THE HERALD October IS ItIS Regional council rejects dumping quarry sites Despite the opinions of its Hal ton Hills members Ha I Ion regional council has rejected a public works stuff recommen da lion by which no further consideration would be given using abandoned quarries dump sites for Rations gar Council voted 11 10 to rejetl instead a request for additional information on feasibility or using quarry for dry inert or liquid wastes In a report to council public works director Bob Moore pointed out that waste disposal consultants MM Ion Ltd have already invest gated use of abandoned quarries and identified only three locations where it was felt waste could be dumped The consultant ixamlna lion automatically ruled out use of limestone que tries along the Niagara because of environmental the leaking of hale from liquid waste Timet sites The sites chosen for potential capacity were similarly ruled out for varying reasons in council stated policies Mr Moon re ported that the Milton Brick yard at Tremame Road and Avenue and the Bad lands area of Burlington both existing shale Limehouse News Mrs til Ion Herald correspondent Suzanne ret enlly studying in Brighton England now continuing in Geneva Switzerland is home visiting her parents for a couple of weeks Her brother Robert Sheppard louring Alaska has recently been in England and is tly travelling in Greece A number from tended anniversary services at Knox Presbyterian Georgetown on Sundav to hear their former minister Rev Charles Cochrane Hannah The Limehouse Cubs had a fun meeting when they look the pack to McDonalds for Day They used the profits from their car wash to buy Big Macs and a drink and help Crippled Children Group held their October meeting in the Scout wos very poorly attend but plans went ahead urn way for Apple Day improving and a in December Cubn and Scouts held Apple Day on Saiurday IS boys our large area and did virj well again thanks to the area residents Mothers provided sandwiches and hot chocolate for the boys and drove the boys around Thanks also to Tikki Steve Thompsoni who helped ore Intended for future extrac lion purposes The third location quarry in has been deemed unsuitable because of high development costs due mainly lo difficult access Mr Moore added that the Mill on brickyard and Burling ton sites also have limited for landfilling at present Their greatest potential lies in the future after more material his been extracted but loo far in the future to be of any Milton Mayor Don Cordon pointed out thai the findings reported by Mr Moore are based upon superficial nations and as such could be challenged by op ponents when the region to justify us ultimate of a before the Ontario Municipal Board Laurie Man ncll that it wis unbelievable that regional sinff is prepared to abandon its interest in quarry landfilling The escarpment he noted is scarred by quar ihit could be filled with tarbage levelled off with fill and rehabilitated to regain their onyn il appearance SO MS Hilton Hills Coun Pat Ml Kennc took issue Mannell assertion that that would pose no prob lems to at Ihe Indus quarry south of Acton There art still no proven hods of collecting leaehale and preventing am nation of ground water and recks in hi vicinity he contended tven avail collet ion systems hi said how could the floor of such quarry be iffecllvtly oun Munnill however thai methods of col lecting been satisfactorily established and iiwld help Hit region avoid using valuabk farmland for II has been id Dial quarries indeed sealed effectively Burlington Hen agreed have been used and rehabilitated in region without any problems We would Ik taking passive role in dealing with quarries Industries iarji amounts of waslc may in ihe costs of these invest gallons Tom norland argued Hut what believes is possibli all proposed I sites must set by Hit provincial minis try of Until the inlirii he said the The problem what the province I doing anything reassissmg Ms ia respond id governing such is now rivlew he said hut ifforls to lnipliinint changes buried in garbage Gordon is lalklng pursuing Ihis futile i Hilton Hills Roy I observed Mr Moore report says simp lint quarries in mm pi oil Mayor Harry Kir lint an being roullnily used r In thi nielli are far cheaper Hum I of I for purpose he Mitinn Jim Watson there is no qinrry in Hilton Ihal would is suitable iltcrnalive I Sin I- llalnns ihosin locailon at Trcmaino and Britannia Roads In rural Mil ton for a single regional landfill site He added how ivir that other alternatives to Site have not been examined Jack Itaftis or Burl Clpr that should pick most suitable quarry for and prepare a dilol ted report on Its potential for such uses for presentation lo Queens Pork He recommend hough regional staff should handle the investigation rather than consulting Coun McLean An dtrson complained that the investigation Is simply a makework project for plan who have do now that regional plan has been Cjprletti motion for additional studies of the use of quarries was supported by a slim majority however pile the opposition of Hills councillors Booth Miller and Mike Armstrong Mayor Tom Hill was unable to attend the meet of a flu virus Kim IIS A FRESH SELECTION OF BASER OOODKESS AND TAS7E STORE GROUND AND FLOORS ft pooh mam set ISC STORE 8533051 Gift Ark WERE MOVING To 106 Main St north When OCTOBER31 next to Saunders Bakery 8564195 ALSO OPCM SUNDAYS 1 noon to Were Introducing you to our new Location with a 10 Gift Certificate wlthevery purchase TOWN COUNTRY ABATTOIR 126 Steeles Ave W Hornby 8783923 SPECIALIZING IN FREEZER ORDERS SIDES OF BEEF HINDS OF BEEF LOINS OF BEEF Sirloin Tbom Porterhouse 99 99 PORK SIDES Ratal Cuts Fridays Only to pm SPECIALIZING IN FREEZER ORDERS OF ONTARIO PRODUCE ONU LAMB GOAT BEEF VEAL PORK POULTRY Check These Super Specials ansa Regular 599 SPECIAL 497 Antifreeze ANTIFREEZE COOLANT TESTER Professional Type Regular SI COLECO TESTER COMBAT GAME Includes combat night battle robot firing 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