per cent of pupils need remedial reading If your son or daughter goes to school In Hills but can read he or she is port of a situation prevalent across North America but with times more so than sister That figure came to the board of education Thursday during a discussion to hire teachers for remedial reading beginning September 1ST An estimated per cent of elementary school pupils in need remedial work but the actual number of would require a hand count the board heard The figures are from a sample of six schools in the Many of these children need additional help more input and one Iteacher with more understanding of reading skills John Graham of special services said The sample that many boys don learn the way we do he added They need someone to help them see it learn it and bay it They have trouble learning It a widespread phenomenon problems depends on fcrences dating bock to birth and resulting from their en vironment The actual learning processes between mother and child arc cot completely understood he said With various theories of how the brain works and many conflicting reports it a very complex matter he con eluded Surplus He that significant population of the schools will fall further and further behind their peers in reading skills without input in school life Lavender director of said why boys outnumber girls with reading PD fund Elementary and secondary school- tcochers In will have for professional development funds and development and leave plan in 197 The approved the expenditure at its meeting In the professional development fund elementary teachers will have while the secondary teachers will get In the educational development and leave plant both categories will receive for councils tne elementary tochers will also have a further wh le secondary teachers will Hoard policy is that funding two be equal to a quarter of per cent of in Simmon il budget which Ibis could hove committee Tom Wilson told the Ik said he did not want to saddle the new board in with expenses as budgetary restraints would likely continue over All except one of 28 surplus teachers at the beginning of the 197577 school year has been placed board of education learned Thursday The came true that all surplus teachers in September would be placed by he end of the year instruct ion director John Botch said He presented a list of element and secondary school ap pointments resignations sfers maternity leaves and leaves of absence for the board s approval For the first time this year an elementary teacher has been lured Mr She is Pauline who teaches now at Centennial school Georgetown Among resignations accept by the board were those of Lois of Centennial school Stan of school Orysai Weed mark JJid Linda Cairns both of Harrison school and Josephine of school The three rcsigntions take effect Dec 1J76 Also resigning Dec is Helen from Georgetown district high school No fires reported holidays quiet been a good week for Area Fire Chief Ken Bulk cm a said Tuesday that the people had been very good the firefighters They let us FLYING UP Susan Slack 10 and I- Hit I occasion of their fly up to the come through the arches forn by 11 I de Company The ceremony membersof IhcNmlh Brownie I wos held I it week it Harmon public school MWWMJllWMMSMBIIW NEW YEARS EVE PARTY AT THE HOTEL free buffet FROM a TILL 1 DOOR PRIZE REFRESHMENTS SUPPLIED FROM till 1 HOTEL 79 MAIN ST A COUPLE 8773388 QO We wish All our Friends Customers A Very SHANGRILA b Garden Restaurant 8770151 Downtown CANADIAN CUISINE Georgetown CHINESE POLYNESIAN A Wealth Of Joy May you find your pot of gold m the coming year let it be filled with warmth and love for everyone To all our friends and customer Kay and George KAYS GROCERY in the KHjjQmtWiih jo ind Ik wishes to our frit and patrons v RITEWAY AUTO BODY Guelph St Georgetown We you New Year f lied wonderful nclud ng good health and neii Wo look forward ice DELREX SMOKE SHOP GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE a burning door on a In Glen Tuesday Chief said tire Chief Mick Homes said Acton firefighters had been out only once and that NEW YEARS EVE BALL ELKS LODGE LOCATION GEORGETOWN DANCING AM BUFFET A Bullet 11 Served With Party ft Nolle u DANNY MAYER THE MAVERICKS tickets 12 50 PER PERSON FOR RESERVATIONS INFORMATION CALL 4598662 or 4530254 HAPPY NEW YEAR Let Kentners Otter To Your PreNew Years Cocktail Hour Or Your New Years House ParX J 8771113 HAPPY NEW YEAR Wishing all of our wonderful patrons the best for the New Year We so working with you and we look forward to continuing our wonderful relationship GS TELEVISION Guelphview Plaza 8779541 ttfdnnday December If Page si fire departmei jrnved Other that it has been a very quiet Meek Chief Holmes si Us been very good POOM 8772201 NOTICE Persons Using North Golf Club For Skiing Tobogganing skating And Or Other Winter Do So At Their Own Risk North Halton Golf Club Will Not Be Responsible For Any Iniury Incurred ALSO SNOW VEHICLES PROh WIN FREE BOOKS OF WINTARIO LOTTERY TICKETS Our Gift To You WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Simply road Main SI MINUrE MUFFLERS CENTRE HAIR DESIGN ROGERS sercf THE SIGN POST SIGNS w TRUCK LETTERING SHOW CARDS AND COTTON BANNERS SILK SCREEN PRINTING PHONE 8530821 Car MILTON 5 YEAR GUARANTEE 8787978 n lord DEVON FLORAL ltd Your Tropical Plant Headquarters In ho Peel Regions 4531713 I- DELIGHTS fellrTlllLWlaJC Now located of Downown in the Hornby SQUARE DEAL GARAGE 8784790 VANTURA PEED CUSTOM VAN ACCESSORIES SPEED EQUIPMENT 8781171 CHARLES HOTEL DJ UNLIMITED i PA rixAcol chicken UPHOLSTERY CELLAR CHESTERFIELD SUITES SOFAS AND CHAIRS OFFICE FURNITURE 8779478 LAST WEEKS WINNER S SMITH 3 Mill Street Acton