THEHFRALD Wednesday April 1 J 187B Region still seeks site The Tre ma I ne- Britannia Ci Group has won a major victory In lis battle against the proposed Ho I Ion regional land fill site according its chairman suggestions thai re glonal council is abandoning its plans to establish the dump in rural Milton art still far from accurate David Katz expressed plea Thursday with regional councils the day previous not to appeal an Ontario Supreme Court ruling which requires Halloa to Milton couti oils permission tor the pro jeel Ik pointed out that more important the Ontario Hoard and the board are forthcoming In voting to accept the court ruling handed down March by Mr Justice James Soutliey regional rejected thi recommends tun its solicitor Dennis who urged council Wcdnevlaj pursue the mat The must the decision he advised because the narrow interpretation of the Mimic pal Planning Act upon which the court based its ruling could hamper future public works The court cited a seel tun of the Act which requires the applicant Keg ion win approval for official plan amendments work can begin on an project Regional council nevertheless heeded a warn ng from the legal con suiting firm of McCarthy and thit the appeal would han a per cent of succeeding Mr Katz explained thai he region must nuw ask the to order the town of Milton to amend its official plan and bylaw Project proval must also be obtained from the he said which is still refirrrinp to Ontario s Environmental Protection Act for guidance in municipal Mr called the tion act a basically weak legislation which could pro vide a relatively easy victory for the region If however the newly adopted Environmental Assessment Act replaces the protection act as is expected the future Hilton could fate difficult battle to win from the for he Milton dump proposal The later legislation Mr noted asks a lot of pretty powirful questions particularly about the pro jects anticipated social im pact and would require tho rough justification of the dump site choice by the region The citizens jroup chairman stated that the dump oppo nents will ultimately appeal to the cabinet if the region wins the support of both the and the fie added however that the groups David of Toronto is already prepar or the hearing and fully expects along with the tow the a Among the involved in proposal which the group contends the region has overlooked is the volume of ground beneath the ru Milton te Mr Katz point out that it look only minor showers late last month flood a portion of the socalled BU School Road which runs close to the site boundary The road had be closed he said Indicating that there Is much more water beneath the site which could be contaminated by a dump operation than the region realizes Regional council also heard Wells of M M Dillon engineers firm line six submissions for the plant that would crate anywhere from to 100 per cent of garbage Tor a capital expenditure by the region of between 2 million and million Council voted to approach Ihc ministry of environment Tor assistance In funding a back end recovery plant a move which Mr KaLt praised Back end plants he explained handled every scrip of gar whereas front end plants are only about per cent efficient and as such still require some solid waste land filling Mr Kali said that the plant such as the facilities now In opera lion in Montreal and many other locations around he world has become a topic of debate for region and the citizens group Regional council he said refuses to accept that such a facility totally eliminates the need operation of the kind proposed for Mil ton Instead the recovery op eration which can produce steam for energy or drive turbines to create electric po- only an ash real due hat can he safely dumped In old quarries or gullies To date though Queen Park has failed to clarify lis policy for financing the con traction either front end or bkek end plants Mr Katz observed Sealed Beam void wall I 3ln1 Household Eveready Batteries Furniture RollOut Pan Handler fllrr 89 97J Frozen Food Knife Tool Set 147 Credit Convenience at Any of These Credit Cards Accepted I IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET PLAZA Open Monday to Friday til pm Saturday til 6 1 riiin iriim I