Camerata is a delight ByGtOltdt VASIIUK An I walked home alter listening to Holy Cross Church I knew was in Leas than two hours earlier I had strolled to the concert with a review to speak at worked out my head This was finnl concert in the Festival presented by Halion Hills Arts council Our rtguhr reviewer Gerald Manning unavailable this night the reason I was heading along the street All I knew about was that they were reputation a group of the previous concerts had been well I found an empty at the back while in head the copy was pouring out of the typewriter few notes during the performance and I be out my review ill wrapped up minutes later it wis different The concert began with the arrival on of StKannt who plays flute Kathryn Hoot who plajs puna AS the applause burst around them the look up their Instruments without a word a play Sonata m flat major for flute and pi mo J Bach I no to music which I injov as much is jaz blue country rock you name It But this was something that most expensive sound system duplicate I gave up scribbling notes ind just listened And listened loo to a trio Campbell on clarinet Cocnraad on cello and Root on piano play a piece Brahms I as hard when the perform ince wis over then lookid to my notes Hopeless notes were hopeless The spell binding mastery of their instruments by of their presentilion the sound that Hooded ihe lofty rartcrs of the hid mv attention not The applause it intermiss on was deafening This audience was in love with I remember a shred of any of that copy that was flowing through my mind earlier I needed to get something and begin to scribble There wis ballot with the program It that it if wanted Camerata to come back Georgetown for another concert scries The suggested titled the series was The Great posers there were about id listed wh eh you were to mirk in order of preference You drop the ballot in a box provided or mail it to CameraU St Clair W Toronto lt7 Why spend the I thought is dropped it in box Kinging in my wire the echoes of the pre intermission performance going through my mind the question What could write about his A burst of applause greeted the return of Camerata As far as th was con could do no wrong and 1 was convert hut this time 1 vowed Tilt It RAID May Part with introduction by Campbell of the legend behind the Tarantella From there the music went rnglond Hungary Canada Spain and Latin in erica finally ending with foot stomping vers on of Oh When the Saints Go Marching In by pianist Taussig When left the stage the have none of it On their fourth curtain call they took up their instrument once more and played a final chorus of Oh When The Saints Go Marching In Then they led I examined my notes The last entry was the burnt of applause that greeted return from in lermission So much for that I was back where I started from Using words to describe the experience was futile What you say when what you should about Camera is listen Beef calf club meets By LOR IE PARSONS The first meeting of II Beef Calf Club was held on April Thceleelion of officers was held and areas follows President Nancy VicePresident Doug Donaldson Secretary and Press porter Parsons Project books lesson material and folders on judging and clipping were handed out Each memb was asked to bring a 13 foot rope so we could make ha Iters Slides were then shown of cattle which we judged The meeting was adjourned by Joe Cart seconded by Brian CO ON DOWN ON FAMOUS BRANDS DURING APs APPRECIATION DAYS SALE WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS ACTION PRICED Spaghetti Sauce 31o Tomato Paste PLUIJOt PER DEPOSIT ACTION Pepsi 00 bio LAY LAM OR RUFFLES Potato Chips ACTION Kotex Napkins HEINZ REGULAR ONION WITH MEAT TENDtRIIER ACTION PRICED Sauce i TOMATO ACTION Heinz Ketchup Tea Bags 279 DILLS OR BREAD A SUTTER JAR McLarens Pickles 79 REGULAR OR MIHIATURE ASP Marshmallows 49 MONARCH CAKE MIXES 31 00 CONTAIN RICH BRAZILIAN If 8 OClock Coffee NO 1 ACTION PR ICED Billy Bee Honey 109 GRANNY Butter Tarts PURE STRAWBERRY OR PLOI JAR E DSmith Jams 149 MA VECITABUI CHICKEN CHICK IN PEA WITH HAM ACTION It FLOE TIN Habitant Soups 59 the best So you can too I0KDSV 8 OCLOCK COFFEE 299 WESGATE SUNLIGHT With Coupons Below Our Re Price 157 Our Reg Price Green Lavender Pink While KLEENEX- FACIALTISSUE Action Priced 59 Boutique Avocado Blue Gold Pink Bathroom Tisiue DELSEY tissue iajt Kleenex Towels 997 CEEAL Shredded Wheat Apple Juice Apple Sauce 3l00 CHRISTIE ACTION PRICIDI Ritz Crackers 99 PRICED Liquid Detergent 99 CRUSHES SLICED TIDBITS Pineapple 2 99 Whole Tomatoes Bf CHICKEN SALISBURY STEAK TURKEY ACT OH PRICED Frozen Dinners FANCY CREAM STYLE COHM HONEY POD PEAS VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK EL TIN Stokely Vegetables 3 89 No 1 Grade Ontario Packed Dally POTATOES butcher shop with supermarket is a Country Farm Pork Sho SMOKED HAMS Our Reg lb IB Our Reg Price lb Shank Portion Whole Hams lb 98 108 CulS or Sic ill 158 PORK LOIN ROASTS Our Reg Price lb 1 Our Reg Price lb Rib Tenderloin Portion Portion 3 3 lb Cut lb 128 Green Beans NO I GRADE FLORIDA CRISP PACKED DAILY Celery Hearts FLORIDA VALENCIA FULL Of JUICE Oranges CALIFORNIA DELICIOUS IN SALADS RICH IN HIGH ENERGY MINERALS PearS Avocado 2 79 FLORIDA TINDER CROP Squash 59 PACKED FRESH DAILY Cole Slaw 3 100 FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER WHITE SEEDLESS LARGE SHE Grapefruit 99 SEVERAL VARIETIES FOR YOUR CHOICE J INCH POT Tropical Plants 69 MEXICAN LARGE SHE SWEET JUICY Pineapple 89 Pork Loin Quarters Cut Into Our Reg Price lb 74 10 CHOPS IN A PORK CHOPS Ground Pork 108 Spare Ribs 148 SCHNEIDERS SLICED REGULAR OR MAPLE Side Bacon 168 Wieners Fork Leg Roast Burns Sausages Bologna PREVIOUSLY SLICED Beef Liver 68 MAPLE LEAF Corned Beef 118 RAW Scallops Breaded WONG WING FROZEN Meat Egg Rolls 188 GOLDEN SKILLET HEAT ft Chicken Cutlettes 88 TOMATO JUICE 1 Action Priced Action BLUE bonnetLtT CREAMED ACTION PRICED I WITH THIS WITH THIS COUPON A SUPERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES A SUPERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 OClockO Coffee Coffee OUR REGULAR PRICE LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VALID UNTIL SAT MAY 1978 No i Cottage Cheese 69 VEGETABLE ACTION PHI CEO I Fluffo Shortening 59 ARISTOCRAT PORK Luncheon Meat 79 FARM FROZEN VANILLA OR Layer Cakes ACTION ft McCain Pizza- 159