may be one of those times when a little imagination and a certain amount of guts may put the campaigner out at the head of that crowd The Journal published by the Research Foundation Viewpoint Castration Is it the answer jerry Lauds borough This week Viewpoint looks at some of the contradictions of everyday living In these strange unsettled times The President of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs Major William MacDonald wonts the federal government to order that smoke detectors and sprinkler systems be installed in all new homes The 2S0 flro chiefs were told at their recent con that fire could be virtually eliminated by modem technology but that society want to pay the cost RecenUy In a coroner a Jury recommended all hotels and commercial establishments have sprinkler systems In stalled after the panic In a fire in a Guelph hotel led to the death of two people Why not In Surrey C Peter Campbell was ordered confined to prison Indefinitely after a court ruled that he could not control his Impulses He attacked a 43yearold secretary In a hotel parking lot two days after be was acquitted of the murder of a yearold Vancouver woman The court was told by psychiatrists that be showed no remorse or concern for his victim During approximately the same time period San Diego Calif a Superior Court Judge Douglas Woodworth authorized two frequent child molesters who were pronounced Incurable by psychiatrists to be castrated If not the men would be sentenced to life in prison It cost over a year to keep a prisoner per prisoner In Alberta last Which of the two methods Is more humane More feasible What about the right of a person to walk down the street without fear Why not The Ottawa General Hospital recently bought a brain camera This machine is used to diagnose brain tumors The scanner was purchased- with the hospital emergency fund because they felt It was that necessary Thescanner was hailed by radiologists as being the greatest the Xray The hospital is asking Queen Park far help In operating tho scanner which IslMOOOOperyear Queen Park la haggling about the money meanwhile the machine Is sitting unused The brain scanner la a wonderful in vcntlon of technology designed to save lives out saving lives costs money What price is human life A man recently fell to his death over the Bloor St viaduct In Toronto After two months the body has still not been identified Tnemanhastheappearanceof a wlno What price Is human life RonaldEdwordsofLondon England one of the great train robbers was freed after serving nine years of a 15year sentence He found a Job selling flowers on the street Flower selling pay off however and he s back in prison for theft He served nine years In prison Why does rehabilitation foil Why is there such an Improper balance In sentencing Why is crime all over the world on the increase Since we know what prisons do not rehabilitate why haven t we found other alt email vea Why not The education system In Ontario has undergone great changes Unfortunately however change Is not always for the better In In Toronto Grade students are going to be supplied with calculators Yet educators have found that students In high school and university don t know the basics Why would they supply machines to public school youngsters before they even have a basic knowledge of mathematics you use a machine to solve problems for you what happens when you haven t got it with you If you don t learn to use mental ability to solve problems what will be the end results We are heading towards great division in the mentality of our people schools for the brilliant schools for the slow Where will it end Calculators should not be used in public school possibly not even in the early years of high school People have to learn young how to solve problems People have to use their mentality or that mentality will soon disappear A report from Transport Minister Jean shows that percent of night drivers ore drunk lln20 How nice If rapists Queens Park Commentary or muggers don t get you a drunk driver will Lowering the drinking age was a big mistake Statistics show the increase in teenage alcoholism Why are drunk driven found and charged and then back on tfie road again Why t the penalties severe from the first Is the money gained at the liquor store more Important that human lives One is far too dangerous Why not change the law back Why not The following is very Important to anyone who wants to live In a reasonable and democratic society The average life of the world greatest civilizations is about Scars The following sequence of events have ten noted From bondage to spiritual faith From spiritual faith to great personal courage From courage to liberty From liberty to abundance From abundance to selfishness From selfishness to complacency From complacency to apathy From apathy to dependency From dependency to bondage If the above holds true and we are to go forward can wo stop our own self destruction If democracy Is for peopleall the people- can the people take their heads from the sand and be heard WHY NOT Xs S Citizens Band places first in Davis leading the way in campaign CNE competition he files of the Herald Five Years Ago Mayor Wheldon announced at Monday night council meeting that he will not seek reelection In December Mayor stated that his reasons for leaving are strictly personal and hat he has no dissatisfaction with political life On the contrary he will miss he thrill and ex of on election Mayor Emmerson has served years on town council The Senior Citizens apartments were officially opened this week The 24- structure on Hyde Park Drive was Initiated by the Georgetown Kinsmen Club The apartments will be strictly reserved for senior citizens a Georgetown police have charged a Juvenile and a youth following a theft of from Thompson Hardware Store on Main Street The money was taken after closing hours Friday night by the Juvenile who hid Inside the store and waited until the manager had locked up for the night After an absence of three years the Georgetown Citizen Band reorganized just six weeks ago entered the Canadian Exhibition band competition on Sunday and took first place In winning the band took home and the Trophy Tea Years Ago Georgetown Citizens Band won MOO and the Trophy at the Canadian National Exhibition Thursday Georgetown topped the four entries in Class with 168 points This is the second consecutive win for the Citizens Band of Maiden owned by W James of Georgetown was named Grand Champion Steer at the Canadian National Exhibition interbreed steer competition Friday Itlsthesecondsuccesslveyearthata steer bred by Mr James has won the honour Work has begun on the longawaited two lane bridge on the west side of Glen Williams The new structure will replace the present single lane bridge Anew Store Park Confectionery will open Its doors this Saturday store will stock bread groceries cigarettes candy magazines and Jug milk from Dairy store Is Dennis Kenny of 128 Prince Charles Drive Hal ton County 1 farms produced of farm crops livestock and produce In to reach a new alltime high production record for the county Statistics were revealed this week in a report submitted by the Ontario ministry of agriculture Fifteen Years Ago Remembrance Park has been the name chosen for Georgetown s new park where the war memorial recently relocated Credit yearold Roger Smith Tho name submitted by him in a contest open to local and district school children was Judged by a Legion judging committee Carolyn winner of a provincial scholarship received an ad scholarship from the University of Western Ontario this week The University gives awards to each student entering the university who has received highest marks In in dividual subjects Eight hundred and twentyeight mem bers of the Georgetown Junior Fire Brigade endorsed Georgetown Community Swim Pool as the most fireproof structure in the municipality I Fortynine couples have registered to compete In a Married couples Match on Labour Day at Ihe North Hallon Golf and Country Club The match has the Trophy as a prize Queen s Park Bureau Of The Herald TORONTO At election times wonders why anybody ever wants to be a politician The effort hardly seems worth the reward any reward Last week for example on Tuesday Premier Davis left his home in Brampton shortly after nine clock and headed for East some miles away Between then and 10 a clock that night he was always on the move stops He visited an elderly citizens housing project centre He toured two large shopping plazas he and his wife going into every store from boutiques to taverns and shaking hands He In three communities and spent another half hour or so In each of three candidates campaign headquarters Then at night he made a major speech at the nominating convention of party whip Doug Kennedy in Mlsslssauga South GO GO On Wednesday he had a radio interview in Toronto at Then he had cabinet nil morning and In the afternoon had to prepare himself for the premiers conference In Newfoundland HelefthisofflceatOSOfortheflighttoSt John s and landed there at clock Newfoundland time On Thursday he left St John at 3 30 Toronto time and t get back to Toronto International until 1030 the only flight out was a milk run from St John to Halifax On Friday he was back In Toronto early canvassing four ridings and then had to rush to make on air charter flight to Ottawa for meetings at night Then following a day campaigning In that area on Saturday he campaigned by bus back to Toronto via Kingston Sunday he hod the day off PHYSIQUE All leaders of course are following similarly tough election schedules But the premier has the toughest one of ell for besides campaigning he also has to run the affairs of the province Also the strain on him must be greater for he has everything to while the op position leader have everything to gain How he does it how any of the leaders do it Is something to be marvelled at One thing certainly called for is a remarkable physique Somehow all three leaders seem to have It The gets credit for the first really smart move in the campaign They got Gordon Sinclair to Interview Stephen Lewis for the party freetime telecasts over the This almost automatically ensures them the biggest audience these freetime shows have ever had Sinclair Is a big draw and assurance of a good show Also his incisive and often abrasive style of questioning does get out answers And the answers are most often to questions that are on public mind Lewis Is probably the only one of the three leaders who could handle shows such as Ih Is well Tho premier would probably be able to provide answers but they likely would be partial and indecisive and he would risk the probability of coming across as both coy and evasive Bob Nixon from what we know of him would perhaps lose his temper within a few minutes And if he the might have such a Job controlling It that he could register as fumbling But Lewis with his quick mind and wit and his new relaxed attitude should score well He won t win on every point by any means You Just don do that with Sinclair But overall ho will get across his mental ability which Is his greatest strength And has he has the knack of speaking In a selling jab on his party They should be good shows There are four of hem in all of IE minutes each The first one is next Tuesday NIXON AGGRESSIVE A Toronto columnist did a piece last In which he said that Bob Nixon was on defensive The piece was put together before the writer had really seen Nixon In action and after doing so he probably had second thoughts Rather than being on the defensive the Liberal leader is very much on the offensive In the very early days of the campaign he was on the defensive on the integrity Issue But since then he has been almost entirely aggressive A big Nixon problem is that he is a poor speech reader When he is winging it off the cuff he registers But when he switches to a prepared text he stiff ens Election notes Liberals It isnt the liberals it a the Nixon party at least with Premier Davis The Premier never refers to the Liberals by name it is always Ihe Nixon Party This of course is port of the premiers election strategy In which major feature is to downgrade the Liberal leader The party fell down on its big hope a strong roster of name In the end a great many of It hopefuls such as former federal ministers Herb Gray and Bob Stanbury and mayors such as Vic Copps of Hamilton and Philip of Scarborough backed off The last opinion polls which showed a severe drop In public support could have beta the killing factor It has come up with some good can didates such as Dei Newman In Durham In the regional and suburban areas the party is in better shape A good many farmers t happy these days and Nixon knows how to talk to them And a good many suburbanites are In areas which have recently been twitched to regional government There Is a good deal of resentment against this and Nixon is doing his best to capitalize on it Dont forget the little shop The following excerpt from a dally newspaper column was submitted by Charlie Crimes a downtown merchant SMALL STORE OWNERS LEFT IN THE LURCH Dear ALi Id like to ask the American people a few questions Its a matter of economic survival to me as well as million of other little people who have small stores Who do you ask to cash your cheques Who do you ask for credit when things are tight Who do you ask to take ads for your organizations yearbooks and programs Who do you ask for contributions for your church suppers raffles etc Who do you call after hours when you need a special item Who do you ask to put up your posters for special events Its your local hometown small businessman After all boa your friend your neighbour But when you want to make a purchase bow often do you drive past tils place of business end go to a giant store thinking you might save a few cents without giving your local merchant a chance or even comparing his prices We are competitive with the biggest stores as far as prices our services are often better But we can t survive much longer When we go youll miss uTOO MANY TO NAME Dcsr Too Many Your letter reflects of the major sod economic problems of our time It s becoming more and mors difficult for be small Independent businessman to survive I wish I knew the