THE HERALD Wednetdiy September Page I Fluoride opposed Milton use ended regional council has reminded its earlier decision to fluoridate Ihe municipal water supply in Milton as a result public outcry from the proposal Acton however will still join Georgetown and Burlington in having its water treated An unolticial survey cond earlier this month by the Canadian Champion a Milton weekly newspaper drew more than rcspons from Milton residents the overwhelming of whom voted against Ion lion Jim the re sults lost week when he urged council to over turn its earlier decision to add ftuc to the water supplies In Nil I Ion and Acton A total of 1 per cent of the Milton who responded to the survey arc opposed to Idea he reported council had agreed to follow the advice of Samuel Green dental direct llullon unit ludi Milton jnd Aclon with the three other urban already fluoridated All three lion represent on regional unci voted proposal which was aimed at reducing denial problems Oakvilk lion lorn In argued lust week that couniil must follow lis best Instincts which In this cose Indicated an endorsement of tht fluoridation proposal be cause It is the best Intercuts of all Italian residents Some yiars of studies have shown hat fluoride treat mint of municipal water supplies leads ton subs twit own wishes 1 reduction In dental prob lems among he general public he said In Ihe second recorded vote held on the Issue only Coun and his colic ague from McLean Anderson voled to uphold councils previous The remaining councillors In agreed let Milton citizens abide by Ihcir Region pays tribute to board members regional council last Wednesday paid tribute to Gray and Stewart Cramp he wo citizens who were appointed by the pro vine la government to the nowdis banded regional board of heal th In July new provincial legls lntlon witnessed all responslbl lity tor lfieHalion Health Unit turned over to regional health and social services committee The services of Mr Gray and Mr Cramp were as a result no longer named council head Ralph of Georgetown has been acclaimed as he first president of the Kilts Arts Council In September 1978 to coordinate the efforts of local cultureonenled groups in selling up community pro jects the Arts Council has been directed thus far by a steering committee of which Mr was chairman Representatives of about groups endorsed Mr acclamation as council pros id at last Tuesday night annual meeting Mr a teacher at Georgetown district high school Is an accomplish pianisl who has led and sometimes directed a variety of local musical prod Joining Mr on the Arts Council first executive are Yvonne Kathwaroon as vice- president McNeil as secretary and Betty Fisher as treasurer Noting that the Arts Council already has two successful events to Us credit 78 and the scries of concerts by Camera ta Mr expressed confidence last week that the council can serve a very definite need In Hills he added is needed Mr Ursel staled that the Arts Council was hoping her community organization would undertake the staging of a second scries of concerts similar to the recent Camerola chamber and classical music events but thus far here have been no takers As for Summerfest all local arts groups will soon be con tacted by council members lo survey heir interest in panic in the second of the highly successful event next summer he said Cons id eration is being given to the hiring of a headline perform for next year festival of the arts LETTERS reunion To the editor of The Herald The Year of Ihe Iroquois will be he theme of this WWII Souadrons Reun ion o be held at the Royal York Hole Toronto on Sotur doy October The theme honours Iroquois Squadron WWII Over 300 members arc ex peeled from Canada he Unit States the United Kingdom and as Tar away as Australia as WWII Squadrons which includes all ranks and trades galhcr for the annual get together to rekindle old friend ships refight old battles and remember old department comrades Reunion organizer George T Sutherland is anxious to hear from any ex types who are currently missing on civvy street who would like participate He con be con Lac ted at or by mail at 30 Edith Drive Suite 1201 Toronto Ontario M4R 1Y8 George Sutherland Thanks for story To editor of The Herald Thank you for the article on the Cistercian Monks and their progress In our community We were won bow Ihey were making out now we know all about It Thanking you Best wishes Catherine Graham required region and particularly in Regional chairman Mor association with so many dill row noting that both men had interested council served with dignity res Mr Gray commented peel presented hem with Unfortunately I think cufflinks bearing the regional Ok genera public is aware of coat of arms the extent of efforts on 1 just like to it was a I heir behalf real pleasure to serve the The Georgetown resident No reply received on regions brief added that during his term of I conducted a rilive survey of regional boards of health across On tar and found the board compares excellently In terms of personnel funding costs services Mr Gray commended lorm board chairman Dave Coons i councillor and Joseph Chamberlain medical officer of health ion boards of health Mr Cramp affirmed that has made a great deal or progress over the years He commented that the health Unit la perhaps understaffed and could benefit from a unified council approach to improvements Halion regional council has had no reply from Queens Park as to Its for changes in Ontario Bill 151 ihe legislation that established regional govern ment in and Coun Carl wants to know why a Teller to regional chair man Morrow Erik sen pointed out last week that It has been more than four months since Mr Morrow asked that the province Tor mcr treasunier and minister of Intergovernmental affairs Darcy McKeough for an aud concerning the recommendations Council agreed last week to have Mr Morrow contact Mr McKeough b successor in ministry of intergovernmental affairs Thomas Wells and inform him thai is silt waiting for a chance lo forma ly present Mr Morrow intended to pers present the with a copy of he report prepared by Bill review committee He was to be accompanied by Queen Park for the presentation by tl e mayors of the region four member municipalities Council last heard from the province tn early July when Mr who is now retired from the cabinet nek receipt ot list of proposed amendments He indicated then thai his staff wan reviewing the proposals and that he would contact Mr Morrow once their work was completed Correction week Herald report on Coun Pat McKenzie decision reconsider his in forthcoming municipal election identified Boy Good win of Mill Acton who is seeking Ward 1 regional council sent as a former reeve of town ship council Mr Goodwin was facl reeve of the former town council The Herald regrets the error Barbs Meat Moore Park Plaza YOU ARE INVITED In celebration at this occasion we would like to invite you and your family to take advantage of a FREE Family Portrait The photography dates are TUESDAY OCTOBERS and WEDNESDAY OCTOBER Call today or your appointment and evening appointments are available Booklngsareonaflrst come first served basis FREEI I At vJ Sov You will FREE during or absolutely FREE DRAW FOR THREE SETS OF OLYMPIC COINS TO SHARE IN THE EXCITEMENT OPEN HOUSE Halton Community Credit Union ALL NEXT WEEK IN THE MOORE PARK PLAZA You II like what you see when you visit Community Credit Union In Its new location In Moore Park Plaza You II like the financial services ottered by Community Credit Union Savings accounts paying percent Termdeposlisof 1 5 years paying from percent to Personal loans at competitive rates and completely open Free chequing No minimum monthly balance required PLUS the exciting new PLAN a deposit account that earns you interest dally at percent per No minimum balance required Loan rates and deposit Interest are favourable at the credit union because Credit Unions are trying to make a profit for you not 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