Tilt Lit AID vAednrsdnv June 1D70 Pone Acton councillors push equalized sewer rates It seem like much Town council Monday night voted to a new method of assessing sewer charges to Hills residents Bui core of the arguments for and against the change from the present chargeback system was an argument for and against government It a political decision bluntly Councillor Pat who originated the motion to have sewer charges the town assessed on an equalized basis It quickly shaped up to be a political decision with Wards Georgetown councillors voted in favour of the present chargeback basis and v ircl councillors voting in favour of equalized assessment Ward councillors appeared to hold the balance in hand but split down the In the end it the vote of the com mittec of the whole chairman Hyde of Georgetown that broke the tic in favour of equalized assessment We should be one municipality com merited Hyde as he plaeed his tie breaking equalized proponent arguments was a report present d last wick to the town personnel and finance committee that showed that system of sewage charges to Ix the fairest to nil parts of he over an extended period of time But Councillor Harry Levy countered that This is i political decision not a financnloni People in Ward 1 he mi id will come out of it on top in the long run People who get the benefit from something should pay or it he said in reference to Georgetown s mill on sew treatment plant expansion hear mi irguing against the reenation complex replied Councillor As the arguments fiom both sides heated up he bitterly added has lost over the past two ilf i imount of would liavi damn sure tint thnl monej One of the strong pom nfavo of the blocked region In equ lined he region was Middle school to have extras There a lot more to a middle school than just a separate building for trades six to eight explained High School principal Dean Fink during his slide presentation at a public meeting held Monday night in cton By mobilizing resources and liking i group of kids neither children or idolcscentsand taking programs neither or high can pronde an effective Iran said Fink who believes that middle or senior public schools prepare kids for high school Why Fink outlined the mmy advantages presented he grides six to eight students who will move into the old Acton High School in Sep ember using Centennial School in Georgetown as an example of a middle school They have access to special facilities which some elementary schools don rrovide such as science tabs art rooms or open classrooms for team caching home rooms shops and a spacious gym with less or use Middle school kids have a better at inter school sports Having the combined enrollment of students from Robert Little and MZ Bennett Schools there will be more athletes to choose from when forming teams All library reading books will be on topics of interest to them and o their academic Having a reduced workload guidance councillors will have the lime deal specifically with emotional and career problems icing this age group By the time reaeh grade nine they will be acclimatized to both ihc rotary and house Like high schools middle schools provide clubs for in terested pupils to join Sounds good Fink is enthusiastic about it and thinks thai the poor turnout of about two dozen parents and teachers it he Open meeting indicates of the middle school rather than apathy The only problems raised by the public were regarding transportation and lunch More than one parent was concerned because their children would have to walk over a mile to gel to middle school School board trustee Tom Watson explained the policy elementary school children who live within two miles of their school do not qualify for Today we ve spoiled our children to the extent that we don expect them to walk any place said parent Don Lindsay even he lives in the subdivision at the opposite end of town to middle school and his daughter Shannon will be attending grade six there Even if kids ant to go play baseball or something he continued ihey won go unless hey get a ride to the facilihes it not that Tar for Ihem to walk to school they 11 get used to One mother thought it was important for her children lo come home at lunch time and discuss any school problems and was worried that wouldn have tune to do so when they attended middle school She suggested that daises should begin earlier in the morning so lunch time could be longer the general consensus was hat kids realistically prefer to spend lunch time with their friends and families could get logelhir in the evening Another mother w is worried tint her children would hang around down town noon hour rink explained that Actons middle school would probably adopt he workable policies of Centennial students would be from leaving school property during lunch hour and sports activities would be organized o keep them Much of what is going on at Centennial School can be duplicated here ink suggested Mathematics Science teacher at Robert Little Kalhy was anxious to know when the appointments would be mide for the positions of principal and vice principal The date predicted by Don Gentleman Area Supervisor from the School Board Office was Until the administration is decided upon many of our questions can t be she said hopes to be one of the IS or staff members at middle school Most teachers said Fink will probably migrate from M Z Bennett and Little It was estimated that students would make history by being enrolled in the first of Acton first miooie OFF TO Evelyn Allen left and Pauline Richards both Georgetown look their horses out for some exercise at the Horsemanship Clinic held Sunday June a lion Listers riding school Mountain Viev Plain horse sense Its terrible MOST at the tin ill iw dinner of the Acton High arc Karen Chapman lift and Dan Webster The awards look place last Thursday at he Legion hall in Acton AHS atkietes honoured High School held its last Thursday the itgion Hall and about a third of he total to and a slide or tin vein tht or tin Utters were irded to Slew lit id in Heel smaller win to Ihnse who UK points Tin Hi eh it those arc Br id tnnpmin link Dine inn Glenn Dive ILinmh He bin In Jordan I irry Kurtz lav Bruce Mel Si i Mil lor Hi ither Near Ijsi John Sue Thomson Kiren Kim Hick in The Bill Memorial Trophy was for the athlete wtiich helped is team the most was awarded to Hick Van Meet The Most Male and I- malt Athletes were Dan Webster and Karen Chapman respectively Sheila Cook and Lurry Ku I took the honours of being most improved female malt ilhletes respectively In rick and field lcs Jones pi eked up Hit for he miles and picked it up for females Hit swimming trophies wen won Chapman and Dave Stanley Kathy Barber was awarded a trophy as Cross country honours went to Dave Johnson and Near In varsity girls sports Sue Thomson took award for the team and Shortill or the for the while the junior boys basketball award was by Tht trophy for the midget boys basketball was accepted Martin The outstanding intramural participant Nadhazi accepted the trophy in that gory Of the four inlramur teams at the high stlool black blue I re n and yellow the green w in trophy or at and the jellow team won for met In tin itegones if sport volleyball track and wimmmg rythmics Jin ling ind in trnmurils 1 sport tabs wen iwarded athletes Following hanks to the conches of tin physical Bruce link Mi Arthur J Holmes Hoy McMillan Johan Wilkinson Miki Simmons Wanda Hall Harriet Knur and thinks delivered to parents the athletes returned to the high for i dnntt aw irds banquet of he athletic society of High School in to r Steve Reeds says twofaced Julian for Burlington has ac New Democratic Parly of taking in jxiblic ind mother in the shelter if hi Select Com mittec on Hydro llates I was very disappointed by the actions of the NDP mbtrs the niter of an independent study of the Bradley Georgetown Hydro corridor said Mr Hied is prising that Mr is that party agriculture and should be vitally concerned about anything which our valuable agricultural land Stephen Lewis has made a number of speeches his party in fight he government on this question of hydro corridors yet when it comes to Liking a vole in committee he majority of members do not support an independent study There can be no doubt that here is the credibility gap Councillor George Maltby was one of the mnnv cnrollees who attended the Km a ns hip Clinic held last Sunday at Farm Acton After over a decade of training breeding and owing horses as well as leaching hundreds of students owners of the riding school Bon and Joan Lister really know their business Along with Jenny Steve Lister and Jennifer Lister offered In In ail facets of Advice given was to consider breed temperament and conformation when pur chasing a horse and basic schooling including ground work and leading were demonstrated on the 150acre spread Heavy emphasis was placed on buying fitting and caring for proper tack The intention Is to give same younger people and parents better understanding of the different pieces of tack Lister explained Each piece of equipment has a practical purpose although some people Just put pieces on heir horses because hey look nice he added using the martingale as an example Its a leather used to hold dawn a horse head and one of die many aids believes can be eliminated through advanced training Leather if cared for will increase in value Lister continued baddies bought five years ago are worth twice as much now The three hour course achieved its purpose by giving novice riders an overall pie aire of the ageless sport horseback riding DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN You get used to It Taxes You say It is a fact that no one likes to pay taxes and Acton homeowners learned May when the region brought its budget that they would find on extra lacked onto their tax bill It Is about more than homeowners in Georgetown are paying this In an Informal poll on Mill Street in the town some consistently forget put on the map the Herald asked Acton residents what they thought about the hefty increase Don t ask said Mr Kee who has just finished building his home near Sidcraod It terrible of Mr Ket said he paid for the roads which well plowed we Get naming Alma operates a shoe store and has for four years As far is tax increases are concerned she sjid they re going up everywhere But 1 don think we are getting a great deal more from the region Mrs said ttc re losing more than we re getting She said Alton wis losing a sense of identity com spirit which people don feel toward Hilton Hills Little extras don replace that she sud Although she first said she think of anything good Mrs went on money from the region to divelop community services which weren here Tht Human Services Council lias contributed sht said were paying a lot more Brampton lady who liad moved in to town only earlier and did not want to give her name It s not too bad she said As she hurried across the Everything is more she added You get used to it As a homeowner said Gord James I don think It should be that high Its quite a There no way we re going to stop stuff going up Mr Jam is said He suggested that tax In creases should be given in phases or shorter Increments not one big clout at a lime One group of ladles who all refused to give names were delighted to inform the Herald that they no longer pay taxes but took the op portunlty to decry the dearth apartments and houses for young families in the area another group who again refused to give Ihiir names said they did not like the lax increase It s the first I heard of it said Ann Daley who rents I don like it much she The rent will go up Mrs Daley said I think we re getting our money worth from taxes paid to the region polite arc doing a good job said ind the school system here is good But Murray Smith said I can see any up now other than added ex That wha regional gonrnment docs for you he said There much concerned It may work out I Ait it is going to take time icknowledging that no ones to see a In taxes Frank Oakes said percentage wise its pretty big for one years He noted that there were several reasons for the tax increase and said he would reserve his opinion until he had studied them Like everything else said a 20year resident who wore the pin of Legionnaire but refused to divulge his name prices are Increasing As long as a good Job Is done by council I don kick he said Seems to me they re doing a better job in some respects Asked in what respects he replied Snow removal last year was pretty good In the years before we been snowed in for a couple of He added that garbage collect ion is good but I don t like he dump being In Georgetown Now it s quite A Paul Nielsen a clothing merchant on Mill St said we re barely getting the same service we hod two years ago It s a hell of an increase In cost on everything He said the economy of scale that regionalism was to bring is a Phantasm agora a pipe As an example he said a hookup to and sewer services used to cost Now it s in the neigh bo hood of SI he said And before the work was done by men in Aclon he went on Now men and machines from Burlington do the work As far as the tax Increase was concerned Art Bossert who owns a condominium said Scrap it Its unnecessary Said John Foley I won tbe so happy about it Who will be Home Newspaper of Haiton Hills Acton News ML SIC for Ihe Decoration Day Services held at Fnirwcw in last Sunday afternoon was provided by the Acton Citizens Hand About people gathered for the ceremony after the parade an annual June 200 at Decoration Day the NDP ire op posed he government and on this question or it is not Mr Liwis ind his colleagues hive it both wiys I a solution to select lommittci calling for an independent study the corridor Had the NDP supported this resolution we might have been able to bring some influence to bear on he government commented aw people Sunday to w for of the Div Pi Participating were Ihe Citizens Band IhcUgion Band and from the Boy Regional police force marched the fellow Street at JO p m lis throughout the service selections were performed by the Aclon Citizen Band Abide With Me was tin chosen hymn Tin to Worship In and the Benediction were led by Andrew II Mi Km it while Reverend Junes Mil delivered the scripture reading A touching address was orated by Reverend Charles Beaton Throughout the designated day organizations and In dividuals placed floral memorials on the graves of loved ones in St Josephs Pioneer and Fairvlew Cemeteries THE BOWS BUTCHER SHOPS DOWNTOWN STORE MOORE PARK PLAZA 8771811 LEAN GROUND BEEF RIB ROAST 10 lbs RIB STEAKS BRAZING RIBS cm for 89 a SIRLOIN STEAKS CUBE STEAKS B0NE1ESS CROSS CUT STEAKS 59 BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS or ROAST EYE OF ROUND STEAK or ROAST 009 HUSH FISH AVAILABLE AT DOWNTOWN STORE OR ON ORDER AT MOORE PARK