trie IBM Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Town wants control of education spending Hills council has endorsed a resolution calling for ultimate municipal control of spending by boards of education At Its Inaugural meeting of Monday night town council endorsed a resolution presented to It by the council of the town of Port Hope calling for a change in provincial legislation which would grant municipalities in Ontario the opportunity to deny any requests from boards of educations for funds which exceed a percent increase over the previous years spending The resolution In explanation noted thai municipalities have no control over education coats that are taking a disproportionate share of the annual municipal tax levies and their own priorities for basic municipal services must consider the overall tax levy including the education requisition Therefore the resolution concludes town councils should be given the authority to reject a requisition for education costs that exceeds ten percent Increase over the previous year requisition One of only two councillors to oppose the resolution Councillor Pat MacKcnzle told council that the board is an elected body the same as we are They are responsible to the electors just as we are I don think we have the right to ask for that kind of ultimate control over another elected body But Councillor Roy Booth stating we re going to be the ones who are the fall guys when it comes to explaining the increases In levies we should be In a position have some control As it stands now we arc the ones who o pay but we re also the ones who have no control over where or how the money la being spent He rapped the Board of Education for overstepping its guidelines and for constantly taking a bigger bite out of the pie Councillor Em Hyde suggested that the same 10 percent limit be placed on the region request to the town for funding but later admitted that was Just a pipe dream Town councillors are planning to bring up he request for municipal limits on educational spending during a meeting with Premier Bill Davis and several Cabinet ministers including provincial treasurer McKeough scheduled lor Hamilton later this month The mysterious bust seoTJ Campbell quits Ren Founder of the Halton Renaissance Committee Rev Ken Campbell has resigned as chairman of Renaissance Ontario and Renaissance Canada which he organized about one year ago Robert Thompson former leader of the Social Credit Party MP for Red Deer Alberta for ten years and now a member of the Progressive Conservative Party has been named Rev Campbell s as chairman of the Renaissance Canada A successor for chairman of Renaissance Ontario Is expected to be named in the very near future Rev Campbell resignation came the same day the committee called or the resignation of Board of Education trustees The trustees were asked Friday to hand In heir resignations for their continued support in what Is described as a slanderous motion of censure of the committee and Rev Campbell Rev Campbell resignation and the new appointment were announced Friday at a press conference held at the home Councillor who took over the chairmanship of the Renaissance Committee from Rev Campbell last year The board innnimoi endorsed motion Dec 11 rebuking Rev Campbell and the committee for their criticism of John Meyers and the education program he is developing with the Hamilton and boards and the provincial ministry of education Councillor challenged the validity of the education board s report stating that no on had approached any committee members to get their statements Rev Campbell organized Renaissance two years ago after he failed to get a satisfactory response from Board of Education officials to his complaints about he appearance at his daughter high school class of the gay lib movement He has since conducted a strong campaign against the unresponsiveness or education officials and trustees to the wishes of parents and taxpayers and against the liberal per missive philosophy of some educators In announcing his resignation Rev Campbell stated his satisfaction with the of Renaissance to date and his feeling its leadership is In responsible hands to carry It forward to Its goals For his part Rev Campbell will return to devoting all his time to preaching the gospel as his contribution to improve society he slated at a press conference Friday Thompson who now lives in Fori C is assistant to the president of Trinity Western College and president of his own consulting firm Thompson Associates He Is also a director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Rev Campbell said that Mr Thompson has followed the development of Renaissance closely since its Inception and shares its particularly concerning equal government support or alternatives to the public school system Halton Hills first new citizen of OUR FIRST BABY FOB THE Georgetown New Year s baby arrived a day late but nevertheless David Christopher son has been honored as Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital New Years child David who arrived at 12 Friday weighing lbs 1 is the first child for Christine and David Thomson of Standing with and David is Carol a Registered Nursing Assistant at the hospital Quiet Christmas for towns smoke eaters The Georgetown Fire Department were treated to a bit of a Christmas holiday this year According to Georgetown Chief Ken the people treated us very well this Christmas The people let us have our Christmas dinner and our New Year dinner In peace continued the Fire Chief However despite the chiefs optimistic Li Firefighter at the scene of Tuesdays fire near note on the holidays he did point out that the number of Ire incidents in the month of December Increased slightly over the number of Incidents In December of 1974 The chief did stress that this Increase was slight When asked the reason for the somewhat Christmas and New Years for the fire merit Chief an people were more careful and that all it takes At approximately noon on Tuesday December the Georgetown Fire Department took control of a blaze in the home of Allen Martin in Estimated damage to the home was set at 1 with the cause of the fire being an overheated stove pipe which was located too close to combustible construction The department second call Tor the day came about ten hours later when they were summoned to the Sideroad at the Tenth Line where a Theempty car which contained no engine was parked along the side of the rural road On Monday December to begin the week for the fire department a small bush fire caused the men lo head down to Beaver Street In Glen Williams However the small blaze was put out in no time A malfunction fuel system is the believed nuae a cur lire on Wednesday 1 Thcvehlclewas parked In front of teller s Department Store in the Georgetown Market Minor damage was caused to the car To start the New Year off in a busy fashion the department was called to Moultry Crescent where a out furnace motor In one of the homes resulted in very minor damage For precautionary measures fire department stood by at a home along the Sixlh Line and Ash grove to keep an eye on a fuel delivery truck which pumped gallons of gasoline from a home tank Apparently the household tank was filled with gasoline In stead of oil and the fire department kept a close eye on while the gasoline taken out 500kV line route changed An Environmental Hearing Board report released Monday recommends to energy minister Dennis Timbre that portion of Hydro s proposed transmission line known as the Bradley to Georgetown Line be altered between Col beck and Limehouse to preserve more prime agricultural land The report follow public hearings held last fall In Hills burgh Into Ontario Hydro selection of possible routes for the line The selection of a routt between points near Colbeck and was not an easy task for the board in view of considerable amount evidence presented at the public meeting which was directed towards moving the selected corridor away from the area between Colbeck and Limehouse entirely the board reports In its evaluation to the minister Ihere was no evidence other than that by Ontario Hydro which specifically supported one of the alternatives ABC D or D Citizens communis at to recent construction or drawing attention to par t areas upon which a Iran line would have severe impact did assist the board In Its review of the area however they did not favor any one alignment over another Accordingly the report continues the board undertook an extensive field survey viewing the area in great detail both from the ground and the air to assess the impact of the various alternative routes and to select the hist alternative The decision on an alternative route the comments will minimize the overall impact of a transmission line upon people the en vironmint Considerable emphasis Is placed upon the ability lo minimize environmental agricultural and social Impact by the use of careful construction and tower siting These considerations will determine the exact alignment of the transmission line The board recommends that where ecologically sensitive areas arc being crossed the Ontario Hydro to consult with local conservation agencies and the ministries of environment and natural resources In developing the detailed plan for tower siting and construction in dealing with the problem of crossing prime agricultural land the board noted it was concluded that impact of a Iran smission line upon agricultural production general is minima but that It could severely affect any one Individual form operation Thus reducing number of farming units traversed is of major Importance in reducing the impact upon people 1 want lo receive comments on this report from the people in the area who are by the transmission line Mr Timbrel said have asked local residents to send me comments before so lint the government can lake their v into consideration before a final decision is reached minister added that no work will be done on section of the transmission line and limehouse until that time has been given approval lo begin work in the sections of Ihc line between Junction and and between and Milton station Thieves hit Georgetown A rash of break ins have plagued Regional Police Force over the past week On Tuesday December six break ins at local leases were reported to police Spokesman for Georgetown Chrysler on Mountnlnvlew ltd reported that thieves gained entry to their building by prying open a small window on the south side of the building The suspects rifled a cash register and vending machines taking an unknown amount of money A vehicle belonging lo the dealership parked inside the garage was also stolen By gaining entry through a bay door at McCallum on IB9 Guelnh St thieve away with an unknown amount of money taken from the cash J J Texaco on 1B4 SI was also illegally by thieves breaking a window at Ihc rear of the building I- our quarts of motor oil were stolen Hornby enrage In Hornby reported that someone broke the rear door of the garage smashed tin window and a bolt locking door Money was taken from the cash register Central Auto Supply on 152 Guelph St In Georgetown reports that entry was gained to the shop Nothing was taken however it did appear that thieves did search or money Sport and Tuck on Si was saved from possible burgulary thanks to the safely bars placed on the rear window was at tempted but was unsuccessful because of he bars The front door window of Roger Shell on St In Norval was smashed for another Illegal entry Nothing was stolen from the service station Allison Equipment In Hills thai entry hod been gained o the premises by breaking a small hole In the pedestrian door Thieves reached through I hi hole and unlocked the door One snow machine was stolen from the premises A Georgetown resident reported to police that one saddle one and two lead ropes had been removed from Ihe barn at his residence A juvenile later admitted lo the theft On Wednesday December an unknown female called police department and advised police lhat a car had blown up on Ihe 17 Sideroad west or ihc lOih Line Upon the vehicle was found to contain no license plates no hood and no engine and it is believed that ire was set by using gasoline The matter Is under A vehicle was entered while parked on Mountalnvlcw S and a pair of glasses token from the glove compartment glasses were later found a short distance from the vehicle Glen Williams man police lhat he hid been assaulted by Iwo males were known lo the however Ihc vlcllm would identify the men to police Two bay windows North Auto Body In Georgetown were reported to police as being broken Nothing was to have been stolen gallons of gasoline from Iwo buses owned by Bus Lines were removed Police ore In vcBligoling a possible suspect The theft of 16 assorted track stereo tapes was reported to police A black case holding tapes was also stolen from the car parked at Main St and Wesley an St Hills resident to police lhat he found the front door to his home open There were no signs of forcible and nothing had been apparently stolen Signal light wires for the C Railway crossing at the 15th Sideroad and Sixth Line to have been cut on both boxes The necessary repairs were done Immediately upon notification A resident reported to police that her car had been stolen while was parked in Georgetov A Gilt man reported the theft totalling 075 in various articles from his vehicle which was parked on Esqueslng Halton Hills calls for return of the wolf bounty An increasing problem with wolves since of III the former Township of I don lhno who I kind of action we can An increasing problem with wolves since Ihe bounty on them was removed two years ago has Hills council now calling or reinstatement of the bounty by province After approving reimbursements and lo twu farmers of III the former Township of nut Russell Perry of for the loss of Iwo sheep and our sheep respectively council Monday night decided lhat latest two losses warrant action I don I know who I kind of action w lake commented in we should be taking some kind of steps rtppiovj sheep have become a regular monthly event this past year or council itU t lis tall for the wolf bounty but that did not sit well with Councillor Roy Booth who noted wolves not controlled by farmers or hunters will control themselves