WEDNESDAY DECEMBER ltl Home Newspaper of Hills A new arena A brief hint that a new Hills arena might possibly be built adjacent to the Gordon Alcott Memorial Arena was given at Mon day nights town council meeting Dunns a lengthy discussion on the work of the towns special building committees which have been over seeing the planning of new town facilities a resolution asking that a report be drawn up by the special building committee for consideration by council of an additional arena to I be built adjacent to the Gordon Alcott Memorial Arena was presented However as the meeting dragged on and time ran out Councilor Mike Armstrong who presented the resolution asked without further comment that the suggestion be tabled for two weeks Receive lifetime ticket The three nonelected of the special building committee who guided the Gordon Memorial Arena and the Georgetown Indoor Swimming Pool from plana to actual proportions were presented Monday night with lifetime pastes to those two faculties EdElsilgerAV Ab Tennint and Bob Lane were present for the Monday night meeting of council during which Mayor Tom Hill made the presentation HALLELUJAH Sixty five tuned voices Presbyterian Church More pictures on page ushered In the Christmas season last weekend with a sellout presentation at Knox Town presents Norval school offer to board Hula and Board of Education officials scheduled to alt down to discuss the towns offer of purchase of the two schools yesterday afternoon Tuesday At that time the boards representatives were to officially hear the terms of the town s offer I ve only heard what has been In the papers commented Georgetown board trustee Ernie Bodnar one of the three members of the boards negotiating com Tom Watson trustee from Hills Wards and and Bill Lawson Milton trustee are the other two of the negotiating committee Until we see the terms of the offer we can t say what the board stand is going to be Mr Mail workers split vote but will return Georgetown of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers returned to work at Tuesday of the government offer of a pay raise of 1 over the life of the conract The vote taken at the home of local union executive Norm Ward was split with the members eligible to vote Five out of the is members In the union were not permitted to vote under a national order Issued by the union executive against those crossing union established picket lines The votes were cast Monday night and were recounted Tuesday morning as part of a nation wide check because of the closeness of the The union la pleased with the monetary considerations made in the contract which becomes effective Immediately over the present top wage of MM workers now have some avenue open to them In the event of automation of their present position A Joint consultation la to be made before anv step to automation la considered and the employee has the right to appeal the decision to an Independent board before any Judgement Is made Those employees working on days of rest will receive double time and a weekend premium Is also available for those working on the Saturday shift Parttime help can now progress within the postal service and earn higher wages based on the qualifications and class stan dings made by the employee A cost of living allowance also granted to the thousands of inside postal workers that will be awarded accordingly with Ihe living Index to a maximum at ten cents The first of the scheduled pay raises will become effective Immediately adding per hour to the Income of each of the workers As of January the amount will be Increased by cents and on July the final 30 cents will be added for the full amount of 70 or IT percent The contract Is valid until July 1977 190 homes by golf course Plana for a 1H home subdivision surrounding the Georgetown Golf and Country Club have been presented to the towns subsidiary planning board Philip representing Georgetown Golf Estates Ltd met with the planning board last Tuesday night and ex plained the subdivision proposal Noting that the golf course although changed appearance would remain part of the development Mr showed slides of the development There would be 190 large halfacre lota each of which would have a private well and septic tank There would be a communal tile bed for each IS lots he added Mr Welnstein further added that the existing trees on the property would remain with only slight changes In one particular The area covered by the subdivision proposal includes land in Lota IS 17 11 and 18 of Concession 10 With a few questions from the planning board the plans were submitted to the planning department for further study and an eventual report from town planner Mario VenditU Santa Claus coming back Saturday for his 45th visit Santa Claus will be coming to town this Saturday Making his fortyfifth appearance In Georgetown Santa will begin bis parade at Moore park Plaza travel down Main St along Maple Avenue to Guelph St and then straight up to the Georgetown Market Plata Parade time la 1 30 from Moore Park so make sure to choose your spot along the route in enough time to see that Jolly old man The Santa Claus Parade it has been from Its beginning is sponsored by the Lions Club of Georgetown Preparations began last spring however It has been the last couple of weeks which have really suited the ball rolling As in previous years the police force will clear the way parade Also taking part will be the town a ambulance service and fire department However in between is where ell the goodies lie The clowns the bands and the floats all leading up to the grand entrance by Santa As of this week over 20 floats have been entered and It Is an ticipated that a number more will register for the parade Four bands have been booked the Georgetown Girl a Pipe Band the Acton Citizens Band the and the Royal Air Cadets The Georgetown Girl a Pipe Band strong led the 1074 Royal Winter Fair Parade They also have chalked up to their list of achievements first In grade our at the Burlington Highland Games and sixth In the 1973 Indoor Highland Games at the CNE The Bramalea too have an Impressive list of accomplishments Including Grand World In 1974 Senior World Military Corps Cbamptions and World Colourguard Champions The Georgetown Majorettes will march In tune adding hat extra bit of flair With a lineup such and with the list ever expanding Georgetowns Santa Parade will be one which no child or adult should miss Two million miles and truck is in better condition than pickup Wilfred Burt If you asked Wilfred Burt Georgetown which of his two trucks be would prefer to take on his next trip to Florida to pick up some fresh produce he wouldnt take too long In answering up bis 19M truck that has about two million miles on It against his 1973 Ford pickup that has about To 000 miles on It hell pick the old 04 every time The reason Is rust Theres more of it on the fouryearold truck than there Is on the 11 yearold vehicle I dont really trust the new one Mr Burt explained be pointed out numerous areas on the 71 pickup truck a body that have completely eroded away because of rust There has to be something wrong with the metal they used for all of this to happen be said pushing on side panels that freely swung In and out almost separated from the rest of the body The tires are visible right through the wheels wells Lift the hood and theres nothing there but daylight showing through sections of the side walls Mr Burts story Is very similar to that of Tom Beeney reported two weeks ago In Herald Mr Burt bought the oneyearold truck from a Brampton car dealership Even at that point In Its short life It had already been repainted and repaired It all downhill from then on When the body rust reached the point where It almost hazardous to drive the truck Mr Burt approached Ford Im the type of guy who doesnt bother waiting around I go and knock on doors The door be knocked on was a senior member of Fords staff In the plant All be got was the statement The truck a too old and has to many miles on It When be tried to trade the truck In all be was offered for the fouryearold vehicle was The M Is worth more he added He had almost resigned himself to defeat En obtaining satisfaction until he heard of other Ford owner a experiences He and the others are now form ting plana to show their action Including a possible protest parade Whatever actions they may take Wilfred Burt and bis pickup will be among the first there This Is as bad as any of them DOUBLE TROUBLE IN THE LAND OF The two stars of the current Georgetown Little Theatre production The Wizard of are preparing for their major roles In the annual Christmas play Sberyll Karen Van Sickler star la the musical presentation Fewer in Foiir Seasons plan Reed calling for protection of independent gas stations Someone got 1998 too much change Regional Police have been asked to assist In the location of a missing A comprehensive traffic study of the area unrounding the Georgetown Market Plaza and the adjacent lands owned by Four Beaton Hotel Ltd before any decision about possible future use of the real la made The decisions about future use could possibly even Include Institutional pur members of he subsidiary planning concluded after a lengthy discussion of the Four Seasons plans for the Market area held last Tuesday night Town planner Mario Vendlttl told the board members that a traffic study Is a necessity and The ministry of traniDortauon unions with tbe region would The of ha a ma plaxa on the site was also dlcussfri members stated that a shopping centre the size of Bramptons World would seriously affect the downtown core of Georgetown As well It was stated that the towns population would have to be In the area of BO people to be able to support such a major centre It was suggested that might best suit the use of the land but on a much scale than the proposal from Four Seasons The entire matter returned to the panner for further discussion with Four Seasons on the Idea that the number of condominium townhouses be reduced Julian Reed Liberal MPP for Monday afternoon asked the minister of energy Dermis Timbrel If be is prepared to introduce Interim measures to protect Independent service station dealers The minister said on Nov 1975 that such measures could come In the next few weeks Mr Reed said that the minister refusal to act now could leave the future of up wards of 10 retail go dealers across the province In Jeopardy The very least we might expect Is a yes or decision on whether or not the be taken Retail gasoline dealers are at present forced to absorb substantial losses In profits through competition with company owned self serve stations and yet the oil com at the same time are claiming that the Independent dealer Is the back bone of their industry said Mr Reed In a later statement The time has come for a clearcut decision that will indicate to the independent dealers where their future lies IE Is a gross Injustice to make a tentative promise to these Independent businessmen not follow through Blood clinic on Monday Blood Is current of life so vital that the body cannot survive without It It Is no wonder that a donation of blood from anyone who takes the time to give Is a true seasonal Girt of Life Give the only enduring gift for a person bt need Be a donor this Christmas on Monday December at Holy Cross Church Please remember no aspirintype medication or drags hoars prior to grog Hollow and Street from Maple Avenue to Hill he said Basing bis study on engineering reports Mr VenditU explained that if the land owned by Four Seasons to the south of the present plaza waa developed solely as a commercial complex the traffic problems would be even greater than If the present 174unJt proposal by Four Seasons was okayed Tbe configuration of tbe property he added would not be suitable for single or homes He felt that committee would have to have complete design and siting control Tbe development of at townbouse complex be concluded would be preferable to street row bousing or strip commercial Centre of board of education controversies gets new job The man who has been si the centre of several controversies over the educational standards of the Halton Board of Education superintndent of programs for the board John has been transferred to the office of superintendent of Instruction Mr Bolcb will fill the vacancy which will occur when present superintendent of instruction retires at the end of July 1970 The superintendent of In office deals largely wnn Internal pel onus I matters The key posltfon of of program will be internally and director of education Em Lavender told board truatww Thursday night There are several people In Halton who could perform well In that role My Intention that the necessary Interviews for superintendent of program would be held in December with a rcommendatlon to board either December IB or January IB Mr was most recently under fire over the use of two particular books In Halton high school English courses He has been a constant target of Renaissance In recommending Mr Boich for his new position Mr Lavender commented I believe John can work through people and I believe that he has become effective In his people relationships Because be has not been directly Involved In some asnects of the Instruction role It will be necessary within existing to provide some Inservice for him Noting that his move was neither a promotion nor demotion the board a executive setup but rather a lateral move Mr later that his main goal in his new office would be to help teachers improve tbe standards of Instruction In their classrooms Mr Botch came to tbe Board of Education In May 1973 during the days of former director of education Jim Singleton Prior to that Mr Boich bad served with Peel and Grey County boards of bill Sometime on November at a local store the bill was inadvertently rrnf by owner who thought tbe bill a nil Thus far there has been no of missing bill Police officers are currently In several hefts that took place in Georgetown this past week Hungry thieves took the opportunity to satisfy their hunger when they observed the delivery service from a local pizzeria unknown thieves took a pizza and one sub marine sandwich from the parked car at a John Street address Value of the meal Zellers at the Georgetown Market Centre reported to police last Friday that a front door had been broken by unknown persons throwing rocks No entry was gained In the act of wilful damage A bus parked at George Kennedy School was short one battery when the driver reported for work Thursday A Georgetown man was charged with llfting after unpaid goods were found to bo in his possession from the Canadian Tin Store A break and enter of a Weber Drive residence Is currently under investigation by detectives owners of the borne report that cigarettes cash and cheques were stolen in Thursdays incident A footed cheque was turned into police following Its exchange tor cash The amount of a witness fee cheque bad been altered by by the recipient who was charged with uttering a forged document A RR resident reports to police that a car trailer valued at over was stolen from his rural home