tehe H Robert Jackson deserves admiration Home Newspaper of Hills JUNfc7 1S78 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Publisher BOB RUTTER Editor Clan Mail I Driving a car can be a sin Canadians are killed in automobile at Ihe rate more than ten a day and it has been estimated bat between five and ten per cent the beds in our general hospitals are occupied traffic victims Our highways arc awfully bloody Faulty design ind mechanical failure have contributed significantly to the blood sacrifice exacted from us for the privilege of having automobiles Manufacturers prodded by public opinion and governmental action and probably by their own consciences are showing increasing responsibility In design and making at automobiles Most seem to be men of basic and competence but then is ample idence that some of them do careless work on our cars and trucks But not to put a chick road until it had received personal stamp of approval we would still have serious road When we have said all that there to be said about the makers and maintamers of automohiles we still hove to to terms with The potential donor In our hospitals people ire treated given blood when necessary and hopefully cured But in our blood donor clinics how many of you ire in the lint up of potential donors Everyone between the of IB and citizen or otherwise who is in normally good health can and should blood or blood is the common denominator uniting all people Each adult has 12 pints of red blood in his system Remove slightly less than 1 pint the amount donated to a Red Cross blood clinic and the body replaces it automatically the liquid portion of the blood within hours the red cells within three or four weeks Thotiswhy for safety sake clinics in Canada are not permitted to accept blood from a donor more often than every three months The most common blood type in North America is and per cent of the have it 4 per cent have A blood per cent have and per lenthive AH blood type types per cent or most people have an positive blood grouping whereas 15 per tent hove an grouping This information is all measured and printed on a for you when donate blood it a handy thing to our own blood might the some is sour and fathers hut dlfttrent from your mothers and brothers In case hospital supplies run low which they do periodically it Is good to know who in the family can gin to or receive blood another especially if it a rare type Please stop in at your blood donpr clinic Monday June 12 at Holy Cross Church iple Sincerity a frank look Sincerity is always subject to proof John F Kennedy said in the address he gave alius inauguration as President of the A Was Kennedy being Just a little about sincerity Or was he being realistic saying that wc should be iuspiclous of declarations of sincerity and appearances of sincerity He had learned as we all Itam that sincerity is an ambiguous notion an image of sincerity is not guarantee of honesty and integrity Most us have had the experience being conned by slickers who exude sincerity like after lotion The late Lord Thomson the Canadian who became a press lord in once said this with a twinkle in his eye frank brutally frank And when I m not frank I look frank What would you make of that A man being sincere about his own occasional in sincerity As the saying has It Whether you mean it or not be sincere Some expressions of sincerity are calculatingly deceptive And sincerity also has other popular aberrations There is the sincerity the quite genuine sincerity of the fanatic There is the sometimes dangerous sincerity of the person who believes that he along with those who think as he does has a monopoly in some significant segment of truth wisdom he may be intolerant bigoted hating those who disagree with him and sometimes cruel toward them but you got to give him credit tor complete Thin then is the dangerous stnority of tin person who eombmes initiative iking self confident and gross incompetence If you have to do with such a pcrion you learn sincerity can somttimts do more harm than milice But many of us from to fall into tint trip our selves excuse our folly and by inng anyway We sincerely good intentions allow us to be incompetent and foolish in Iheir mustn fall ii which assumes it all of sincerity are deceptive Hut we do need to be ire thit sincerity no matter how genuine it miy be is not in Itself a guarantee of truth never a substitute or knowledge never an excuse for unnecessary incompetence Our sincerity is always subject to proof Gays on wrong track By DON Queen Park Bureau 0 The Herald You may want to turn the page get on with he news Today we are into some pretty remote stuff The homosexual section of the has as ore all aware been much up front these days One of Its drives is get provincial legislation which would bring gays a repulsive word under the Human Rights Code which would mean they be discriminated against in jobs housing and public accommodation and facilities SPECIAL At the root of their case Is that It Is one of the principles of our system that minorities be not discriminated In this light there Is a good weigh in the balance towards the gays case And then there is another consideration one that applies perhaps only to them It certainly apply to radicals and others on the border lino who only arc expressing Iheir views And this consideration is that giving the group protection of legislation by Implication Is giving an acceptance Ana such an acceptance amounts o a public blessing not of opinions but of a way we and practices which deviate from nature and the natural order And which by he bulk of the population ore held in repugnancy varying from distaste to detestation and to which it eertalnly in no way would give Us blessing And when you take a close look at the movement you can easily take it that this acceptance is what it is really after Its spokesmen in give isolated instances of discrimination and actually not very many of these When challenged they cant produce evidence of any widespread discrimination In fact they can even give evidence of strong support for their efforts directly from their own community in fact you have to there is no practical call for discrimination legislation Then these days of course there isn law against the practice of homosexuality So the real motive lias to be that old oriental consideration of face To be taken as full equal and accepted members of the community Full and equal they are now Accepted in by the bulk Iho community And locking any evidence J for civil protection their case ends up as we Finally the gays might consider whether they really l defeating themselves By pressing or rights they can at least to a lot of people be flaunting and their homosexuality and hardening against themselves Just that opinion they ore trying to woo By NEISON Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald One of the toughest tasks in life is to swim against the tide It much easier to go along with the vocal majority especially when you receive no open support On those grounds alone Robert Jackson who is preparing a report on declining school enrolment tor the Ontario government deserves admiration Jackson made remarks some in print and some off the cuff ton reporter that brought down on him the wrath of the pruvineial political establishment Denounced as racist the New Demo crats tor a while the I demand his resignation as mnnssioncr Jackson did appear before a legislative committee to apologue for any comments he made that could be interpreted as But he dldn apologize for the remarks ves which Incensed the he most controversial were that Canad arc committing national suicide by ceasing to have children at a rale fast enough replace themselves Jackson confusingly used the term ii sii dp for national suicide an old Fashioned definition He Is The birth decline will have serious consequences for society For example a smaller prime age work force will have to care for an immense old age population evolved from the baby boom years Only Iwo solutions exist One would sec a large influx of rants from countries of uncontrolled lily in the Third World who would strain Canadian tolerance levels unless adequate planning taken place In lare numbers such immigrants would change the European character of Canadian society a change Canadians must ask themselves if they re willing to accept OTHER OPTION A second solution would Herculean efforts by Canadian women to breed more children and government encouragement of such a policy through methods such as paying housewives to stay home have kids Another hypothetical methods which he tossed out during a press interview was to breed test tube babies although Jackson later said he meant that Those observations sometimes arc what Conservatives Liberals and New Democrats cabinet ministers and opposition leaders all called offensive and inappropriate Whether even Tell within Jackson mandate is a valid question but one 1 by pass in this column sibilities of drivers your responsibilities and A few years ago the Roman Catholic Church in France declared certain driving faults to be sins which must be confessed spokesman for the bishops pointed out that these ire all sins of pride and among them he listed dangerous speeding illegal passing and drunken driving We are all proud of our driving ability one gels Ihe impression lhat about per cent all drivers consider themselves above average in driving ability Many of us perhaps most of us undergo subtle personality changes when behind the wheel of a powerful automobile and a and dangerous pride is an important element in these ehanges Road safety is not merely an engineering and legal concern it is I significant issue in personil morility a matter of per sonal integrity organization Christian used publish ad in which this decloralion was on the roads is The Georgetown public library What OHF is all about Jew Hope Thai is whit the Ontario foundation Is all Consider your just about the size of your fist it he its limes approximately three thousand gallons of Busy Perpetually heart rests a fraction of a after each beat Replaceable Not reilly Not until body reject ion of a donor heart can be hailed The heart you vr huj I ist you a At the tune there is an epidemic of anil blood vessel disease in Canada affecting out of every people What can be done about if Plenty Pier Right now in over million is being invested in cardiovascular research lit irl fund don linns make this research ssihle Moreover in education mitt mis in he he are ivailable to idull ind all school children Free lileratun is being sent every weekday m mo He covering sueh subjects as Heart Attack Hypertension Heart All mints and Recipe books books and leaflets on how to quit smoking and suggest Inreseireh in literature films and forums New frontiers an lieine health New Hope offend alone the following guidelines Dal nod fats too rich foods fattening foods overweight means the heart has I rk extro hard Exercise moder itelj Not just that dash from Die TV chair to Ihe refrigerator or from levator to the car door Keep in for jour sake Smoking cigarette hint of coronary artery disease Blood Pressure should be checked lijptrlcnsion is a silent killer often without symptoms Regular medical checks can I lnth blood pressure effectively nil it Moderate your lifestyle Looking through our files THIRTY The Progressive Conservative govern of Premier Drew was returned to office In Monday election in Ontario and will have an overall majority in the next House Premier Drew was personally defeat in ToronloHigh Park in the landslide In that city but will remain as party leader with indications a seat wilt be found for him in House council met or the first lime in the new council chambers in after holding meetings for nine months at the home of road superintendent W Townsend at Georgetown Council heard details from Mr Taylor of Neptune Meters about advantages to be gained by Installing water in a town Georgetown used gallons a day in 1D47 a per capita consump tion of gallons a day The installation of meters should cut consumption by per cent and he stressed the saving of which would result A dandelion brought to the office by Mrs Jomes Corner Georgetown seta an all time record with a stem measuring over 32 inches TWENTY YEARS AGO A decision in early July Is the site for the new Georgetown Hospital At a hospital board meeting last Tuesday it was reported that the choice has been narrowed to two sites and the architects will be making a report within the next month Bible digest If wc ore too busy for God business we are too busy I Attend Iho services in your church and pray for God servants A committee to investigate best way lo secure new industry or town and present Georgetown inc industrial paints to which have disclosed interest here has been formed The Georgetown Industrial Commission held Iheir Inaugural meeting on Wednesday with Stun of Alliance V Mills Limited elected present of the group for a one year term Meeting fees fur eight illors were increased to the mayor allowance to yearly at Mondays council meeting The council Increase passed by a slim margin on a recorded vole Mayor Armstrong was overruled by all councillors In voting his own raise Opposition to creating a deadend the Is Line fsqueslng where the new Highway will cross It expressed at the May I IT iiieeling of Isaac Mc and Roy Curne acted as spokesmen for a delegation residents from that area Clerk C I was instructed to contact the Department of Highways to see if any could be taken to remedj this May I remind you that Georgetown district high school does not create the situations that bring more and more students into our area we re Just concerned with providing accommodation for them board trustee Don Lawson told council when he asked them for approximately Monday night its share of the cost of a proposed final addition to the burgeoning It appearing on behalf of the downtown merchants presented a petition signed by mcrchonls council Monday night protesting the vigorous tagging of parking cars in downtown area The solicitor admitted Ihe policemen were only doing Job but wondered about philosophy behind the meters Are they a means of regulating traffic or ore Ihey a revenue producing agent he asked Esquesmg s 1DC8 tax were finalized Monday at the township council meeting pared preliminary for public school expenditures by 2 mills to come up with a somewhat lower tax increase than was forecast Iwo weeks ago new taxes amount a mill increase In the Georgetown district leader Michael that Jackson comments show a preoccu with matters of fertility and ion and referring lo he national or racial mix of Canada the way the loner did cannot help but stir up antagon isms and that ill of us In public life should be seeking to avoid Which is an Interesting way defending censorship and suppression of unpleasant the most f fact about the abuse heaped on Jackson is that his critics never attacked what he said but that he said it or sometimes validly mid it Questions of ethnic mix and the obvious resulting problems or the predictable lop- heavy old age society evolving are too important to be left to whispering campaigns Who will hold us together Ottawa Of The Herald Ileal aiding Quebec separatists has become the most serious political crime In Canada I wish someone would produce a handy little booklet explaining exactly constitutes this type of aid It getting to the point that if some politician tics his shoelaces in public he Is accused of aiding the separatists And of course if you happen to sneeze during the of Canada you arc obviously on the payroll Bene Things used to be so simple when we just worry the economy and the price of used cars I am not sure how this aiding the ists kick all started but it hit me for the first time when Prime Minister Trudeau said that members of Her Majesty Loyal Opposition presumably this refers to everyone on the wrong side the Commons were ploying into hands of separatists by having the audacity to criticize the government He explained it to a news conference hi way I was just saying in a desire to attack Ihe on everything they the opposition art obviously making mist akes of judgment and their systematic attack on government is playing into the hands of lilt Since the primary role of the opposition is to oppose the government this obviously creates difficultiesfor the Tones and New Democrats But perhaps it all boils down to whether the criticism is systematic This is why a little booklet would be so vaulablc I sec that Tory leader Jot Clark doesn use word systematic when he accuses the governmeni of aiding Quebec separatists Instead he concentrates on altitude He sajs it Ihis of confrontation with Quebec thai results in Tmdcau gov aiding the cause separatism The Trudeau mocks prov jurisdiction it would like reduce them to simple agencies responsible tor applying unilateral federal decisions It refuses In recognize the as legitimate partners sovereign in their jurisdiction and charged like federal government giving life to an authentic federalism former leader Robert is even more blunt in declaring lhai is helping the separatists I wouldn say that Trudeau and arc they dislike each other Ihey need each other A stormy marriage so to speak So now both Liberals and Conservatives are dedicated to helping separatists where ire we supposed to turn for our salvation The New Democrats No lias declared them to be iltinglj helping cause too been systematically the Liberal government particularly over the current sales tax dispute with Quebec Ed is quick to return compliment He says the Liberals ly in almost pathological refusal to see anything good in government We in assume this makes an enormous to separatism When the Tones and the New ire helping the separatists by with on the sales tax Issue he neglects to mention that parties see with Quebec I Claude Ryan The logical conclusion lo reach from this Is Ryan elected to fight separatism is really helping the perhaps our saviour will be Lome the lender of Social Credit who after nearly a month in office I been accused of helping the scparalisls Trouble is he is loo busy stamping out homosexuals abortionists and money lenders Perhaps its only a question I me before some party leader decides that the Remowski crusade is really a boon to the separatist cause And if this we will jus have depend on Toronto Blue Jay fans to hold the country together