I THE HERALD Wednesday January Gained a few pounds over the holidays Here are a few tips on getting them off VARIAN WINS FEDERAL CONTRACTS Varum Associates or Georgetown has been the recipient of three contracts from the federal government for a total of 6 since November The contracts ore for chemical analysis equipment data processing equipment and spare microprocessor parts Pictured above Is Varlan machinist Bob Vender ham operating a lathe One handful of the parts Mr Vunderham would number about A story to warm these chilly days Editor Note Mr Mrs Albert Pre wood Georgetown spent a vacation on a ship on the MedKcrraoean Sea last fall Mr hi kindly consented to write about the experience Though we had been on a cruise In 1971 and enjoyed every mlnule of it we thought the Delphi would take us to places we had not seen before Leaving on Sept we went to Montreal and had a quick look at its new airport before taking off for our overnight flight to Malaga Spain The weather was sunny and beautiful and we were able to enjoy the beach and the sea before boarding buses to take us to the port and our ship which was to sail at Midnight Our cabin was adequate though not luxurious and we were to find the meals through out the cruise sufficient and slightly different to what we were accustomed Of course one of the interesting things Is sampling the food of the countries you visit Our first port of call was Gibraltar We toured the rock and visited the cave of St Michael used as a hospital BOOKS LIMITED GEORGE STREET BRAMPTON mi Christian Book Gifts Come to during wartime and now equipped with scats for concerts Spain is only minutes away but unfortunately the gates on the side are locked and It Is necessary to go by sea We saw a woman who lived in Gil bra tar calling across space between the gates to Spainish side So close and yet so for away separated by a locked gate The town was interesting and the shores of North Africa visible across the Strait He would have two days at sea before our next port of call The English entertainment committee was busy organizing activities such as bridge and scrabble tournaments dancing lessons and evening entertainment with a floor show and singer We always to find something to do if only to sit in a deck chair and bisk in the Our next call was Sardinia and is possible to book shore excursions in on board ship booked tour of the capital which lies over seven hills and shopped for a while along main streets We had left Spain on Sunday now we embark at took us across the island to to see the wonder fully preserved Greek temples to Zeus Hercules and Juno set among almond trees Leaving I al p m we arrived Naples m Saturday Since we had been in before had visited Capri vl decided for Capri and were to find we were seeing everything different this time In small bo it Id the White climbed fki view a magnificent and noticed the of the water Since c had been to the Blue this v is quite different We lunched in a beautiful ST GEORGES CHURCH Anglican Ro Gallagher A STB Jan Epiphany a the Eucharist 9 Family Prayer 30 a vnery provided PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLT Trafalgar and No 1 Highway t t Family School IMMANUEL CHURCH GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH BAHAI tomts the root and it follower llsi the Failn mean Glory of God the you would like more In formation or would Ike attend a 1 fireside phono restaurant set among orange and lemon trees with grape vines trailing along the fence around the grounds We returned to the port on the funicular and came back to Naples and the ship by hydro foil Departure from Naples was at and Sam Sunday We arrived at Civitavecchia the port nearest to Home forty four miles away by bus Sunday and Monday were spent In Rome as we had been there we explored the port and surrounding country A great advantage of a cruise is having your accommodation and meals always available no motels or holds to book Everything is for your comfort Our next call was Cannes and as the ship anchors out in the harbour passengers are taken to port on a smaller tender Cannes is of course beautiful With plenty of opportunity for shopping but we had booked a tour to Monte Carlo and Monaco As was late reaching port because of rough weather our tour to Monaco was confined a view of he palace of Prince and Princess Grace and a quick visit to the Casino it Monte Carlo As we had been fortunate to see the Changing of the Guard on our previous trip we were not as sappolntcd as others on the cruise We played the slat machines won lost a few francs and watched the other gomes being played then it was back to the bus for the return journey to the ship Wednesday morning look us the city of the centre of tin perfume industry and a visittosecpcrfumemixed We heard of the the oil was extracted from the flowers violets roses and many others then blended with other Ingredients to produce perfume toilet water shaving cream and soaps Our ship sailed at noon for Majorca arriving at 10 a m the following day This was the most beautiful of all Ihc places vifiiled The capital city white shining We loured the island enjoying the country side its vineyards olive groves and almond trees and occasionally a pomegranate usually in front of a We crossed In a small launch to Cap where magnificent high cliffs plunge sir light Into the Then we walked through a magnificent park board our bus and proceed bock On the way we slapped at a factory admire the displayed for sale andalsoat an old monastery lo sample the wine produced In area Once more we went aboard the Delphi and after a day it sta arrived back In Saturday was spent browsing the town where my A new year to lose weight will be real lied If you adhere to following diet plan a local nutritionist promises Diane nutritionist for Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital explained inactivity coupled with overindulgence In highcalorie low nutrition foods arc major contributors to widespread weight problems Medical studies show a maximum of 10 per cent of obese people suffer from medical disorders while per cent consume the same amount of food as average- weight people but do not exercise said Mrs Welder She advises Increased while following a diet plan lo shed pounds more quickly Exercise docsn have to be weight lifting or football try dancing vaccummtng twice a week Instead of once yoga or walking to work Most overweight Individuals front of the television she said Instead of combining a balanced weight loss diet with a little more movement they remain inactive and revert to crash diets Pad eating for prompt pound peeling is impractical because unbalanced diets result In health disorders explained Mrs Woldcr Based on the five food groups in ttie Canada hood HAD A MILLION Guide Mrs Woldcr diet will result in a one or two pound loss weekly according to the amount of indulged in Two pounds is the maximum weekly loss recommended by physicians she said Slow weight reduction has more permanence than quick loss because Mrs diet establishes sensible lifelong eating pat She pointed out fad dieters often back to the and syndrome because crashers consisting of nothing but steak and sated or grapefruit and yogurt arc monotonous Not only dots Mrs Woldcr formula for weight loss reduce calorie intake without creating hunger pangs or illness It Is nutritionally sound The basic guidelines are Don t use sugar or sugar products or fried foods and avoid Outside of these taboos there a lot to choose from fill the I dally calorie quota Mrs suggests three meals a day since the body can accommodate food taken at regular intervals more efficiently than 10 cups of coffee from Bam to m followed by a sevencourse evening meat Dieters may snack but not skip meals as is the pattern of obese people she said Breakfast need not be the traditional boring fare Mrs suggests variations one piece of any fruit or of unsweetened Juice unsweetened cereal with four ounces of skim milk or one piece of buttered toast on egg or one ounce of hard long time or nlbblert cheese or one peanut have difficulty changing to butter or one slice meat regimented eating habits unsweetened beverage The beauty of this diet pointed preferably skim milk out Mrs Wolder Is the con Lunch and supper venlent three meal schedule arc basically the same consisting of common and Choose from available foods one serving fish eggs meat or cheese but remember frying People of average weight breading gravies and sauce should guard against gaining are out through simple selfdiscipline one slice of bread or one small she cautioned potato with trace butter or since a mere extra calories margarine dally adds up to 3 weekly or one cooked vegetable or salad one pound of fat Note that with lowcalorie dressing calories of Junk food snacks unsweetened fruit are not filling but are fat beverage without sugar ten In a she says In addition Mrs suggests one or two snacks of By following this sensible fruit saved from meals diet program Mrs guarantees success of This is allowed because reaching your annual new nutritional pick me ups arc years resolution weight loss important she said and also goal this time Lung association plans drive on no smoking Cigarettesmoking parents now enduring scoldings from healthconscious youngsters will have to put up with more lectures from the younger feneration If the ntcragency Council on Smoking and Health has Its way Mary Hurst displays lottery tickets which can mak an Instant Invest in real estate three money advisors say members of the financial community consulted by The Herald agreed million dollar lottery winners would be wise to invest In real estate Dank of Nova Scotia manager Reg McQualg suggested taking out first mortgages but cautioned such money would be locked in Therefore he also advocated purchasing easily accessible guaranteed bank presently offering a higher rale than some bonds rial acting Bank of Montreal manager Carl Winger said relinmenl savings plans and blue chip stocks arc practical to Invest in He also cautioned against lump Mini Pointing out Hie security of owning a house and that rotes on a second mortgage from private lenders ore up to 16 per cent Ian of Household Finance advised real estate Investment with the hope that values will appreciate Terry Dickenson Toronlo Dominion Dank manager feels dUirsity is Important when Investlnga large sum He suggested some easily liquid tied high interest and pulling Ihe remainder bonds and mortgages Tor He also advantage of direction from i good in vtslmint councillor husband and I hired a horse dr carnage for a drive see market he cathedral and beautiful parks of the city bund wt six and prepared to or airport and for home at a We came off ship into pouring ram which we were was the first in eight mnnlhs Yarns Fibres Supplies for Knitting Crochet Weaving Macrame Handmade Crafts weavers 20 to 50 OFF SELECTED ITEMS JAN 6 TO JAN THE BOOK SHOP MAIN ST DOWNTOWN 8778861 Representative on the Interagency Council said today that school children form an important target group for the Council National Education week on Smoking being observed the week of 151h 197 by cooperating health agencies itself is only the launching a form for an effort at persuading young people to give up smoking Miss Clark said Among boys lhe percentage of regular smokers has decreased since 1970 to about one third Female smokers have increased Parents who wish to help this effort can help most by giving up themselves Miss Clark said AH the smoking habit surveys indicate that youngsters whose parents smoke are ones most likely to take up the She suggested contacting council at Balsam Drive telephone Hi or for information on the health of smoking and tips on quilling With effort and little help you may be able to quit before you hear to many more lectures from your youngsters she said SOMETIMES ARE ONLY WAY OUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatevor your Col us Today and Hi on its Way Mil St Georgetown WALTER Z ZELEK DDS Tito Opening Hit Office Far The General Prattles of Dontlilry Geo ran town Medical Clinic Princess Anne Drive Suites Georgetown COMMENCING JAN 177 si CROSS COt4 Crosscountryskllng Sledding Tobogganing Curling Sauna Dining Dancing It all waiting for you now at North Golf and Country Club Everyone is welcome to use the scenic surroundings or sledding or skiing or viewing FREE But why don you and your family indulge in the relaxing comfort of the Club after your hours of outdoor fun Put your skis aside and put your feet up Have a refreshing drink Or a leisurely lunch while your eyes meander over flcent view Then maybe you II want take the children home hire a sitter and for a delightful evening of dining or dancing dialogue In the Quiet Bar Yes you and your family can experience the social environ of North Halton Country Club not only this winter but year round for only 50 per month 90 per year Social Membership Take advantage of Ladies and Mens sauna dining 00 am to weekends Sunday brunches 1 a to 00 bar facilities 7 days a week a monthly theme dance Ie January Winter Carnival Candlelight Ball Hawaiian etc and other special social events designed for the season And in the summer we offer a challenging hole golf course tennis and even fishing or feeding the swans So drive out soon and explore this whole new world Only from downtown Or phone for furthtr information NORTH HALTON GOLF COUNTRY CLUB