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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 5, 1977, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills WEDNESDAY OCTOBER A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher BOB BUTTER Editor PHONE Clan Mall A time for compassion residents can applaud the continued efforts of Its community association for the approval last week of a provincial subsidy for Its But the fight has yet to cease Round two in the continuing battle to overcome polluted and low level water well supplies starts today in regional council chambers There is no doubt that some opposition to proceeding with the project prior to receipt of provincial funds next April will surface There is still a misunderstanding of the situation in Norval by some elected in the south part of Halton despite the efforts of North Halton representatives to present the case Residents will have strong support from regional chairman Ric Morrow but he Is only a figurehead of council who does not carry a vote when the question is put It is to Mr Morrows credit however that he is familiar with the Norval situation and prepared to seek council aDDroval to cqmojete the project soon as possible With this representation and that of Hills councillors and no doubt the presentation to council by association water committee chairman Art that council members will understand fully the problems faced by villagers But we have entered a period of budget restraint Timing may be in wrong Efforts are being made regional council to restrict the in crease in budget for 1978 and indeed several budget deliberations will be considered council at its meeting today As Coiin Peter com mented to The Herald its possible that region will await receipt of the total provincial subsidy In before proceeding with the project Not only would this reduce any financial burden to the municipality in the form of interest costs for the measure but it would also increase the likelihood of the municipality gaining interest on the provincial monies But taken in a brooder context the approval of the Norval water would not be excessive in cost or a short period of tune If approval is gamed today for intenm financing tenders would have to be called This would place the earliest start sometime in mid November or early December The cost of the project for a period of four months is not likely to exceed the per cent cost the region must pay for the project and any cost associated with proceedings could be rationalized on that basis Since Ihe region approved receiving the provincial grant in one sum and the project costs are released as work is completed there could in effect ultimately be some profit generated from the monies to offset whatever minimal costs required to proceed early with the water program residents have to wait another four months for a project they have been waiting on for almost six years They deserve the compassion and understanding inherent in our system of govern Fair Board took only option open This years Georgetown Fall Fair was to be the biggest and the best ever But the weather thought otherwise Fair Board directors took the only recourse possible Saturday when they cancelled the annual event believed the first time in its history to prevent Injury to animals and to preserve the grounds for recreation uses It is probably this expression of community concern which will gain more respect than had a decision been made to carry on with the event For the community at large however it was a disappointment Children who eagerly await fair day when they can enjoy the rides on the midway and take a chance on one of the games didnt have the op portunity this year For the exhibitors it meant a financial loss The l31stcthtion of the fair was to be the biggest and the best ever That a shopworn phrase dimmed by the passages of time but with more meaning this year than ever before The fall fair took on a greater meaning for the community this year as more displays more exhibitors than ever before and greater par were recorded This was the year the fair became a com event with many more exhibitors from the urban area than ever before It virtually certain that the 132nd edition of the fair next year will carry on where this fair left off and the hard work of organizers the groundwork of which was set this year will reach plificd by the satisfied grins of delight on young children faces the looks of surprise and pride by competition winners and this roar of the midway Downatyourlocalnewstandyou can buy the October issue of Pen thouse magazine The September issue of this magazine could be and was bought by many people although a judge last week ruled it obscene There were plenty of interesting views expressed during the trial which judged the extent to which this American magazine is suitable reading material for Canadians Yet the whole exercise has a fairytale atmosphere to it Did all these highlyqualified and highly paid legal and professional personnel really spend all that time debating whether or not Penthouse Is obscene At issue is the standard that would be acceptable to the com munity If Penthouse gets banned then whatever else remains for sale is Implicitly within the accepted community standards Magazines like Penthouse have a limited audience which most people say shouldnt include kids It would follow then that with its wider reach would fats more in tune with the per- standards of community Sure enough in the way of racy stuff getting exposure on the tube Instead there is a non stop parade of violence beatings mur ders psychological batterings and more And its all within the standards of the community In other words its all right to kill some fellow or to be a moron with bigger fists than brains But Its not all right to look at pictures of naked people Its not all right to be in different to what adults of the same or different sexes ore doing In private quarters If media presentation of these things indicates community ac ceptance thats what were saying However all our laws should reflect community standards There should be no charges laid for mur ders beatings or other trivialities such as we see each night on television But the most severe wefght of the law should be brought to bear on anyone suspected of engaging in sexual acts or of looking at pictures of them in magazines rfRAMPTON GUARDIAN Should all laws be moral standards Thanksgiving Day of blessing By GERRY Thanksgiving one day In the year act aside to give thanks to count our blessings to express our gratitude Today so many people become caught up in the negative aspects of their lives that giving thanks almost becomes thanks or what Everyday problems of living of financial pressure sickness of personal crisis become caught In a whirlpool of frustration until some people lose sight of all wonderful Ihlnga that arc ours to truly give thanks for I have often thought of the story of a woman who had only partial sight in one eye and none In the other To see anything she would have to hold the object so close that she could only see parts never the whole Hem more than years of blindness an operation she had in her fifties restored more per cent of her vision She wrote I see the soap suds in I could hold them up to the light and sec a rainbow of colors In each bubble I could pop each bubble with my finger and then delight in the glistening shine of each plate as pulled it forth from the bubbling Imagine having a real ball from some thing so common place as doing the dishes The oft heard complaint of I sang the blues because I had no shoes until upon the met a man who had no feet may appeal to our intellect but when down and out people become centred on their problem alone and lose track of what could always be a far more critical situation One of the many things wc have to be thankful for and something that we rarely slop to consider is the array of bounty that la in every food market On your table con sit items from every corner In world fresh fruit In the midst of winter snows caviar from Russia in a tin from South America dales from Arabia have at our finger tips foods that richest of kings or sultans could never place on their tables at one sitting Wc get so hung up on Ihe cost of Ihlnga that forget what bountiful choice we have spread before us Today medical miracles are happening every second Gadgets to let deaf bear to make a weak heart almost normal to replace a lost limb such wonders that can give a meaningful life where so many before would have been lost or lived as lost Medical miracles happening every day that we never consider until It happens to us or one of our Each of us here in Canada enjoys a freedom of thought that has been fought and died for In other lands We have freedom to build a fortune on amb ition and the desire to succeed alone Freedom to learn to go to our nearest library and read almost whatever the heart or mind could desire Freedom to listen to whatevcrmusicwechooselohear a little box in our and be entertained with a program of our own choosing The beauty of our land is free far all to enjoy Vet we become so caught up in the material world that wo drive home In rush hour traffic with eyes closed to the regal splendor of reds and golds of autumn bounty Another true story that has always lingered In my mind Is about a man who once threw hla young bride a handful of peanuts and said I wish they were emeralds The years post and the man became extremely wealthy but he also was fortunate to learn one life a truest wisdoms One day he threw his wife a handful of emeralds and said I wish they were peanuts He had discovered the secret Is not in attaining your goals but In the struggle to attain them Material success never gives a man peace of mind Helen Keller whose life Is an example to all said Turn your face to the sunshine and you never see the shadows Again some thing so simple we enjoy he sunny days but can we Imagine a fife without sunshine without hope cut off rota almost all of our sensea such the life of Helen Keller yet she found so much to be thankful for The true meaning of thanksgiving Is to be found in all that fa simple life We never to appreciate anything that comes easy and it Is here that we miss out on the greatest Joys life has to offer Each day presents new choices for us to bounce back from whatever personal setback we have experienced We who do not a diagnosed death with Just so many months or days left lose sight of Just how precious hours truly is How precious each day that is ahead of us can become If we only give thanks to have It and live each day to Its fullest each day as though it were our very last The greatest gift in life Is peace of mind and money cant buy It nor can anyone give It We find peace of mind when we take the time to listen to the silence within ourselves That mlghtsound compiles led but a the old adage sleep on it says our troubles can only be solved if we step away for a moment and allow a stillness then we can tackle whatever the crisis is To do this we have to give thanks for all the positive things we enjoy when we do this the negative can never stand out In front and our troubles are never really as great aa imagined Thanksgiving Day we could never give enough thanks In one day alone to count our many blessings thanksgiving Is something we should have gladly days a year No excitement about Ryan as Federalist Quebec option By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Of The Iters Id I wish I could share In this ripple of that seems to be running through English Canada at he thought of Claude Ryan leading profederalist liberals against Rene campaign for an Independent Quebec But I would rather see someone else take on the difficult assignment Through the courtesy or the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation the English net work that is- we are so used to hearing Ryan being described as Quebecs most Influential spokesman that It a almost to take his name In vain Similarly we are constantly being told that his newspaper Le Devoir is also he most influential voice within the province Wouldnt it be great we hear if this powerful personality were to lay aside typewriter and devote his enormous energies to battling down Rene and hla devious plans to divide our country But before we all gel carried we might remind ourselves that Ryan probably Is far more familiar to Englishspeaking television viewers than he Is on the French- lonjuage stations and that his Influential newspaper with a relatively small circula lion is virtually unknown In rural Quebec IMPACT LIMITED And while he Is much in demand as an afterdinner speaker In English Canada and while the continues to his comments on every issue affecting national unlly he does not appear to be hounded like this within his own province There Is no doubt of course that his editorial pronouncements have a giant aiied Impact on the provinces official establish ment part the Montreal business community but this Is not where the Indep endence referendum is going to be fought Rene Is gearing for trench warfare The ISO Parti has Just completed another lookahead conven tion with guidelines for an Action Plan that la intended to wind the Independence referen dum neighbourhood by neighbourhood street by street family by family And In announcing this Action Plan the party revealed its most devastating weapon of all Rene Levesque Is returning to television for a regular talk show on separatism Anyone who has seen Levesque perform on television will realise how effective be can be As he puffs his cigarette shrugs his shoulders flashes that speedy smile and dabbles in Ihe art of understatement there are few who can match bun In sheer salesmanship After taking a recent public opinion poll on Ihe Quebec situation sociolo gist Martin Goldfarb was quoted as saying that as a personality hat became almost a kind of religion In Quebec By comparison I wonder whether per haps Claude Ryan is not more of a nonQue bec religion NO SUGGESTIONS Not being familiar with all the potential candidates for the Liberal leadership in Quebec 1 can offer no suggestions on who might be an effective match for when the battle of television starts In earnest But whoever It Is he or she had better be well prepared people are certainly well advanced in preparing material for their leader And even without a note be can rhyme off statistics which be claims dis prove most of the arguments being advanced by the lists And even when he doesnt have exact figures he looks convincing The federal government la running a fear campaign he says But despite stories of a mass exodus of Anglophones from the province the economic impact Is margl And he has figures to show that capital investment In Quebec Is running at a higher rate than in the rest of Canada In fact he seems to have figures for everything The new Liberal leader will be able to collect some Interesting figures to counter the Levesque assault but this will not win the battle Thatleaderalsohastobeabletolead his troops neighbourhood by street by street family by family Ryan I suspect was never really a foot soldier And when I heard that he has been consulting Prime Minister Gerard and Jean Marchand about possible candidacy I also wondered whether he Just might be developing a genera tton gap with presentday Quebec Approval over speaker By DON I1EARN Queens Park Of The Herald In my many years here there has been no appointment which has met with such general approval aa Premier William announcement that New Democratic Party member Jack Stokes would be named Speaker of the House at the start of tbe fall session Stephen Lewis Leader of course acclaimed it and Opposition Leader Stuart Smith called It an Inspired move But beyond this practically everybody who has had any association with the legislature even remote THE BEST And praiseworthy it was and fa tor Mr Stokes showed In tbe last House when be was Deputy Speaker that he was the best presiding officer he assembly has had In modern times at least He was most fair but he would stand for no nonsense no nonsense at all and as a consequence the normally unruly House when he was In the chair had an air of order and decorum For as Speaker Mr Stokes waa Just as firm with his colleagues probably even firmer than he was with the members of tbe other two parties And he was not at all Impressed by suture He would call the premier or bis leader to order Jus ss quickly as least prominent backbencher KEEP ORDER The appointment will be a good one for house itself It can well stand more decorum Speaker Russell Rowe has been a tine man But even before it got to be a minority this legislsture was getting to be unruly Tbe tensions of minority government added to this Mr nature didnt nave the air of tough authority necessary to take control of this The consequence was some wild scenes Mr authority And he unquestionably won t permit wild scenes There can be anybody who knows him who would have any doubt that he would close down the House rather lhan let it get out He won t absolutely quench it He ap preciates well that to be good a House must have some lire But he will draw a and hard line to sec it doesn go beyond this The Stokes appointment almost certainly will revive the old talk of having a rjerrnanent There is one minor reason the govern ment might favor this It would mean hat Mr Stokes Lake seat would be opened up And this would be the only possibility tbe government would have of winning it As long as he is in the running It is his He la beatable Looking Through Our Files YEARS AGO Council moved to Install sewerage in Wartime Housing Project No 3 Instead of Individual septic tanks as originally planned Mather county had objected to septic tanks because of unsuitable soil Former Mayor J B Mackenzie died In his sleep on Sunday morning Oct at his home on Mill Street Headofthecontractlngfinnof Mackenzie and Son Mr Mackenzie leaves many monuments behind to his successful career as a builder Such aa the post office the Theatre building the Mackenzie building Richard sons Hardware and Store were of his construction TWENTY YEARS AGO Georgetown faced with the most rapid growth in its century of history will add a fourth public school which It is hoped will be ready for September 1KB board of education plan school consist ing of eight rooms and a kindergarten okayed by council Georgetown police have formed their own police association In affiliation with toe county police association Constable Nets la president Constable Barley Lowe vice president Constable Ted Scott treasurer and Cpl Jim secretary TEN YEARS AGO Assessor Art Benton reported an Increase of 438 in population in over the last year This bring total to At the first meeting of the newlyformed board of commissioners of police Wednesday in the municipal building John T Armstrong was chosen to act as chairman of the commission for the remainder of 1997 mi communion CIRCULATION ill Itll iiicinlMMi mm kin nut Miniiitr null M lor tuna to Me M Mrna or HI

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