Tilt Wednesday icZJ 187afBRcl5 The following story about the Barber Paper Mill in Georgetown the third mill built in Upper Canada first appeared in the Pulp and Paper Magazine 1913 It was written by A Therc had arrived in Crooks Hollow shortly Ihe paper mill was built a unruly consisting of a father four sons and a daughter which was destined to plan an important part in Ihe history of the Canadian paper industry These were the Barbers The father wis a by trade the sons were hardy Irish boys They had emigrated to Canada from Ireland in 1822 and after Niagara had come to Crooks Hollow to obtain employment in the mills William and Robert the oldest and the youngest of the sons worked in the woolen mill James the second son became interested in Ihe paper mill while Joseph the third ion took up the mill right rack They remained at Crooks and Forbes negotiated with the Barber brothers for a site and power The Barbers put up a building for him and A history of the Barber family is a history of early Georgetown the brother Unit it would be just a well or them lo sit up business for themsches how The Barber Paper Mill in full production awilabh however that decided Ihcm la jnr of the rebellion Ihtj minid all families and in ox carls to their new location and one set mill wis on Die wtsl branch tin Credit what is now he centre of the town of and or six lit brothers ran tins primitive be fori the took Robin Barber and Ins brother in Benjamin to where the put 14 a second woolen mill Both mills wire owned jointly the family and both prospered in a new and much was built in Sireclswlk into the michirtcrv of both plants wis pill and the Georgetown mill was closed down Then followed the begin of the paper industry in Georgetown A Scotchman by Ihe name of David had gone West as far is Gait had then to start mill but had discoursed owing to the long distinct it was necessary to haul his product to market rented mm both power and miking an ill rng product which they sold extensively to weekly publishers and the Toronto Duly leader use of straw especially pea straw for wrapping papers and until Die time that wood begin to instead wen large consumers of straw In citing incident occurred in Some new boilers win installed lo boil straw and earlv one morning soon after they were put they all up killing one man and in junng others Forbes did not stick al his and hi had got irled the brothers found themselves saddled with a paper mill The first mill built in IHol is still standing and is now known as No Machine Room It is a solid stone structure feet is ihe building in the right hand foreground the picture It inch paper machine on which the first piper mill Barber who was In charge of the end of the business that he to the mill one morning and was told that the new machine was running 10O feci a astonishing that it wis almost incredible and he would not performance until lie had personally timed it which had without the slightest friction among the brothers and their brother in law was dissolved is said of this partnership for years Ihey tarried on all their activities together without a settlement among the part owning almost in William and In 1B69 the partnership property Sire piper following paper business con tinned to expmd By 1B87 the plant comprised a a and a inch fourdnnitr piper midline employed GO hands ind consumed two and one tons of rags per day and cords of wood annually lanufactured A 1 the Ihe building Trunk westwird and approaching Georgetown Hire on the Credit River right beside the route of the railway seemed a better place to locale Meanwhile i second building had been erected in 185H into which a cylinder IPIOIIEERiDHiISi John Boughton JEWELLERS 8774313 Downtown Georgetown BUTCHER SHOPS DOWNTOWN STORE MOORE PARK PLAZA 8771311 8771811 FOR PIONEER DAYS DOWNTOWN SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS ftMOUS FOR QUALITY AND OLD FASHION GOODNESS BULK SKINLESS WIENERS SKILLET STRIPS lb ENGLISH SAUSAGES SCHNEIDER FRESHLY SLICED MOCK CHICKEN LOAF CHEESE LOAF LUNCHEON MEAT LOAF SCHNEIDERS 129 BEEFPATTIES 199 ROUND STEAKS ROUND STEAK ROASTS 169 ABOVE SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT BOTH STORES CLIP THIS ENTRY FORM FOR THE NAME THE ANTIQUE IMPLEMENTS CONTEST j THE FIRST ONES WITH THE CORRECT NAMES WIN I 1ST PRIZE WHOLE SCHNEIDERS OLD FASHIONED HAM I I 2ND PRIZE HALF SCHNEIDERS OLD FASHIONED HAM I Litt below the Five AODH PHONE NUMBER HIS ENTRY FORM IN THE BOX PROVIDED While You Are Shopping Visit Our Cook Out And A Meal Of Your Choice IN HONOUR OF SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK THE BOARS HEAD DOWNTOWN ONLY EXTENDS AN INVITATION TO ENJOY A 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES OF FRESH MEAT Participants FIRE DEPT POLICE GEORGETOWN VOLUN TEER AMBULANCE GEORGETOWN MAJORETTE AND DRUM CORP GEORGETOWN GIRLS PIPE BAND THE BARBERSHOPPERS SQUARE DANCING THE CANADIANA SQUARE DANCER OBEDIENCE PLUS CLOWNS LITTLE THEATRE PALLETTE PENCIL CLUB GROUP BELL TELEPHONE DISPLAY FOOD BOOTHS BLUE TRIANGLE AND CRAFT BOOTH RUG HOOK GUILD DEMONSTRATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY BEATY JOHN MCDONALD PONY AND BUGGY RIDE ECLIPSE GREG PETER AND GROUP BILL CLINT FOLK SINGER CREDIT VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ARTIFACT DISPLAY CANDY FLOSS WORLDS BIGGEST CORN BROOM CARAVAN GEORGETOWN YMYWCA FREE DRAW for COLOUR TV BEST DRESSED PET 1st 2nd 3rd Pie Baking Contest Ice Cream Eating Contest DAVE LIST OF EVENTS FOR THE THREE DAYS- Thursday June OBEDIENCE PLUSTRAINEDDOG MAJORETTE AND DRUM CORP GEORGETOWN GIRLS PIPE BAND 745pm Friday June OBEDIENCE PLUS MAJORETTES DRUM CORP BARBERSHOPPERS Saturday June 26th BEST DRESSED PET MISS NAZER JUDGE NOTE Entrystobegivento Ralph Fletcher of Fletcher Shoes by am PIE BAKINGCONTEST Note Entries to be given to C Crimes of Towne Sewing by am MAJORETTES DRUM CORP GIRLS PIPE BAND CANADIANA SQUARE DANCERS 230 pm OBEDIENCE PLUS 330 pm DRAW FOR COLOUR TV 430 pm JOIN IN ON THE FUN AND EXCITEMENT OF PIONEER DAYS