Seat belts not for everyone THE HI- RAID Mission Seatbelts Impossible To the Editor of The Herald the enforcement of our moat recent regulation under the Highway Traffic Act section sub section 3 pertaining to the wearing of complete assembly has come many hisses and boo of protest Let me make It dear that 1 personally support the en fore em en I one hundred per cent and It has been a long time practice with our family to wear the despite Ihe fact that it has only recently become an requirement It however been my speculation that the law itself Is pregnant wllh potential problems This Is only one story of many that deals with one of these problems It is Indeed a very specific problem that deals not wllh the majority but with those select group of individuals who are known lo our categorized society as The Obese of which I happen to be member Now lo be a member of this corpulent club I have had to be jovial smiling pleasant and extremely good na lured In order to conform with the prototype well as endure the humiliations inflicted upon the emotions of the plethoric people Up until recently I have accepted the degradation to obesity quite mildly but on this matter I must speak out STOP It has been my misfortune to received a ticket requiring payment of to the court for the of fence of failing lo wear Ihe complete seat belt assembly It Is not however a failure on my port to comply with the regulation but to put It more pec lively the Inability lo fasten the said safety device around the capacity of the person It was my gross mistake not to protest or seek compassion from the Imposing officer at the lime of receiving the ticket This was due mainly lo the of trying to tell him I could not In secure my Altera how does one go about proving such a point without sonic ralherclose observation on Ihe part of the officer to say the least too flustered at the IN HONOR OF COXE The Hallon Library Georgetown Branch of the Halloa Hills Library From left Board commemorating Ihe late councillor and friend of lo right stand Councillor Pat McKemie Joan Lister Ihe library Len Coxe contributed a 13volume of chairman of the library board Mrs Janice Johnston Grzlmek Animal Life Encyclopedias to the library at a daughter of Ihe late councillor Mr Ruth Coxe Ruth presentation made lasl Friday afternoon at the Wilson and Betsy Comwell ask him to slide in on Ihe passenger side lo make this observation At the time the passenger scat was already occupied by a member of our family the family dog who was also not wearing a I was not about to draw further a I tent Ion this fact as I feared picking up tab for him as well Con visualize the situation After collecting my frayed I drove home and placed a call lo the Ontario Provincial Police In Milton and Inquired as to what measures I might take to remedy the situation With a few muffled snickers Ihcy kindly advised mo to seek counsel with my family doctor In hopes of securing a statement to the affect that I could not physically comply with the regualtlon for specific health I thanked them far their advice and Immediately telephoned my doctor office to tell the nurse what I would require from the doctor I explained to her that I felt I did not need an appointment taking up precious office time for this matter I had been to see him only a few weeks previous lo this episode and was involved under guidance In an extensive dieting program on which 1 was having a great deal of success All that asked for was a letter from him ex plaining the current state of my health and provision possibly for a temporary exemption from the rule until such time as I was physically able to fulfil my obligation lo the law and myself our days later I received a call from his nurse advising me hat he would not Issue the rush purchase a roll of lawn chair wtbbing and attach It the length of Ihe bell does this comply with Ihe regulation the e Brave f I doctor So do I Unfortunately having this conviction does not somehow magically stretch the limits of those safety belts cover the so to Now I ask Just how much humiliation and frustration can one Jolly person take Seriously I am not seeking sympathy or any mendatlon For Mercy but rather only a little con aide rati on for the vexations of the voluminous people Surely all those people who sat back and designed these ex trordlnary safety develop menls were not alt Welches and Robert Red fords somewhere there had lo be the odd Tody Fields and former Jackie Glcosons who were a part of the Where were hey when the regulatory measurements were being decided upon K let me put It this way There arc a certain number of measures that I could take in order comply with regulation First of all I could move my seat back bout a foot thus giving me a few extra Inches of actual belt length would place me at arm length from the steering wheel as well us placing my foot about eight inches away from both the gas pedal and the brakes Now this of would remedy the threat of obtaining any further for the offence as I would not be able to leave my driveway On the other hand I could the state of being whenever I may be upon by an officer hut again I should probably be required to produce a statement from the doctor as to my condition and doubt be would cop out on me again Of course there is also the that may be picked up by the same officer eleven months later and how long can a woman be overdue Itils brings me back to the current stale of my affairs With my court case quickly approaching on the ID of the only hope I can cling to Is that I will get a fat judge 1 place my plea before you ihe public on behalf of myself and the many others like me In hopes someone out Ihcre can offer me some technical advise and pardon the ex prciaion have enough guts to stand up and help us with this very real problem which weighs on we the minority the obese Mrs Betty Stakes A big bright beautiful encyclopedia by Betsy Comwell Chief Librarian Writing a review of an en cylopedia seems a rather presumptuous undertaking Besides they arc such dull if and necessary additions to library oil lion Well this Is a review of an encyclopedia one lhat is not at all dull and that simply invites the reviewer lo be presump tuous Among all his other heavy burdens he underook the invitation of Tonzanian government a monumental survey of East African wildlife a result was in ital In persuading Uganda to cooperate in selling up parka and refuges transcending national borders help prcseve the natural free iging habits of Africa Peter Doig and Animal Life endangered animals Truly Encyclopedia pronounce It mart of more lhan ordinary Chirnek Is fat and gorgeous persuasive power volumes No uniformly dreary Few people can have been covers each volume features better qualified la have put a striking color photograph of together this enormous un the typo of animal life Or lo have per pearl In that volume Inside liberally sprinkled through the pages arc further examples of animal photography and painting Individual photographs group portraits habitat illustrations cut away drawings illustrating anatomy all arc present Each volume has Its own In dex list or supplementary readings multilingual die of animal names and index by animal classification The list of contributors reads like a roster from the United Nations and the Editor In Chiefs identification actually reads Dr he Bemhard Grzlmek Professor Justus Llebig University of lessen Germany Director Frankfurt Zoological Garden Germany Trustee Tanzania and Uganda National Parks East Africa And thereby hangs tale The Frankfurt Zoological Garden was already world famous before Grzicmk became its director under his directorship 11 became pre eminent in the attempts to breed wild animals In captivity and thus help stave off ex linctlon for endangered species Over the years he has participated in fascinating experiments attempting to re populate wild areas with animals bred in captivity He has evolved Incredible technique for studying animals In their natural habitat and by example and contributed greatly to the Inspiration of such notables Jane Van La wick Goodall and other engaged in the new science of ethology suaded the publishers to risk the capital to finance it However the risk was vln dicated The first edition published in Germany sold out before it even wer press and subseque printed editions and have justified s His Inspiration for this work derived from the great en cyclopedic works of a century ago and the Royal Natural History No truly comprehensive work had been published since hen and naturally our knowledge of animal life has increased enormously in years What makes this cyclopedia so valuable is that it has any startling revolutionary knowledge as Impart In some cases to appears In it has been knowlege to Imparl In same cases what appears In It has been knowledge in the scientific community for many years However this knowledge has not been easily accessible to the layman and hat was the good Doctors intention In Ihis foreword to the En cyclopedia he says This work is based on the classification of animals Into naturally related groups We hope that it will disseminate knowledge of the animals and love for them and it will help preserve roam or the animals on this planet now so by man There is another and local reason this Encyclopedia is so importanl The library board has dedicated It the memory of councillor and friend of libraries THE BOMS BUTCHER SHOP MOORE PARK PLAZA DOWNTOWN STORE 8771811 8771311 Super Specials PORK ROASTS BUTT PORK CHOPS or ROASTS 99 TBone Sirloin STEAKS 59 BREADED VEAL CUTLETS VEAL CUTLETS CHOPS SCALLOPINI CUTLETS We reserve the right to limit quantities Tough to sell insurance in town McClelland representing Herald Mrs McClelland noted the hardest challenge for two Great West Life have been that their representatives attempting visiting all businesses In sell life Insurance plans to all Georgetown who arc members chambers of commerce in the lhc Georgetown Chamber of Halton Peel and commerce this past week During a brief visit lo Ihe Georgetown thus far has been less enthusiastic than they received anywhere else in but they re encouraged enough to continue attempting o set up the plan TUESDAY FAMILY SPECIAL Choose it TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS When you buy a Thrift Box at the regular price of you get FREE 8 fl oz Salad French Fries for Kentucky fried chicken 116A STREET GEORGETOWN smile USE THE GOVERNMENTS OWN RULES TO SAVE A BUNDLE ON INCOME TAX TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY pi isb i tin 1 n 1 sin II Ill Hid till run yyo Up s IK us I 11 it il An la As ihe Plan handy hie I wail I 1 TAX SAVINGS OPPORTUNITY II loii l st smiling a rrustKLirLminlSivnusPlincinpri in you sock away money for ll i mam d ii you could income Ian And ill bus in both on set up help you in nst mm Loin nght on spot and ii a plan work this saving ly not Iil LTiough lo rust Rctin p nilso Plin iIiltl id your money is locked dccidL lo or jet Oil whole out But il you Jo you II infarLVLr In f si mid y thing 1 l git your in j I lit income lax iIsoIiivl I ill about Camch trust cut Swings Plan gel Hit is with I savings opportunty you II id 1 to on Canada Trust TORONTO- ACT BY MARCH 1 TO SAVE ON INCOME TAX WERE OPEN THIS SATURDAY SF Add If li I SI Wort I Tin 15a I Ml RICHMOND I amftka Cilv irnW Kniiwau23 mm j Mil I ITON2HMa il