HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills A Division Company Limited 103 St South Ontario HUM r IKlMMOi Publisher mm Look ahead with hope It is a mark of human to feel shame at having been born into the 20th century So began the in traduction to a popular reprint The statement reflects an conviction that people of our time have somehow sunk to an ultimate of and degeneracy and brought us to the brink of hell with about three minutes left to midnight and the end No one of course should try to dismiss the facts about our age that have generated despair we should resist the tendency as old as humanity to let the evil of immediate circumstance overwhelm us The world toda does not impinge upon the individual life with greater peril than our ancestors knew nor call for a greater courage than mustered The atomic bomb though it makes possible a new dimension of physical destruction yet can present to any individual no threat worse than death Countless generations have lived under that shadow The stouthearted have always had to build a bridgehead of hope on the edge of pessimism In fact the presence of ear must have been much more immediate to past generations the path of a conqueror or in the midst of an epidemic than to the present multitudes who watch television and the instant communication of bad news it reports daily Indeed television seems to cater to the mysterious twist in human nature that prefers to hear evil than good Thus we are too little acquainted with the enormous amount of mutual aid the degree of brotherhood the dialogue between religions that though less than our ability yet never before reached such a measure Moreover if we are entering thj twilight of a spent civilization we can look for light to come into the Dark Ages where it has always burst forth in the last two thousand years to the then Christian Churches this time theChurdiesof Asm Africa and I atm Amenta Where is no hope for the future there is no power in the present However there is nothing within our knowledge to destroy the firm conviction that now as in the prophets of gloom and doom will lose out to the apostles of faith and hope Easter People Spring is a good time for Easter with its resurgence of lifelife bur sting from every patch of soil every branch Spring is a good symbol of Easter when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and remember that the not hold Him that He came alive for evermore An important fact of faith Proof It is not a matter of documents of witnesses Like most important things in life the answers arc not something you know but something you live Not something you discover but what you have a part in creating The proof of the resurrection is in people living the resurrection living their lives conscious of the living Goa People living for others daily relying on the strength the insight the presence of the living God They are Easter PeoDle Some Easter People are well known like Mother Teresa in Calcutta giving her life to the poor Most are not famous You can recognize them though They ore fresh springlike alive people people with a touch of the eternal in them now They ve a great perspective on life seeing beyond themselves beyond today Easter People are a breath of spring after a long winter a light in a dark room Easter is about being alive and living No relation to sales To the editor of The Herald Recently the Ontario capped Company has been active selling light bulbs lo area residents This company is clearly private enterprise and not a The North lion or the Mentally which operates A It C Tinker Bell Nursery Countryside Residence and the Developmental Centre NOT BENEFIT from the sale of these bulbs Yours truly Erie J Tuylor Lie Director Halton Prolife group critical of comment The Hilton movement has written lelcgrim Minister demanding federal Minister Marc resign Mr I proposed changes lo existing abortion policy without the approval of 1arUannnt the group Mr lalonde proposed that family services In elude ibortion counselling ind staled hat he intends to exert pressure on provincial parti to establish abortion clinics Mr has decided it he knows what is best for the rest of Canada without proper parliamentary procedure using the powtr of fro Life his office on for the rest of inada said Lynda cone president of Pro I lie in a press release In the telegram to Prime Minis staled Minuter of Health must go He is a threat to life and health of Canadians Italian Pro Lite with membership of over is affiliated with Pro Life Mot under Alliance or I ifc and with Coalition tor Life the political arm of Pro located In Toronto and the Front pour I a Itcspccl de La Vie of Quebec Spring has sprung cabin fever lags as last breezes of winter depart Spring has sprung and victims of ibm fever are found every where vm right here home in Hilton Hills you no doubt is mold time mount term for what to us hum in folk liter shut alt winter from the sun spring breeze lever in mil or hits everyone young and old alike The only known cure is the resulting rebound condition occunng regularly about this time of want improve upon or just sit in- known as So here is spring it Moralism is a basic Tory trait tradition Well first ill might wuil to record or vo fir ills record you 11 n it is held lij Murin Moham whose or Hush I 1 1ml kind eord ill il mil over inches His miUillurniipin tin Guinness Honk rid finders mbli ind with long skinny 1977 si edition his juM hit luislmg mil turning in v Ihe Ixxkslulws Hut nevertheless his 13 inch nails 1 guess IIil mm Ik Inn scum 1 world record nit minneiuirl otherwise perfietly people is evirjones basic desire to be champion at some thing Here few of Ihe you miglil ill have lo do is lake on i lu novo lit IJUCf From time to time there ire indicetions it there is a strong block of good old lory in the government On such matters is rent policy this his shone through The government his acted but reluct often as if it is at end of gun Of course also it lias been highly ill stie Attorney General Hoy and his hockey policy is in outstanding example And is in the old time Tory tradition nowhere his this ipproach been so well is in the gelling to be famous Tie government alter deep though long consideration not permit loronto new big iguc ill to si It literal CNF Stadium which will be its home I his decision but old time nior Thirty years ago beer probibly been In ill pirk without public indignation Hut we iron I living Wc arc living in IUT7nn limes chinked F very one of older elites in American and lilies Ins beer in Mil IS II then issimietblllf nidi lb ill silting i si mil sunny w it and eup id it wis s rved in pipe Prntee Hon the ingle Her isn my lh it s idv throwing it tin lor irding umpire mi It Ins lint lu gdvirtimiii will ret on liter Its bun lh llllIlL 1 mil rest One will vim tin Hint it will retorisidencl mil Ixfore Ion long I or thin will pressure not only but from within the house her With foolish such as tins the opposition going let the government Ik liHik Why even the local police have come out for beer in Hie park motnnUss longer thin mil minute The record is held by Willi im Fugu i someone told him to dummy up old the w is world it about a kissing record sound ml rest mi Hi keep it it for more thin the dirlmgs rehired mouth to For our medicil friends out there in re might ml to eh the re firmer gut Albert ttcin world lledc ill with i day in four itment rooms PS In he is found 1 counts of manslaughter f re unslerilized needles Now I ask is III it fur After ill if one going to be the w f isles psjcht itnst something is to I hive lo ennui should iC 111 re s one or our How about Inhniim bills one on top of the other The reel rel is five new ills straight up held Mirk mm inn mi could iy he is on the bill or bill or lis el Inn or i ds he ll Hie Ihe reieirel fir most j ediier in lerms of suffering through eomv puns of zany writer is held the own in credulously persevering Hob Sorry just ban to pick another Perhaps new House should be a Senate fOD I hope the governmtnl dotsn lose sight of suggestion by Professor lie it a new house of P irli lie establish to bring together Ihe regional voices of it should be colled the Senate Professor Thomsons suggestion I Iberal policy work hop In Toronto Id considered in tandem with an ide from Senator Maurice limontagne that nidi Instlliilion be to bring views a wide variety of Canadian decision makers What Is needed is a proper institutional framework allowing or well prepared continuing dialogue the scnalor He suggi new be l d Futures Canada Canada These names don Impress me loo much but again like the Senate Here wi ive been talking about reform for some years in nnd along come two clear with Ideas for new institutions It a heaven sent opportunity In iccompllsh Willi in framework of the much maligned In fact tin Senile all along should ive been dumg il two men now are cosTlNUlHAlou Senator wants Futures or Horizons a in di bring together I well prepared and continuing dialogue on national issues He would want bis organic to a represent cross section of an thinkers lo lire lie down regiunihsm in the The present trend tents us ell he says II seems to me hat was one ot the prime handed the when It the North Act Although more whs pi iced on protecting provincial rights the founding speeches made clear the Senate would be form of sober second thought bringing toget her views of the regions it Trouble was successive governments have never paid enough attention lo appoint a truly representative group of i ins I irlis in hitmen members the in Hwer lo gel it the comforts of the pre it income of Hut is no re ison why the process con t change or even he handed r provincial govern men la Prim has Indicated he would have no eibjeclion to this The new house Professor would include provincial premiers others nominated by the provincis He said Ibis would effect recogrumg premiers is n statesmen mil would my of them being power less in Ihe nation ipitnl He suggested it Ihe new house sit on Mondays so the premiers could lie home for the rest of week This new house would have clearlydefined powers lo formul national policy HUM Great Idea Hut instead going through the p ilnlul process establishing two new ins I It inns Ihe gov could start by filling some of the present 15 Sen He vaenne with premier and giving I subsequent as a an be nine Sen to agn iw giuelelme ng iik to ensure at there o Id be I is a it el Sen te lit reel ilionil decision making process these jirolilems would arise in any such whether it be Premiers Can ida or is Senile s constitutional iiilhoiiiy plijsiei icilitits in pi ice he ell I ruber slanils empty most of turn a m of senators arc usually aw from and the institution is losing Us relevancy Hut just think how the place would eh in if even fur one day week all il premiers got together with oilier active numbers the decision miking ind helped formulate pedicles And all no extra cost Looking through our files VFARS AGO council and school board hosted a meeting with guests from Acton Milton and councils and school boards to discuss the formation of a North high school district Discussion also included a location for the proposed consolidated high school which will serve entire north end of the county Mayor Gibbons pointed out vantages locating Ihe school In Georgetown as opposed lo building it at A committee composed of one member from each group was appointed to Investigate the proposals and report a later meeting to be held in Milton The first five homes In the Veterans Housing subdivision on the highway have been completed and allocated There will be homes In subdivision mostly and room houses wllh few room homes The rents arc at and a month and include a Hal rale water heater and a coal stove for The Georgetown St John Ambulance Brigade initiated a free blood typing service on March by typing blood for several prominent citizens including Mayor Joseph Gibbons VLAHS AGO Hunter has moved his real estate business from Brampton to a new building he constructed at the corner of Edward Street and the highway was informed that a discrepancy of people in the census figures may cost the town 100 Federal census figures for Georgetown as having a population of According to the figures of Assessment Commissioner Joseph Gibbons the town population was YF AKS AGO The Bantam Hockey Tournament was forced to move to Acton for one day when an ice planing operation ran into difficulties At one point was showing even though the men worked all night to try lo save the surface A free shuttle service took the players and fans to Acton for games Two were given to a bylaw doubling the price of dog licences in the town It is the first increase since 193 Males will now cost 4 to licence while females cost president of Ltd has to construct a commercial building on the site of the old Creel man Knitting Machine factory The new building will house a number of retail stores and of flees Council approved Ihe purchase of new boots uniforms for the police force but lurneddowna tender for a new police cruiser because no in had been asked for In the Daily needs tampering brings gut reaction llySDSNDF It never fads Let Big Brother start messing iround with a nitty grilty reality such is we can or eat and drink ind vou will i gut reaction from the The big issues today are simply too big Separ1llsm is loo abstract A disgrace the human race but one Is not likely run into him at the average meeting Touch on our dally lives however don 1 touch my diet pop becomes the rallying ery for vast numbers of dieters and ell belies Personally if the only proof yet existing is COO to ems of the stuff a day is be dangerous lo one health then I Hunk the saccharin bin could be well con somewhat overcautious would ippear to me that the average persons would fold under the pressure or consumption long before the saccharin could finish I hem off The Issue of saccharin however has lously opened up yet another gloomy look our food consumption and its effects At the beginning of a three day seminar of the Society of Toxicology being held in Toronto land keep in mind thai was only the day I we were advised the white potato sweet potato broccoli cabbage lurnip corn peanuts cured meats ore nil hazardous to our health Maybe this information will at least tempt our kids to finally cat vegetables We have already been warned that steaks are deadly that eggs will build up enough cholesterol in your arteries difyabulldozcraiid if I hod known in time t could have warned my great grandfather a breakfast bacon lover Ihe danger he was courting Alas he passed away the age of before started doing their thing with the monkeys and rats Meanwhile my son Richard Joyfully plans for his prospective 120th because he never cats anything anyway while I prepare my hits lunch bag A delight awaits htm of sodium nitrite and calcium chloride between two slices of potassium hydrochloride roughly translated a salami cheese sandwich and to top off I even give him a choice of nourishing fresh fruits for dessert a dyed orange or a wax coaled apple Why do I get the feeling when putting dinner on the tabic each night that I am role from Arsenic Old Lace