TIIFHEHALD Jut Living In Hatton Hills Condominiums popular buys There households In located in mini litre towns with their own elected laws and tax of They ire called con dominium communities Like detached home owners all families buy their own row houses including a small but private yard and parking Like apartment renters common land is tor recreational use The Sinclair Street in Georgetown for instance also include appliances a washer dryer fridge and Like commune dwellers pooled to pay for services thus the definition of a condominium community offered by Bon Burnett of the town a planning department a method of owning your own with a negotiable title while sharing ownership and costs of operation of the balance of the property with mplt a is paid each household living in the community on Drive in Jackie explained that this money is used to cover in water snow plowing lawn mowing landscaping painting her husband Gene the bookkeeper and anything else of benefit to the whole populate Residents of the ton dominiums on Road in Gtorgtiown pay a little more per month instead of being managed by tht original or their executive thev hired Skinner to do the job Democratically it the people choice Christine Kogon high school science tattler and ibbles however sponsible lor collet rules insisting of vice president ind executive is iwnhouses Most people adhere to the which include things such as leishing pets building standardized knees con a month to an emergency reserve fund not public land by planting or adding lawn decorations and the like I respttt the property it is partially their own the are their friends Townhouse became very close in dwellers I week a row throughout town and their toddlers were gathered together to it and sun Sinclair Avenue i Know Neighbours dance wis Its like we re all hung in one big house Marline Gratia m of said of the we visit other for coffee it in the morning in our Or wis right 1 built IBS town bouses in three phases over tw a half year period The Kingham Drive roject a ye ii The first places reidy for residents priced at SI are now worth 38010 said rtal estate agent Cord said he had recently sold m tht range of 000 to ting on renovations and iippl tallies mcludtd the built by AGZ Developments Limited Mountamview Road in Mrs said were just like Recognizing investment opportunity Terry and Helm Gilbert purthascd on Avenue Well never go back to single home said Helen unless my husband In conns millionaire we on lure someone to do the minium living wt tin sit outside He voiced about Hilton Hills regarded location of the people who moved into the condominiums from out of that or the number of vacancies from the local tannery There are few although they would permeate their change hands often enough domains and that mosquitos Indicating that demand ex would visit from a nearby supply According to Hon Burnett Investments have made a proposal to construct condominiums on John lover Streets Hills needs stores not tht best view agreed some Avenue residents but tin fict that a park dose by seemed to com for this maintain a mix Many commented on me housing types believes convenience of their homes to Burnett and what that Infers of town that we need both more lllustating the overall rental accomodations and popularity of condominiums is condominiums TAKING on her bike Is next door arc Paul Kim and David Christie Christie Gilbert who lives In a Sinclair who earlier took advantage of the yard Avenue condominium Playing and staged a wrestling match on the lawn DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN