TUB HERALD Wednesday September 191H Strike Lets do without it ronald Mcdonald visits Ronald McDonald came town Saturday much to the delight of about yelling cheering children The children began cheering as the bright yellow truck with Ronald perched on top came Into sight and continued with hardly a let up until he left In between they were treated to a few magic show performed by Ronald with magic tricks from a magic box the professor gave me before I left McDonaldland With a lot of audience participation Ronald McDonald proceeded to dazzle and mystify audience of children and parents who gathered well before the appointed lime of The children tried to catch him out but somehow they never quite made it Several lucky children were invited on stage to help Ronald perform one of his magic tricks Ronald told children he picked volunteers by deciding which one had the biggest and best smile and thai Georgetown was obviously a wonderful place because there were so many wonderful smiles With magic words and magic dust turned a black rabbit Into a white rabbit and hick again turned four scarves of different colore one multicolored scarf cut a rope into pieces and joined it hack again and made scarves jump back and forth all by maeie After the nnglc show was over Ronald signed autographs and handed out gifts to alt the children who lined up for an opportunity to meet Ronald face to face McDonald s provided free drinks after the show Above audience watches closely Ronald performs one of his many feats of legerdemain with the help of an assistant Below Ronald po ised with the tight winners of a free dinner with Ronald McDonald provided by The Herald The lucky winners were front row lift to right Kristlna Morgan Stephen Michelle and Gerald Anderson Back row left to right Stephen Curry Glenn Theresa Town endorses bid to curb vandals Towh council has endorsed a resolution being circulated by the town of Trenton which seeks a high level meeting of elected officials aimed at beef up legislation to curb van expressed pleasure that council voted to endorse the resolution rather receive and file it as is usually the cose with appeals being circulated by mun Because of the van resolutions validity he said It is extremely Important that concerns of municipal government should be pointed out the provincial cabinet Trenton resolution notes that vandalism is on the in crease and damage costs must be bomo by the municipality It further contends thai current legislation is Ineffective as a deterrent to this crime As a result the resolution continues Ihe federal and pro vincial attorneys general ore requested lo convene a meet Ing of elected officials from oil three levels of government along with police officials to discuss changes in the that would provide heavier for convicted vandals Also stake is the proposal that vandalism should be compensated reason The abuse of power by the unions particu liriy the abuse of Ihe right to strike Is breaking back of The right of workers to fair working conditions and Ihe ability to make a decent living wage Is para mound In a The right to dispute to collective bargaining to vol arbitration however when power of collective bargaining breaks down and the vote of the collected mem is to strike and one strike leads another and each in turn to higher prices trims lo the consumer the right to strike should be de When force wins out over reasons when Ihe push is for do our way or we won t work when we lose to reason things out we lose the ability have a functional operating democracy The right to strike has been abused in his country to the extent that when the government has to intervene for the public good lor Ihe national welfare then in you no longer have a democracy You have in a form of dictatorship The most reccnl episode of our national is the TTC strike Once again a small group of individuals mindless of the public welfare as a whole have tied up not only an entire city hut Gray Coach as will which ties up a of towns such as our own The hooey hype these union spokesmen spew forth is pathetically comical for In stance our members can no longer afford to dlzc the by accepting low Police probe lawyers action police commission chairman William went to police headquarters In after receiving a phono call from doctor who had been arrested on a charge of impaired driving Ilallon police chief Ken said last week Mr who Is a Burlington lawyer remained with the doctor until the charge had been laid and he had been released It is Ihe policy of he force to allow luwjers to remain with while impaired driving charges are being processed the chief said Mr actions are being investigated by Ihe On Provincial Police in or der to determine if he misused his position as chairman of the police commission by in the Invest gat ion the doctor Mr has said he is confident lhat ihe imestlgo will clear his name but he will make no olher comments on the situ until have completed a report on their Investigation police had conducted their own Internal investiga tion crown attorney Jim reported the to provincial attorney general Roy McMurlry of and Chief report the matter to the Ontario Police Commission mayor Hurry liar relt vicechairman of com mission Is upset hat the regional commission was not informed of ihe incident before Ihe information was passed on to the tliilano Police Co mm is He said the commission has handled complaints a gainst members of previous occasions you d think a senior com mis would be extended the same courtesy Mr Barrett said members of the commission had met in formally discuss the Ion and concluded thai is no evidence of any wrong doing Mr Hour icon Mr a Queens I has been a member of laslonslnce and has been chairman since Jan of 1ST77 Last meeting Tractor Ctub David The lust meeting of the Tractor Club was held at farm of II C Held on AuguM at m This wis the meeting for tho quiz Russell Murray and Bill banded out quiz and the completed it then we it We also discussed the play at Milton Mr Dine at HARROP OF MILTON Hi wages By the same token I as an irrate taxpayer can parry with I can no longer afford to subsidize the mis management of government funds by the continuous rise in my taxes Which means what Do we all decide ta support a lax revolt because Ontario is 4 billion in the hole and if such a revolt was reality would it by virturc withholding of tax dollars change ft billion de ficit Buck the strike by giving to the union and meeting higher wage demands will this In any way effect our weakening struggle with in I think not Actually all It does is worsen an already more than difficult situation There Is no free lunch Some one has to pay for the strike And long experience with ever increasing prices In con goods public ties shows right off who Ihe poor sucker Is who picks up Ihe slack he good old dumb Canadian public The public as a whole can be So you say you vc saved for a trip out west for two years leave on Tuesday but alas and alack Air Canada Is on strike lough luck Mr and Mrs Can So you have scrimped and saved to raise your happy little family and your high graduate can read or write because during the course his education the teachers were always on strike too bad tough luck again and because we know that you as a public citizen will swallow anything So your husband decided to help the Canadian economy and go into his very own CANADIAN business but unfortunately he chose the screwed up construction In duslry and you went broke and ended up on welfare well tough luck again and don t sit on your lazy welfare duff too long because we your government take a dim view of your kind So you manufacture Cuna dian what nots and have been keeping a slow steady profit over the years but your shop just went union so you had to raise the price of whatnots and business fell off and now its belly up tough luck Mr ANN LANDERS fli Dear Ann lenders This letter is for Mulatto know who she Is I was once in similar spot I hope you will answer for all the readers who don know who they ore Usually a mulatto has the choice of being cither block or white especially if she or he is blueeyed and has a Caucasian grade hair Life Is easier when you are white but some of my mulatto friends have learned it is not wise to try to because they may not be accepted by cither race Mv mother was half American Indian and half Irish bom in Pueblo Cob My father was lightskinned black from Mississippi I could Identify myself as a member any the three races and get away with it but what I really 1 have chosen to be A Black American And I Proud Of It Dear friend our signature says all 1 can add nothing but applause in regard to your statement Life Is easier when you are white Is alio easier when you are AngloSaxon and Protestant but Is the way best I think not against odds can give muscle to one character Dear Ann Landers In October of 1977 I got a puppy frisky was six months old and adorable hive months later we had to gel rid of Frisky because my mother discovered after taking a lot of tests that she was allergic It broke my heart lo part with this dear little dog but Momsaidlwouldgetoveril Well I haven gotten over it I still miss Frisky so much cry every night Am I selfish to want Mom to get me another dog Mourning At Thirteen Dear Thirteen I hope you never develop an allergy but If you do you will understand what you are asking of your mother Iter git I make people feel as they have a cold all the time Nose run eyes Itch breathing Is difficult Sometimes bumps or a rath appear on the skin Same learoldi face life without eyesight without the ability hear or speak or walk You can face life without a dog Dear Ann Landers You are a cinch for the Sanctimonious Old Bat Award of the Decade I refer lo your reply to the who found stacks of pornographic literature and pictures locked up among the personal effects of a deceased friend A person of Integrity would of course quietly discard anything that sort without comment and without judgment unless It might affect Ihe estate in which case it should be turned over to the executor 1 would certainly do this for a friend or relative as a gesture of friendship und I would judge the contents only If they Involved me I am almost so and starting lose friends to sudden death So far I been pretty straight and doubt that anything could be found that might prove embarrassing should 1 go unexpectedly However I hope I will be remembered for my record as a husband father or friend and for some momento Even a letter from Ann CJ Of Oakland Dear J I wish I had your address in case 1 win that award 1 like to share with you The advice 1 gave wan almost Identical to yours 1 can believe the Oakland Tribune is fiddling with my answers Check your glasses Dad Arc drugs 0 K if you learn how to control them Can they be of help The answers are In Ann lenders new booklet Straight Dope on Drugs For each booklet ordered send a dollar bill plus a long self addressed stamped envelop cents postage to Ann Landers PO Box 11095 Chicago Illinois Canadian businessman you sat by and fiddled while On and Canada bumed all around you If we the Canadian public are truly represented by our MP s and MPP let us lean on them now hard like a ton of bricks no more strikes be cause we the people of this province this country this notion ore sick to death or paying Because we the people of this country have finally open our eyes and are aware we cannot as a nation of consum consume continuously more lhan we produce without going bust That right belly up just like they England and early in 1J22E1 in Germany when you paper the wall In marks cheap er than you could buy wallpap er for The constant demand of- bigger piece of the pie Is IM demand of illiterates a of foots that cannot look as far down the road as tomorrow The STRIKE is not the answer to inflation if anything il just digs us in lo a deeper hole wake up Canada row starts today I YOUR WEEK AHEAD By vRIES Emphasis is on dealings with other people War ZlApr 19 Your view stems to be totally different from associates Emotional outburst are real attention getters TAURUS Apr IDMay MOONCHILD June VIRGO Aug Pleasurable fill your calendar Creative and ideas enhance enter on your part peace tranquility on the home front Any change be very unsettling Getting your ideas to others with ease makes fur in opportune time for writing meetings conferences Your leadership qualities re put to use in settling a dispute to the There is a need for elusion to Ihmk out phns for future projects to in path Social and group activities bring happy times Meeting new people provides petted opportunities Don t negleet old i Make sure you arc noticed by those in authority A job well done brings advance mini Give borne thought lo plans or increasing knowledge Education comes in many forms PISCES Understanding another motives suggests Feb ISMar at the helping hand CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Intended I Talon II Woodsman llWahlnes Sweater material A in DNA Shoshone is The OPEC 17 Suf fix with coward Ukraine legislature Tiemey Filled up movie Implant Novelist Defeated U Cutting pari item HOTEL BRAMPTON Presents SQUARE DANCING NIGHT featuring Bramptons Mr ED HAZEL WOW LOUNGE Home of Country Music Sept Country Sunshine Sept 1823 Muskoka Queen St E NIGHT every