lilt II At IB by Julian Reed Burlington The general public and media seem lo plnce lew emphasis on the provincial government than activities at the federal and municipal level yet under the North America Act the province has responsibility for many areas which affect us all in our daily lives health education highways labour agriculture property and civil rights and the administration or justice to name but a few The municipalities arc also under the Jurisdiction of the Twentieth Century govern ment influence has penetrated Into many areas previously considered the concern of the private sector the individual and although the ad mlnlstrative or executive side of government has Increased enormously until recently the legislative aspects changed very Utile since Confederation Former Premier John Rob arts had a very businesslike approach to government and he initiated many changes longer sessions of the Legislature provision Tor the important and special needs of opposition parlies for instance By he 1970s the ad legislative balance had reached the point where some people considered the Ontario Legislature little more than a rubber stamp for decisions already made by the Cabinet or the bureaucracy a situation aggravated by the strong majority of the Con Party after the 1B71 election In June the Camp Commission on the Legislature was appointed which sub expressed concern for the decline of the Legislature as an institution of unchallenged strength and independence and the belief that the of the Legislature would be possible only If action could be taken to alleviate to some degree the constituency syndrome the belief that the priority role of the Member is to look after his case load rather than to be In term of priorities a legislator and a tinker of government spending Constituency problems with which MPPs arc asked to assist have increased in cordancc with the complexity of government and public awareness of the extent to which elected officials are In a position toact as liaison agents between the people and of ficlaldom Members help consltuents unravel the proverbial red tape with respect to everything from birth certificates to Old Age Pension payments Work men Compensation Family Benefits OH IP coverage virtually an thing Involving the Provincial Government In addition people seldom dlf between the provincial and federal spheres when they are in need of help and we find ourselves dealing with Unemployment In problems etc in cooperation with our federal counterparts In Ottawa In addition Members spend considerable time making representations to the various Ministries and Ministers of the Government about matters or local importance In the home riding highways hospitals sub divisions schools recreational facilities en problems and so on As a result of the tremendous growth in the and quantity of Mem bens rcsponsibllties services lo the MPPs have Improved In recent years More secretarial and support services are available at Queen Park and si of February 1st local Constituency Officers will be established and paid for by the Legislative Assembly These officers should help Members to deal with the problems of their constituents Pride Were working together to keep our Prices low and our Pride high The time has come to put Price Pride together again If we cant do it nobody can OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT AP FOOD STORES Policy If an advertised special is ever sold our ask Manager for a entitles you to the same item at tho same special price for thirty days Or if you wish well you a comparable item at the same special price ACTION PRICED 69 HAMBURGER HELPER SAVE PR ICED GRANNY BUTTER TARTS PAMPER I DROPS DARES CANDYJ PIECE STEMS RIO BRAND MUSHROOM SOFT b ft MARGARINE MONTHLY FEATURE FRESH wecEs BOX0CHICKEN 3 Leg Quarters 3 Breast Quarters 3 Wings 3 Necks 3 Giblet Packages ALL PRICES SHOWN INTHISADGUARAN TEED EFFECTIVE SAT 1ST FRESH CHICKEN PARTS Leg Quarters Breast Quarters Mixed Quarters Chicken Halves Whole Chicken CutUp UTILITY GRADE FROZEN EVISCERATED YOUNG TURKEYS 5 TO AVG You can put your trust in meats CANADA GRADE A PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Ducks us average 98 Sliced Beef Liver I fk 4 COLE OB Side Bacon Potato Salad Wieners ah Beef Wieners 78 STOHE PACK UNIVERSAL Sausages 89 PLza Pie 199 ij HIGH LINER Cakes 53 MAPLE LEAF SLICED A VARIETIES GOLDEN SKILLET HEAT A SERVE Cooked Meats Chicken Cutlets 88 Fresh from our ovens and Priced for Savings SLICED ENR WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT BUY LOAVES SAVE I BREAD JANE PARKER SAV RAISIN PIE 69 Bread Hot Cross Buns BUY LOAVE PLAIN SUGAR CINNAMON SAVE 10c pig 79 Cake Donuts KG OF JANE PARKER Spanish Barcake CAKE SAVE JAVE ACTION BOLD DETERGENT BOX HEINZ SPAGHETTI J PENNYWORT HE PI YELLOW BATHROOM TISSUE rolls J TOMATO OR VEGETABLE MONTHLY HEINZ SOUPS Fresh Fruits and Vegetables TEXAS PACKED FRESH DAILY PACKED FRESH GRAPEFRUIT COLE SLAW CARROTS ONIONS POTTED DAFFODILS FLORIDA FINEST LARGE BUNCHES 5 J HUNCHES OF J f Take Advantage of these Price Pride Values FROZEN CONCENTRATED JUICE FROM FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE 4 S TINS TINS ACTION PR ICED I PREMIUM PLUS SALTED CRACKERS OR MONTHLY FEATURE Crest Toothpaste PREMIUM PLUS SALTED Large Fudgee Os FACIAL TISSUE WHITE PINK YELLOW M Kleenex 3 ACTION PRICED Luncheon Meat Potato Chips COUNTRY STYLE VARIETIES ACTION Lipton Tuna Fish 59 SEASONED WAX OR GREEN BEANS CHOICE A Del Moilte VegetaUes ioozin27 MONARCH ACTION PRICED Margarine im169 REGULAR ACTION Scott Diapers p30229 PROCESS CHEESE ACTION Kraft Velveeta SEA CREAMED Cottage Cheese ACTION FRICEDI SEA CREAMED