THE HERALD Pi hi LEARN NOT TO BURN You Need KnowHow To Fight Kitchen Fire very year in thousands thousands of dollars arc lost and a number of persons including children overcome by fire and smoke all somebody lift a pot full of grease on a stove which as stilt turned In Hills year number of fires resulted From this cause Says the fire department That deep which makes preparing foil meals so easy is potential fire bomb process Is not too difficult to A pot full of ernse or tat and sends flames hit tht ceiling In seconds and causes smoke damage to almost nit the rest of the house within minutes Imagine jour self asleep at night when this happens Imagine no fire detector in the home Imagine the amount of dimagc done already before in fighters can respond and put out the If grease dots Ignite In this way and you are what can then do besides summoning the fire department BY MEANS Or- A I ID precautionary this lid should Ik- kept beside the at all times While this take care that your not catch fire or hat you do not get burned But should the Fire ignite nearby materials or threaten to spread get everyone out of the building Close the kit and entrance doors and call the fire department Never risk carrying burning pan in an effort to dump it outside Never use water on grease fire Water will only splash the grease and spread the ire DON RUN WIRES UNDER ThE PEOPLE WALKING ON WILL SOON BREAK OPEN AMD THE MOT INSIDE A FIRE KEEP YOU CAN SEE THEM HALTON HILLS INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION Armstrong Insurance Agency Paul Armstrong 124 Main St S 8770133 BARBER HENLEY LTD Insurance Main St 8772214 WEST INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD 8 St 8775113 GLENN LIMITED 232 Guelph St 8772247 DUNLOP INSURANCE AGENCY LTD John Dunlop Ontario 8773268